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Everything posted by nocutename

  1. It's ok to have your opinion but, factually, it's completely outside the bounds of accepted business practices and established law. But most sellers aren't lawyers. I knew you would chime in with contract law. Once again, I am not going to debate you. This is a comic forum with first time sellers or sellers with little experience. These behind the door transactions need two communication. Once that stops the transaction stops. That is just common sense.
  2. Not sure if I agree with this. I read it like this: Seller: The book is $100. Buyer: Okay. Done deal. Why state a price for me on a book you're selling only to reject me after I agree? I agree with you, The person gave a price and it was accepted. It's no different from a buyer placing the in a sales thread and expecting the sale to go ahead By nocutename reasoning once the is placed in the thread we should all be waiting for a resonse from the seller agreeing the buyers agreeance The seller has to agree to it else you have what happened here no sale or miscommunication. My opinions are never in the popular camp but I give them anyway. Just because the Buyer agrees doesn't make it a done deal as the seller still has acknowledge the deal. A sales thread is completely different than a private sale like this. In a sales thread, we have board rules on how a thread is conducted. I don't believe we have such rules for PM or non-sales thread sales. Which is why when these go awry, there is confusion as to if this is a probation issue. Perhaps, the boards should have some guidelines about closed deals like this. I still stand by my opinion that this isn't one. The seller removed himself from the PM, thereby rejecting the acceptance. The buyer could have sent a separate PM with a new acceptance but didn't.
  3. When did he ignore your PM? Was it when you stated you'll take it? Or did you send a new PM to him? If the latter, when did this happen? If it is the former, it's your perception that he ignored anything. He read it but didn't reply. Here's my take, an deal isn't completed until both parties state, OK. Seller: $ Buyer: Yes Seller: accept or reject You didn't receive the acknowledgement from the seller nor did you clearly communicate your desire to purchase it. If you stated "I'll take it but I didn't want to spend that much." I think it would change my thoughts. Some people tune out anything after see a negative response. I don't know if that is what happened in this case. Personally, after the seller removed himself from the topic, I would consider myself free to purchase a different copy. Why? Because the third step wasn't an acceptance but a rejection. I feel bad because it looks like you wanted to hold up your end and missed out on another copy. But I don't see all the elements here that made the deal solid.
  4. Zarduzi - before that is done can you say how this was revealed? (thumbs u Here's the ID History http://contact.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ReturnUserIdHistory&requested=pedigreesforless
  5. That is completely wide open for interpretation. If you didn't want priority mail or xyz then you should have expressed it. When I buy something I state to sandwich board comics between cardboard because that is my shipping needs. If I don't my mailman will fold the envelope in half and jam it into my mailbox. Does every seller do this? Actually, yes. Is it stiff rigid cardboard that is hard to bend. No. Do I penalize the seller? No, because I didn't specify that the package should not be bendable. I think it is an unreasonable request to include that requirement. Plus I get a lot of strange packing material as it is so I am scared of what they would use to make it inflexible.
  6. That's what should have been done in this case. So now the seller that needed the cash so bad is out have the cost of shipping. I don't know exactly what was being shipped or why there were multiple packages sent but if you have certain shipping needs then that should be expressed to the seller.
  7. This bothers me too much not to say something. You are a seller. Would you just ship out something and bill out the buyer later? This makes no sense to me especially since you acknowledged that the seller was unsure of the shipping cost. I have gone to the post office to weigh packages in order to finalize shipping cost many times. However since you agreed to pay shipping later then I feel you should be responsible for the entire shipping cost. I feel that it is your lesson for not getting a finalized invoice before the packages were shipped. This has nothing to do with handle holding, you agreed to pay later without stating any preference. If the seller provided a cost upfront then you would have been able to provide input about your preferred shipping methods.
  8. Sorry that you are going through this with that buyer. Have you called paypal yet? Personally, I would just to state your case and stress that a missing label shouldn't really qualify for a refund. Plus, maybe it would alert Paypal to what this guy is really up to. Hope this works out in your favor.
  9. You are the one responsible to get the book returned to the customer. I don't see anyone acting like a "tough guy" maybe a ...
  10. you may have to wait for the paypal outcome and see if the book is returned before you can nominate the buyer if you want, out the buyer anyway and see if he/she shows up here Yes. Please out this person so I don't have to sell to him. I'd like to know as well I didn't realize the reholder fee had been bumped up to $80 a book. Sounds like someone's dipped in the peyote bucket again. I countered him with a $30 refund and he accepted. That should cover a reholder and some shipping assuming it really is damaged. The guy's user name is gecko157 for those of you that care. I guess it is resolved but he is now on my ignore list and I will never have any dealings with him again. So he never PM you pictures of the damage? Since he very new member I would have asked for pictures. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php
  11. A friendly buyer and overall good transaction. Enjoy the books!
  12. I need some guidance. I am selling him a book that he listed over on the WTB forum. He shorted me a buck and finally paid it yesterday. I don't want to sell to anyone who isn't in good standing. So, is it OK to hold off shipping until this is resolved. I just PM'd him to look at this thread. if he already paid you, should probably send him the comic. Or I guess you could give him his money back, but I wouldn't do so saying you guys can do the deal again once his other stuff is cleared up. Either send the comic or give him his money back and call it a day. I wouldn't hold his money in either case. This is just a strange situation for me. I am sure that it will get resolved but I don't know if I am comfortable finishing the transaction until the other matter is cleared up.
  13. I need some guidance. I am selling him a book that he listed over on the WTB forum. He shorted me a buck and finally paid it yesterday. I don't want to sell to anyone who isn't in good standing. So, is it OK to hold off shipping until this is resolved. I just PM'd him to look at this thread.
  14. It's funny, I ordered them online twice, and they never showed either time. They don't seem too eager to let me try them... Jon, I had some problems ordering the padded flat rate envelopes as well. I think third times the charm but I may have just re-registered, I don't recall. But once they do get the "order" then it comes directly from NJ and only takes a few days.
  15. How do you decides which are 1092 worthy?
  16. After I spent 30 seconds getting you a link? http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1646534&gonew=1#UNREAD You were quick Mike! I edited it 20 seconds after I posted it. Thanks for the help though! I just noticed Brent from Quality Comix is on the probation list. Anyone have an update with that? No problem. I wonder if Brent ever sent out those invoices? I don't know Mike. I PM'd him a few days ago about transaction he has with a member over at the Corral and he has even read it yet. But he may get PMs emailed to him. So he could have read it offline.
  17. Girl Land - slightly more than 1/2 way through and disappointed. Nothing groundbreaking and just marginally interesting, IMO.
  18. Just pimping my VCC booth... Sunday discount - $1.00 off all TPB/HC that are over $3.00! Yes, I have TPBs that are $3.00 and one lower, so stop by and take a look. Plus a package deal on Love and Rockets comics. Nocutename's corner
  19. I think Barry Allen's first appearance was from an early issue of some obscure title back in the 1950s. interesting lead... Barry who?
  20. Yes. Simply state in you opening post that you have the right to refuse to sell to anyone for any reason. Okay, so say someone I don't want to sell to puts up the on a comic. I can follow that post with a comment that it's still available? It seems mean. I suppose I can keep it vague, just say it's still available with no reason...Still, I could see it turning into a thread-derailing battle. I don't know if there is an easy way to state it but I do agree that you should be able to only sell to the members you are comfortable dealing with.
  21. I missed all this. Can someone give me a brief recap of what happened? Thanks. Well he's deleted ALL of the "Rah!! Rah!! Let's do it for the kids" and "Wizard and GPA and CGC and Harley Yee have all donated to the cause". Now it's straight for sale thread without all the implications that these auctions are for charity. Probably for the best since he couldn't/refused to answer very simple questions about what the money was for, how it was going to be used, etc. People were donating books, listing them in that original thread, assuming it was going directly to the kids. I don't think they ever got an answer. I don't think that was an accident.
  22. Yes, i always buy my VF copper slabbed. What a thought out and cost effective solution. be sarcastic all you want. but it's the truth. if the OP did, he wouldn't be having this problem. we all know that grading is subjective on raw books. These do seem to be major grading flaws, though. Not quibbles. Still, I wonder for the OP what would make him whole? $10? A few more books? Seems like a very good deal and the 'wiggle room' should have been disclosed up front in the transaction rather than post sale. Is it simply lack of communication or did you really want compensation? Does seem like you got an exceptionally good deal to start with. If I were selling, I would acknowledge the oversight, but not sure I would give back money given the deal. Maybe a credit for a future purchase? Maybe ask buyer to send back books on his dime and then refund the price of those books within the deal? Curious what others would do in the seller's position. This is helpful for me as I contemplate starting my first sales thread. I don't know. For me, I would just want to return the entire stack unless there was enough in grade, then just the few books in question. Once you hit a rusty staple, for me the deal is sour. I cannot comment on the other two problem comics without seeing scans. The OP had missed the water damage the first time around. I can see that being missed by the seller as well. I think the major problem is the lack of communication. The seller should have at least acknowledged the PMs.