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Everything posted by thethedew

  1. Actually, I've been considering the 'difficulty' aspect of ROM collecting. And I've come to the (perhaps slightly self-centered) conclusion that it's in the best interest of other ROM collectors to help me out with completing the book I've chosen. Why, you might ask? For one good reason that I probably haven't made particularly clear. My primary focus in ROM is completing the Annual, and pretty much every ROM-based transaction of mine is in furtherance of that goal. Either pages from the book, or potential tradebait for dealing for more pages from the book. (Or perhaps the cover, should that ever surface) Practical upshot: If I were to actually manage to complete the book, I'd be free to stop collecting ROM, and cease competing for pages from that title. I don't know if there's an elegant way to communicate that, though.
  2. Nexus, Thanks for your calming words. I'd been coming around to that conclusion myself this morning. In 'the heat of the moment' it's difficult to not take things personally. If they were trying to just 'run up the price' they were running quite a risk by multiple-sniping in the final seconds. Frantic sniping does strongly suggest fan desires, but the bidding also indicates experience with OA, and in particular the ROM niche market. A typical Sal ROM page can go for around $600-$800 or so, and their sniping was aimed at twice that. They knew what they were doing. Luckily in this instance I'd anticipated that possibility, though the future cost implications cast grim shadows over the possibility of my completing the book. You gently (and justly) called me out on my ever-so-slight paranoia (), but since it's been brought up, I'm curious: have people actually encountered 'spite' bidders? I would hope it would be rare, but Ebay privacy policy makes it pretty hard to prove these days. Anyone have stories? Thanks!
  3. Hello all, I've made it public knowledge on CAF and here that I'm trying to assemble an issue of ROM Spaceknight. Making some progress over the years, and was delighted to have a page turn up last week on Ebay. Won the auction tonight, but was deeply disappointed to have two bidders run up the price in the final seconds to twice what the page should have gone for. From what I can tell, neither have been active in recent bidding for ROM pages. Confident they were not seller shill bidders, the seller handles art fairly rarely. Can't help but worry that my openness is an expensive drawback. (...and if my two underbidders happen to be reading this... guys! Geez! Have a heart! If you really need a ROM page that much, drop me a line and we'll see if I can fix you up with a page that'll cost you much less than what you were willing to pay tonight.) Andrew
  4. Here's some quick advice - be very careful when asking a creator to sign original artwork. Especially Stan, bless'm. http://www.ebay.com/itm/SPIDER-GIRL-15-Cover-Signed-by-STAN-LEE-Avengers-Fantastic-Four-Spider-Man-/191305570174?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c8ab3577e Ouch.
  5. Major Offer for a 2003 MICRONAUTS Kurth/Schulz page in the Marketplace section. Put me out of my misery! Andrew
  6. Yes, I've offered that much to others - might as well extend it to collectors here. Since I am reasonably satisfied the penciller (Steve Kurth), inker (Barb Schulz), and editor (Josh Blaylock) do not retain this page, I'm throwing it out to the Interwebs in earnest. To finish off a complete book (interiors) I offer One Thousand Dollars to the person who comes forward with this page. Alternately, a Finder's Fee of $200 to anyone who can connect me with said collector (upon confirmation that collector has same, payable even if no deal is immediately forthcoming) Want this page.
  7. The conclusion of an Epic Personal Project: scanning, prepping, and posting SEVEN ISSUES of 1990's Maximum Press's version of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA. The vast majority of the 1st Miniseries 'War of Eden' is present, includes pages created for the Trade Paperback, but missing three interiors and the Liefeld covers: http://www.comicartfans.com/galleryroom.asp?gsub=147040 ...and the complete 2nd Miniseries 'The Enemy Within' - all interiors and covers included: http://www.comicartfans.com/galleryroom.asp?gsub=147041 That's one BIG item checked off the 'to-do' list! WHEW! Andrew
  8. ALPHA FLIGHT made a brief journey into the Marvel Microverse for two issues in 1998, (with issues pencilled by Ariel Olivetti and Anthony Winn) where they bumped into the Microna- >ahem< the MICRONS. (Although they weren't even calling themselves that at that point). They also crossed swords with a Karza wannabe calling himself Baron Zebek. There were only 2 pages of Micronauts in issue #10, but there is quite a selection from issue #11, the additional images below are only a few potential examples. I've confirmed with Ariel and Anthony that they appear to no longer own these pages. If anyone has a line on them, I'd be very grateful for any assistance. Alpha Flight #10 (1998) Pages 12 & 22 Alpha Flight #11 (1998) Cover & Page 6 Page 7 & Page 9 Page 15, Page 16, Page 17
  9. ...and I was right! Here's a second pile of Battlestar Galactica pages! All by Brazillian artist Hector Gomez. For those in the hobby that preach cheerful patience, this would be a prime example of that strategy paying dividends. Hector and I have been communicating since 2009 regarding this artwork, and I've just today received what is likely the final shipment. Whew! This pile is the entirety of the 'Enemy Within' 3-issue miniseries: all interiors, (only missing a couple of lettering overlays), and 4 covers (the published 3 plus an unpublished attempt, though it's possible it was meant for a 'B' cover or Trade Cover) Will be a job getting it all scanned and prepped for CAF, could be months of work.
  10. People traveling through space, meeting aliens, hilarity and adventure ensue. Does he really need to go over every detail? Told'ya not too many other people cared. You might recall me griping a few months back about waiting on artists to respond - this was one of them. Though, in retrospect, my own lack of clear communication combined with a slight language barrier probably contributed to the delay. (I keep having to Eat Crow in this hobby. Should be learning by now.) I'd sent a list to the series penciller four years ago, and received a positive reply, but with months and months between communication. It was only this past year, when I reiterated my interest, and, I think, clarified that I wasn't going to merely pick from my list, but that I was going to commit to all that was on my list (i.e. a big purchase) that I got his attention. Since he had been out of the Comics Biz for years, he had most of his old stuff still in the basement. The four missing pages are two panel pages, and a 2-page spread. I'll give the original artist first dibs if he wants to do recreations, but failing that I think it'd be fun to let a few artists I know take a crack at them - with a 'how would you have done it?' approach. Anybody can do a lightbox recreation -why not do something different that challenges the artist a bit. Plus, on the infinitesimal chance that the originals should show someday, I'd rather have the recreations 'stand apart' a little anyway.
  11. Four pages shy of a complete 4-issue Miniseries (which includes issue 1 and 3 complete) Will probably get those pages done as re-creations before posting on CAF. Also a complete issue from a later miniseries in the run 'Journey's End' issue one. With the cover, to boot! ...and a few random pages. There might be more later. Andrew
  12. I know I'm just about the only one who cares, but... how about an entire pile of Battlestar Galactica? Andrew
  13. Alright, BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (Original Miniseries, Maximum Press 1995) ISSUE 2, Page 5 If posting this here helps, then it's worth it in spades. Finding this page literally settles a wager, so if anyone can help out, I'd be grateful. Pic is the page as published, as well as a quick Photoshop mockup of what it might look like. Andrew
  14. The story I get from Angel is he doesn't recall where this piece went to. Hope it shows up somewhere. To look at it, I'm not entirely sure if it was created as a single page; or if the test-tube thingie in the BG might be on a seperate page, or even a Photoshop effect. Any opinions or suggestions welcome.
  15. I'm going to this with a compilation of all the MICRONAUTS pages I've posted in the 'Official Does Anyone Know Where This Art Is' thread... Located THIS one, would love to purchase... ...and the Broderick page on the Right has also likely been located. Would love to own either in the below image, of course. Need this one to complete a book...$$$
  16. Always happy to this thread! Here's a Golden page from MICRONAUTS #2 that sold years back on Heritage for a song. HA had it set up with a 'Make Offer to Owner' for awhile, tried it out but got ::crickets:: and now the option is gone (has HA pulled the service entirely? I recall some rumblings that it might have been Beta and no-one got any positive results from it anyway) Anyway, a nice enough story beat page (though no Micros present) Would love to own!
  17. Not entirely certain but I think it was this... I recall flying back from a Mid-Ohio Con, worried that the page would get creased; as, not planning on buying anything over the size of a trading card, I had no way to protect it (yet...) Obviously, worked out OK.
  18. Only about once a year, and i think I've had my annual OMG. Still open to another, but my stuff comes out far and in-between.
  19. They're an UltraPro product, so you could order direct from them as well... but I usually have used these guys: http://www.the2buds.com/surspct.htm Andrew
  20. Hello all, At the moment, here's the two most-desired pieces I'm on the lookout for: http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=626663&GSub=78983 Of course, possibly interested in other Micronauts pages, too. Case-by-case, LMK. Here's a link to my greater CAF site, filled with other Micronauts pages as well as Galactica and a few other things. http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryDetail.asp?GCat=27108 Best, Andrew
  21. Not much to speak of in my collection this week, only this splash page from ROM, Spaceknight: http://www.comicartfans.com/gallerypiece.asp?piece=988091
  22. I have a contact who suggests the art was done by Entombed drummer Nicke Andersson himself. Is that likely? EDIT TO ADD: From Wiki: 'He has also done work as a producer as well as artwork for most the bands he has been involved with.' So I suppose it is possible. You'll have to do a little research of album art he might have done, and see if the styles match. AcA