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Did You Meet Your Comic Book Heroes?
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How many of you have met your heroes from the world of comics? For those of you that have, please share your experiences!

From 2010-2021, I  owned and operated comic conventions, and as a result was able to meet a lot of wonderful creators. For years, we were bringing in approximately 20 creators per convention. We had some incredible talent come through our doors.

I've always called George Perez my favorite comic book artist of all-time. There's that saying, "Don't meet your heroes". There's countless stories of everyone's wonderful experiences meeting George Perez. I'd like to say I had such a wonderful experience with George, but unfortunately mine wasn't as magical as most. George wasn't mean or rude, but he wasn't particularly friendly or open either. I'd want to chat with him, but he'd give me the cold shoulder. My only reasoning that I can come up with as to why, is that he was stressed or overwhelmed by his lines at our conventions.

I never got to meet any of my other heroes from the Golden Age and Silver Age, such as Jack Kirby or Stan Lee.

I did get to meet Dave Cockrum at Heroes Con in 2006, which was one of my favorite experiences at a convention. Dave is definitely one of my comic book heroes. This was my first out-of-state convention, and only four months before Dave passed away. Dave was such a nice guy to me. He signed my X-Men #105 and #107. I also had an X-Men #99 price variant that Dave signed and it was CGC signature series'd. I wish I got a picture with Dave.

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On 5/2/2023 at 3:28 PM, KingOfRulers said:

I've always called George Perez my favorite comic book artist of all-time. There's that saying, "Don't meet your heroes". There's countless stories of everyone's wonderful experiences meeting George Perez. I'd like to say I had such a wonderful experience with George, but unfortunately mine wasn't as magical as most. George wasn't mean or rude, but he wasn't particularly friendly or open either. I'd want to chat with him, but he'd give me the cold shoulder. My only reasoning that I can come up with as to why, is that he was stressed or overwhelmed by his lines at our conventions.

I met him at one of the London LSCC conventions, 2016, I think, and felt I’d irritated him a bit by being a little too overeager or insistent about getting a detailed commission rather than a rough convention sketch.

Previously he’d always been incredibly friendly and exactly as he’s described by so many others.


This was at the last con he did here, and he was already struggling with health issues, such as failing eyesight and advancing diabetes, and having had a mother with the same complications, and recalling the toll it took on her,  I could understand and empathise with why he might not want to be pestered first thing in the morning by a desperate fanboy, and how tiring that kind of interaction might have been.

Other than that self-inflicted, one-off faux pas, I’d maintain that on all other occasions he was the friendliest, most engaging creator I’ve ever had the privilege of meeting, and remains one of my all-time great comic book icons.

Edited by Ken Aldred
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On 5/2/2023 at 12:20 PM, Robot Man said:

Sorry you never got to meet Dave. He was a wonderful guy. At the end of the day, he was just a “fan boy” just like us. He never forgot his roots and always dropped everything for his fans.

A good friend of mine was one of his best friends. He took me over to Dave’s place several times. I went to a lot of his parties as well. Being Hot Rod gearheads, we both shared our love of pretty, fast custom cars.

A wonderful guy who passed away WAY to soon. 

Yes, I only got to meet him once, but he was great. This was at DragonCon, which was a great show to meet comic folks at because comics are just one very small part of that very large show, so a lot of creators who would have a line a mile long at a "comic show" barely get any crowd at all at D-Con. I was looking for Dave's table, and found it but he was eating a sandwich, so I said I would come back later, and he insisted that it was fine and to come on over. I was the only one in line, bought a couple of prints, got some stuff signed, and just chatted for a bit. Lovely guy, really wish I'd spent longer with him but who could have known he'd be gone so soon?

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Had great experience with Ben Templesmith, super nice guy. Friendly, chatty, fun, gave me a great sketch on a book of his I bought.

Same with Mark Bagley. He didn't know his way around the show, and he was standing there holding a metal beam looking like a lost puppy. He recognised me from his line before where he did a Spider-Man sketch for me (I wanted Thing but my brain froze and I blurted out "Spider-Man!" like an insufficiently_thoughtful_person, sadly I no longer have that sketch, the ink faded on me, despite not being exposed to any sunlight or anything like that, no UV, it just faded and disappeared, so disappointed) and asked me to help him get to his signing area. I'd wandered around th4 con area already briefly and told him I think I can get you there. I asked him aren't you supposed to have staff assigned to you for this? He seemed confused by it all, so off we went, the blind leading the blind. We eventually got there, early. He thanked me profusely, and that was that. I went about my day with my friend group. We'd separated to go to different panels.

I wanted to go see the Bagley panel. I'm looking at the map checking the directions and I hear a placid voice behind me say "excuse me, Craig". I turned around and it was Mark again. He'd got lost AGAIN on the way to his own panel. Again, no con staff, just him looking like a lost lamb. So okay off we go again. He was stopped a few times and had to politely hurry them along as we were barely going to make it in time, as we had to get to another building. But we did eventually make it, cutting it extremely close. He got me a seat in the front row and publicly thanked me in front of everyone for bringing him here today (making it sound like I was the one responsible for bringing him over here from the US). Very awkward, very awkward, but he was a nice, tad eccentric, man. If I'm honest, it would have been nice to get a little sketch or something to commemorate the day, considering twice I went out of my way to get him to his panels and signings, something staff should have been doing, not random con-goers. That would have been nice, but alas, was not to be. I mean, this did cut into my time and plans. And I had to lead him to the toilets as a detour to the signing, and wait while he went. Anyway. 

I had a horrible experience with Chris Claremont, but I've already gone over that one a few times, so I won't bore you with the details on that one again. I'll just say he's a , and I regret spending the money I had to spend for his autograph, and the outrageously highly marked up copy of X-Men #1 (w/Jim Lee) I had to buy at the con just to get the signature (my fault for leaving my book at home). I'm ashamed every time I buy a book with his name on it, knowing that he's getting even just a few cents from my purchase. Just a massive wanker. 

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On 5/2/2023 at 12:26 PM, Robot Man said:

Being an “old guy”, I had the pleasure of meeting most of the GA and SA greats. It didn’t hurt having SDCC in my back yard where they all went to one time or another. Back when you could just walk up, chat a bit and get an autograph or two and maybe a picture. (At no charge, with no “witness”).

Can’t think of too many I missed except one. One of my all time favorites. Alex Schomburg. He was at one SDCC and I missed it that year… 

There is literally no one left that I have much desire to meet. 

That's awesome that you got to meet so many greats.

I'm assuming these guys were among your meets: How was your experience with Jack Kirby or John Buscema? 

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On 5/2/2023 at 4:52 PM, drbanner said:

Yes - Neal Adams, Bernie Wrightson, and George Perez (multiple times, 1st in 1981). All 3 were nice and welcoming, even Neal Adams who had a bit of a rep for being short with fans. It was at one of the 1st Megacons and I was one of the last people that made the cutoff for a drawing but it wouldn't be ready until the next day. I told him I was only there the one day so he quickly drew out a little Batman head shot for me, still have it.

Met Jim Steranko at Dragon Con in Atlanta, he was a bit of an . I approached him at his booth for a sig on my Strange Tales 167 when no one else was around and he literally got up and told me to come back after lunch.

Sadly, never got to meet Herb Trimpe but I did correspond with him via email about commissioning a Hulk drawing. Not that I was looking for one, but under no circumstances was he going to do another Hulk 181 recreation! lol

I always had nice interactions with Neal. Yes, he did irritate some fans. I never got that feeling from him though.

We had Bernie Wrightson at Indiana Comic Con one year. He was very sick by then. I barely talked to him. He just wasn't a chatty guy. Maybe it was because of his health/mental state, which I can understand. Too bad I didn't get to meet him in the prime of his health.

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On 5/2/2023 at 9:56 PM, KingOfRulers said:

I always had nice interactions with Neal. Yes, he did irritate some fans. I never got that feeling from him though


On 5/2/2023 at 9:52 PM, drbanner said:

Neal Adams who had a bit of a rep for being short with fans

I was going to post something along these lines about him, and I can imagine his bluntness might not work for some fans, but being from the north of England we can be quite similar; a familiar hardness and directness in tone, I suppose, which I was very comfortable with.

Glad I met him and got a brilliant movie version Thor commission, which I’ve posted several times here. 

Edited by Ken Aldred
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On 5/2/2023 at 1:52 PM, KingOfRulers said:

Some of the nicest creators I've met were those pictured below: Pablo Marcos, Allen Bellman, and Ron Wilson. I wouldn't call any of them among my "hero creators", but I will say that Marvel 2-In-1 Annual #7 pencilled by Ron Wilson is among my favorite comic books.

Other creators that I always had great interactions with that come to mind are: Neal Adams, Bob Camp, Dave DeVries, Mike Perkins, Arvell Jones, Joe Giella, Carl Potts, Khoi Pham, Sean Chen, and Mike Mayhew.




Jealous you got to meet Bellman. I discovered him about a year before he passed and was able to get a couple of commissions from him. Wanted to meet him in person and get a pic but unfortunately wasn't able to. Extremely nice and we even talked on the phone a couple of times while he was doing the commission. 

Growing up in San Diego and going to the Con in late 70's up to early 90's, I look back at some of the attendees who were there that I missed and am happy for those I met, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and others but can't lament those I missed. Back in the swing of cons now, I try to get the sig and selfie if they are open to it.

Edited by rexinnih
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On 5/2/2023 at 7:32 PM, rexinnih said:

Jealous you got to meet Bellman. I discovered him about a year before he passed and was able to get a couple of commissions from him. Wanted to meet him in person and get a pic but unfortunately wasn't able to. Extremely nice and we even talked on the phone a couple of times while he was doing the commission. 

Growing up in San Diego and going to the Con in late 70's up to early 90's, I look back at some of the attendees who were there that I missed and am happy for those I met, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and others but can't lament those I missed. Back in the swing of cons now, I try to get the sig and selfie if they are open to it.

Yes, Allen was a very nice man. I'm glad that you got to speak with him a couple of times. One of my flagship conventions was Tampa Bay Comic Con, and Allen lived not too far south of Tampa. We were lucky with that proximity which allowed us to feature Allen at the con several times. That picture I have with him was from San Francisco Comic Con. Amazing that he was still traveling and enthusiastic at that age. He was so kind.

What was it like meeting Jack?

Good luck at the conventions! I hope you meet some great creators and make some great memories.

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I actually missed Kirby, at least from what I recall, at the SD Con but got to meet him at a local comic store in the late 80's. Wasn't a huge crowd but he seemed genuinely nice and good for a little chat. I do remember this lady hovering over him who I didn't know at the time but later realized it must have been Roz xD

Ready now for the Washington State Summer con in June and have lucky to meet a few in the past few years (Claremont, Starlin, Jerry Conway, Roy Thomas, etc.) to get photos, comics and prints signed.

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