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Nominating Top City Comics
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891 posts in this topic

6 hours ago, wombat said:

So on the second deal with the sold book. He just shipped the one with zero communication before that? Who does that? Was he just hoping you would forget about the second book?

My first awareness of there being no second book was the opening of the box upon its arrival at my residence.

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4 hours ago, wombat said:

So on the second deal with the sold book. He just shipped the one with zero communication before that? Who does that? Was he just hoping you would forget about the second book?

 I legitimately forgot...I obviously didn't think he was going to forget about it.

And just for the record this is my first time seeing any of this since before I got blocked on the 15th.

I checked back in on this thread early last week & there was nothing new under the sun....

I don't spend my days hanging on the boards, I get on to respond to messages mostly.

I had no idea Tim had nominated me, as I was communicating with him on Instagram since the week I was barred from here for using "offensive language", tho I think that's just about who complained about it to the mods, & not the actual language itself, because there has been a lot worse things said in this thread than what I got banned for, but I digress...

I offered Tim numerous solutions to forgetting to add the 2nd book into the deal (and wouldn't I have "forgotten" the $2k book instead of the $700 value book if I was trying to swindle him???)

I have done huge trades with Tim in the past, which is why it shocked me that he went straight to being rude & arrogant and threatening to nominate me, like I did this on purpose or something...I literally mailed him $4k-$5k of books on word alone in our very first transaction a couple years back, and have dealt with him multiple times since then...which is why I was more than a little shocked that he did this while I was trying to work out a solution with him....

I offered numerous solutions to him, including replacing the book with a copy of THE EXACT SAME BOOK IN THE EXACT SAME GRADE...but it wasn't going to be fast enough, so that was out...then I offered numerous replacement books in the same price range that he rejected...then I offered a 9.4 copy of the same book, which is obviously more expensive (ASM 300 is the book in question), and Tim thought it would be fair if I gave him that book instead of the 9.0....without making up any of the difference via cash or another small book....which I obviously did not agree to.

He then wanted my ASM 361 9.8 as a replacement, and apparently he thought that should be straight across too, as he balked when I brought up making up the difference in price of the 2 books...which I think is more than fair.  He said no, and then he asked me to come up with a list of PCH that were of similar value...to which I replied "I'll get you a list"...along with reassuring him that I simply forgot, and I was doing what I could to rectify the situation.

I thought we were going to settle this with a horror book like he said....but instead he decided to quit replying to me on Instagram and come do this instead....so in reality, I feel that he is the one who has been unreasonable and unwilling to come to terms on a solution to this problem, instead wanting to come here & pile on while I'm already dealing with something that I'm trying to make right...but didn't actually break any of the rules to get nominated...I think he saw I was down & decided to kick me one good time in the ribs when he had the chance....but I never once acted rudely or flippant towards him about this matter, only trying to come up with solutions...ALL of which were shot down...and he decided to bring it here instead of just resolving the issue with me personally....just after asking me to get him a list of horror books to "solve" the problem.  But I don't think he wanted to actually "solve it" unless he was getting the upper hand on me value-wise in some way, and decided to come here with it because I was opposed to his extortion.

So now all of you get to be a part of it too...super!!

Guess I should've just given the man his extra $300 in value as ransom money to keep him appeased?

Is there some rule here on the boards about extortion/blackmail, or no?  Asking for a friend...

All that aside...I may have bitten off more than I could chew in the last couple months...and I may have had a pretty bad string of horrible luck on top of it...and maybe my whole house of cards did fall over on top of me a little bit...to the tune of a car wreck, ER visit, business shutdown, car totaled, arm broken, pile up of debt, pile up of work to play catch-up on with one arm...computer deciding to go kaput...and now my name being dragged thru the mud by every Tom, , & Harry that wants to chime in from their keyboards....but I'm not making excuses....I screwed up by ever allowing it to get personal with Lee & making him feel all this was necessary.  I didn't like the way he handled things in the PM's or the way he talked to me and I didn't like how he came and did this just out of spite, but I shouldn't have let my temper get the best of me the day this all went down (Feb 15th I believe?).  I was pretty angry and frustrated that I was having to spend the time to do this after already agreeing to refund him, but it's on me for not having it done sooner, and it's 100% on me for not just swallowing my pride and letting it go.

Before they barred me that day I believe I did say something along those lines trying to take ownership of my part in this...and I did reach out to Lee on Instagram to apologize and get his full address, which I still did not have...(tho I have since cleaned out the office and found the slightly illegible yellow slip of paper that Lee sent with the check that led to all of this).  Lee accepted my apology, but after seeing some of the things he's posted about me in the last week, I believe that may have been tongue-in-cheek.

Even though I feel like he disrespected me and ran my name thru the mud just to vent about me calling him a hypocrite in the PM (which directly led to him nominating me), I didn't refund him by his demanded time, so it's on me to suck it up and deal with the repercussions.

The fact that Tim brought this here was just piling on.  I was doing what I could to offer him every solution I could think of and he never had any ideas nor was he willing to compromise or even discuss most of the ideas I came to the table with...and for him to arbitrarily come here with this is beyond petty.  If I had refused to answer his messages or refused to try & fix the problem then I could understand it...but I was literally in the middle of rounding up a list & pictures of PCH books of similar value to offer him (per his request) when he decided to tuck tail & run over here to get his posse of text-message tough guys. (Yes, I'm talking to anyone who insulted me or felt the need to chime in on this before I even knew it was going on or had the chance to respond or defend myself)....I literally get on here to answer messages for 30 seconds from my phone throughout the day....I don't "hang out" here like a lot of you guys....or follow threads to keep up on the latest gossip, or get off on bashing someone who isn't even aware it's taking place.

I mean...with all these tags & calls for me to respond to Tim's complaint...and posts about me "hiding" from this when I didn't even know it was happening...why did absolutely no one drop me a message to let me know this going on?  I guess it's easier to bash and poke-fun that I'm "hiding out" (from what, exactly, idk...a $700 book that I've already been working with him on replacing??), but it's pretty shallow and disturbing that you would rather carry on for days about me than just letting me know what's going on.  I've been a member here for 9 years...I've done business with several of you...I have donated items to your charity sales...I vouch for anyone I've done business with here.  Are none of you my actual friend enough to shoot me one simple PM if you want to hear from me on this topic so badly???

Or how bout maaaaaaaybe Tim could've let me know he was doing this instead of giving me the silent treatment and allowing me to still send him pictures of the damn books he requested yesterday???  You'd think maybe he could've let me know since I obviously was still under the impression that we were solving this dilemma with a similar-valued PCH book (again, by his request)....but it seems like he was more interested in talking bad about me here while leaving me in the dark that he had decided to back out of the solution that we were working towards....which seems like maybe the biggest "female dog" move that anyone has pulled throughout this entire debacle.

I spent an hour reading every word of every comment and every post that I missed in the last few days, and while I'm not shirking any of the responsibility for getting myself into this by having too many irons in the fire or getting in a bit over my head, most of the comments these over the last couple days were unproductive and unnecessary...especially without involving me and just taking Tim's word that I was being unreasonable, which just wasn't true.

And to those of you who insinuated that I might be intentionally deceiving people or forgot Tim's book on purpose, you can definitely get bent.  And whoever pulled my ebay neutral comment about not taking returns can also sit & spin.  You found one neutral comment out of 2300 and want to post that one eh?  That guy left feedback without even talking to me....all he had to do was open the return....all my listings were set to "free returns/seller pays" at the time....and if you're not aware....ebay literally forces the returns for you if refuse.

I may be guilty of taking on too much or biting off more than I can chew and getting in a car wreck and trying to dig out of all of this mess with one arm and no vehicle, and not planning things perfectly, and being an forgetful insufficiently_thoughtful_person with too much on his plate, but I'm no damn scammer.  I have never stolen from anyone in my life, and I'm not about to start over a $700 book OR a $1500 check...and that's not changing whether the big bad peanut gallery prognosticators claim it to be true or not. 

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12 minutes ago, Top City Comics said:

 I legitimately forgot...I obviously didn't think he was going to forget about it.

And just for the record this is my first time seeing any of this since before I got blocked on the 15th.

I checked back in on this thread early last week & there was nothing new under the sun....

I don't spend my days hanging on the boards, I get on to respond to messages mostly.

I had no idea Tim had nominated me, as I was communicating with him on Instagram since the week I was barred from here for using "offensive language", tho I think that's just about who complained about it to the mods, & not the actual language itself, because there has been a lot worse things said in this thread than what I got banned for, but I digress...

I offered Tim numerous solutions to forgetting to add the 2nd book into the deal (and wouldn't I have "forgotten" the $2k book instead of the $700 value book if I was trying to swindle him???)

I have done huge trades with Tim in the past, which is why it shocked me that he went straight to being rude & arrogant and threatening to nominate me, like I did this on purpose or something...I literally mailed him $4k-$5k of books on word alone in our very first transaction a couple years back, and have dealt with him multiple times since then...which is why I was more than a little shocked that he did this while I was trying to work out a solution with him....

I offered numerous solutions to him, including replacing the book with a copy of THE EXACT SAME BOOK IN THE EXACT SAME GRADE...but it wasn't going to be fast enough, so that was out...then I offered numerous replacement books in the same price range that he rejected...then I offered a 9.4 copy of the same book, which is obviously more expensive (ASM 300 is the book in question), and Tim thought it would be fair if I gave him that book instead of the 9.0....without making up any of the difference via cash or another small book....which I obviously did not agree to.

He then wanted my ASM 361 9.8 as a replacement, and apparently he thought that should be straight across too, as he balked when I brought up making up the difference in price of the 2 books...which I think is more than fair.  He said no, and then he asked me to come up with a list of PCH that were of similar value...to which I replied "I'll get you a list"...along with reassuring him that I simply forgot, and I was doing what I could to rectify the situation.

I thought we were going to settle this with a horror book like he said....but instead he decided to quit replying to me on Instagram and come do this instead....so in reality, I feel that he is the one who has been unreasonable and unwilling to come to terms on a solution to this problem, instead wanting to come here & pile on while I'm already dealing with something that I'm trying to make right...but didn't actually break any of the rules to get nominated...I think he saw I was down & decided to kick me one good time in the ribs when he had the chance....but I never once acted rudely or flippant towards him about this matter, only trying to come up with solutions...ALL of which were shot down...and he decided to bring it here instead of just resolving the issue with me personally....just after asking me to get him a list of horror books to "solve" the problem.  But I don't think he wanted to actually "solve it" unless he was getting the upper hand on me value-wise in some way, and decided to come here with it because I was opposed to his extortion.

So now all of you get to be a part of it too...super!!

Guess I should've just given the man his extra $300 in value as ransom money to keep him appeased?

Is there some rule here on the boards about extortion/blackmail, or no?  Asking for a friend...

All that aside...I may have bitten off more than I could chew in the last couple months...and I may have had a pretty bad string of horrible luck on top of it...and maybe my whole house of cards did fall over on top of me a little bit...to the tune of a car wreck, ER visit, business shutdown, car totaled, arm broken, pile up of debt, pile up of work to play catch-up on with one arm...computer deciding to go kaput...and now my name being dragged thru the mud by every Tom, , & Harry that wants to chime in from their keyboards....but I'm not making excuses....I screwed up by ever allowing it to get personal with Lee & making him feel all this was necessary.  I didn't like the way he handled things in the PM's or the way he talked to me and I didn't like how he came and did this just out of spite, but I shouldn't have let my temper get the best of me the day this all went down (Feb 15th I believe?).  I was pretty angry and frustrated that I was having to spend the time to do this after already agreeing to refund him, but it's on me for not having it done sooner, and it's 100% on me for not just swallowing my pride and letting it go.

Before they barred me that day I believe I did say something along those lines trying to take ownership of my part in this...and I did reach out to Lee on Instagram to apologize and get his full address, which I still did not have...(tho I have since cleaned out the office and found the slightly illegible yellow slip of paper that Lee sent with the check that led to all of this).  Lee accepted my apology, but after seeing some of the things he's posted about me in the last week, I believe that may have been tongue-in-cheek.

Even though I feel like he disrespected me and ran my name thru the mud just to vent about me calling him a hypocrite in the PM (which directly led to him nominating me), I didn't refund him by his demanded time, so it's on me to suck it up and deal with the repercussions.

The fact that Tim brought this here was just piling on.  I was doing what I could to offer him every solution I could think of and he never had any ideas nor was he willing to compromise or even discuss most of the ideas I came to the table with...and for him to arbitrarily come here with this is beyond petty.  If I had refused to answer his messages or refused to try & fix the problem then I could understand it...but I was literally in the middle of rounding up a list & pictures of PCH books of similar value to offer him (per his request) when he decided to tuck tail & run over here to get his posse of text-message tough guys. (Yes, I'm talking to anyone who insulted me or felt the need to chime in on this before I even knew it was going on or had the chance to respond or defend myself)....I literally get on here to answer messages for 30 seconds from my phone throughout the day....I don't "hang out" here like a lot of you guys....or follow threads to keep up on the latest gossip, or get off on bashing someone who isn't even aware it's taking place.

I mean...with all these tags & calls for me to respond to Tim's complaint...and posts about me "hiding" from this when I didn't even know it was happening...why did absolutely no one drop me a message to let me know this going on?  I guess it's easier to bash and poke-fun that I'm "hiding out" (from what, exactly, idk...a $700 book that I've already been working with him on replacing??), but it's pretty shallow and disturbing that you would rather carry on for days about me than just letting me know what's going on.  I've been a member here for 9 years...I've done business with several of you...I have donated items to your charity sales...I vouch for anyone I've done business with here.  Are none of you my actual friend enough to shoot me one simple PM if you want to hear from me on this topic so badly???

Or how bout maaaaaaaybe Tim could've let me know he was doing this instead of giving me the silent treatment and allowing me to still send him pictures of the damn books he requested yesterday???  You'd think maybe he could've let me know since I obviously was still under the impression that we were solving this dilemma with a similar-valued PCH book (again, by his request)....but it seems like he was more interested in talking bad about me here while leaving me in the dark that he had decided to back out of the solution that we were working towards....which seems like maybe the biggest "female dog" move that anyone has pulled throughout this entire debacle.

I spent an hour reading every word of every comment and every post that I missed in the last few days, and while I'm not shirking any of the responsibility for getting myself into this by having too many irons in the fire or getting in a bit over my head, most of the comments these over the last couple days were unproductive and unnecessary...especially without involving me and just taking Tim's word that I was being unreasonable, which just wasn't true.

And to those of you who insinuated that I might be intentionally deceiving people or forgot Tim's book on purpose, you can definitely get bent.  And whoever pulled my ebay neutral comment about not taking returns can also sit & spin.  You found one neutral comment out of 2300 and want to post that one eh?  That guy left feedback without even talking to me....all he had to do was open the return....all my listings were set to "free returns/seller pays" at the time....and if you're not aware....ebay literally forces the returns for you if refuse.

I may be guilty of taking on too much or biting off more than I can chew and getting in a car wreck and trying to dig out of all of this mess with one arm and no vehicle, and not planning things perfectly, and being an forgetful insufficiently_thoughtful_person with too much on his plate, but I'm no damn scammer.  I have never stolen from anyone in my life, and I'm not about to start over a $700 book OR a $1500 check...and that's not changing whether the big bad peanut gallery prognosticators claim it to be true or not. 

Since it appears that you are in the red right now, an easy fix may be to pause all buying and trades, put a bunch of your eBay listings in auction instead of Buy it Nows, take the cash you get a week from now and pay off all outstanding debts. At that point resume your standard business practices. 

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13 minutes ago, DocHoppus182 said:

Did I miss what happened to the book that didn’t get shipped?

Got sold, I believe. 

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As for the value of the ONE replacement book from his lists he sent that I would have accepted, I had no clue what value he placed on that book until he stated it after he provided the list. Once he identified the value, I said no, refusing to add more money to a deal that was heading in the wrong direction. My assumption in his offering a 9.4 version of the same title/issue was that there would be additional monies needed as well.  If Adrian is willing to send a 9.4 version of the same book intended for me that he sold, without further cost to me, then my participation in this forum would seem to be over, would it not? I await tracking, if that's the easiest solution! But, as with the one replacement book I approved from his lists, I will not add more money to our original deal.

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3 minutes ago, DocHoppus182 said:

I should’ve been more specific.  How does that happen?!

Well, there's two options: ignorance or deceit. Neither is acceptable. 

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5 minutes ago, Buzzetta said:

You need to get the people paid that you owe money to.  If this was me, I would be far less polite with you than what you are complaining about.  Get these people paid.  If this were me you were procrastinating with, I would be such a nuisance that $1,500 would be a cheap price to get rid of me.  At this point also, if I were any of those that have not been made whole, I would be tossing any and all legal remedies against in an effort to see what sticks... wire fraud perhaps?  


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Dang, appears Adrian may be accepting his fate and burning the whole thing down. Can't imagine someone so invested (literally) in this hobby turning their back on this community...

Feels like what used to be rare happening (established member tomfoolery), is trending upward (dylan, rickstarr, top city, etc...). Or maybe I just haven't been paying attention...

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11 minutes ago, onlyweaknesskryptonite said:


I flip flopped on whether to post it or not... but yeah... I would urge these people to become such a nuisance to him that he has no other course of action but to make them whole to get them out of his life.  Being 'nice' does not seem to be working especially if there are others that are undergoing similar experiences but have not yet come forward.  

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