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General discussion thread - keep the other threads clean
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I thought you didn't know what a Ferengi was and Star Trek wasn't your thing?


If you don't know what it is then how can you equate it to something with enough certainty to lock Jeffro into an implication.


I said had, which implies past tense. There's this little thing on the internet called Google...which I used to find out what that word meant. It also allows people to find other things.... ;)


You went from entirely ignorant of their culture and ways to absolutely certain in just a couple of posts.


From what I saw of the Ferengi on DS9 they were obsessed with profit and trade, but mostly profit.


Does that sound like an incorrect comparison?


Yes....I can read. Big shocker there I know.


It's not necessarily an incorrect comparison..you just chose to leave out other relevant parts, such as:


"They and their culture are characterized by a mercantile obsession with profit and trade, and their constant efforts to swindle unwary customers into unfair deals. They are also known for their business acumen and for rampant misogyny. They also sometimes force their women into the sex trade."


I'd say that's a pretty damning accusation, wouldn't you?




So you read Jeffro's comparison between the Ferengi and your blatant attempt to profiteer off of a movie announcement as him saying you force women into the sex trade?


That might be the absolute worst attempt to play the victim we've seen on the boards this week.


That's the best response you can come up with? Seriously...that's the best?


The fact is you don't have a response other than to continue to hurl insults at me.


I'm not playing a victim....you are welcome to say whatever you want. However, when I ask you how you make your accusations and you result to insults, it shows how small you really are...


Go find someone else to bother boy



What accusations did I make? Exactly what?


Is that the best defense you can make, seriously? Why not just own the mercenary in your heart? Why feign injury and insult? Does a scorpion have his feeling hurt when someone calls it a scorpion? Why would you be so hurt and upset that someone calls you a profit-motivated person? Given your entire persona, actions, and words I would think you'd wear that badge with pride.


You don't have a defense because you and I both know how important that sweet sweet profit is to you. More important than lots of other things that others would prioritize far higher.


You made more headway when you chose to not engage me head on.


Send me a PM...and I'll happily send you my phone number. We can work this out via telephone as men, right?



You've already proved to me, in spades, who you are and what you priorities are.


That's why I am not shrinking from telling you how disappointed I was in how you handled Beau's books after his passing and how you neglected to give those books, and by extension the donations made to help his family, anywhere near the respect they deserved.


Which is why when you call other board members "cheap" or when you rip on other board members for their buying or selling threads and prices I am reminded that someone people can only see the faults in others and be blind to their own. In some cases it is completely so.


The way people prioritize their decisions and how they handle seemingly small matters (and what is small to them) are windows into who they really are. I've seen it. I don't need any more proof.




That's completely fine. You are welcome to reach any conclusion and hold whatever opinion you want of me.


Fortunately for me, you're in the minority.



I am not seeking nor will I ever seek your approval. And while I'm fully aware that I have many faults and shortcomings, it won't be Chris Caria who gets them out of me.


You can continue to hold Beau's books over my head....that's fine. It matters not as what's done is done (and there's so much more to that story than you know).


You can chastise me for calling Chris cheap, which had zero to do with his buying and selling practices and everything to do with his constantly asking for free GPA info.


What I do with my life and the priorities I have are my own. They're not yours or anyone else's.


You should take a good long look in the mirror at your actions, the way you treat people (myself included) and ask if that's how you want to represent yourself.


I'm asking you to leave me alone. Do not comment on things that concern me. Do not respond to any of my posts. In return, I'll do the same.


You want to play the "high and mighty" card, then respect my wishes to be left alone.


Can you do that Chris Caira?



Oh no...not my full name...did I forget to clean up my room, dad? lol


Here's how you handle a book, signed by a deceased board member, that there won't be any more of.... all to save $1 (ONE DOLLAR) on postage.





The donation for the books (one signed, one unsigned) was $15. I donated $100 to the family. For that, you sent it in a thin Manila paper envelope, with nothing to protect it. It got bumped and bend and folded pretty good. The return address was, coincidentally, missing your name. So I originally was annoyed with Pat Bollin who ran the fund raiser thread. That was interesting leaving your name off like that. just kind of guided people to Pat that way...if they said anything since it was a charity fundraiser. Most people would let it slide. Some people would bank on them letting it slide.



The difference in price between this and in a padded envelope with cardboard to protect it? $1. Frankly, given what you were shipping, each and every one of these deserved a box. Most people would have, given the choice, given you extra money for shipping if they (in their wildest dreams) could ever imagine that they would be shipped like your did.


Is there a justification for this? Is there some excuse? Was the extra work of properly caring for Beau's last book, the last things he signed more difficult than what his family was going through? Was it more important than realizing what you were dealing with and acting with an ounce of empathy?


You think your life and your priorities are your own and no one can judge you? How about when those priorities make the loss of a friend and respected board member hurt WORSE? How about when your $1 priorities impact a whole bunch of people?


I'm not the only one you did this to. I am just the only one speaking right now.


And I see exactly how I talk to people and treat people. I have no problem at all with how I live my life, because I know that I NEVER place profit above people. You should ask yourself if how you handle things is how YOU want people too see you?


I am sure you'd like it if I didn't respond to anything that concerns you. Most people that are entirely full of it don't want people around who possess a working sense of smell.


Do you understand that Donald Brock?


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Do you understand that Donald Brock?


You left off the Jr.


(thumbs u



Oh yeah, If you'd like a $1 refund, I'll happy send it to you via PayPal.




Well, junior, I wouldn't want to break you, being that $1 was a high enough bar to keep you from doing the right thing in the first place.



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Do you understand that Donald Brock?


You left off the Jr.


(thumbs u



Oh yeah, If you'd like a $1 refund, I'll happy send it to you via PayPal.




Well, junior, I wouldn't want to break you, being that $1 was a high enough bar to keep you from doing the right thing in the first place.



For you sweet cheeks, I can send $2.


And FWIW, there was a time when I felt bad that Beau's books were damaged. And believe it or not, it wasn't intentional.


However, you've done a fine job of making sure those feelings are long gone....

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Do you understand that Donald Brock?


You left off the Jr.


(thumbs u



Oh yeah, If you'd like a $1 refund, I'll happy send it to you via PayPal.




Well, junior, I wouldn't want to break you, being that $1 was a high enough bar to keep you from doing the right thing in the first place.



For you sweet cheeks, I can send $2.


And FWIW, there was a time when I felt bad that Beau's books were damaged. And believe it or not, it wasn't intentional.


However, you've done a fine job of making sure those feelings are long gone....



How do you "unintentionally" throw a comic in a paper envelope with no cardboard or padding to protect them and then ship them as far away as Europe that way? Do you ship books out of your business that way? Ever?


I am glad my complaints have allowed you to become even more callous about how you placed no care into how Beau's books were shipped. There's nothing like having your read on a person be 100% confirmed. You took no responsibility and didn't seem to care at all when I mentioned it when it happened. I am not shocked it's even more in your rear view now.

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Do you understand that Donald Brock?


You left off the Jr.


(thumbs u



Oh yeah, If you'd like a $1 refund, I'll happy send it to you via PayPal.




Well, junior, I wouldn't want to break you, being that $1 was a high enough bar to keep you from doing the right thing in the first place.



For you sweet cheeks, I can send $2.


And FWIW, there was a time when I felt bad that Beau's books were damaged. And believe it or not, it wasn't intentional.


However, you've done a fine job of making sure those feelings are long gone....



How do you "unintentionally" throw a comic in a paper envelope with no cardboard or padding to protect them and then ship them as far away as Europe that way? Do you ship books out of your business that way? Ever?


I am glad my complaints have allowed you to become even more callous about how you placed no care into how Beau's books were shipped. There's nothing like having your read on a person to be 100% confirmed. You took no responsibility and didn't seem to care at all when I mentioned it when it happened. I am not shocked it's even more in your rear view now.


So what exactly are you looking for? What would you have me do?


Serious question since you're the omniscient one around here......

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Do you understand that Donald Brock?


You left off the Jr.


(thumbs u



Oh yeah, If you'd like a $1 refund, I'll happy send it to you via PayPal.




Well, junior, I wouldn't want to break you, being that $1 was a high enough bar to keep you from doing the right thing in the first place.



For you sweet cheeks, I can send $2.


And FWIW, there was a time when I felt bad that Beau's books were damaged. And believe it or not, it wasn't intentional.


However, you've done a fine job of making sure those feelings are long gone....



How do you "unintentionally" throw a comic in a paper envelope with no cardboard or padding to protect them and then ship them as far away as Europe that way? Do you ship books out of your business that way? Ever?


I am glad my complaints have allowed you to become even more callous about how you placed no care into how Beau's books were shipped. There's nothing like having your read on a person to be 100% confirmed. You took no responsibility and didn't seem to care at all when I mentioned it when it happened. I am not shocked it's even more in your rear view now.


So what exactly are you looking for? What would you have me do?


Serious question since you're the omniscient one around here......


(1) Have some remorse

(2) Respect other people

(3) Stop being a person_who_is_obnoxiously_self-impressed



Choose your own adventure

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Do you understand that Donald Brock?


You left off the Jr.


(thumbs u



Oh yeah, If you'd like a $1 refund, I'll happy send it to you via PayPal.


It was never about the $1 and you know it.


What you did was despicable. You have never owned it, never apologized for it and now are trying to turn this into someone persecuting you?


You're a mouthy punk that will do anything for a buck. You prove it over and over.


Fortunately for you, this will get deleted and you will get to play the victim. Hopefully before it goes, one more person will see what a upstanding guy you are.

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Do you understand that Donald Brock?


You left off the Jr.


(thumbs u



Oh yeah, If you'd like a $1 refund, I'll happy send it to you via PayPal.




Well, junior, I wouldn't want to break you, being that $1 was a high enough bar to keep you from doing the right thing in the first place.



For you sweet cheeks, I can send $2.


And FWIW, there was a time when I felt bad that Beau's books were damaged. And believe it or not, it wasn't intentional.


However, you've done a fine job of making sure those feelings are long gone....



How do you "unintentionally" throw a comic in a paper envelope with no cardboard or padding to protect them and then ship them as far away as Europe that way? Do you ship books out of your business that way? Ever?


I am glad my complaints have allowed you to become even more callous about how you placed no care into how Beau's books were shipped. There's nothing like having your read on a person to be 100% confirmed. You took no responsibility and didn't seem to care at all when I mentioned it when it happened. I am not shocked it's even more in your rear view now.


So what exactly are you looking for? What would you have me do?


Serious question since you're the omniscient one around here......



Well, for one, maybe don't be shocked when you decide to call out boardies for being cheap, or for how they handle their business, or for they price their books or try to buy books, or for how they list things in their threads ( you know? The stuff you keep getting strikes for.?) that people are going to have a problem with that.


I'd say stop posting that way, but if the strikes don't stop you I am sure that anything I say will just bounce off.


I would have had you go back in time and do the right thing when you had the chance to do it, but that moment is passed and that opportunity gone. I know you probably think it was no big deal, but to the people that knew and liked and respected Beau and thought they were both helping the family AND receiving a memento of his life and words it felt like a giant slap in the face at the worst possible time.


You choose the kind of person you are, as much as one can. Whatever that choice is just own it and don't bristle when someone identifies it for exactly what it is, or for what your actions lead them to believe.

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Do you understand that Donald Brock?


You left off the Jr.


(thumbs u



Oh yeah, If you'd like a $1 refund, I'll happy send it to you via PayPal.


It was never about the $1 and you know it.


What you did was despicable. You have never owned it, never apologized for it and now are trying to turn this into someone persecuting you?


You're a mouthy punk that will do anything for a buck. You prove it over and over.


Fortunately for you, this will get deleted and you will get to play the victim. Hopefully before it goes, one more person will see what a upstanding guy you are.



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Well, for one, maybe don't be shocked when you decide to call out boardies for being cheap, or for how they handle their business, or for they price their books or try to buy books, or for how they list things in their threads ( you know? The stuff you keep getting strikes for.?) that people are going to have a problem with that.


I'd say stop posting that way, but if the strikes don't stop you I am sure that anything I say will just bounce off.


I would have had you go back in time and do the right thing when you had the chance to do it, but that moment is passed and that opportunity gone. I know you probably think it was no big deal, but to the people that knew and liked and respected Beau and thought they were both helping the family AND receiving a memento of his life and words it felt like a giant slap in the face at the worst possible time.


You choose the kind of person you are, as much as one can. Whatever that choice is just own it and don't bristle when someone identifies it for exactly what it is, or for what your actions lead them to believe.


Sound advice. Going to print this and read it each morning before my cup of coffee.


Too bad I don't drink coffee....

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25-30 percent below market price, can't imagine why the sellers aren't flocking to him


I think your comment in the thread was spot on. Maybe he's looking to catch someone off guard?


Buy up copies at 25-30% off current (AHEM, pre-movie announcement) market prices and then reap the rewards later. It's a move worthy of a Ferengi.



And in this case it's really 30-50% below market price, if the most recent GPA sales (post announcement) are to be utilized...and if you factor in the free shipping demanded it's an even wider gap.



When I posted my WTB thread, the most recent sale or two had not hit GPA.


But my question to the people accusing me of trying to rip people off is this: HOW?


How am I trying to rip anyone off? I clearly stated what I wanted to buy and what I was offering at the time....so how exactly am I trying to be a "Ferengi"?


For the record, I had no idea what the Ferengi are as Star Trek isn't my thing...


Rip people off, no. But in your own thread you made a post a day later asking why nobody had come forward with copies since it is a common book. Thus the responses in that thread. Usually when people post WTB threads with unrealistic prices they just get ignored and drop off the first page. But when someone actually asks why they aren't getting any responses, well...


You are offering out-of-date prices for a book that is effectively the book of the week in the world of copper comics. Between the out-of-date prices and the language you used ("to make it easy, here's what I'm paying") it doesn't sound like you are a buyer willing to negotiate. It shouldn't come as a surprise that nobody approached you with an available copy.

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