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Fantastic Four will historically be known as what killed the comic movie craze!

490 posts in this topic

I'd disagree with that. They just don't have the brand recognition with non comic people.


No one cares about the FF. Even their powers are kinda confusing if you didn't already know what they were supposed to be.




That's my point.


You're a comic person. You already the characters.


I went with my wife and my niece and nephew. At no point throughout the film did either my niece or nephew even know what Reeds powers were apart from having long arms and legs, the others were equally confusing.

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They just don't have the brand recognition with non comic people.


No one cares about the FF.


I don't disagree. The last time they had much popularity was in the 80s with the Byrne run. The Waid/Wieringo run from the 2000s was absolutely scintillating, yet even that never translated into significant commercial success. There isn't any FF comic in the top-selling list by marvel since 2000 other than the first issue of Ultimate Fantastic Four (link to that list is below), and even that is pretty far down their list. It is difficult to see modern fans liking them much.




Having said that, the components are all there for likability. It certainly has more potential than Ant-Man, and Marvel just proved they can do tremendous justice to even the most minor of their characters, so it's easy to believe this title can be done right.


Actually that is a very valid point. But Antman's powers were simple and described exactly to the audience, we even had him in training learning how to use them.


In FF we see Johnny flying and burning, we see the thing smashing things and killing folks, as for Sue I had to explain to everyone what she was supposed to be able to do. My niece just thought she could fly. As for Dooms powers? God knows.


It's a shame really that they don't seem to be able to get FF right, it has such a huge range of characters.


Tbh the back up characters are far preferable to the FF themselves.

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Pixar has already proven that you can take the core elements of the FF--the powers, the sense of humor, and the familial connections between the characters--and do a lot with them.


Doctor Doom and Galactus are two of the premier villains of all time, yet we still haven't seen justice done to them on screen. It can absolutely be done.



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HOLY DROKK! The B.O. numbers are in and it didn't even meet the 27 million outlook! :facepalm:

I think this is officially a bomb of biblical proportions.

The Numbers Are In, and Fantastic Four Bombed at the U.S. Box Office!







And Ant Man still holds in the top 5. Excellent

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"Jackson's explanation is that he needed another adventure to delay Frodo and Sam, because the episode at Cirith Ungol was moved to the third movie, and so a new climax was needed...."


Seriously? He had one of the biggest cliffhangers in all of fiction, and just decided to lose it? What a maroon.


On topic I think FF could kill half a dozen careers, but the superhero cycle still has some way to go.



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It will be totally okay.

Comic book movies will still continue.

My point is FF exposed how ridiculous this mania became.

The bloom is off the rose.

I am pretty sure Batman versus Superman will be a big hit, after that I don`t think so.

Mainstream will move on to Pixar,DreamWorks and Star Wars movies instead.

I heard this family who was seated behind me telling their dad "Why do we have to see this? Can`t we see Minions instead?"



I 110% disagree with you.


If that was true the movie bubble would have popped years ago with the original FF #1 and #2 by Fox or Green Lantern.


You should be happy this movie was so bad since hopefully now Marvel/Disney will get the rights back.


One bad superhero movie won't be busting anything, especially after Ant-Man (yes that D level character) was so well received.


I am actually mad at you that you gave this movie money and helped Fox out. Didn't you get the memo from Marvel not go to see it. :baiting:

I wanted to be a believer that it was going to be good! lol




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I still think the worse this thing bombs, the more Fox execs will pin the blame mostly on Trank. And the more they do that, the more incentive they have to try again with another director. A far better scenario for fans would have been for the film to lose a little money as opposed to a lot. At least that way they might blame it on the Fantastic Four concept itself losing steam after half a century, but as things lie, they'll end up blaming this on the production process, which leaves them more likely to try again if the execs are able to land a legit director.


But then again if they couldn't come up within anything better after seven years, maybe they'll go a whole decade again with the same dilemma. :wishluck: God I hope they just give up and sell the rights back. :wishluck::wishluck:


I am fairly certain the next FF film that will be made will be somewhere in the 2220's however it wont be by Fox Studios. :foryou:


unless i'm Immortus looks like i'll miss this one too

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If this killed the super hero movie craze then the next Hollywood bomb will kill the entire movie craze. I'm selling the TV.



:cry: The shipping costs would "Fantastic Four movie" your wallet.
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Batman will win an Oscar.


ASM 2 is a winner!

Yes, and I always can bring up your bindery defect episode a few years back.




You can and feel free to run with it with my blessing. :grin:


But you keep trying to make predictions that really have no substance in reality.


Killed the comic movie craze? Really? Each new Marvel movie rakes in more than the last but this one movie will kill that multi-billion dollar industry?


With all the internet discussion and media awareness going on, even Joe Public will realize that Fox can't make a movie but Marvel can.


You should use a little perspective before throwing yourself out there with statements like the thread title.







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Fantastic Four will be the movie that causes the superhero hype movie bubble to pop.

Mainstream will never take superhero movies seriously again.


Every once in a while I see bad superhero movies that were either boring or ridiculous, but here with this Fantastic Four movie it goes much beyond that. Here we have a movie that totally disgusted me.


Like the rest of my fellow comic book brothers and sisters I didn`t want to believe the critics that this movie was bad. I wanted to believe that those critics didn`t get it. So I went into the movie theatre last night determined to enjoy this movie.

It starts out actually good for the first 10 minutes or so. Wow, I’m saying the critics are wrong, than it quickly starts to unravel. I realize that this is totally nothing like the Fantastic Four I had grown up on.


Reed Richards, Sue Storm,Human Torch, and the Thing in this movie are not the family vision that Jack Kirby and Stan Lee inspired, but a totally dysfunctional unit who don`t belong as a family together.


The Thing is definitely not Jack Kirby`s vision, and is even worse than the Mike Chiklis version.


Let`s get this out of the way first. I loved Michael B. Jordan in Fruitvale Station, but he comes off as a totally obnoxious unlikeable Johnny Storm, so enough with well at least Michael B.Jordan gave a good performance talk. No, his performance wasn`t good. He sucked as Johnny Storm. Of the Fantastic Four members he gave the worst performance. Think of Chris Rock playing Johnny Storm.



Not the worst performance of the movie, as that goes to Toby Kebbell who played Doctor Doom. What a joke he was. I laughed at certain scenes. He reminded me of a Power Rangers villain!



If you want to say any of the members who gave a good performance than I go with Kate Mara who played the Invisible Woman, but let`s not kid ourselves as I am only giving her kudos because I`m trying find one positive in this mess.



Speaking of messes lets now talk about the CGI effects. These CGI effects would be state of the art if this was 1995, but unfortunately this isn`t 1995.


Now as to why I found this movie disgusting is never in my life did I want to walk out on a movie three times during it`s showing. I could hear the audience laughing at this movie. Saying super heroes were dumb and lame. All I kept thinking was how Nolan did all this great stuff with the Batman Trilogy to get superheroes respect would now be for naught because of this turd fest or how Marvel the brand who made superheroes fun and earned respect for superhero movies would now be tainted because of this FF reboot.


I heard people saying at the end of the movie saying how they want their money back.

Damn it I want my money back.

This is an insult to Jack Kirby and Stan Lee`s vision.

Marvel should sue.


This will go down as the movie that started the beginning of the superhero hype movie bubble to be popped.

Mainstream will not take superhero movies seriously again for a long time.

This FF movie has opened the door.


All in all, probably a fair and accurate review, its a shame that the two flagship Marvel titles can't get justice in the movie realm,

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I don't require absolute fidelity to the source material in my pop culture, as some things in comics don't necessarily translate well to screen.


Off-hand examples?


I think The Watchmen film was stronger for not having the squid.


The Mist had a better ending (which I believe Stephen King even admitted himself).


Up in the Air (the movie) wisely does away with the main character's terminal cancer.


Die Hard doesn't have Willis left about to die from his injuries.


LA Confidential wisely reduced the number of trials / cases from 3 to 1.




That said, such changes still need to a) serve a strong story and b) be well-done.


It looks like, in this case, FF did neither.

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Understand that Hollywood is a business, and the people who make these decisions have never...ever...had any respect for the source material, with the exception, perhaps, of Kevin Smith, who doesn't make these movies.


If Peter Jackson can muck up major themes in LOTR, changing major, major Tolkien thematic elements for nothing other than his own whim, changes that didn't even NEED to be made, then nothing is safe. So long as it's eye candy, pretty scenery, and lots of satisfying battle scenes, HUZZAH!


The unfortunate part is that they have been rewarded by the public for these efforts, because the public doesn't care. The public is stupid, and so long as they are entertained, deviation from the source material...which only 1 in 100,000 viewers have even seen...means absolutely nothing to anyone.


Does anyone reading this care that Jackson demolished major themes in LOTR...? Does anyone reading this even KNOW that Jackson demolished major themes in LOTR, themes that Tolkien spent years developing, and which he thought were so important, he wove them throughout all three novels...?


Probably not.


Hell, George Lucas did it to his own movie franchise, and he was rewarded with $2.5 BILLION. Phantom Menace was a farce, a travesty, a complete betrayal of the spirit of the original films and Lucas' own stated vision...and the movie made a BILLION DOLLARS worldwide, based on nostalgia.


So Attack of the Clones "only" made $649 Million. Oh, no, what shall we do?


As long as the stupid moviegoing public supports this nonsense, this will continue to happen.


Maybe...just maybe....Fox losing a boatload of cash on this particular travesty may turn things around...but it's not likely.


Movie makers in Hollywood have little but contempt for the public, and maybe rightfully so, but they only care about one thing: your money.


Artistic integrity in the movie industry doesn't exist and, outside of a few rebels, never has. You want to see artistic integrity, you'll have to watch independent films, which cannot afford to make these types of movies.


I read the LOTR books before and after seeing the movies. I am willing to admit I am dense but I failed to see any extreme deviation from the novels. Those films did make alot of money if I recall correctly.


The most major thematic deviation was the destruction of the counterpoint between Boromir and Faramir, a point so important, Tolkien repeatedly emphasized it throughout all three novels, weaving it into the larger elements of that theme.


Tolkien was making a statement that appearances aren't everything, that what appears to be strong, vital, courageous, steadfast may just be an appearance, and what appears weak, powerless, and underwhelming may have hidden, inner strength and power that far, far exceeds the outer appearance.


Boromir was the favored son of Denethor, the heir to the Stewardship, the pride of his father. Faramir was the "weak", despised younger son who always gave way to his father, and didn't make waves.


But, when the greatest challenge of both their lives faced them...the temptation to sieze the One Ring, and "defeat" Sauron (if such a thing were possible by the mortal men of Gondor), Boromir...Boromir the strong, Boromir the brave, Boromir the favored...was the one who, when tempted, fell.


But Faramir, faced with the same temptation, Faramir the weak, Faramir the disdained and scorned, is the one who resisted. Faramir had strength of will and character that, when tested, far, FAR outshone that of his older brother, and proved to be, in the end, the real hero of the family. Boromir nearly caused the destruction and devastation of all Middle Earth. Faramir helped save it.


Tolkien's point: that it is not by outward appearance that we should judge.


Obviously...OBVIOUSLY...this was a major, if not THE major, theme throughout the entire story, as it was the "halflings", those ignored by Elf and Men, who managed to do what they could not. By appearance, the hobbits were weak, soft, small, frail, easily pushed around, and easily ignored. Surely, thought they, surely these people, and this person Frodo in particular, didn't have the strength to do what needed to be done, and it was only the proud, the willful, the strong who could withstand Sauron and defeat him.


You can see it in Frodo and Sam, you can see it in Eowyn, and you can see it in Faramir, all major thematic developments that Tolkien spent a tremendous amount of time and talent constructing.


In making Faramir fall victim to temptation, a major sub-plot and development of that theme was completely wiped away. He merely became "Boromir lite" a large chunk of the point was completely lost, and Faramir became pointless as a unique character. He didn't even need to show up in the films.


The director, producer, and the actor who played him "defended" the change thusly:


"Jackson's explanation is that he needed another adventure to delay Frodo and Sam, because the episode at Cirith Ungol was moved to the third movie, and so a new climax was needed. In fact, according to the timeline given by Tolkien, Frodo and Sam had only reached the Black Gate at the time of the fall of Isengard. Jackson also argues that it was necessary for Faramir to be tempted by the Ring because in his films everyone else was tempted, and letting Faramir be immune would be inconsistent in the eyes of a film audience. Co-screenwriter Philippa Boyens and actor David Wenham defended the changes to Faramir's character in order to increase dramatic tension: Faramir's "sea-green incorruptible" nature in the book would not have "[translated] well filmically". Wenham (who had not read the book until after filming had commenced) also found Tolkien's original "dramatically dead"."


What a bunch of arrogant, egotistical rubbish. Idjits who failed to understand the significance of the theme Tolkien developed, and so dispensed with it because they thought they knew better. They could have had the battle at Osgiliath....which IS mentioned in the books...WITHOUT Faramir carting Frodo off to Minas Tirith. These fools completely missed the entire reason for Faramir's existence!


My contempt for them on this issue is immense. Who does this "Wenham" maroon think he is? TOLKIEN, he is not.


"Oh no" says an actor "if there's no action, whatever shall my character DO?"






While it's better realized in the books, in the film doesn't Faramir let Frodo and Sam go, to continue on their mission? He does this knowing if word got back to his father he would be executed.


Seems the film gets to the same place as the books (Faramir ultimately resists the ring's power, Boromir couldn't) , albeit in a different and less emphasized way. (shrug)

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Batman will win an Oscar.


ASM 2 is a winner!

Yes, and I always can bring up your bindery defect episode a few years back.




You can and feel free to run with it with my blessing. :grin:


But you keep trying to make predictions that really have no substance in reality.


Killed the comic movie craze? Really? Each new Marvel movie rakes in more than the last but this one movie will kill that multi-billion dollar industry?


With all the internet discussion and media awareness going on, even Joe Public will realize that Fox can't make a movie but Marvel can.


You should use a little perspective before throwing yourself out there with statements like the thread title.






Actually I don`t care about your bindery defect episode,but I don`t like it when

someone constantly

keeps bringing up that I liked ASM 2 or how I thought

one of the Nolan Batman movies should have gotten an Oscar for something.


There is plenty of ridiculous stuff you said in your over 70,000 posts that seemed out of whack, but do I bring up?

No. I let it pass because I figure it`s your opinion.

Just like my opinion is I liked

ASM 2 or thought one of Nolan Batman`s movies deserved an Oscar.

I believe this Fantastic Four movie will be known as the key point when we look back years from now when the comic book movie bubble popped.

We seen signs already with Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man with lower than expected box office results.


Of course you don`t want to hear anything bad about comic book movie bubbles popping because you are a comic book dealer.




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