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Everything posted by NewEnglandGothic

  1. From the last trailer, I think critics are going to get that it's not going to take itself as seriously like B v S. That might help it in a tongue-in-cheek way like Con Air as just an excuse to go to the movies to watch stuff blow up... big.
  2. Is there an extended "Martha" scene in the new version. That had to be the single worst piece of acting/-script writing I have seen in recent memory. I heard on the grapevine Mod 6 is planning to introduce a Martha Scene complaint tax... They really "Nuked the Fridge" with that one. That'll be $2 please... The Martha scene is arguably the most plausible scene in the whole movie, yet has received the most criticism. The big armoured Bat-guy stops fighting the irradiated super-alien, the fantasy halts and they bond over something as everyday as a shared name. It just goes to show the general audience doesn't want realism, just fantasy. In actual fact, that scene is a masterpiece. I was always curious about both their mothers being called "Martha" and now I realise why. That scene has been 75 years in the making... More plausible would have been Clark spilling everything before the fight. How about Clark floats down to an armored Bruce. "Bruce you've been tricked. Lex kidnapped my mother, Martha and he's going ki..." (Clark) "Martha? My mother was named Martha." (Bruce) "Wow, that's coincidence right out of the opening of Magnolia" (Clark) "That was a great movie. Let's go save her!" (Bruce) You were selling it right up until Magnolia... Just watched it a few weeks ago for an article on coincidences in The Queen City. When I watched B v S, I thought Ricky Jay's narration was going to appear, "This cannot be one of those things that happens. Oh no, not that..."
  3. I want to note that there is no variant to this #1 issue. Which I find really refreshing. I won't rule out an eventual 2nd print though, or even a newsstand variant. Either way this is going to be a nice low key Registry Set.
  4. I don't know, I don't mind that Jimmy is not a red head, I got over the difference because I love Mehcad Brooks' sense of humor and he's gorgeous to boot. HOWEVER, shouldn't Supes be taller than Jimmy? It looks like Jimmy could take Superman and toss him like a football (the other show I liked him in;) Nah, don't worry. There's no way they would pick an actor for Superman shorter than Jimmy. He's obviously standing on a box. I was going to say he might be stepping off a sidewalk too, but it appears that their is a sidewalk in back of them. Maybe their are two layers to sidewalks in Canada? Can we get Roy or Greggy to verify this?
  5. Is there an extended "Martha" scene in the new version. That had to be the single worst piece of acting/-script writing I have seen in recent memory. I heard on the grapevine Mod 6 is planning to introduce a Martha Scene complaint tax... They really "Nuked the Fridge" with that one. That'll be $2 please... The Martha scene is arguably the most plausible scene in the whole movie, yet has received the most criticism. The big armoured Bat-guy stops fighting the irradiated super-alien, the fantasy halts and they bond over something as everyday as a shared name. It just goes to show the general audience doesn't want realism, just fantasy. In actual fact, that scene is a masterpiece. I was always curious about both their mothers being called "Martha" and now I realise why. That scene has been 75 years in the making... More plausible would have been Clark spilling everything before the fight. How about Clark floats down to an armored Bruce. "Bruce you've been tricked. Lex kidnapped my mother, Martha and he's going ki..." (Clark) "Martha? My mother was named Martha." (Bruce) "Wow, that's coincidence right out of the opening of Magnolia" (Clark) "That was a great movie. Let's go save her!" (Bruce)
  6. The quality of the book has exceeded my expectations. I was expecting it to be like the comic strips in the Frozen Magazine (now up to #9, I believe.) But this was way better than those, as it doesn't evaporate from your mind as fast. During the Lutefisk Festival, a dispute erupts over the reindeer herders trespassing over the musk ox farmer's land that might destroy the grass the oxen graze over. Queen Elsa and Princess Anna must make a political decision fast on what to do, as a snowstorm is coming that might eventually starve the reindeer herd. This might not be a wee-one's favorite Frozen story, but it does offer up a decent moral struggle of what to do when two parties are arguing, that's not too condescending either. ...and when the negotiations work, always follow-it-up with come cool "ice powers" to seal the deal. There's a mini story where Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Kristoff and Sven find a secret passage in the castle that surely will lead to treasure. But, instead it explains (without having to) how the family was able to stay in the castle for so long and not be seen. The writing is delightfully mature, courtesy of Georgia Ball. Instead of giving us more of the same princess stuff, we get to see some backdoor political maneuvering between the two sisters and some unpredicted alliances. ...and the linework by Bernedetta Barone is professional and unrushed (compared to the magazine's art.) Highly recommended!
  7. Unfortunately, the page has not been found as of yet. But it is the weekend, and I'm hoping for some good news during the work week. :wishluck:
  8. ...But I'm going to sit on the fence until I see it on TV. The picture on the left looks better, with the exception of the flat shoulders... hence forth known as the Reverse Dynasty Effect... Showing my age there Linda Evans was cuter in The Big Valley. I hate the cape as well. ...but. I've grown ok with Benoist's super-booties. Didn't care for the skirt or boots at first.
  9. Safe to say, it will be the best DC movie since the last one I'm looking forward to seeing it on Saturday. Not a high bar to overcome. It's one I might see in Hooksett a week after, but I'm too busy interviewing "Superman" next weekend for an article. Missed my chance today. Superheroes in real life are just as unpredictable. Cool! Tell me more... I'll start a thread in CG when it reaches print in a few weeks. It's not done yet and it's already becoming one of my favorite stories so far (from the outline.) It's really cool contacting him. I got a text this morning. "Hi Jerel. It's Superman..."
  10. Is there an extended "Martha" scene in the new version. That had to be the single worst piece of acting/-script writing I have seen in recent memory. I heard on the grapevine Mod 6 is planning to introduce a Martha Scene complaint tax... They really "Nuked the Fridge" with that one.
  11. I'm not feeling it... Poor casting choice. Looks nothing like. Perhaps he'll compensate with some impressive acting? Those two eyebrows look like they're dying to meet one another. Every time I look at that picture, I can't help but think "Morrissey"...
  12. From what it looks like in the trailers, it seems that the Squad is being formed to take on the Enchantress, but no official details have been released. OK, thanks. I loved her look in the trailer. She almost has The 13th Warrior's den mother look with a little CG mixed in. This was one of the first DC trailers I was excited about seeing since The Dark Knight's in 2008.
  13. Safe to say, it will be the best DC movie since the last one I'm looking forward to seeing it on Saturday. Not a high bar to overcome. It's one I might see in Hooksett a week after, but I'm too busy interviewing "Superman" next weekend for an article. Missed my chance today. Superheroes in real life are just as unpredictable.
  14. I hate to say this, but does anybody really know what the plot is other than a bunch of baddies are being dropped somewhere we're the good guys need them? Perhaps they are just trying to keep a lid on what happens in it, unlike the B v S trailer? ...or it's just a bad movie?
  15. Just finished Series 5's "The Lodger." I've been jumping around episodes through many of the Doctors, like when I originally watched the Tom Baker and Jon Pertwee stuff simultaneously on different channels when I grew up. Loved it! I kept wondering why the character Craig was so familiar. Then I realized it was The Late, Late Show's Corden. Great humour between Matt Smith and him.
  16. - Jack Reacher (2012): Outstanding film! - Oblivion (2013): Outstanding film! - Edge of Tomorrow (2014): Outstanding film! I think his recent films have been quite enjoyable. Minority Repot and Vanilla Sky were not bad either. His part in Tropic Thunder was one of the funniest make-up roles in Hollywood since the days of Sellers.
  17. Did he have one of his trademark Days of Thunder/ A Few Good Men/Rain Man/Jerry MaGuire meltdowns in that? I think he was pretty calm and collected during all the UFO destruction and acted like a devastated dad trying to save his kids at the end of the world. Tim Robbins on the other hand.
  18. FIFY There's a time and a place for red underpants. It worked in the lycra years but with all these new materials, continuous blue looks much better. I've always thought the underwear outside gave it more of traditional look of a slap-togethered costume only a child would make in search of adventure with their friends in the old days before Colleen Atwood designed superhero gear. Here's an old thread I started on the subject. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Main=253457&Number=5563913#Post5563913 Fun times!
  19. Jack Reacher for me, although he had a great role in Magnolia. I didn't watch MI: Ghost Protocol until I liked him again in Reacher. Just finished Eyes Wide Shut. Still a great movie, but... We didn't need the Sydney Pollack explanation part (we knew he was there, we knew Mandy saved him, etc.) Not sure if he belongs in this franchise though.
  20. I was surprised at that as well. That JL trailer, though pieced together rather quickly, told all it needed to about the main heroes and the tone of the film to make it that much more exciting. 2017 can't get here soon enough. Is everyone more or less excited than they were about Dawn of Justice? I'm reserving judgement for the final product. I was excited about the announcement of BvS, the disappointed by the casting, then excited once again for the trailer, then disappointed by the theatrical release.....the ultimate edition picked up my spirits and hope a bit....but until they demonstrate that they can do better I'm guarded in my expectations. Proof then that despite the criticism, BvS is a true roller coaster ride of emotions It had some decent moments sprinkled throughout, abeit some really terrible ones as well.