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Everything posted by thethedew

  1. I think there are a few DOOM collectors out there, but Douglas Smith's DOOM Gallery is one of the most active and notable.
  2. Andrew's DOCTOR DOOM OA Gallery Andrew's DOCTOR DOOM Sketch Card Gallery
  3. forgive my ignorance but I have no idea!!! What is a zip-a-tone? You've seen it, Joe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screentone
  4. Also actively looking for PAGE ONE from MICRONAUTS # 9 : An unusual circumstance where I happen to own the original pencils for the Color Overlays (posted below) but don't know where the original page art is at. Would dearly love to re-unite them with their parent page.
  5. Actively looking for the cover for MICRONAUTS #4. Don't worry, I'm sure it won't be 'The Next Big Thing'
  6. Posted the FRANK MILLER MICRONAUTS cover to my CAF today... http://www.comicartfans.com/gallerypiece.asp?piece=1328263 Andrew
  7. Michael Golden's MICRONAUTS 11 is now complete, as the cover has finally been located: http://www.comicartfans.com/gallerypiece.asp?piece=1326231 Andrew
  8. Another piece off my Want List! #QueenAnotherOneBitesTheDust A note on the back in Angel's handwriting suggests he donated this one to a Charity Auction at some point.
  9. Another piece off my Want List! #QueenAnotherOneBitesTheDust A note on the back in Angel's handwriting suggests he donated this one to a Charity Auction at some point. No wonder he doesn't recall what happened to it...
  10. I'll keep my eyes open for yours, if you keep your eye open for mine!
  11. Sure. The weekend started with a jolt: a forwarded .url from a member of my extended network, pointing to an obscure hobby BB, where a new poster had shared pics of some very recent OA purchases, including a MICRONAUTS cover. I was not a member of that BB, so it took a little back-and-forth-ing between myself, my agent, and the Seller to get directly in touch. Even with as swiftly as I'd moved, it looked like another collector had stepped in and cherry-picked the best pieces out of the pile an hour or so before I made the connection. As quickly as we had moved, this guy had somehow moved quicker; unbelievable! This included pieces which had been seared into the back of my retinas since I was 17 years old. Frustrating in the extreme. But I've been there before. Nothing to be done about it, really; and I resolved to trudge on with the remainder. It left a huge pile of art still, and Seller Guy confirmed it was ALL Micronauts art from the early 80's; he'd found another old Micros collector who had been out of the hobby for years and years, and these pieces had been MIA all that time. The kind of find we ALL dream of here, amiright? Treasure! Long story short, Seller Guy and I got along really well, and it looked likely that I'd be able to buy the remainder in one group. Then, the next day, Seller Guy contacts me to ask: would I be interested and able to buy EVERYTHING, (including the previously cherry-picked unavailable ones) in one go? Oh, G*wd YES! I have been in the comic art hobby long enough to know that generally there aren't very many 2nd chances. But this was the exception. Seller Guy personally drove up over the weekend, and we did the exchange at the Bank in my home town on Tuesday. So, it's already all over, the art is in my hands mere days after the initial email! EIGHTY pages of Micronauts Art. Including Five Covers, One Back Cover, Two Double Splashes, Two Pinups, Four Title Splashes, One full splash, a handful of pages with my favorite villains, Baron Karza and even one with Doctor Doom! And, yes, one of the covers is the only cover Frank Miller drew for MICRONAUTS. No Michael Golden pieces, though. Sadly, on the flip side, First Buyer Guy swiftly got wind of the transaction and my identity, and sent along an email expressing his... (charitably speaking) displeasure and disappointment. Blunts the pleasure somewhat, but I have been on the receiving end of being 30 minutes too late too many times to have regrets. First Buyer Guy is likely a member of this board, so, more I will not say. So, one of the BIGGEST once-in-a-lifetime coups of my collecting career, delivered on a platter due to the eagle-eye'd attention of my network.
  12. This week...? How about... EIGHTY newly-unearthed MICRONAUTS pages? Going to take awhile to get them organized...
  13. Should have reported that I FOUND this back cover on a dealers site last year! It had been marked as a 'Pinup' when created, not as a Cover, and was priced accordingly. Score! Hope springs eternal!
  14. Worried about your MICRONAUTS pages and covers suddenly losing all their value? I can help!! Andrew
  15. Time for my occasional if anyone's ruefully eyeing upcoming holiday expenses, consider selling me your MICRONAUTS! Just a suggestion!
  16. Well, Thank you all for your input. It's a tough one. I decided to go ahead with my original intent, keep the piece long enough to donate it to my local convention this fall. There's a Silent Auction format, and someone in my district will be thrilled to own this (now properly-marked 'AFTER Byrne') piece. I DID leave Neutral Feedback. Personally, I think some of you downplay Neutral's significance, as I always read Neutral as well as Negative Feedback. IMO. Here's my feedback phrase. Hard to condense what to say when you have only 80 characters (even less than a standard 'tweet') but I think this touches on the important bits: Skillfull inker RECREATION only, NOT 'original' art. Misleading description. I think that's more than fair. Hardest was trying to get across Byrne's NON-involvement, but a last-second inclusion of the word 'inker' makes that point, I hope. If he has a fit over that I'll let you all know. Thanks again for your interest and concern!
  17. Hello folks, A similar piece gained a little attention over on Yahoo. I was the winner of THIS auction: http://www.ebay.com/itm/ROM-SPACE-KNIGHT-pin-up-John-Byrne-and-Chris-Wozniak-/252055335529?hash=item3aafab3269 A little brain tickle was warning me I'd seen it before somewhere, but, unfortunately I was LITERALLY in a funeral in the middle of South Dakota when I had to make a decision. Well, of course, I HAD seen it before: http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=18276&GSub=2245 ...a Byrne doodle on the back of an Alpha Flight page. So, 99% sure this piece is a lightbox job by Wozniak, confirming with JB now. If I hadn't been in such a low-bandwidth, high-pressure place, I might've had the time to research the image properly. At least the financial lesson wasn't worse. It IS skillfully inked, by the look of the pics. This piece will not be staying in my collection, I'll be passing it on at the Charity Art Auction at my next local show. (Properly, permanently accredited, of course) Does anyone have any suggestions as to what sort of Ebay Feedback I should leave? I've never had to leave negative feedback before (touch wood) but I wonder if Neutral Feedback is warranted here. The item IS as described in the auction, but the description is carefully worded to sidestep the fact that Byrne never touched the piece. Andrew
  18. Since I'm looking to complete the interiors, it follows that I'm on the lookout for the Sienkiewicz cover for ROM, Spaceknight Annual #2, as well: ...just the kind of bold image that's more likely to sport someone's wall, I suppose. But maybe somebody's seen it. Andrew
  19. I travelled to his local convention with a pile of my collection in tow. I'd never met him before, and was mildly nervous, as my travel plans had materialized late in the game and he wasn't aware I was heading his way. Didn't know what to expect, but he turned out to be a patient, gracious gentleman. Deal done, I am ecstatic, and I presume he is satisfied as well. So, this thread had nothing to do with the deal, aside from the welcome Moral Support! Posted this tonight on my FB feed: I was fortunate enough this past weekend to have the opportunity to trade for a Comic Art page which I remember overfondly from my adolescence - what The Hobby refers to as a 'Grail Page.' It doesn't have to be the most expensive or key of pages, just one that has a special, hitting-your-funny-bone emotional response. I presume my trading partner is thrilled as well. I get overgenerous when I'm happy, and, bless his heart, he actually had to tell me 'Hey, dude - that's enough!' when I tried to press more trade into his hands. I remember the exact spot I was standing when I saw that comic page for the first time, a scrawny awkward teenager jumping up and down at the corner of Dad's desk in his office, while he looked on bemusedly. I miss him so much; hadn't considered the nostalgia of comics might be so linked to family and places. Means a lot to me. Andrew
  20. Hello all: Longtime followers of this thread may recall this nugget from me about 2 years ago: Well:
  21. Time for my occasional if anyone's having tax-time concerns, consider selling me your MICRONAUTS! (thumbs u Just a suggestion!