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765 posts in this topic

But it is your opinion that I want to hear - I implore you, tell me more about this movie that you haven't seen.




So let me get this straight. You're seeking to have your biases validated by someone you're determined to argue with when you're mind is already made up. Are you on Zack Snyder's payroll? lol

It all fairness, Cat, you are arguing your biases with an already made up mind without having seen the film, which in film review is the primary piece of information one should need.

Your moral compass is wound too tight. :baiting:

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I may have misremembered and credited Safire. I think it was Buchanan taking credit. but who can remember!


go see the film already. judge for yourself. quite a few really nice moments in there you will smile experiencing.


When it's available for free I'll try to struggle through it and provide my own review. Hopefully, I won't be cleaning rotten tomato juice off my projection screen.


Wait. You've depleted the electronic ink output of Upper Mongolia with your lambasting this movie and you haven't even seen it? Color me unpersuaded then. How could you possibly give any kind of informed opinion on the content or worth of the film? If only there was a catchphrase about judging a publication by examining the outer contents of its wrapper. Maybe someone will come up with something.


Considering that he hasn't even seen the film his comments about it are as useful as a condom with a hole in the wrong end.


I'm not paying to see it as a matter of principle. You do understand having principles, don't you? I made that clear at the outset.


Once I've had an opportunity to screen Dawn of Injustice without helping WB and Zack Snyder pad their bottom lines, I'll review it point by point. The reviews are decisively informative and I have seen clips from the film.


FYI, I paid to see MoS and have regretted contributing to it's grosses ever since. Consider my remarks on Zack's sequel as penance for the first film. ;)


Alas, your rude comment lacks condom sense. No offense, but as informed opinions go, your's is merely a propalactic that allows Zack Snyder and WB to abuse more sheep.


Your'e the guy who didn't understand MOS right? The one who couldn't understand why Lois didn't realize that Clark was Superman at the end of the movie, even though she had worked out his identity in the first 30 minutes lol


Do you have any more opinions on things you have no experience of?


Books you haven't read?


Jobs you haven't done?


I won't sink to your level of personal invective. You're obviously confused. Perhaps that makes you the ideal audience for Zack Snyder's vision. ;)


They just dont know who you are.





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I may have misremembered and credited Safire. I think it was Buchanan taking credit. but who can remember!


go see the film already. judge for yourself. quite a few really nice moments in there you will smile experiencing.


When it's available for free I'll try to struggle through it and provide my own review. Hopefully, I won't be cleaning rotten tomato juice off my projection screen.


Wait. You've depleted the electronic ink output of Upper Mongolia with your lambasting this movie and you haven't even seen it? Color me unpersuaded then. How could you possibly give any kind of informed opinion on the content or worth of the film? If only there was a catchphrase about judging a publication by examining the outer contents of its wrapper. Maybe someone will come up with something.


Considering that he hasn't even seen the film his comments about it are as useful as a condom with a hole in the wrong end.


I'm not paying to see it as a matter of principle. You do understand having principles, don't you? I made that clear at the outset.


Once I've had an opportunity to screen Dawn of Injustice without helping WB and Zack Snyder pad their bottom lines, I'll review it point by point. The reviews are decisively informative and I have seen clips from the film. The consensus is clear enough that a blind man could see it.


FYI, I paid to see MoS and have regretted contributing to it's grosses ever since. Consider my remarks on Zack's sequel as penance for the first film. ;)


Alas, your rude comment lacks condom sense. No offense, but as informed opinions go, your's is merely a propalactic that allows Zack Snyder and WB to abuse more sheep.


I only have one question: what is condom sense?

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oh my, i regret stumbling on this thread -- the amount of hate being thrown the way of the movie is dissapointing in an environment where we a) all want to see broader success which means more movies coming and b) where we know there will be differences of opinion merely due to the underlying expectations of fans.

DM - have a lot of respect for you man, i think you're articulate and thoughtful........ that said, candidly, i think the brow-beating comment was spot on (certainly not in your intentions, but the way it will be perceived). Your arguments are very deep, and ones that i'm not going to touch for many reasons. You're entitled to them, of course, i just question how many would develop a hatred so strong for the movie on that basis.....


Mitch - you shouldn't' be allowed to post with your nonsensical blabbering. You haven't conveyed an original thought in this entire thread, but rather speak in some foreign language full of assumptions that sound like fact. There are more holes in your baloney than the swiss cheese that you should combine with the aforementioned, make a sandwich, and go eat it somewhere far far away. Cmon man, you're entitled not to like the movie, but i have no idea what the point of you whacking away at the keyboard is.....


I agree with tth - we are way to fixated on the box office take here, as another boardie said and i liked (and will paraphrase) - we're spending more time debating the Cume than all of WB executive pool mutliplied by 10x. .............The box office does matter, insofar as there was a bogey needed to justify continuing with the DCEU and more movies --- Per most of the literature out there (tabloid-esque periodicals excluded), we have met that objective. It will probably do $1B because of the R-rated Dir cut release, but reality is, it's met the bogey needed.


Most importantly - i saw the movie. I am no movie critic, but I see alot of movies....

1) I liked the movie alot the first time - it had me shouting, squeeling, tearing up, laughing, etc.....

2) I liked it even more the 2nd time

3) the 2.5 hour flick did not seem to be "too long"

4) Score was outstanding

5) Actors did very well portraying their


characters, notwithstanding the ones who i thought weren't the best choices originally


Ultimately what i hope will happen, is that WB will collect lots of feedback from the critics community and adjust future projects accordingly. A good chunk of this is psychological and ego-based anyways, especially for characters like these. This will help future movies do even better (though i'm sure they won't be able to satisfy some on these boards, as they never will/would).




First I commend you for paying and seeing this movie twice... You are a far better man than I for doing it. I had my ticket bought for me so I saw it for free and still ripped off for this waste of time.


It seems that every critic agrees with me and my accessment .you hoping that we can all get along and not call a turd a turd so more movies can be made does not fly. You can see this movie 50 times and it's gonna be the same result.. 250 million dollars for what.. This was the largest comic book movie budget ever . Numbers have to be talked about when this type of effort falls flat... The blame should not be to one person. But a bunch of them. Yes we all can get along but we see a joke actor play LL...miscast or not... Somebody had to make the call and get approval....


As far as my comments on the board , I try to call it as I see it after collecting for over 50. Years. My heart remains strong as a comic book collector. This film was an insult trying to please too many people and it ended up not pleasing 90% of the suckers who saw and paid for it. Live and learn but let's hope damage control is effectual and the dc universe can begin to compete with marvel.


I'll send you back your $20, for popcorn, or candy or whatever you needed to watch the film. It doesn't need your money.


You post the same nonsense, not a single unique, or original thought in the blurb. And most of what you say is factually false - I'm not one to stoop, but you've been posting this for pages and pages.


For the record.


- the movie's budget @ $250M was a lot more than Deadpool, but Comparable to Avengers

- the massive dip in box office take (while who really cares, frankly) is due to the genre of movie and the big Thursday original weekend showing. It front loaded the sales. Even if the critics loved the movie, it's drop would have been significant (yes, the critics have an impact....just not 30% or 50% or something massive on the gross). So the claim that the movie does $1.5 or $2.0B if it was great, is fundamentally false

- the run up of revenue comes some from build up of the fans and broader storyline. Marvel has matured this concept (well) with iron man 1/2, Thor 1, and cap 1 before avengers...and then the continuation from there. DC is just getting started, and with a lot of time between MOS and BvS it will take time to ramp up.

- rotten tomatoes measurement structure has some limitations, that have been well published, and as Wayne-Tec notes, the scores from movie goers were much better (granted they weren't excellent either)


Now - I can understand and respect some didn't like the movie, that's fine. But reading your nonsense, Mitch..... :facepalm:


Let me set for the record one thing..I wanted this movie to be great..I wanted it to break avengers 1.5 bil mark,..I was looking forward to many more DC movies and hoped if there was competition it would make BOTH marvel and DC better....Yes my expectations were high...$250 million dollars high...I can honestly say this was the biggest letdown I have ever felt after walking out of the theater....OK maybe I thought the bigger the budget the better the movie, maybe my expectations were impossible to reach....when I read the reviews I knew I was not alone....and in fact I was not crazy.


You can attack me all you want, it is not gonna make this film any better, it dropped 54.5% this last weekend and got beat by a movie that had bad reviews also. It is not gonna hit 900 million in your or my lifetime. Let be clear about one thing...the movie is not a total waste....its about 3.4 at best, can it be better yes, I hope so....30 mins added time and less censorship on the R rating should help....its not gonna make it to a 9 or 10...but I am hopeful it will turn out better


So I ask you one question: do you really want to see Zack the Hack spend another $250 million dollars on the upcoming JLA movie....your honest answer here...or should DC mannup and reboot and go with a different director/producer...

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Anyone like the slight change in the Batman origins that had Thomas Wayne attack the robber, rather just having him protect his family (put himself between the gun and his family)?


IMHO that moment told me a lot about the tone that the writers and directors would be going for over the rest of the movie, and it didnt bode well (to me).


Anyone find the placement of Gotham right next to Metropolis unbelievable, due to the fact that Batman and Superman had managed not to cross paths up until this point? Seriously? You're a superhero and the only other known super hero in the world is in the town next to yours and you dont get together to barbecue? Logic again fell apart there...


Or why the flash come back in time to tell Batman that Lois is the key, but the woman that stops the Superman/Batman fight is Martha (in name)...


On the positive I did think that Ben Afflek was probably my favorite portrayal of Bruce Wayne I've seen yet. Bale was a slightly better Batman, but they're close. Im also still a sucker for Amy Adams as Lois Lane...


I wrote a looong post that no one responded to in CG cause everyone was to busy posturing rather than have an actual discussion...All in all it was a 3 or 4 out of 10 for me. Plot was to muddled with to many logic flaws, not to mention some characterizations that just didnt land for me (Superman, Lex....)


and yes I've seen the movie, twice now (once in theater and once for *ahem* free when I was trying to remember how some things were plotted out)

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I liked the movie but NO i dont want him doing JLA it was not bad but i thought it would be better. I see it did beat Deadpool.




For the record, the budget on Deadpool was $58 Million according to Boxofficemjo.com, the admitted budget to B v S was $250 million....with the rumor that it was closer to $275 million.

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But it is your opinion that I want to hear - I implore you, tell me more about this movie that you haven't seen.




So let me get this straight. You're seeking to have your biases validated by someone you're determined to argue with when you're mind is already made up. Are you on Zack Snyder's payroll? lol

It all fairness, Cat, you are arguing your biases with an already made up mind without having seen the film, which in film review is the primary piece of information one should need.


True, but I've never stated that I won't see the film, just that I refuse to contribute money to see it based on principle. The thread Mitch started is entitled SUPERMAN VS BATMAN MOVIE A DOG with no qualifications requested in posting opinions and reposting reviews. Lots of folks have defended Zack's dystopian film before seeing it. Some folks just wanted to rag on Mitch for critisizing it. I'd suggest all opinions about Mr. Snyder's take on Superman should be fair game as long as the expressed opinions have supporting evidence from reliable sources.


Regrettably, I paid to see his first Superman film, but luckily was forewarned about the sequel. There's ample evidence that the things I found most offensive in the first film are prevalent in BvS. I'm not opposed to the basic idea of Batman and Superman being cast in the same film. However, most of the things I considered disturbing in MoS have apparently been carried over. I go to comic themed films to revel in the heroic character portrayals. I want to like the characters and feel that the world they're saving is worth defending.


I quit watching the depressing Gotham series because the Kafkaesque world was too dystopian and most of the characters were unlikable as envisioned. I'm luke warm about Arrow & Flash for similar reasons (the exception being the Earth 2 Jay Garrick character which is relatively authentic to the GA version) and I've quit watching the spin-off LoT series because of the horrible dialogue and two dimensionality of the characters.


While some folks might assume I'm just a Marvel guy (I like most of the Marvel films and series except Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) or that I have some hidden agenda in critisizing the BvS film, that couldn't be further from the truth. A lot can be gleaned from trailers & reviews without opening one's wallet. At the very least we can discuss films with those on the fence contemplating whether to spend money or wait for discounted downloads. My 2c

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I may have misremembered and credited Safire. I think it was Buchanan taking credit. but who can remember!


go see the film already. judge for yourself. quite a few really nice moments in there you will smile experiencing.


When it's available for free I'll try to struggle through it and provide my own review. Hopefully, I won't be cleaning rotten tomato juice off my projection screen.


Wait. You've depleted the electronic ink output of Upper Mongolia with your lambasting this movie and you haven't even seen it? Color me unpersuaded then. How could you possibly give any kind of informed opinion on the content or worth of the film? If only there was a catchphrase about judging a publication by examining the outer contents of its wrapper. Maybe someone will come up with something.


Considering that he hasn't even seen the film his comments about it are as useful as a condom with a hole in the wrong end.


I'm not paying to see it as a matter of principle. You do understand having principles, don't you? I made that clear at the outset.


Once I've had an opportunity to screen Dawn of Injustice without helping WB and Zack Snyder pad their bottom lines, I'll review it point by point. The reviews are decisively informative and I have seen clips from the film. The consensus is clear enough that a blind man could see it.


FYI, I paid to see MoS and have regretted contributing to it's grosses ever since. Consider my remarks on Zack's sequel as penance for the first film. ;)


Alas, your rude comment lacks condom sense. No offense, but as informed opinions go, your's is merely a propalactic that allows Zack Snyder and WB to abuse more sheep.


I only have one question: what is condom sense?


Sarcasm via a pun. :gossip:(thumbs u

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I liked the movie but NO i dont want him doing JLA it was not bad but i thought it would be better. I see it did beat Deadpool.




For the record, the budget on Deadpool was $58 Million according to Boxofficemjo.com, the admitted budget to B v S was $250 million....with the rumor that it was closer to $275 million.


Deadpool also didn't have the 3D or IMAX receipts to pump up its totals

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Richard let me get you a drink this is a fun thread and i have more fun when im not alone. :headbang:




I'll gladly share my words of wisdom with you, my friend. You've provided the right kind of well lubricated environment. Heck, with enough alcohol even Zack's take on Superman might be palatable, ...and that's a major concession coming from me. :insane:

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Watched it with the boy last night. Solid popcorn flick. I thought Snyder's vision was perceptible throughout the movie and actually added to the overall package. Plot was decent, of course there were holes, but show me a superhero movie that doesn't have those. As far as that goes, it was way better than Age of Ultron (which was not a very good film).


Jesse Eisenberg was the low point. Incredibly annoying, both his portrayal and his character.

Affleck was passable, but still can't act his way out of a paper sack.

Who cares who Lois Lane was?

Gal Gadot... :cloud9:

FX were top notch.

Plot was decent, did a nice job of setting up the future. I think you have to take that into account when assessing this movie.

My main issue with the whole movie was Batman and his motivations. Those seemed a bit off from the standard mythos.

Didn't care for Jeremy Irons as Alfred. Missing the whole British passive aggressiveness.


And once again, Gal Gadot... :cloud9:


Overall, definitely worth the $9.25, and has me intrigued to see how the whole JLA thing falls into place. I can see the franchise getting much better with each film. Much like Nolan's Batman trilogy, I think each will have to be considered in the context of the others. If the next one is a stinker, then this one will lose points. But if the sequel is a home run, the setup from the first film will elevate its status.


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Richard let me get you a drink this is a fun thread and i have more fun when im not alone. :headbang:




I'll gladly share my words of wisdom with you, my friend. You've provided the right kind of well lubricated environment. Heck, with enough alcohol even Zack's take on Superman might be palatable, ...and that's a major concession coming from me. :insane:


Yup i really really like you. Let me get you a 2nd round my freind so Richard you and me can love our books. :headbang:





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I liked the movie but NO i dont want him doing JLA it was not bad but i thought it would be better. I see it did beat Deadpool.




For the record, the budget on Deadpool was $58 Million according to Boxofficemjo.com, the admitted budget to B v S was $250 million....with the rumor that it was closer to $275 million.


Deadpool also didn't have the 3D or IMAX receipts to pump up its totals


With ur avatar i cant think. (shrug)

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I liked the movie but NO i dont want him doing JLA it was not bad but i thought it would be better. I see it did beat Deadpool.




For the record, the budget on Deadpool was $58 Million according to Boxofficemjo.com, the admitted budget to B v S was $250 million....with the rumor that it was closer to $275 million.


We understand the point in respects to profit margin.


But that doesn't change the fact that more people wanted to see Dawn of Justice, in spite of all the bad word of mouth.

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I liked the movie but NO i dont want him doing JLA it was not bad but i thought it would be better. I see it did beat Deadpool.




For the record, the budget on Deadpool was $58 Million according to Boxofficemjo.com, the admitted budget to B v S was $250 million....with the rumor that it was closer to $275 million.


We understand the point in respects to profit margin.


But that doesn't change the fact that more people wanted to see Dawn of Justice, in spite of all the bad word of mouth.


agreed that in the end more people will end up seeing BVS, my question to you is do you support Zack and another 250 MIllion for JLA or a change...

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I liked the movie but NO i dont want him doing JLA it was not bad but i thought it would be better. I see it did beat Deadpool.




For the record, the budget on Deadpool was $58 Million according to Boxofficemjo.com, the admitted budget to B v S was $250 million....with the rumor that it was closer to $275 million.


We understand the point in respects to profit margin.


But that doesn't change the fact that more people wanted to see Dawn of Justice, in spite of all the bad word of mouth.


not a provable point now, and likely not ever: deadpool not yet released in japan, and barred in china. additionally, how many kids "wanted" to see deadpool, but could not due to the rating?

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I see the support for zack the hack to spend another 250 million dollars plus overwhelming... See my point... Nobody on the boards wants this guy to be in charge of the dc universe and spend 275 million on jla....


They should stick to the original choice of George Miller who just did mad max fury road... Now that. Is what I am talking about...according to box office mojo man of steel cost 225 mil and bat v super 250 mil that is 475 million dollars for what?

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