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Posts posted by lscomics

  1. Yes, the Alan Class reprints started, as far as I know, about a year or two after the titles were initially released. There was also another company, L. Miller & Co (later & Sons) that published some too. Here's pics of the ones I have the first one reprints AF 15 but not the cover, I kind of stick to keys with them.





    That MTU 3 is great, Morbius has always been one of my favorite characters. (thumbs u

  2. These should probably be shown together too now that I think about it.



    Tim, if you should need the #101 and #102 in Italian, I have a copy of each available in VF range.

    I may just have to take you up on that at some point. hm


    From when is this UK edition of FF #1 is?


    I thought in UK they had the Pence copies, the same as the US ones, with just the price difference.



    It's from the UK but it's a reprint from Alan Class. They used some of the original covers with their titles, the interiors are black & white. They reprinted some of the Marvel super-hero stuff and a lot of the pre-hero monster and sci-fi books along with some Charltons.
  3. I think if I remember correctly, this is the clap to use for a sarcastic clap;) :golfclap:


    I've been using :golfclap: as my "sincere clap". :cry:



    I always used :golfclap: as my "sincere slow clap" like in all the John Hughes 80's movies and "Lucas" and "Can't Buy Me Love".





    The "Lucas" school hallway golf clap scene might be the greatest thing in the history of cinema hm

    I respectfully disagree. The scene in True Romance between Dennis Hopper and Christopher Walken is the greatest thing in the history of cinema.
  4. Only missing the versions Thai and Mexico...well, that i know...and i wouldnt be surpised if someone here knows of another




    I wouldn't be surprised if there are quite a few more. The McFarlane Spideys seem to be reprinted in a lot of countries. There very well may be as many 328s as there are 298 & 300s.
  5. I do but pretty much just the Adams issues. That last one you linked is cool, looks like it reprints Weird Western Tales 29. I do love some Jonah Hex.
  6. th_WitchingHour54Mexico_zpsc0ca36af.jpg[/url]

    Hey Tim,

    Im pretty sure you have the red Brazil Bats 232 yes?

    do you want another one for $30???

    I've got one coming but I don't have one at the moment. I might though. Got a link you can post in the PM thread?


    not a link. A seller i talked to says he can get it...

    Im not gonna go after it. I'll probably hold off for the time being. I don't know if I need multiple copies.

  7. Anyone that's met me knows that I'm passive. I do get irritated.
    I don't want you to think I'm badgering you, that's not my intention at all, but this is a bit contradictory. I'm genuinely curious. In hindsight do you see anything inappropriate about your posting in the VCC Discussion Thread?


    Yes I did and do now. I was mad and angry at a a situation which I had no control.


    It's nice to hear that. My selling the books to the other party was in no way meant as a personal slight against you. I was simply following through on what is expected (in good faith) of VCC sellers.
  8. Anyone that's met me knows that I'm passive. I do get irritated.
    I don't want you to think I'm badgering you, that's not my intention at all, but this is a bit contradictory. I'm genuinely curious. In hindsight do you see anything inappropriate about your posting in the VCC Discussion Thread?
  9. I no longer take advantage of any SS opportunities because of this. I have seen it take the better part of a year for some people to get their SS books or sketches back. In part the blame rests with the artist since it sometimes takes months for him to complete his work. I believe the facilitator has little power to speed up the process once the artist has been paid in full.


    In the past I have complained about the payment up front method. Really gives the artist no incentive to get things done in a timely manner. If they were given a drop dead date and payment is broken up into 2 chunks it would give the facilitator a little more control over TAT's on the sketches and signatures.


    As of this moment I do not believe any guidelines exists based on the different factors involved in running an artist down getting them to mail back the books in a timely fashion and then get them into CGC's hands. U


    Given the proliferation of facilitators and those offering private signings and sketch opportunities a simple set of rules should exist. Or at the very least updates to let everyone know what is going on.


    Right now I have over $400.00 tied up in two sketches and I have no idea what is going on. In one of the cases, it is well over 3 months with zero communication. The last PM I received about it was asking me for payment, ater that nothing.

    In this case though it's not the artist that caused the delay. By his own admission GoT is responsible. I think it's commendable that he's willing to accept the fault and refund the Fast Track fees but still a shame that it happened.
  10. I've opened a thread over in the Signature Forum here.


    I've asked if there are any documented SS Op standards that Facilitators are all held to or should be held to (a'la our simple marketplace rules).


    We'll see what that gets... maybe I'm poking a bee hive... maybe I'll never be able to get a book signed via a facilitator again... we'll see....

    It's a bit of a bee hive, no question about that. It's funny how these things come to light. You would think that a facilitator who in the past has chastised another for their lack of service quality/communication skills would go above and beyond to keep their customers in the loop and not leave PMs unopened and unanswered for months on end. hm
  11. ... and having him (GoT) turn them down on future sketch opps.


    Does this happen? I've never seen someone post an :takeit: in a SS op offering and have it rescinded by the facilitator, but maybe it happens behind the scenes so the facilitator doesnt get in trouble for favoritism?


    I could understand a facilitator turning down an :takeit: from someone in the past who did not pay on time, but to me this sounds like a simple application of the Probation list, and the SS facilitators should just use the nomination/resolution process and then have a rule in their op that anyone who's been nominated by them for the PL due to non-payment is not eligible.


    Otherwise anyones :takeit: should be good.


    Now if we are talking about non-Events (i.e. sig facilitation at a con, sketch pickup/submission etc) I could see how someone would not want to lose the good graces of the facilitator for future help with submissions, but again it sounds like if a facilitator was caught turning down a customer (for any reason other than previous payment problems), CGC would not be happy about that....

    I don't think it could happen as far as sketch opps posted in the SS forum go but there's plenty of signings and limited sketch opps that take place that aren't offered openly.
  12. And this is exactly what the original complainant was worried about.

    Fonzie from NYC with his song and then nothing. :golfclap:

    A boardie has made an allegation (as I understand it) :


    a) Money was paid for services not rendered.


    b) No importance was given to this member until the PL was bought into play


    c) Refund given makes it alright - usually yes - but geez,theres alot of time gone on here.




    Firstly - man up - its a squiggle on a book.

    Secondly, Logan and others seem to corroborate this.

    Why is God Of Thunder (who I have never had dealings with) given a pass?


    I would love to know exactly what is going on, as would other noobs, before we send cash to this guy.

    Fair question - no dog in this race - just would like a fair answer.

    It's got a lot to do with the GoT offering sketch opps and people not wanting to speak up/out about any part of the service they're dissatisfied with thereby causing tension with GoT and having him turn them down on future sketch opps.


    For the record, I have no problem with Adonis (GoT). At one point, probably a year or more ago, there was a thread about another facilitator that we had a bit of a disagreement in. We ended up talking on the phone after which time I thought everything was fine. Then came the tantrum in the last VCC discussion thread. That, quite honestly, came as a bit of a shock particularly since:


    1) I was simply following the rules set forth by the VCC organizers.

    2) It was over three comics I had listed for $5 each.


    I found the whole thing ridiculous. I even went so far as to notify the mods about it for one simple reason. If this is the way a designated representative of CGC behaves do I really want to continue doing business with CGC? Especially since I never received so much as a "We'll look into it." response.


    Are there SS facilitators out there that act in a manner which I'm sure goes against their agreement with CGC? I think that has been proven beyond a doubt. Does CGC give a rat's behind about it? Apparently not.


    I don't bear any ill will towards GoT but I, for one, would never submit any books for his sketch opps or for SS based on the behavior he's exhibited.



  13. My issues with the OP have nothing to do with the shipment of books.


    There are other individuals who are understand and know that their books are being shipped as well. The OP just chose the PL route.


    He'll be refunded the FS fee for the three books, two which he already has, and this one.

    It appears to me that you are lucky he is the only one who has gone the PL route.

    (thumbs u


    One again, the issue was handled. There's no reason to beat a dead horse.


    I've never dealt with anyone here, but if you have dealt with me on a face to face term, you know my business practice and also know that I don't steal, cheat or lie.


    Other than that, enough badgering.

    Ive gotten enough info from reading this thread to get a vibe on dealing with you. I don't need to deal wit you face to face. Dealing with face to face would be a completely different animal as I might actually get the product from you then. Otherwise dealing with you might result in:

    -Ignored PMs while selling other items on the boards

    -Books held since late November

    -The good old "nobody else has a problem but this one guy" excuse which as RMA and others has pointed out produces the right answer to the wrong question

    -A plea to let it go since it makes you look like a fool

    -And no where has there been a Mea Culpa and only an attempt to make the spotlight of incompetence not fall squarely on the shoulders of the person who earned it. That being you.


    And on your "lie, steal, or cheat" comment: when that is the only nugget you have to hold up to show people that you are a solid dude,well that kinda is kinda like saying "at least I'm better than the crooks, cheats, theifs, and liars" well that ain't a real ringing endorsement.


    This statement says a lot IMO. (shrug)

    We can sit here and go back and forth....or let it be


    I don't follow the rules and when I don't get what I want I get mad


    You, are by the book about as book as they come..