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STAR WARS : Episode VIII December 15, 2017
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Halfway through that movie last night, I was begging for Jar Jar Binks.  TLJ makes The Force Awakens look like a masterpiece in comparison.

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10 minutes ago, CAHokie said:

I loved the ending with her handing him the lightsaber. They ruined that scene with a cheap joke in the new one. I knew after that, how this movie was going to go.

I honestly wanted to leave the theater. I didn’t enjoy the movie at all. I’m sure in the next one they will have R2 kill C3PO and then himself or something just to finish things up.


i can’t remember ever leaving a sold out Star Wars movie before where the crowd basically said nothing to each other, no clapping, no comments, nothing..... and just shuffled out quietly.

I rolled my eyes when I saw him do that and thought to myself



Then the cheap jokes, prat falls, bad puns and really narrative destroying "yuk yuks" kept on coming.

I couldn't help but think:


By the time the middle of the film came I felt myself fidgeting in my seat and anxious as it felt like the point of no return had been passed. 

I realized then that all the promise of a new trilogy wasn't something that was going to be rewarded with something really consistent and well done, that's when I said to myself:


I just wanted it to end at that point. The entire tone and feel had been ruined. Especially when there were otherwise really great scenes, or well shot action, or plot developments that were then INSTANTLY undercut by some dumb gag. 


So after all this time waiting and hoping and thinking that the established characters and universe would be treated with respect or AT LEAST consistency....I was left to think instead:






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9 minutes ago, jsilverjanet said:

You need to see it through the eyes of a 12 year old - this movie was epic. :makepoint:

I think at least one of the commenters just wants to make sure the resell value on used Star Wars toys on Craigslist doesn’t go down. 

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2 minutes ago, CAHokie said:

  TLJ makes The Force Awakens look like a masterpiece in comparison.

Yes, there were some lapses in basic logic in TLJ. e.g. Rose's heroic sister manages to unleash her trove of bombs upon the Dreadnought and we cheer. The WWII like scene is epic and beautifully shot except there is no gravity in outer space for the bombs to plummet straight down. wtf? :acclaim:

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1 minute ago, aardvark88 said:

Yes, there were some lapses in basic logic in TLJ. e.g. Rose's heroic sister manages to unleash her trove of bombs upon the Dreadnought and we cheer. The WWII like scene is epic and beautifully shot except there is no gravity in outer space for the bombs to plummet straight down. wtf? :acclaim:

I wish the sisters would have switched places. The one with the bombs seemed more likable. 

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Thanks Hector.  Now I can't get that terrible initial scene where he is trolling the commander out of my head.  I really can't believe I lasted the whole 2.5 hours.

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2 minutes ago, CAHokie said:

I wish the sisters would have switched places. The one with the bombs seemed more likable. 

Rose's actions at the end were more than a little silly if you think about it.

Finn wants to save everyone...willing to sacrifice himself to do it.

Rose wants to save Finn....willing to sacrifice herself to do it....which means sacrificing EVERYONE ELSE to do it.

Finn succeeds, Resistance is saved...Rose succeeds, perhaps she dies, perhaps EVERYONE, INCLUDING HER AND FINN, DIES. 

All for Rian Johnson to make a point about "That's what you do when you love someone, you save them (and slaughter everyone else in the process) <3 "

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2 minutes ago, 1Cool said:

Thanks Hector.  Now I can't get that terrible initial scene where he is trolling the commander out of my head.  I really can't believe I lasted the whole 2.5 hours.

Rumor has it that the scene was inspired by a prank phone call made by a 12 year old to the directors house. Also rumored was the reply I’m rubber, youre glue” was cut out as it was deemed too edgy. 

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4 minutes ago, The Brain said:


Is some of the criticism about this movie about the fact that

the "Jedi", and  "The Force" are no longer the sole 'special'

possession of the Jedi, and have been 'Awoken' among the

common  people????

I had not heard that criticism before. 

In the films and (really) in the novels, some people are born with "force sensitivity". Some are "force attuned", but none of them are Jedi unless they train as such. 

Like young Anakin who could build robots and pod racers, or young Rey who could fly any ship, fix anything, and even some other force sensitive character who never knew what it was but they were "lucky". 

Because no one is more "common" than the beginnings Rey and Anakin started from. So I don't know how accurate the criticism you mention would be. 

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7 minutes ago, The Brain said:


Is some of the criticism about this movie about the fact that

the "Jedi", and  "The Force" are no longer the sole 'special'

possession of the Jedi, and have been 'Awoken' among the

common  people????

No its not. 

And I always assumed that the Force was open to anyone, wasn't the Jedi council there to take on individuals where the force was detectged early and guide them in the ways of the Jedi?

I don't remember Yoda saying in TPM "we can't train young Anakin because his mother's a slave and he comes from some backwater planet". meh

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Rotten Tomatoes Denies 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Low Audience Score Is Fake, Says 100% Authentic



In response to others taking credit for Star Wars: The Last Jedi's low audience score, Rotten Tomatoes has decided to set the record straight.


For those unaware, there's a big disparity between The Last Jedi's critics score (currently 93%) and the audience score, which sits at 55%. There were some in the community who decided to take credit for manipulating that low score, but Rotten Tomatoes spokesperson (and Fandango vice president of communications) Dan Benson cleared the record up, saying that score is 100% authentic.


“We have several teams of security, network, and social database experts who constantly monitor reviews and ratings to ensure that they are genuine,” Benson told Forbes. “They haven’t seen anything unusual with The Last Jedi, except that there has been an uptick in the number of written user reviews submitted. Aside from that, everything is normal and we don’t see any unusual activity. We looked at The Last Jedi compared to other blockbusters and it has been consistent with those past films.”


Benson explained that The Last Jedi has a "comparable number of reviews to The Force Awakens" but can't nail down why there is such a chasm between the critical score and the audience score.



“I can’t explain why there’s such a disparity,” Benson said. “How we take this is that people are super passionate about this movie. On the positive side, our site is popular, and it has become an important platform for debate and discussion.”


What Benson can say though is that no Facebook group or slew of bots is the reason for the score, as that can be solely attributed to the fans and their reactions.


“We’ve been working around the clock to get the numbers right," Benson said. "Authenticity is very important to us. We have security teams, network teams, database teams who work so hard, it’s a little disheartening for them to see people make such [accusatory] claims without knowing the facts."


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On 12/19/2017 at 10:48 AM, Antpark said:

I'd really like to see Kylo Ren go full villain in the next one. Maybe with the loss of his remaining father figures/mentors, he goes full on dark side. Up to now, I felt as though he's been sort of dark side "lite". Like "dusk" or "twilight" instead of totally dark. If he's going to be the antagonist of the story now, I want a reason for the Galaxy to fear him. Everyone feared the Emperor and especially Darth Vader. Right now, I don't necessarily fear Ren as much as I feel sorry for him.  

They don't even need to make him power hungry or insane either. Something like a misguided sense of Peace, Law & (First) Order. "Pax Romana was achieved only after the Republic was conquered" kind of thinking. 

this is how I'll always think of Kylo Ren. 



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2 hours ago, Gatsby77 said:

True. But that does not at all negate what I posted. He's also wizened old master, tired of the conflict and refusing to kill.

And he still steps up when needed, in a way that enables him to diffuse the conflict without succumbing to the Dark Side.

It sounds like some folks are frustrated that he didn't mind-crush some AT-ATs and run Kylo (or Snoke) through with a green lightsaber.

The Luke we met in Jedi would _never_ do that, nor would his mentors -- Kenobi or Yoda.

remind me what Obi-Wan did to Darth Maul the last time they met? 

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On 12/18/2017 at 5:51 PM, aardvark88 said:

I think Yoda used the Force lighting as a symbol of Jedi being reborn by burning down the tree that housed the old ways (texts). Seems like Rei already took the paper Jedi books as they seemed to tumble out of her sack while Poe Dameron was moving it.

Not sure if Snoak is supposed to be one of the six  :popcorn: ethereal Jedi forces mentioned in the Star Wars cartoons which added to the canon outside of the 8 Star Wars movies.

the way I took it was that Luke was waffling about burning the tree down and Force Ghost Yoda called the lightning down to say enough already-do eeet. 

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1 hour ago, fantastic_four said:

It happens on every blockbuster film I see on opening weekend where the theater is sold out.  It did happen at the end when I saw Last Jedi this past weekend, and there were cheers at the start when the trailers stopped the Lucasfilm logo went on screen.

The very first opening shows are the best. I've seen about every Star Wars movie on opening day first showing (Expect Star Wars and ROTJ) its always crazy fun to see how much the fans get into the movie.


This year they also had a great 10-15 minute special tribute to John Williams before the movie. 

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15 minutes ago, fett said:

remind me what Obi-Wan did to Darth Maul the last time they met? 

Or to General Grievous.....

Or Yoda to the clone troopers after Order 66 was issued. 


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44 minutes ago, comix4fun said:
50 minutes ago, The Brain said:


Is some of the criticism about this movie about the fact that

the "Jedi", and  "The Force" are no longer the sole 'special'

possession of the Jedi, and have been 'Awoken' among the

common  people????

I had not heard that criticism before. 

In the films and (really) in the novels, some people are born with "force sensitivity". Some are "force attuned", but none of them are Jedi unless they train as such. 

Like young Anakin who could build robots and pod racers, or young Rey who could fly any ship, fix anything, and even some other force sensitive character who never knew what it was but they were "lucky". 

Because no one is more "common" than the beginnings Rey and Anakin started from. So I don't know how accurate the criticism you mention would be. 

I'm not sure of it, but I think he means that Rian Johnson's intent was to change the idea that only some people are born with Force sensitivity and that instead anyone is capable of controlling the Force.  That's what Luke's speech to Rey about how the Force shouldn't be solely a thing used by the Jedi and the Sith seems to imply.  I've seen a number of reviewers assume that Rian Johnson was trying to change that, but I'm not sure that was his intent.  But I'm not clear on what Luke was trying to say, so I can't rule the idea out.

Certainly until now the canon has always been midi-chlorians give people control of the Force, and not everyone has enough midi-chlorians to do it.  Lucas thought about mentioning midi-chlorians that right from the start in Episode IV but didn't get it in until Phantom Menace.

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1 hour ago, fett said:

remind me what Obi-Wan did to Darth Maul the last time they met? 

If you follow the cartoon he killed him on Tatooine while watching and protecting Luke.

What did Luke do after he chopped his fathers hand off? He tossed his lightsaber away in front of the emperor. What did Luke do at the end of TLJ? What did Obi Wan do at the end before he dies? 

For me anyway, I see a strong pattern here.


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