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Celebrate Dell'Otto!
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Hey J,


What did the last X-23 9.8 sell for?


Public or private ?



Either or both if you know.


Sorry for the late reply. I know the last private 9.8 sale was for $1600 a few weeks ago.


Looks like the one one ebay just sold for that. (?)



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Hey J,


What did the last X-23 9.8 sell for?


Public or private ?



Either or both if you know.


Sorry for the late reply. I know the last private 9.8 sale was for $1600 a few weeks ago.


Looks like the one one ebay just sold for that. (?)




That is another of his covers where I am a little meh . He has better artwork to be had!

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Hey J,


What did the last X-23 9.8 sell for?


Public or private ?



Either or both if you know.


Sorry for the late reply. I know the last private 9.8 sale was for $1600 a few weeks ago.


Looks like the one one ebay just sold for that. (?)




That is another of his covers where I am a little meh . He has better artwork to be had!


Definitely going to have to disagree with you on that one my friend.


I don't think there has been a better X 23 cover done to date by any one.



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Hey J,


What did the last X-23 9.8 sell for?


Public or private ?



Either or both if you know.


Sorry for the late reply. I know the last private 9.8 sale was for $1600 a few weeks ago.


Looks like the one one ebay just sold for that. (?)





No worries on the late reply, I was wondering what a non offensive offer would be on the eBay copy... Oddly enough, it was 50 dollars less than the top offer.

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Hey J,


What did the last X-23 9.8 sell for?


Public or private ?



Either or both if you know.


Sorry for the late reply. I know the last private 9.8 sale was for $1600 a few weeks ago.


Looks like the one one ebay just sold for that. (?)





No worries on the late reply, I was wondering what a non offensive offer would be on the eBay copy... Oddly enough, it was 50 dollars less than the top offer.


I'm sorry you didn't get it.


I'm sure with this sale being public another copy will soon follow.


I really should send mine to Florida. hm



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Speculative conversations like this will likely always occur with the book because it is such a conundrum and defies all standard convention and expectation. I do stand by my earlier analysis however , that the book was simply under ordered at the retail level as a last minute offering that was subsequent to the original FOC, and of course the fact that it is a 1:100 doesn't hurt either.




I want to be clear I wasn't disagreeing with the number of copies, just postulating where they are. Whether everyone who has one "knows what they have."


I think it people really knew about the book broadly and knew the value, there would be more copies for sale. I don't know very many fanatics that would refuse several thousand dollars for a book that cost them $5 or less...and I have met a lot of comic collectors (crazy fanatics and all).


That's precisely my point. If collectors recognize when, say, original sin #2 goes from being a $20 book to even just a $200 book, and copies fly out of collections at even that modest of a price point,


By what reasoning do you make this claim? That copies suddenly appear on the market? How do you know those copies "flew out of collections"?


After all....they're theoretically in COLLECTIONS.


How do you know where these books came from?


what basis do we have to believe that the majority of collectors who own an ASM 667 are collectively clueless that it sells for $2500 in even raw 8.0 condition ? (shrug)


One thing that we can generally set our watches to is, when a particular issue suddenly pops, a requisite ebay flood is never too far behind. Even if said "flood" is relatively modest and consists of the 10 or so raw copies of X -23 #1, for another example, that hit the market once it became a $500-$600+ book raw.





...... this type of logic is what makes me tend to buy your theory....... catch me up if you would Jay, is there any type of anecdotal background information circulating about where any of the known copies originated from ? GOD BLESS....


-jimbo(a friend of jesus) (thumbs u


That "flood" of copies isn't from collectors.


It is from dealers who pay attention to these things for a living, and have these books leftover for one reason or another.


And 10 copies isn't a "flood", unless the book is Blood Is The Harvest or Amazing Man Comics #26.


Collectors generally don't sit watching the market to see what their collections are worth. The "basis" we have to "believe" that the majority of collectors who own an ASM 667 are collectively clueless that it sells for $2500 in even raw 8.0 condition" is nothing more than common sense combined with experience.


Perfect examples are several people on this very board, who own the #667, who had no idea for years that the book was "valuable"...and some of them post on a daily basis.


The question OUGHT to be "what basis do we have to believe that collectors collectively follow the value of individual niche variants in their collections?"

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That it is more likely that they are just being held tightly in permanent collections , their scarcity on the market being a combination of that and its unusually low print run, orders and subsequent distribution (for a marquee title)?





How do you know it had an unusually low print run? That it has unusually low distribution is not something that anyone doubts. But unusually low print run?


If you keep making this claim, I'm going to keep challenging it. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying you can't make the claim because you don't know.


Until there's documentation of some sort, you don't know. No one does.

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Hey J,


What did the last X-23 9.8 sell for?


Public or private ?



Either or both if you know.


Sorry for the late reply. I know the last private 9.8 sale was for $1600 a few weeks ago.


Looks like the one one ebay just sold for that. (?)




That is another of his covers where I am a little meh . He has better artwork to be had!


Definitely going to have to disagree with you on that one my friend.


I don't think there has been a better X 23 cover done to date by any one.




To each their own buddy.


Personally I think both of these two are better (particularly the Cho cover):





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Hey J,


What did the last X-23 9.8 sell for?


Public or private ?



Either or both if you know.


Sorry for the late reply. I know the last private 9.8 sale was for $1600 a few weeks ago.


Looks like the one one ebay just sold for that. (?)




That is another of his covers where I am a little meh . He has better artwork to be had!


Definitely going to have to disagree with you on that one my friend.


I don't think there has been a better X 23 cover done to date by any one.




To each their own buddy.


Personally I think both of these two are better (particularly the Cho cover):






Those are fun but a little too cartoon-y for me.


Campbell is about as cartoon-y as I like to go with my modern artists.



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Hey J,


What did the last X-23 9.8 sell for?


Public or private ?



Either or both if you know.


Sorry for the late reply. I know the last private 9.8 sale was for $1600 a few weeks ago.


Looks like the one one ebay just sold for that. (?)




That is another of his covers where I am a little meh . He has better artwork to be had!


Definitely going to have to disagree with you on that one my friend.


I don't think there has been a better X 23 cover done to date by any one.




To each their own buddy.


Personally I think both of these two are better (particularly the Cho cover):






I agree with rfoiii. That choi cover tho. All a matter of preference.

Edited by jreezy
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That "flood" of copies isn't from collectors.


It is from dealers who pay attention to these things for a living, and have these books leftover for one reason or another.

I've found that very few dealers pay attention to these things, variant values, trends etc. The ones who do somewhat tend to be late to the party and miss the maximum profit boat by the time they dig out their copies (hello, Ultimate Fallout #4).

If by "dealers" you mean "flippers", ok, but brick & mortar dealers, I'd say unlikely.

I got my Original Sin #2 variant for $5 at a B&M shop that put a Wolverine #80 on the wall 6 months after people stopped caring about it, and paying for it. Their wall is filled with similar examples of nobody gives a damn books, while the bins, and dollar bins, are loaded with gems.


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Hey J,


What did the last X-23 9.8 sell for?


Public or private ?



Either or both if you know.


Sorry for the late reply. I know the last private 9.8 sale was for $1600 a few weeks ago.


Looks like the one one ebay just sold for that. (?)




That is another of his covers where I am a little meh . He has better artwork to be had!


Definitely going to have to disagree with you on that one my friend.


I don't think there has been a better X 23 cover done to date by any one.




To each their own buddy.


Personally I think both of these two are better (particularly the Cho cover):






I agree with rfoiii. That choi cover tho. All a matter of preference.


I love the Wolverines #3 variant. Not Del'Otto, but best X-23 cover IMHO

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