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Everything posted by MisterX

  1. Jonah Hex is one of my favorite BA books. The stories are can be gritty, funny, heart-breaking -- please remember, folks, that the horrible movie has nothing to do with the real Jonah Hex! It's a really great run, right up until the end when it kind of goes kablooey because of editorial mischief and a little something called Crisis on Infinite Earths. The series afterward, Hex, is only so-so, but you can find the whole run for pretty cheap. On to the books...
  2. Wow, this is some haul! http://www.ebay.com/itm/222280773713?ul_noapp=true I wonder why he doesn't break it up? Also, do you think those bags have headers and he just folded them over for the picture?
  3. Hit the NYCC today and picked up some great BA Marvel romance from Dale Roberts. He's got a pretty sharp My Love 14, for anybody who's looking. I told him it ought to be a wall book!
  4. Sweet! Your picture frame romance books are always super sharp! According to Mike'sAmazing World of Comics, Ron Wilson is the cover artist. Why do you suppose CGC didn't credit him on the label?
  5. This is one of my favorites. Toth does great work here. "The Bride of the Falcon" was also reprinted in one of those DC Blue Ribbon digests in the early 80s. In the pre-internet days, that was a tough book to find.
  6. *Sob!* Where's the love? Here are three recent pickups... Anybody else got any recent BA romance they'd like to post?
  7. Also, can someone tell me which episode featured Sgt. Rock?
  8. My first LCS was this place called Fantasia in Hartsdale, NY run by the infamous Danny Dupcak. Sometimes my friends and I would walk or take the bus over to Yonkers, where the Dragons Den was still going strong. And on really special occasions, I'd sometimes get to go to Forbidden Planet in NYC, which was great because they carried a bunch of British comic imports like 2000 AD progs and Battle. Later, I worked at Heroes World in White Plains, NY. All the comics collected during those years are long gone.
  9. Thanks, John! I agree, WWT is different from the other BA war books of the time. I think the younger, rotating staff of writers could partly be the reason why. It wasn't always Kanigher all the time. (Although he did go berserk on WWT later with the Creature Commandos!) I also think the anti-war feeling at the time had a major influence on the title as well. When David Michelinie took over writing the Unknown Soldier stories in SSWS 183, the series took on a grittier, BA tone until Bob Haney took over around SSWS 205/Unknown Soldier 205. Then the tone switched back to more action/adventure without any moral quandries. Unknown Soldier is deifinitely one of my favorite books. And, I confess, I like the Creature Commandos. Even G.I. Robot!
  10. I wonder if this Whitman Sgt. Rock 329 went to anyone around here? http://www.ebay.com/itm/122057827003?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  11. That's OK, it sounds like a cool 3-pack!
  12. W-11 Black N/A Star Spangled War Stories 176, Our Fighting Forces 146, Weird War Tales 20 Thanks, Greggy!
  13. So, last December I was asking the DC BA war guys if any of them had any sealed 3-packs of the DC BA war titles. I never even knew they existed until I stumbled across this completed auction on eBay -- http://www.ebay.com/itm/DC-3-Pack-1977-Sgt-Rock-315-Weird-War-Tales-62-Unknown-Soldier-214-CGC-IT-/272016575094?hash=item3f55738a76:g:9Y4AAOSwA4dWHmYM&rmvSB=true Anybody here have a DC BA war 3-pack? Jeffro confirmed he has one with WWT 42 and two others books. So that's at least two that exist. Does anyone know if they made any more? Got any pix to share?
  14. It's been quiet around here. Too quiet! Here's a few Weird War Tales I picked up recently. Luis Dominguez...
  15. I haven't been following this show, but I'm a big Jonah Hex fan, so I recorded the episode and finally watched it tonight. Overall, I liked it. the actor playing Hex did a good job. The scar makeup was convincing. I wished they showed more of Hex's skill with a firearm. He seemed a little under used. A few Easter eggs I noticed -- There was a Wilhelm scream in the first bar fight. Gotta love that. "Albano Gultch," where Hawkgirl meets one of her past incarnations, is named after John Albano, co-creator with artist Tony DeZuniga of Jonah Hex. The man mentioned as the villain who destroyed Culvert, OK, was Quentin Turnball, one of Hex's main antagonists from the original BA run. (Which I recommend everyone should read!) Finally, in the final scene between Rip Hunter and Jonah Hex, there can be seen in the background a building with the sign "Kubert's Barber Shop." Kubert drew several covers for the original BA run of Jonah Hex. It would be fun if they brought the Jonah Hex back again. Anything to counter-balance that awful, awful movie.
  16. Frank Robbins art. I don't think you actually want to read that story It has a very Scooby-Doo-ish feel to it... I don't despise Frank Robbins art. It's weird, looking at his early Johnny Hazard stuff compared to the 1970s Marvel stuff. Was the difference a stylistic choice? Some other factor? I'm reminded of Jerry Grandenetti, although I think his BA stuff is superior to Robbins'.
  17. That's a great cover, and the signature is nicely placed. I've actually never read that story...
  18. I love Sam Peckinpah, but the movie version of The Getaway seemed completely flat after reading the book. I devoured everything that Black Lizard re-published by Thompson in the early 90s. You should check out some of the lesser known books. He falls prey to re-using character mannerisms at times but they're all worth reading; A Hell of a Woman is one of my favorites. I've never seen the movie, actually, but I can't imagine them filming the ending as written! Hell of a Woman is on my list, and so is Savage Night. But I might take a break and switch to Agatha Christie next.
  19. I've been on a Jim Thompson kick. Read The Getaway, The Killer Inside Me, The Grifters and Pop. 1280. Currently re-reading After Dark, My Sweet. That dude could write! Also skimming parts of his biography, Savage Art, by Robert Polito.
  20. Who is the dude at 1:07? Some random Hand ninja?
  21. Hmmm...maybe Our Army at War 83. It's moved out of my price range for now.
  22. I dug it. Darin Morgan wrote all my favorite X-Files episodes. And my Millenium ones, too!