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Everything posted by nocutename

  1. +1 Although, I hope it gets resolved much sooner. Thanks. For some reason I thought it was shorter. 30 days to complete a transaction would including shipping time, no? It's a member that isn't on here often. Just frustrating since he was the one that made the contact to purchase after the thread was closed. So we is well aware that payment is due. It is such a small amount too. I just want to have the ability to sell them on ebay sooner than later.
  2. How long do we currently have to wait for payment? Someone made an offer on two trades from my closed sales thread on 3/8. I countered, they accepted and requested my paypal address. I sent it within 30 minutes. No payment and the PM was unread, so I sent a follow up PM on 3/12. So can I just send a separate PM requesting payment within 3 days or do I have to wait for the another 21 days before doing so. I just feel like 9 days is way too long to wait for payment when the person initiated the offer. Thanks
  3. Jared helped clean out the top half of my closet with a nice purchase! Paid quickly and nice to talk with! Thanks
  4. It's funny that you bumped this thread because I was poking around here this morning. Mylite2 make my junky comics look great! I just thinking of getting Mylites+ for some of my cheap moderns but I don't know if they would look as nice. I am tired of getting supplies and the bags just crinkle up after a few years.
  5. I have a question, why are some dealers posting new sales threads when VCC is this weekend?
  6. The only "powers that be" are all the board members. There are no individuals that hold more or less "power" than any other board member. Such an idealist It is not being an idealist. it is being a realist. Anyone can express themselves here. If others are applying pressure to have their way done it should be brought out. I follow and express my own ideas and the only influence on me is a well-reasoned response. It is not a difficult thing to do. All someone has to do is just do it. Pov, that is a sweet thought but in practice doesn't work. I have spoken up in this thread at times when I do feel that injustice is being done or a mob like thinking is overtaking a rational one. Every instance I am met with lawyer backtalk and relentless arguing over the same point. I feel like I am personally being attacked during those times but I post anyway to hopefully provide a different view. I fail every single time. So, no I do feel that there is a group of posters here that run the trial and outsider's voice fail to matter.
  7. I tried collecting My Secret Life but the PQ was terrible that I stopped after getting a handful of issues. It is a shame because that title had a few interesting stories as well.
  8. Sounds like a fantastic find! My romance issues tend to be VG and under. I am thrilled when I find them at all at my cheap price range so I don't worry about condition so much.
  9. I've found this to be a VERY tough book to find in solid shape. I'd love a decent copy. So would I. I love that cover.
  10. I think your post got lost in the shuffle. If you paid with a charge card through Paypal, I would call them first and dispute the charge. Else, just file a claim with Paypal asap. Good luck!
  11. You did very well. It looks like you got complete runs or large portions of complete runs. I just sold off most of my manga. If you sell them on ebay, I just look at recent sales to price them out. Like Rurouni Kenshin I think I sold it between $150.00- $175.00. Not top dollar but still great for a used set of books. Also, free shipping seems to make the higher priced manga lots sell. But if you are curious to read one, I would select Rurouni Kenshi. Don't shy away by the number of volumes in the series. There is a lot of fight scenes and it isn't dialogue heavy.
  12. Yes. Can we please have more regulation of the Selling area? It is so much better than individuals handling the business themselves and voting with their wallets. I gotta disagree with that. It more has to do with operating in a business-like and professional manner. If a seller can't be bothered to use a calculator to work up your pricing, what else are they cutting corners on? To simply hope that the general populace will "vote with their wallet" sounds lazy. That's basically saying that no one's feelings should be hurt or no one should be put out of their way to conduct business around here - because it's a free market, and if you're an assclown, you won't get any business and you'll eventually go away. It's a simple rule to make, and requires very little of the seller to implement. We've wasted 10X more energy discussing it than if it were just enacted to simplify and streamline the selling process. No one's civil liberites are violated in asking them to use their brains to calcuate a 3% fee into their selling price. A seller that gives a break for someone paying by check/money order is not operating in a business-like and professional manner? After a quick review of what's out there, guessing a lot of this is directed at my thread since I didn't see others asking for the 3%. It very well could be the sellers preference to do business in this manner. More and more on high-dollar transactions, it makes no sense to me to give 3% to paypal for no reason, not 3% of my money and not 3% of the buyers money. Generally I discount well beyond the 3% for cash based transactions and give the buyer the option of giving their money to paypal. I understand the protection that paypal gives to buyers. If anyone is worried about not getting something they pay me for, they're generally going to be better off shopping somewhere else anyway. I am sorry but you are not GIVING Paypal 3% your are actually PAYING for a service they provide. If you don't care for that service, then you should do business elsewhere. Google offers a service to pay for items. Use that one then. Regardless of how you feel about Paypal it is still a business and they charge for their service.
  13. How old is your daughter? Why don't you try some digest then. The covers are tamer and the interior stories are good. If she likes Sabrina, I am currently reading the manga series and it is fantastic! It runs from 58-100. There is a subplot in the issues so she would need all of the issues. The first few issues are collected in a small digest trade. You can get that for her to check out. Archie is starting to do TPBs so maybe that is the way to go for her. This is the series - http://www.mycomicshop.com/search?tid=236921&pgi=51 The tpb can be ordered directly from Archie's webstore - http://archiecomics.stores.yahoo.net/samare.html
  14. Those are beautiful! I don't collect Marvel books but after seeing the interiors on ML 12 from this blog, I put it on my want list.
  15. So no one else believes that there should be some guideline rules for these private transactions? Right in this thread recently was another newbie that was called out but he wasn't aware of this list either. We can be proactive here and make up a short few rules that the buyer or seller can link so everyone involved knows the consequences.
  16. I am not being thick or stupid. This is how I see it. 1) Buyer solicited new member to sell said book 2) New member is now wearing a seller hat that maybe he has no experience with seller or does have the same high standards that this board inflicts on people. Going with this notion, we need rules for these type of private deals. So those that think I am thick or whatever, I AM PUSHING THIS ISSUE TO HAVE RULES ABOUT THESE TYPE OF TRANSACTIONS. It puts everyone on the same playing ground. It is not a question for me about where this was an "official contract" It is about needing guidelines set up about these transactions. Seriously, if the buyer didn't solicit the seller, I would not be chiming in at all. I personally don't think it is fair to put someone on a prob list without having this in place. Most of the post here are assuming that everyone knows the proper selling etiquette or contract law. There are a ton of people out there that are selling, listing the same items at different venues. These type of sellers aren't concerned with gentlemen's agreements, they are just looking for whomever is waving the money first. We are getting an influx of new posters here that may or may not fall into this type of seller category. Seller integrity is changing for the worst. But you cannot expect someone to raise up to the higher standards (what I believe and why I still post here) of selling on the CGC boards without setting up some guidelines. We should be proactive and set up rules for private transactions. So sorry if this type of out of the box thinking makes me stupid or thick or an insufficiently_thoughtful_person.
  17. Sharon and Comics4fun, don't take this the wrong way but I don't need a lesson in contract law or what constitutes an offer. I can read, I still don't agree. No one is suing over this book, are they? Yes the seller could have done tons of things but didn't. Maybe I would feel different if the seller had the book for sale and wasn't solicited by the buyer. I am not sure. For me, it stinks the way it went down but I don't feel everything is that cut and dry either. I really believe and have mentioned this in the past, that we should have some rules about these type of deals. Then when a newbie comes on board, they know how to play fairly. It's ok to have your opinion but, factually, it's completely outside the bounds of accepted business practices and established law. But most sellers aren't lawyers. I knew you would chime in with contract law. Once again, I am not going to debate you. This is a comic forum with first time sellers or sellers with little experience. These behind the door transactions need two communication. Once that stops the transaction stops. That is just common sense. It's standard business practice. There's no market in the world that expects everyone to stand there nodding their acceptance back and forth repeatedly, like a pair of bobbleheads as they exchange money for goods. I reject the notion that this is some sort of "short bus" version of real commerce. We are all adults. We offer, we accept, we pay, we ship. There aren't special rules just for this place. You want to do business? You do it the right way or you don't do it at all. What you are proposing is a perpetual motion machine of people bowing before each other like Gaijinn businessmen on their first trip to Tokyo. Face to face transaction: Seller - Yeah I'll sell it for x. Buyer - I guess I will take it then. Seller not liking the reply, states you know what it isn't for sale anymore. This doesn't happen ever? I see this happen at garage sales, LCSs and in small privately owned stores all the time. The seller has the final word to accept or reject, they own the item. Does it make it right, no. You are trying to change your stance on this by adding that last sentence. Of course its not right, which is the entire argument. No, I am not changing my stance. I still stand by that this is not a probation issue. Until, there are clear cut rules outlining proper protocol for private transactions, there needs to be clear communication between both parties. Once the sell cut off communication, the buyer should have just walked away. It isn't an official deal until both parties say OK. Jeannine, the seller made an offer with a price and the buyer said OK. Not sure what happened to the seller after, most of his answers are contradictory, but .. THIS was the OFFER campbelljh3 PM 08/20/12 02:05 PM My reply 08/20/12 03:02 PM I don't see a question about it being an offer and an acceptance...I'd still like to know where the book went. IF he was juggling two people and he sold it to someone else...or if he decided to have it "upgraded" . ...or if there was something else that happened (aliens took it, etc;) . If the seller does not want to respond in a clear and logical manner, then a decision should be made on the facts we do have.
  18. I didn't mean to imply anything as to how your transaction went down. As you stated and posted, it was very clear that it was a volley back and forth, then he removed himself. I am still unclear if you PM'd him after he removed himself which if you did makes no sense to me. Is there something you are reading in my post to that makes you believe I am implying something? I am also unclear as to when the second book was offer that you past up because for some reason you thought this deal was still active. Really why would you want to go through a transaction when someone rudely removes themselves from the very PM you are negotiating on? Furthermore, why would you not send a new PM to figure out if the deletion was an accident? I don't mean to give you a hard time but sometimes common sense falls into place. What I read about with this transaction, I would have walked away and washed my hands of it. You are dealing with a new member. The way he has conducted himself over the past few days should tell you something. Once again, I think we need rules for private transactions.
  19. It's ok to have your opinion but, factually, it's completely outside the bounds of accepted business practices and established law. But most sellers aren't lawyers. I knew you would chime in with contract law. Once again, I am not going to debate you. This is a comic forum with first time sellers or sellers with little experience. These behind the door transactions need two communication. Once that stops the transaction stops. That is just common sense. It's standard business practice. There's no market in the world that expects everyone to stand there nodding their acceptance back and forth repeatedly, like a pair of bobbleheads as they exchange money for goods. I reject the notion that this is some sort of "short bus" version of real commerce. We are all adults. We offer, we accept, we pay, we ship. There aren't special rules just for this place. You want to do business? You do it the right way or you don't do it at all. What you are proposing is a perpetual motion machine of people bowing before each other like Gaijinn businessmen on their first trip to Tokyo. Face to face transaction: Seller - Yeah I'll sell it for x. Buyer - I guess I will take it then. Seller not liking the reply, states you know what it isn't for sale anymore. This doesn't happen ever? I see this happen at garage sales, LCSs and in small privately owned stores all the time. The seller has the final word to accept or reject, they own the item. Does it make it right, no. You are trying to change your stance on this by adding that last sentence. Of course its not right, which is the entire argument. No, I am not changing my stance. I still stand by that this is not a probation issue. Until, there are clear cut rules outlining proper protocol for private transactions, there needs to be clear communication between both parties. Once the sell cut off communication, the buyer should have just walked away. It isn't an official deal until both parties say OK.
  20. It's ok to have your opinion but, factually, it's completely outside the bounds of accepted business practices and established law. But most sellers aren't lawyers. I knew you would chime in with contract law. Once again, I am not going to debate you. This is a comic forum with first time sellers or sellers with little experience. These behind the door transactions need two communication. Once that stops the transaction stops. That is just common sense. It's standard business practice. There's no market in the world that expects everyone to stand there nodding their acceptance back and forth repeatedly, like a pair of bobbleheads as they exchange money for goods. I reject the notion that this is some sort of "short bus" version of real commerce. We are all adults. We offer, we accept, we pay, we ship. There aren't special rules just for this place. You want to do business? You do it the right way or you don't do it at all. What you are proposing is a perpetual motion machine of people bowing before each other like Gaijinn businessmen on their first trip to Tokyo. Face to face transaction: Seller - Yeah I'll sell it for x. Buyer - I guess I will take it then. Seller not liking the reply, states you know what it isn't for sale anymore. This doesn't happen ever? I see this happen at garage sales, LCSs and in small privately owned stores all the time. The seller has the final word to accept or reject, they own the item. Does it make it right, no. Excellent POINT! By all means, please do not take any of my post or opinions to believe that I am in court. My posting has to do about what actually defines a private transaction as a done deal. I don't believe you are in the 100% correct and feel that you suddenly formed a new strategy to bulk offer the comics, thus leaving Fox in the dust.
  21. It's ok to have your opinion but, factually, it's completely outside the bounds of accepted business practices and established law. But most sellers aren't lawyers. I knew you would chime in with contract law. Once again, I am not going to debate you. This is a comic forum with first time sellers or sellers with little experience. These behind the door transactions need two communication. Once that stops the transaction stops. That is just common sense. It's standard business practice. There's no market in the world that expects everyone to stand there nodding their acceptance back and forth repeatedly, like a pair of bobbleheads as they exchange money for goods. I reject the notion that this is some sort of "short bus" version of real commerce. We are all adults. We offer, we accept, we pay, we ship. There aren't special rules just for this place. You want to do business? You do it the right way or you don't do it at all. What you are proposing is a perpetual motion machine of people bowing before each other like Gaijinn businessmen on their first trip to Tokyo. Face to face transaction: Seller - Yeah I'll sell it for x. Buyer - I guess I will take it then. Seller not liking the reply, states you know what it isn't for sale anymore. This doesn't happen ever? I see this happen at garage sales, LCSs and in small privately owned stores all the time. The seller has the final word to accept or reject, they own the item. Does it make it right, no.
  22. I must admit I'm slightly confused. In his want to buy thread, the seller states he no longer has the book. I wish he'd post here and explain that one. Did he sell it before Matt replied? Sharon, for me there are a few things unclear about the exchange of communication and when the book was sold. For that matter when the other book was offered for sale. I have a hard time understanding how someone here for 6 years doesn't understand how removing one from a PM works.
  23. Not sure if I agree with this. I read it like this: Seller: The book is $100. Buyer: Okay. Done deal. Why state a price for me on a book you're selling only to reject me after I agree? I agree with you, The person gave a price and it was accepted. It's no different from a buyer placing the in a sales thread and expecting the sale to go ahead By nocutename reasoning once the is placed in the thread we should all be waiting for a resonse from the seller agreeing the buyers agreeance The seller has to agree to it else you have what happened here no sale or miscommunication. My opinions are never in the popular camp but I give them anyway. Just because the Buyer agrees doesn't make it a done deal as the seller still has acknowledge the deal. A sales thread is completely different than a private sale like this. In a sales thread, we have board rules on how a thread is conducted. I don't believe we have such rules for PM or non-sales thread sales. Which is why when these go awry, there is confusion as to if this is a probation issue. Perhaps, the boards should have some guidelines about closed deals like this. I still stand by my opinion that this isn't one. The seller removed himself from the PM, thereby rejecting the acceptance. The buyer could have sent a separate PM with a new acceptance but didn't. respectfully I would disagree, once a price is offered to a potential buyer I am trying to sell him an item. Just as I would if it was a sales thread on the boards. When he says he will buy that item I consider it sold and plan accordingly. Let me ask this. If Fox had said ok but then decided he didnt want the book and removed himself from the PM topic would he be on the probation list right now? I am almost 99% sure that everyone here would be fine with the seller nominating him to the list even if the seller didnt say after Fox stated he would take the book at the offered price via PM. That raises a good point and yes I would feel that Fox would be on the hook in your case. From his end he has communicated that he wants the book for x amount.
  24. How can the seller not have agreed to it? he offered the deal. How can he offer a deal and then not agree to the deal he offered? It doesn't make any sense. There could be a million reasons. The time period between offering and buyer actually accepting the book, the book could be sold or could get destroyed or just plain seller not wanting to sell it. Do we have rules for private sales in the sale forum?