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Everything posted by Tec-Tac-Toe

  1. FEDEX should change its name to "EFUEX". "We'll nail you at every opportunity! Have a nice day."
  2. CGC should create a Mark Jewelers set that lists all the comic book with the insert. I believe, however, that it would require someone interested in having such a set to assemble a list of all such books and post it with a request on the 2023 THIS SET DOESN'T EXIST, PLEASE BUILD REQUESTS thread because CGC will likely not create it. It may be a bit of work to assemble the list as I have created lists for two current sets.
  3. I very much enjoyed season one and am looking forward to the upcoming one.
  4. Every comic book I have ever purchased or thought of purchasing, every comic book I have had graded, and ever learning comic books exist.
  5. I agree in that although I only slab comic books and magazines for my personal collection it would still be greatly appreciated to ensure that the product I receive from CGC is at a high rate of quality. Of course, some product will not be at that level, but that is what ME is for, not for having to send, I'll write, 50% of what I receive back for correction. Whether that is due to QC problems or shipping damage is irrelevant to me because it still has to be returned to CGC to be fixed.
  6. Someone could have walked from AH to SC much faster than that while resting for seven days. Granted, perhaps they did with a quick stop in OH.
  7. Ah, south Florida, where I mowed my lawn of St. Augustine Grass once a week without fail other than during the relatively cooler months when the growth slowed down. When I finished one section and looked at what I had just mowed it needed to be mowed again. Now that I pay to have my lawn mowed at my residence in south Fl, while I reside in MD, following my retirement if I move back to south Fl, instead of selling the house while it remains above water, I may commence mowing my lawn again or continue paying a lawn company to do so.
  8. Ordering comic books, receiving them, opening the package, holding the comic books, looking at them, grading them if raw, especially reading them if raw (of course for me since I will not crack a slab unless required for whatever reason) or I purchased a raw copy of a graded one. I love every aspect of comic books.
  9. I'm buying the relatively cheap CGC graded comic books that very few others want. Why am I doing this? Perhaps because I just need to purchase endless amounts of CGC graded comic books. However, thanks to your post, I'll now take a closer look at the Silver Age keys that I don't own or want another (or another, another, another, ....) copy of?
  10. In the USA (part of the "West" of course) for soon going on two decades some of a, I'll write, political leaning, do not wish that any negative aspect of USA history (such as slavery, Jim Crow, institutional racism, antisemitism, treatment of indigenous peoples) be intellectually discussed. However, individuals that look upon Nazism as a positive, for example, are tacitly embraced by many of that political leaning. Consequently, at least in that respect, your point that "In the West, if you talk about negative aspects of society or history, you are considered a sympathizer. It's offensive, it triggers and it needs to be quieted" is incorrect. Further, such can also be argued for the UK among other western nations. As concerns Canada, I will not venture to address that as I am not as well versed in this aspect of Canadian events and history as I should be. As regards the "East" your point is also very muted because unless someone has been living under the proverbial rock, in the "East" speaking of such very frequently leads in many nations of that region to someone being imprisoned and likely tortured and, too often, being murdered by the State. Concerning "This seems to be one of the deepest rooted problems in society currently" there are, as you note, many deep rooted problems in society that currently exist which are due, I argue (as do a great many), to historical conditions. That is, these problems did not just not suddenly materialize but are the current manifestations and ramifications of actions that have been churning for very long periods, some longer than others. For example, the current technological divide in the USA, I'll focus on access to the internet, is due to (edit No. 2), among other factors, (end edit) to long standing issues of racism and poverty with, for example, inner city African Americans and white individuals in Appalachia not generally having access to the internet from their homes. [I am not accustomed to writing such analysis; albeit, very basic; on the internet, doing academic analysis for "hard copy" venues where one has the luxury of editing prior to "publication." Kindly pardon my errors.] In sum, our views of the "... deepest rooted problems in society currently" likely differ. However, that is, obviously, fine as such disagreements as long as no one is hurt by them (as, unfortunately, too often happens as I note) is one of the things that makes life interesting and, regrettably, there are (edit) too to few of those. I will not say more on this as, clearly, this is far too political and, as my post history shows, I visit these boards to have fun and, more often than not, post tripe.
  11. I read that post. This is another example of why following the end of my paid membership in September I must very carefully consider if it is worth continuing with such not to write, but I will, of having to determine if a slabbed comic book is authentic. Thankfully, I only purchase CGC graded comic books from reputable dealers and my days of purchasing expensive ones is likely over and the cheap ones I buy will likely never be worth "faking" because, well, who the hell wants them but me.
  12. That is what occurs to the tape at the bottom edges of the heavier boxes that I have received. To my recollection, the tape on the top edges is typically still intact and holding however loosely.
  13. And include a "free" lollipop with each shipment of the new and improved slabs.
  14. To repeat,. (edit) I'll note that in my case the tape has torn at the bottom edges of the boxes for every large shipment. As I previously wrote, I have been fortunate that it has not completely torn in any of them. Due to that bit of luck, I have not contacted MCS concerning this matter but will do so today so that, if nothing else, MCS is aware of it. Lastly, I'll add that I reside in MD and perhaps the trip the boxes take from TX to the east coast with UPS' rough handling (the boxes usually have dented corners) causes the tape to tear. Edit: I just contacted MCS.
  15. "However, I noticed that with recent case shipments from CGC, they are no longer placing the cardboard over the open part of the box that used to serve as the top of "box within the box."" In my experience, CGC shipping went from good to okay to bad to worse and, clearly, it has gotten even worse. I dread what is up (or is that down) next.
  16. Indeed the prices of new comic books is ... well, it stinks. I stopped purchasing new releases for about two years over a decade ago; and the prices back then were, in my view, exorbitant. Still and unfortunately (although it pains me to write the latter because I do enjoy reading the ones I buy), I commenced purchasing them again paying even more . However, since the prices only ever increase, I can't recall that they ever decreased, I will very likely be buying significantly less going forward and perhaps increase my purchase of raw vintage comic books although that is already excessive.
  17. I apologize for my late response. You are welcome. I believe that MCS will address this issue since, as you wrote, it it likely the weight of the comic books that causes the tape to tear. For example, when I purchase (win at auction) CGC graded comic books from MCS even a large number of them do not cause the tape to tear since their weight is relatively minimal.