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Fantastic Four will historically be known as what killed the comic movie craze!

490 posts in this topic

I didn't read all of the post, just the first one from CC. I do not believe anything has died.


The end of the comic heroes is over for the year, until CA next year, and I feel that the public will put aside the comic heroes for a bit and all the concentration will be focused on Star Wars E7.


So we can all relax and just sit back and enjoy our books, and get ourselves pumped for SW.


That's the real winner in this year, I just know it.

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I didn't read all of the post, just the first one from CC. I do not believe anything has died.


The end of the comic heroes is over for the year, until CA next year, and I feel that the public will put aside the comic heroes for a bit and all the concentration will be focused on Star Wars E7.


So we can all relax and just sit back and enjoy our books, and get ourselves pumped for SW.


That's the real winner in this year, I just know it.


The focus is changing to Star Wars, and it`s happening rapidly.

The last big hurrah will be Superman versus Batman, and Captain America: Civil War.

After that expect market corrections on a lot of these movie hyped books.

Good times ahead for collectors, as the comic books will become more affordable.


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I didn't read all of the post, just the first one from CC. I do not believe anything has died.


The end of the comic heroes is over for the year, until CA next year, and I feel that the public will put aside the comic heroes for a bit and all the concentration will be focused on Star Wars E7.


So we can all relax and just sit back and enjoy our books, and get ourselves pumped for SW.


That's the real winner in this year, I just know it.


The focus is changing to Star Wars, and it`s happening rapidly.

The last big hurrah will be Superman versus Batman, and Captain America: Civil War.

After that expect market corrections on a lot of these movie hyped books.

Good times ahead for collectors, as the comic books will become more affordable.

Yay!! :whee:

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I didn't read all of the post, just the first one from CC. I do not believe anything has died.


The end of the comic heroes is over for the year, until CA next year, and I feel that the public will put aside the comic heroes for a bit and all the concentration will be focused on Star Wars E7.


So we can all relax and just sit back and enjoy our books, and get ourselves pumped for SW.


That's the real winner in this year, I just know it.


The focus is changing to Star Wars, and it`s happening rapidly.

The last big hurrah will be Superman versus Batman, and Captain America: Civil War.

After that expect market corrections on a lot of these movie hyped books.

Good times ahead for collectors, as the comic books will become more affordable.


Many have said that a market correction is due to happen soon, because pricing is just out of control and not sustainable. This has nothing to do with the new FF film. When an established hero movie franchise flounders (not one like FF that can't do it right after 4 tries), that's when you mark the downturn. It hasn't happened yet.


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Actually I don`t care about your bindery defect episode,but I don`t like it when

someone constantly

keeps bringing up that I liked ASM 2 or how I thought

one of the Nolan Batman movies should have gotten an Oscar for something.


There is plenty of ridiculous stuff you said in your over 70,000 posts that seemed out of whack, but do I bring up?

No. I let it pass because I figure it`s your opinion.

Just like my opinion is I liked

ASM 2 or thought one of Nolan Batman`s movies deserved an Oscar.

I believe this Fantastic Four movie will be known as the key point when we look back years from now when the comic book movie bubble popped.

We seen signs already with Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man with lower than expected box office results.


Of course you don`t want to hear anything bad about comic book movie bubbles popping because you are a comic book dealer.




Why do people keep using these two movies as examples for comic movie fatigue?

Age of Ultron was arguably not the best movie, but still did insane box office. And how does Antman have lower than expected results? I don't believe they ever ment it to be the new billion dollar winner.


I agree with some of your other points, but using those two as examples is played out and incorrect.

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The thing that ticked me off more than anything about this film is the amount of lazy journalism I saw on Friday. Too many articles tried to blame this flop on Marvel Studios rather than Fox.
THANK YOU! That drove me NUTS! :frustrated: I can only imagine how Disney/Marvel Studios felt about all that wrongly directed blame. doh!
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Good review, but...


This will go down as the movie that started the beginning of the superhero hype movie bubble to be popped.

Mainstream will not take superhero movies seriously again for a long time.

This FF movie has opened the door.


Uh, no.



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Fantastic Four will be the movie that causes the superhero hype movie bubble to pop.

Mainstream will never take superhero movies seriously again.


I thought Ant-Man was the one that burst the Marvel bubble?

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I'm the one in the middle.




I have seen FF in either cameo's or crossovers in the comic universe. Never read an issue.


But I digress. This thread is hilarious

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The funny thing is that you could tell this movie would bomb from the first casting announcements. I wonder how many Fox decision makers that pushed this flick are still employed by them a couple of weeks from now. lol

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An Open Letter to the Director of Fantastic Four

I have so many feelings.


Dear Josh Trank,


What exactly were you thinking when you went into production for Fantastic Four, your “gritty reboot” to the 2005 flop? Were you emboldened by your success with Chronicle, the realistic innocent-civilians-imbued-with-remarkable-powers hit that catapulted you to stardom in 2012? Did you feel as emboldened as your main characters, the hapless teens you sent to another dimension and imbued with insane powers? Did you feel invincible as the superheroes you created?


If I were more polite, I would ask: Did you stop to consider the cinematic task you were taking on going into Fantastic Four, one of the more fraught franchises of modern cinema? Since I just sat through your torturous, godawful reimagining, here’s a more direct question: Why have I had bowel movements more interesting than your vision for Marvel’s founding team?


Did you realize that the first family of Marvel, as the Richards/Storm clan is called, has an atrocious history on the big screen? Did you know that the first iteration in 1994, the gross Roger Corman production, never saw the light of day because it was so horrifically terrible? Or that 2005's Fantastic Four and lukewarm sequel Rise of the Silver Surfer delivered an underwhelming dose of cookie-cutter action-comedy despite premiering in the height of the pre-Avengers, pre-Dark Knight era of campy comic book filmmaking?


How did it make you feel to know that your own cast was keenly aware of the fragility of the franchise? That poor Kate Mara, treated like a disposable love interest in your miasma of boring characters, had to argue to the Associated Press that the film represented "completely different and a modern take on the comics”—even though you told her not to read the comics? Or that writer-producer Simon Kinberg spent the last few weeks attempting to lower expectations, claiming that it's "not a disaster"?Were you simply trying to meet expectations in the worst way possible?


Sorry, I’m being a bit unfair. Let’s back up a bit: You’ve cast a young, sexy slate of actors as your leading lads and ladies, with Backpfeifengesicht Miles Teller as the the brilliant Reed Richards, Mara as the transparent and milquetoast Sue Storm, Jamie Bell as the Thing, and the perpetually-handsome Michael B. Jordan as the smoking hot Human Torch. But what am I supposed to make of this cast once they're all on screen? How am I supposed to give a mess about Mara’s Invisible Girl, a leading lady basically remanded to a few lines of denatured snark leveled at her soon-to-be love interest Richards and her brother Johnny Storm? What about hacker-turned-computer-prodigy Victor Von Doom, a perennial Fantastic Four villain who was reduced to a eurotrash narcissist gamer with a patchy beard and incalculable megalomania? Aren't movies supposed to have characters we connect with and root for?


This gets at a deeper issue: Did it occur to you to write in, I don’t know, an actual plot outside your nubile young cast of unexpected heroes? Or was it an aesthetic choice to gloss over character development and dialogue in service of some utterly underwhelming climactic action sequences? Do understand what it’s like to produce a superhero movie in the modern age of superhero movies, against the hulking Avengers and Dark Knights of the world? Do you think this is 2005, when your disastrous but somehow superior Fantastic Four predecessor hit the big screen? Where, despite the obscure cast and aggressive lack of subtlety, the film managed to entertain national audiences? Or did you just phone this mess in?


It’s not like you spent time building a plot puzzle for me to unravel. In fact, I need to ask: What the hell was the rush? Why did you walk me from scientific accident to accident, from breakthrough to Jamie Bell serving as a rock-hard military asset? Why does a movie so obviously fixated on a dark, vaguely realistic world of super humans (although it’s worth noting that, despite the praise of Christopher Nolan’s Batman series, grit and darkness are not the same thing as realism) try to reduce what’s supposed to be a moral and scientific odyssey to 94 minutes of a fat, wet fart?


In fact, where's the family in this movie? If the Avengers are a dysfunctional club, and the X-Men are a dysfunctional school, then why didn't you at least try to imbue the Richards/Storm clan with the dysfunctional family vibe that made them accessible and appealing in the 1960s and 70s?


Even more pressing: Why is this movie so boring and predictable? “A sense of heaviness, gloom and complete disappointment settles in during the second half, as the mundane setup pays no dramatic or sensory dividends whatsoever,” the Hollywood Reporter astutely noted. "Even if lip-service is paid to some great threat to life on Earth as we know it, the filmmakers bring nothing new to the formula, resulting in a film that's all wind-up and no delivery.” They aren’t wrong: How else can you explain the absolute lack of action in this flick? Superhero flicks are supposed to be like pizza, so far that even when they're bad, they're still vaguely enjoyable. Have you ever even eaten a pizza?


How did you not see this coming? Did you even watch your own movie before it hit the big screen? Did you realize that none of your laugh lines landed at all? Why doesn’t this movie offer up anything less than contrived and convoluted? Why did Ant-Man, a movie about a jerk who can make himself teeny-tiny, manage to conjure up more entertainment than one of Marvel’s most storied franchises? How gullible and predictable do you think audiences are? And why do you hate us so much?


So can I have my money back?



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There is plenty of ridiculous stuff you said in your over 70,000 posts that seemed out of whack, but do I bring up?

No. I let it pass because I figure it`s your opinion.

Just like my opinion is I liked

ASM 2 or thought one of Nolan Batman`s movies deserved an Oscar.

I believe this Fantastic Four movie will be known as the key point when we look back years from now when the comic book movie bubble popped.

We seen signs already with Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man with lower than expected box office results.


Of course you don`t want to hear anything bad about comic book movie bubbles popping because you are a comic book dealer.




Sure there is. There's pictures of my butt, me making drunken posts (haven't done that for a while though) and lots of other stuff.


The point here really is that if it's your opinion, you should approach it that way rather than definitively saying 'this is what is going to happen'.


And in case you missed it, I'm not pumping every movie in an effort to squeeze every last dollar out of comics. In fact in case you missed my posts on the subjects, I'm not a fan of some movies (although some people consider it negative), I certainly am not a fan of the speculation market (I'm sure some dealers won't want me to say that) and in general I prefer the old days when collectors were just collectors.


But nice try in trying to make me sound like some grubby comic book dealer.


You can post what you like but then you also have to be prepared for the occasional eye roll if you're going to walk out on a limb or attempt to break new ground. Not everyone is going to buy into it.





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There is plenty of ridiculous stuff you said in your over 70,000 posts that seemed out of whack, but do I bring up?

No. I let it pass because I figure it`s your opinion.

Just like my opinion is I liked

ASM 2 or thought one of Nolan Batman`s movies deserved an Oscar.

I believe this Fantastic Four movie will be known as the key point when we look back years from now when the comic book movie bubble popped.

We seen signs already with Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man with lower than expected box office results.


Of course you don`t want to hear anything bad about comic book movie bubbles popping because you are a comic book dealer.




Sure there is. There's pictures of my butt, me making drunken posts (haven't done that for a while though) and lots of other stuff.


The point here really is that if it's your opinion, you should approach it that way rather than definitively saying 'this is what is going to happen'.


And in case you missed it, I'm not pumping every movie in an effort to squeeze every last dollar out of comics. In fact in case you missed my posts on the subjects, I'm not a fan of some movies (although some people consider it negative), I certainly am not a fan of the speculation market (I'm sure some dealers won't want me to say that) and in general I prefer the old days when collectors were just collectors.


But nice try in trying to make me sound like some grubby comic book dealer.


You can post what you like but then you also have to be prepared for the occasional eye roll if you're going to walk out on a limb or attempt to break new ground. Not everyone is going to buy into it.




No one is saying you have you buy into it.

Am I making money from this thread?

It`s just my observation of what will happen.

If you don`t buy into it, than that`s fine.


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You can post what you like but then you also have to be prepared for the occasional eye roll if you're going to walk out on a limb or attempt to break new ground. Not everyone is going to buy into it.


Without a doubt.


We seen signs already with Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man with lower than expected box office results.


Here it comes...





Age of Ultron


Production Budget: $250 million

Worldwide Gross: $1,398,442,727 or just UNDER 1.4 BILLION over 5X it's budget. It's the 6TH highest grossing movie of all time!!




Production Budget: $130 million

Worldwide Gross: $326,336,000 almost 3X it's budget in a little over 3 WEEKS. It hasn't even been playing a MONTH.


Lower than expected box office results?


Puh-leeze. They're happy as can be with these two movies. Ant-Man grossed almost as much on it's first night as FF did it's first weekend.

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You can post what you like but then you also have to be prepared for the occasional eye roll if you're going to walk out on a limb or attempt to break new ground. Not everyone is going to buy into it.


Without a doubt.


We seen signs already with Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man with lower than expected box office results.


Here it comes...





Age of Ultron


Production Budget: $250 million

Worldwide Gross: $1,398,442,727 or just UNDER 1.4 BILLION over 5X it's budget. It's the 6TH highest grossing movie of all time!!




Production Budget: $130 million

Worldwide Gross: $326,336,000 almost 3X it's budget in a little over 3 WEEKS. It hasn't even been playing a MONTH.


Lower than expected box office results?


Puh-leeze. They're happy as can be with these two movies. Ant-Man grossed almost as much on it's first night as FF did it's first weekend.

They might be happy, but they expected much bigger results.

Especially better domestic results.


People expected Avengers:Age of Ultron to challenge Star Wars for box office supremacy.

Avengers:Age of Ultron couldn`t even beat Fast and Furious 7. :o

That`s damn sad. For all it`s hype it got whooped by Vin Diesel.


Not to mention it didn`t even come close to Jurassic World.

Yep,they were happy, but they were expecting much bigger box office from both Avengers:Age of Ultron and Ant-Man.





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You can post what you like but then you also have to be prepared for the occasional eye roll if you're going to walk out on a limb or attempt to break new ground. Not everyone is going to buy into it.


Without a doubt.


We seen signs already with Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man with lower than expected box office results.


Here it comes...





Age of Ultron


Production Budget: $250 million

Worldwide Gross: $1,398,442,727 or just UNDER 1.4 BILLION over 5X it's budget. It's the 6TH highest grossing movie of all time!!




Production Budget: $130 million

Worldwide Gross: $326,336,000 almost 3X it's budget in a little over 3 WEEKS. It hasn't even been playing a MONTH.


Lower than expected box office results?


Puh-leeze. They're happy as can be with these two movies. Ant-Man grossed almost as much on it's first night as FF did it's first weekend.

They might be happy, but they expected much bigger results.

Especially better domestic results.


It's the 6th highest grossing movie of all time.


What were they expecting? First?


Come on, man, it doesn't really get much better than that!


People expected Avengers:Age of Ultron to challenge Star Wars for box office supremacy.

Avengers:Age of Ultron couldn`t even beat Fast and Furious 7. :o

That`s damn sad. For all it`s hype it got whooped by Vin Diesel.


Not to mention it didn`t even come close to Jurassic World.


Again...you are talking about the 3rd highest grossing film of all time.


The fact that THREE of the top SIX grossing films of all time were not only released in a single year, but released in a two month period (April-June) is completely unprecedented in the entire history of cinema...and AoU is one of those three!


It's certainly possible that Star Wars will be in that category, too, which would make 2015 a year unlike any other, ever.


Your perspective is a little off.



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Puh-leeze. They're happy as can be with these two movies. Ant-Man grossed almost as much on it's first night as FF did it's first weekend.


The kids down the street probably grossed as much as FF did this weekend with their lemonade stand....... lol

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In the immortal words of Greggy.


Generated in 0.044 seconds in which 0.004 seconds were spent on a total of 15 queries. Zlib compression enabled.


Oh... and :popcorn:


Seriously though, how long do you think the theatrical run will now be? Also, do they try and make multiple versions of the Blu Ray available to recoup sales? Would a director's cut have helped?

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