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Estimated Turnaround Times

34 posts in this topic

Estimated turnaround times are continuing to increase. When are the estimates applicable? Is my estimated turnaround time of each submission the #of days listed at time of submission, or time of receipt? Floating somewhere between? Or are my submissions from last month applicable to the newest estimated turnaround time now and increasing in the future? 

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On 5/11/2021 at 1:54 PM, Brandon Melnick said:

Estimated turnaround times are continuing to increase. When are the estimates applicable? Is my estimated turnaround time of each submission the #of days listed at time of submission, or time of receipt? Floating somewhere between? Or are my submissions from last month applicable to the newest estimated turnaround time now and increasing in the future? 

Hi, thank you for your question. Turnaround times start when the package is delivered to our secure facility.  CCG strives to post the most accurate turnaround times possible. However, a variety of factors, including submissions that are improperly packaged, items that require additional research and other circumstances, may result in delays. You can contact CSG customer service about your order by calling 888-274-4723 (toll free) or 941-361-1950, or email service@csgcards.com.

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3 hours ago, NicholePer said:

Hi, thank you for your question. Turnaround times start when the package is delivered to our secure facility.  CCG strives to post the most accurate turnaround times possible. However, a variety of factors, including submissions that are improperly packaged, items that require additional research and other circumstances, may result in delays. You can contact CSG customer service about your order by calling 888-274-4723 (toll free) or 941-361-1950, or email service@csgcards.com.

I'm still kind of confused by this.  I sent in a 15 card standard order that arrived at your facility on 4/8.  I don't know when you acknowledged it because the little app wasn't working then.  A couple weeks ago the app returned to the page and my order showed as received and stored safely, but doesn't give a date.  It hasn't ever showed up in my submissions.  So, if my standard order is supposed to be done in 32 days (the number of days promised when I placed the order) I calculate that 26 of those (Monday to Friday only) days are used up.  But without the order showing up in my submissions it seems unlikely that the order will be done in 32 (or even 45) days.  I know it's been said before, but I hope you plan on getting a bar code on your packages so when they enter the facility they get on our accounts.  It would reduce these questions by 90% (and probably most of the complaints).

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Turn around time increases are disappointing, to say the least, but understandable given the market.....having said that, my submission has been received (accordiing to tracking) but has not been scanned into your system yet.....it was shipped well before the cut off for price increases on bulk subs and you all have had the package for WEEKS....so my question is, even though you all received my package prior to the cut off date for rate increase, will I still be awarded the $8 price per that lead me to submit? 

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On 5/14/2021 at 3:20 PM, NicholePer said:

Hi, thank you for your question. Turnaround times start when the package is delivered to our secure facility.  CCG strives to post the most accurate turnaround times possible. However, a variety of factors, including submissions that are improperly packaged, items that require additional research and other circumstances, may result in delays. You can contact CSG customer service about your order by calling 888-274-4723 (toll free) or 941-361-1950, or email service@csgcards.com.

This response implies the fault primarily falls on the customers sending in submissions. Is this accurate? 

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On 5/19/2021 at 12:30 PM, rms13 said:

I'm pretty sure estimates are just estimates and subject to change

Yeah for sure...estimates / not guaranteed....those terms are all open for debate and definitely not concrete.

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4 hours ago, ItismeH said:

Yeah for sure...estimates / not guaranteed....those terms are all open for debate and definitely not concrete.

It's just hard predict time-frames when you're talking about potential 200% increases. If it's like 80 bus days and takes 90, that's not a big issue. If it's 80 and jumps to 160 that's a major problem. It's also subjective in terms of what tier level. A 300% increase on something like WK going from 5 to 15 days isn't necessarily a lot of time even though it's the same increase. If they were more open about their long term plan, or how they were planning on curbing TAT it would probably ease a lot of fears. Anytime someone ask hard questions they seem to go ghost though. Kind of like how long it took them to really acknowledge on the sub page that they are waaaay behind on getting packages opened.

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199 days is horrible , that means cards wont come back till jan or feb 2022 no thanks thats way to long to wait for cards and to get excuses about thicker slabs , csg holds the same value as sgc and for 25 a sgc card and getting it back with in weeks ill be going to them and waiting for psa to reopen , csg has dropped the ball with turn around times and excuses but once psa opens back up turn around times will drop cause everyone will go back to psa 

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8 minutes ago, Rob420 said:

199 days is horrible , that means cards wont come back till jan or feb 2022 no thanks thats way to long to wait for cards and to get excuses about thicker slabs , csg holds the same value as sgc and for 25 a sgc card and getting it back with in weeks ill be going to them and waiting for psa to reopen , csg has dropped the ball with turn around times and excuses but once psa opens back up turn around times will drop cause everyone will go back to psa 

Unfortunately turnaround times won't drop when PSA reopens CSG is just stock piling cards and won't send you your cards back ungraded once they have them they hold them hostage until they finish 

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you say that estimated times start when you receive the package at you facility i have had a package there since 4/28 and it still is not under submit tracking. i can track it and it says you have it. this was to take 90 something days when submitted and was done so to get in the old pricing before the price increase which we did.
i also have another economy package that was picked p by you guys 5/13 and its not showing either. this was to take around 61 days when submitted

my first package was received 4/6 and it still says scheduled for grading but when i called i had one person state it is in the slab room and another just yesterday says it hasn't been checked off for grading but shows it is in the slab room but she believes it could still be in the grading room. It would be nice to know exactly what is going on. this when submitted was in the 60 day range as well. so you can see we are approaching that and it would be nice to get some of my 194 crads back from 3 orders.


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5 hours ago, the10thinning said:

so if my order was marked received today does my 200 days start from today that I should expect to see some movement.  

From the day it was recorded as delivered to their facility. 

Edited by ItismeH
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I am super annoyed with CSG about this. I sent my first bulk submission in with someone and they have changed the turnaround times TWICE since I sent them. 

200 days is nuts. They cannot be more busy than SGC, who turns around cards in 3 weeks.

Hire more people!!! Stop snubbing the customer please

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I just hope CSG honors your turn around times when the cards were sent. I sent a bulk order when turnaround times was 80 days. They have not been marked in their system yet (i know this takes about a month or so), but i dont want to wait an additional 200 days now. Hopefully they will still honor the 80 days that it was at that time. 

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My package has been "available for pickup" since Saturday 5/22... I was told this designation is used by the post office when they are sorting packages to go to CSG due to the volume. I'm assuming the time sitting in this status does not count towards the 1-2 month check in time / TAT?

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At this point CSG is completely overwhelmed and won't admit it. If they actually cared about turnaround times they would stop all submissions and catch up. They are about three weeks on the week of March 29th deliveries, which is before PSA closed. If you submitted your cards in bulk when they said 60 days, it will take a year. These grading companies have no accountability and they don't care. If you want a grading company that is actually trying to uphold their turnaround times then use SGC. CSG is a complete joke. How could they have not been prepared for this? The only way that us customers can stop this nonsense is to complain. Post to their twitter, complain at BBB, and make CSG accountable for their misleading behavior. They went on youtube interviews saying how many graders they hired and how they were prepared to meet turnaround times. We all know now that this was rubbish. 

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18 minutes ago, Tito Padilla said:

I just hope CSG honors your turn around times when the cards were sent. I sent a bulk order when turnaround times was 80 days. They have not been marked in their system yet (i know this takes about a month or so), but i dont want to wait an additional 200 days now. Hopefully they will still honor the 80 days that it was at that time. 

CSG won't honor the turnaround times, this made me almost spit out my coffee from laughing! CGC Pokemon cards are still grading bulk from December and January when the turnaround time was 38 business days I think. You will wait and there is nothing you can do. CSG just keeps on piling up grading submissions and gets further behind every day. "Turnaround times are estimates only and are NOT guaranteed." They will honor nothing.

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While it was to be expected...I am surprised on how quickly CSG has felt the impact of submissions. 

In just 2.5 months....TAT for Bulk now stands at 199 days. It looks like it takes roughly 2.5 months for submissions to be received if not Express/Walk-Thru. 

PSA made the decision to close submissions so they could "catch up" and what I assume will be to scale/optimize operations. 

If CSG wanted to provided better service while growing/maintaining a clientele of submitters they should probably pump the breaks on submissions #s. 

What's the end game guys? Wait until TATs have eclipsed 365 days? Raise prices every few months indefinitely? 

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