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Ebay offensive material policy - Just the beginning of censorship, already happening? Whats the scoop?
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1 minute ago, porcupine48 said:

Okay I found Ryan and am now bugging him.

My life is fuller.


Hahaha you wish dillweeds.I'll be returning after chow

Yeah baby! 



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1 minute ago, Bird said:

because it really is not true

Mein Kampf wasn't published for many years

you can buy both books right now and I do not see that changing


Did you read the ops first post?  Yes, you can still buy them both on feebay.  But for how long and at what point does the censorship stop?

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1 minute ago, porcupine48 said:

Who gets to decide what is intolerable intolerance?

Confrontation, as uncomfortable as it might be, can be more positive than sanitising or burying history.

A learning process that can help distance from the errors of the past.

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He is being blamed for some of his WW II anti Japanese cartoons, which are indeed pretty racist, but so was the U.S. government. FDR's portrait hasn't been removed from the White House.

He did some cartoons of black people that do the same racial krap most other cartoons were doing then. No, it isn't really defensible.

He was a big anti fascist, so he got put up on a pedestal he might not have fully deserved

frankly, as a parent, reading these books to my kids was pure torture

Some of the other stuff is certainly pretty normal for the times, by 2021 standards, not acceptable:

Rethinking & Examining Dr. Seuss' Racism

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52 minutes ago, Bird said:

I also find the bay overreaching here, but after all the attention these books are getting in the press for being racist and inappropriate you cannot be surprised that they are blocking it

It seems disingenuous to complain about the listing being removed for being racist when it was listed to take advantage of that exact aspect


and it isn't censorship, you can sell it here, you can sell it there, you call sell it most anywhere. You can sell in on facebook, you can sell it from a truck, but try to sell on ebay and you get...it

haha, considering we're on a forum and in a community where people collect, buy, sell and make money off childhood nostalgia and pop-culture trends, I won't let that jab cut too deep :cool:

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4 minutes ago, HighRadArt said:

Did you read the ops first post?  Yes, you can still buy them both on feebay.  But for how long and at what point does the censorship stop?

yes I did...did YOU? This is not widespread, this is just one case on ebay. It is not censorship.

This thread is less rational than the Wandavision thread!

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24 minutes ago, ADAMANTIUM said:

How did suess glorify it? Does cap? 

Does all golden age? 

Dont usually the good guys win in a comic? Or what about to be continued issues where the good guy hasn't won yet? 

Are yall going to make me Google dr suess articles?


For the benefit or posterity of the thread shouldn't that be here to know what the lol Is going on? Haha

I don't understand anything you wrote. Google Seuss and racism. It will explain things. I don't think later in life the guy was a racist, but he depicted stuff in a way he thought would be entertaining to his readers, and in hindsight, maybe not a great way to do it. He probably was a firm believer in the superiority of judeo christian/white culture and couldn't view things from other perspectives. like 98% of other white people then. watch movies from the 30s and 40s and most are pretty bad. you practically had to be an international superstar like Louis Armstrong to get treated with any dignity in a movie.

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There must be over 150 other copies on E-bay. On rare occasion you'll get someone on E-bay who goes over the line.

Relist it with a slightly different name. I remember having an occasional problem with some underground comics.

Not so much anymore.

If that person from E-bay really thought it through, they would then need to ban 10's of thousands of WWII comics and books.

Edited by Rip
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7 minutes ago, the blob said:
36 minutes ago, ADAMANTIUM said:

How did suess glorify it? Does cap? 

Does all golden age? 

Dont usually the good guys win in a comic? Or what about to be continued issues where the good guy hasn't won yet? 

Are yall going to make me Google dr suess articles?


For the benefit or posterity of the thread shouldn't that be here to know what the lol Is going on? Haha


I don't understand anything you wrote. Google Seuss and racism. It will explain things. I don't think later in life the guy was a racist, but he depicted stuff in a way he thought would be entertaining to his readers, and in hindsight, maybe not a great way to do it. He probably was a firm believer in the superiority of judeo christian/white culture and couldn't view things from other perspectives. like 98% of other white people then. watch movies from the 30s and 40s and most are pretty bad. you practically had to be an international superstar like Louis Armstrong to get treated with any dignity in a movie.

Lol how do you not understand anything I write and then answer my question perfectly 

Does captain America do the same as dr Suess? Your answer no

Does golden age do the same as dr? yes according to you

I know dr suess books I grew up reading them too... I asked if this isolated I incident meant the same for the golden age to not be sold, as the posters were implying? 


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1 minute ago, speedcake said:

Enjoy the cultural revolution, everyone! :devil:

Seriously though, dismiss this quickly blooming moral panic at your own peril. It was ridiculous years ago. We are well past ridiculous now.

again, i have no problem revisiting some of these classics and questioning if they are maybe not so deserving for future publication / shoving down kids' throats as required reading (an asian kid may not be so thrilled seeing some of those asian stereotypes), but ebay getting into the business of potentially banning them is silly. 

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2 minutes ago, ADAMANTIUM said:

Lol how do you not understand anything I write and then answer my question perfectly 

Does captain America do the same as dr Suess? Your answer no

Does golden age do the same as dr? yes according to you

I know dr suess books I grew up reading them too... I asked if this isolated I incident meant the same for the golden age to not be sold, as the posters were implying? 


Just because I am good guessing doesn't mean I understood you. I have been married a long time. Quite often my wife will not even speak to me. So I have to do a lot of guessing.


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42 minutes ago, Ken Aldred said:

Will Eisner is one of my top ten comic creators of all time, apart from his depiction of Ebony, which was quite appalling.  I wouldn't ban those images, as they could also be seen from a contemporary perspective as being quite pitiful, and with that response, an indication that perhaps, hopefully, we've moved on and become more inclusive; a repulsiveness that could still help distance further from historically xenophobic attitudes.  

To be fair to Eisner, he was contrite in his depiction of Ebony later in life and was inspired to write Fagin the Jew to address certain stereotypes in graphic novel form.

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It's eBay's site, they can do what they want. That being said, the most infuriating aspect, to me, is the completely uneven way in which they enforce their rules. I remember back in the day I used to sell digital codes from Blu Ray's, because I collect physical media, and don't have any use for the codes. I had several auctions pulled because this wasn't allowed, which I wasn't aware of at the time, due to the THOUSANDS of other auctions doing the same exact thing. The first time they pulled my auction, I was sure it was a mistake since I saw dozens of other sellers selling the same exact codes. So, I relisted, and they hit me with a 7 days suspension. I was furious. Now I sell the codes on the bluray.com forums, and make a lot more money! Free listings, no fees!

I've had this happen a few times with adult themed comics and undergrounds, and men's magazines. Some things fly right past them, some things get flagged instantly. It's impossible to know where the line is and how you can or can't cross it relative to other vendors. It's maddening.

Depending on how concerned you are about getting your hand slapped, you can always list it as a BIN and hope it sells before eBay brings the hammer down on you. I've done this a few times in the past. Most notably, somewhat related, there was a furor when NECA released 8' MEGO style dolls for the film Django Unchained. All auctions were instantly pulled. I threw my set up with a BIN of $1k, and it sold in under and hour. Sometimes the insanity can be financially beneficial!

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1 minute ago, the blob said:

Just because I am good guessing doesn't mean I understood you. I have been married a long time. Quite often my wife will not even speak to me. So I have to do a lot of guessing.


Is it better to guess or ask "what's wrong?"

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16 minutes ago, Phill the Governor said:

haha, considering we're on a forum and in a community where people collect, buy, sell and make money off childhood nostalgia and pop-culture trends, I won't let that jab cut too deep :cool:

it is all good

can you show us the page(s) in question in your book please, maybe in spoilers to be "safe"...don't want any censorship here :devil:

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