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Journal Entries posted by Tnerb

  1. Tnerb
    Or Purchasing an Original
    Alex Ross
    Or Purchasing an Original
    Fat Jack's in Center City Philadelphia is my LCS. The week before Christmas had some spectacular copies of Avengers Invaders with artwork rendered by Alex Ross. At $700 a pop they are outside my current budget. The shop doesn't own then outright but are selling them on consignment. I would be tempted even more if I could purchase one and send it in for CGC to grade but the dreaded Qualified label stops me.
    Of course if I could find out how they were acquired I might be interested in sending Alex Ross my own blank cover of a book, then have that book sent to CGC for grading giving myself the desired yellow label, but at what cost?
    The book itself would cost only five dollars. Proper bags and boards to protect the book would be a maximum of two dollars. I would guess the artwork would be anywhere between $250 to $1500 depending on the desired details. If I choose the same type of art I would guesstimate $500. Then to ship the book to Alex Ross and subsequently to CGC would be another $35 dollars. Grading and return shipping would be $100, I would be fast tracking the book. This total of $642 could be tallied into my budget. This of course doesn't include the time it would take to get this all together.
    The artwork that is hanging on the walls are indeed worth the asking price especially considering the two pieces I do own are Gyclee's and not originals.
    If you're interested you can call 215-963-0788 and ask for Eric. If Eric is not available you can ask for Brendan. Let them know you found out about them through me and they will package them up safely and ship them to you after payment is rendered. They will accept money order or check, a check would have to clear before shipping. Of course if you decide to get them graded please remember you will get the dreadful green label.
    Thanks for Reading

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  2. Tnerb
    Or Coffee without Dad
    It's ten degrees out in Philadelphia. That is Fahrenheit not Celsius. It was twelve degrees out when my Father called me...twice. He still has trouble using the cell phone so I had to call my Step-mothers phone to get the conversation started. I think he was holding it upside down.
    Bottom line...Stay Home.
    I told him I would. There was another circumstance that also hindered our weekly coffee ritual so I will have coffee by myself and see him next week. Unfortunately we will also be missing the car show this year, the second time in seven years. I worked through the night and waited for something to do...and waited.
    I decided my "Crisis" books weren't going to jump out on the counter so between my turns with "Words with Friends" I read issues four through eight. I feel like I went through a time warp and as a previous journal mention, a lot more words. George Perez continues to stun me visually.
    I am writing this as I am progressing along my journey. The chill begins to penetrate to my fingers, touch screens and the gloves I finally decided to wear that I purchased five years ago don't get along. I haven't really realized how much I enjoy this weekly trek until my Father said stay home, I'm treating it more of a suggestion than a fatherly command. Either way it's comic book day, read what you got and have a great day.
    As far as editing is concerned...I'm taking the day off.
    Thanks for Reading

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  3. Tnerb
    Or DC already lost my weekly allowance
    "In the beginning there was only one... a single black infinitude."
    These are the first words in issue #1 of Crisis on Infinite Earths or for the rest of this journal, Crisis. I was twelve for the majority of 1984, the year Jim Shooter pulled me into a Secret War. Characters such as Spider-Man, the Incredible Hulk, and Captain America of which I've known about helped introduce the X-Men, The Beyonder and Galactus to me. My first comic book was purchased for me when I was five, it was the oversized Star Wars and I believe it was given to me by my Pop-pop. It was the New Mutants that began my collection but it was Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars that gripped me in the folds of the Marvel Universe.
    I believe the oldest Batman I have is issue 313. The cover had me stare and stare at the book more times than I ever read it. I was mystified and intrigued by the cover split in half, the neat and the dirty or the good and the bad. I had a Detective comics too, issue 503. Then there was the multitude of Action Comics and Adventures of Superman I owned all before the first comic I collected. I do believe there is a difference between buying and collecting so by the time Crisis was published by DC, it was too late, I was already a Marvelite.
    The titles that became my collection were formed by The New Mutants, The Uncanny X-Men, Invincible Iron Man, Avengers, Amazing Spider-Man (when the local 7-11 wasn't sold out) and Star Wars, of which I was a huge fan of, subsequently I was probably the only five year old to go see Star Wars 13 weeks in a row while my father took a nap, more on that another time. My first LCS, called ComiCards, took the majority of my allowance. They never cheated me out of my money; they always let me purchase what I wanted and only gave recommendations if asked, with a few exceptions. Crisis was such an exception.
    I shook off the recommendation knowing it was Marvel my loyalty laid with. I didn't care about the Multiverse or how many Superman and Batman's there were. I didn't realize who Marv Wolfman was or appreciate how great George Perez was.
    Regardless of the story telling prowess of Marv or the detailed talents of Perez I have only just picked up DC's attempt to fight off Marvel in the twelve issue maxi series Crisis. I never read it before, never attempted to collect it, but it was part of the 5302 comics I just purchased. Currently they are sitting on my kitchen asking to be read.
    I bought this collection primarily to sell. I am allowing myself to keep five and five only. Some I'm taking with me to get graded at the Emerald City comic con, after which I will sell. And I know a twelve issue maxi series signed by this legend of an artist would sell very well... if they retained a high grade. I don't think they will. The whole series at first glance looks to be between an eight and a nine, for this series that's nothing to write home about.
    I'm not going to keep them. But, I am going to read them before I sell them on eBay. It's the Wolverine one through four I plan on getting signed by Chris Claremont before having CGC grade them.
    Thanks for Reading
    And for something different, my rant.

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  4. Tnerb
    Or Addicted to Signatures
    One of my favorite story lines as a teen was "Days of Future Past" it was the first story line I collected after reading the Dark Phoenix saga trade. It was a few more years before I completed that story line, but the two issue "Days"story was a lot cheaper to collect, not just by price, but quantity.
    The story line stayed in my head so predominantly that when Claremont did another story line along those lines in issues #47 and #48 with the New Mutants I was engrossed by not only reading them multiple times, but also read them on a clean kitchen table. I think those two books were the first time I ever read a comic book with precise care. In other words no Lucky Charms, pizza, or ice cream.
    The 9.2 #142 was the one I purchased as a teen, the 9.6 #141 was won in an auction and I hope to add Chris Claremont's scrawl across the covers. As much as I love single signatures, I love doubles and I think triples. I would love one day to win a book signed by all those involved, an improbable feat, but nonetheless I would like to conquer. As for some of the other books I plan in bringing??? Some Sandman, a Green Arrow, a few more X-Men, and Marvels (all four issues) and for the Coup De Grace Wolverine 1-4.
    What would you bring?
    Thanks for Reading
    And from my latest blog...
    Battling for my Dollars: a Roundabout Review http://ashotofcomics.blogspot.com/2013/01/battling-for-my-dollars-roundabout.html

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  5. Tnerb
    Or How long it takes to lose a bid.
    I placed a bid on a Daredevil #1, the bid was one of those low ball bids that I know that would never capture to book I wanted. In fact it was so low it was ludicrous. I would have a better chance if winning a multi-million dollar power ball lottery. It took thirty minutes for me to be out bid. I can only wonder why it took so long.
    I placed one other bid on another book. This time more reasonable. The holidays are over and the ECCC is coming up and my childlike giddiness is escalating. I sold an item on eBay and this helps me in a few ways. One if course it gives me the extra cash to utilize in different ways. I'll save a third, another third to finish paying off my father, and the last third to help pay what I want to take too ECCC for the CGC signature series.
    However, I have behaved so far and there is only one thing that I really want, but I'm willing to wait. I finally counted the books I purchased and started to place them in eBay, this will go towards my savings account and once I finish paying myself back then I'll put all extra toward CGC. I promised myself that I could keep five books. Do far they are a double cover Marvel Team-Up issue #100. I think this will grade at a 9.4. The other book I am allowing myself to keep is Amazing Spider-Man 238, this might also get a 9.4.
    And to answer the question people had earlier, I paid .23 cents a book.
    Thanks for Reading

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  6. Tnerb
    or Where are you Wallace?
    A small while ago I resigned myself to purchasing the only signature series copy of Marvel Graphic Novel #4. I was Wallaced out of a few copies earlier that same year. It was a Monday when I went into work during Hurricane Sandy that I figured I would save money by staying home. There was no such luck, an impromptu e-mail advise me that the book was available.
    I was in New York attempting to gain signatures for some of my own books when I met Wallace. He was at the CGC booth with a book I wanted very badly, in fact I was bidding on the same book that he won. If I did win the auction I would not have had the balls to crack open the 9.8 slab and carry it around with me to get signed by not only Chris Claremont but Bob Mcleod as well.
    I had a good day that day. I got the signatures I wanted and I wish Wallace luck. I hoped that his book would retain the 9.8 status. I have not had the good fortune to keep in contact with Wallace, I just got is name and a story to go with it. I have checked up on the census on occasion. My curiosity always wondering if he achieved his dream status of attaining a 9.8 copy signed by the two creators of my favorite comic book.
    I was 1 of 16 out of the books graded a 9.8, but now there are 2 of 17, two of which are signature series in a 9.8. The problem is there are still 15 in a 9.8 Universal. I would figure if this book was indeed the book that belonged to Wallace that the 15 would become a 14 instead. I can only guess that another person sent a Marvel Graphic Novel #4 in to get graded. Either way I hope that Wallace received his 9.8 status, because anyone cracking a 9.8 of such a book deserves to retain the same grade, mind you spilling peanut butter on the book withstanding.
    Thanks for Reading
    and for my review of Superior Spider-Man #1

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  7. Tnerb
    Or a Heritage Bid
    My Daredevil #1
    I originally purchased this through Heritage Auctions with an I'm not going to win bid. Suffice to say, I won. The first time I heard about a Stan Lee signing this was one of my "must choose" choices. The problem was I never read it, I've read reprints but never an actual Daredevil #1. Purchasing a graded copy of a book I never read before was a first for me and although I still haven't read this book I have since purchased other books I haven't read yet.
    Now, along comes the digital age and just yesterday Marvel had a sale on certain Daredevil titles including the original eight issues. I have yet to own a copy of #2 and just finished reading the digital copy I bought. I will get through to issue #8 by morning but was issue one the beginning of a change?
    I love when new books give a free digital copy, although I wonder what label they will get if the sticker is missing, kinda reminiscent of the MVS program Marvel has in the seventies. Eventually my digital library will grow, I'm waiting for the next sale of either FF or X-Men to be ninety nine cents. Maybe CGC and Comixology can team up and give a free copy of the encapsulated comic book, that is if it's available.
    Thanks for Reading
    And for a waiter rant

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  8. Tnerb
    Or We all had Guilty Pleasures
    I'm getting old enough now that I don't follow pop culture trends. I listen to music I like and tend to stay away from those I don't. Of Course my Step-brother had a good say in what I listened to all those trips from "city to shore" by not allowing me to touch the radio, my sister helped. They made sure I listened to Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, and the Beatles. My choice of top 40 was disallowed in his car.
    I'm afraid I have to admit I once owned a New Kids on the Block Album, had a poster of Michael Jackson on my wall and have no problem telling you I like certain Brittany Spears and P!nk songs, but when it comes to Justin Bieber I just listen to the jokes and have to admit I have no idea what he sings. I know more about his dating Selena Gomez and yet have no idea who she is.
    So, how am I connected to this teen that I would even be compliant that I know the name, Bieber? What made me decide to write about this heartthrob of teenage girls throughout America? It seems one of my latest Twitter followers is none other than a follower of Bieber as well. My niece apparently holds me in such high regard that she decided to follow me through my twitter feeds. It looks like any of my future waiter rants will have to refrain from profanity.
    But why here, why do I dare mention Bieber to the comic masses I so commonly place myself among. Why would I dedicate a whole journal without mentioning The New Mutants, Spider-Man, or CGC? Because maybe, just maybe, my wonderful niece will find this link all by herself and I want her to know that no matter how many times she reads this, that no matter what anyone else thinks; that no matter what anyone says, I am proud of her, even if she likes Justin Bieber, now only if I can get her to follow Stan Lee.
    Thanks for Reading
    The Link is for my Roundabout Review for Amazing Spider-Man #700

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  9. Tnerb
    Or Chicken Soup for the Comic Book Collector's Soul
    This will be my last journal for 2012. If I'm not mistaken I also wrote first journal of 2012. As for 2013...who knows? The journals have come a long way since I started to participate over three years ago. At that time I pretty much had full reign. Others wrote journals but not on a regular basis.
    It was the other journals I hungered for. After all it was the only way I would be able to learn about new books. I hope more and more people will contribute as well as maybe a journal or two from a CGC grader on what their daily life is like. I would also like to see a weekly trivia question much like NGC does. With CGC growing I feel that their customer service is slacking. As a waiter I might only be as good as the kitchen but if I inform my customers if any delays, they seem happier.
    Please keep the journals flowing. Thank you all for becoming part of my life. See you on the flip side. 2013 is going to be a very good year.
    Thanks for Reading
    Random photo below, or Stan Lee 's critique method #1

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  10. Tnerb
    Or What the Hell is Wrong with Me?
    In 2011 I tried to add up everything I spent dealing with comics. I lost track in late July. I decided to try again for 2012 and wish I lost track in July. I spent $9,318.98. Yes, I spent almost ten grand on comic books and related merchandise. Part of me is thinking of what I could have done with that money, a down payment on a new car, pay back my parents quicker, or even rent a larger apartment.
    Next year I plan on keeping track again, this time though I will also keep track of what I sell too. If I'm lucky next year's tally will be even. Of course I am hoping to go to four different conventions in 2013 so I either have to budget better or find some really good diamonds in the rough.
    Quitting collecting is not an option, I love the hobby too much. I don't want to work more either but I want to buy more comic books. I think 2013 will have me collect at a slower pace and I might just purchase a few of those books that meant something to me as a kid. A purchase list might be a good idea for a start, but then do I buy them outright in a 9.8 or do I practice my grading skills and try to send them in to get a signature series 9.8?
    There might be a couple more Journals this last day of 2012, so I would like to wish everyone reading this (especially before the NyQuil kicks in) a happy, healthy; prosperous 2013
    Thanks for Reading
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  11. Tnerb
    Or Thank God the Mayan's were Wrong
    I don't know what it is about the beginning of a new year that gets people to start thinking about their lives. After all it's just another day. There are certain dates in my life that were life altering, some I celebrate annually, others I would just like to forget. I was never one to make New Years resolutions and I won't start in 2013. I like to set goals so I feel accomplished but resolutions seem like an excuse to start later.
    I plan on writing more in the next year, if that is at all possible. I would also like to be able to edit less in the coming year as well. I hope that two entries on the registry will be more than enough. I do reserve the right to increase this number especially around convention time. I also plan on continuing my two blogs, one will of course be about my life, a great part of which will be about work. The second blog will be about comic books and the majority will most likely be my Roundabout Reviews.
    This will give me four weekly outlets to vent, converse, and discuss comic books and such. The fifth project will be to work on my memoirs. Eventually I will share these on the journals but only a paragraph or two for public opinion.
    And as always,
    Thanks for Reading

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  12. Tnerb
    Or Is it an addiction?
    Every day I check the registry. I check the journals more than anything else, always looking for something new to read, something new to find out about. I also jump on the site to write a journal and have been doing that every day since late October. I didn't mean to go so far into December, after all weren't we supposed to die on the 21st?
    I don't check my invoices because I know that Lee K's aren't graded yet. Once I see a journal that they are, then I'll know it's time to start checking mine. I think I'm about fifty business days in, well maybe a bit less with the holidays already here.
    In December I meant to not purchase any CGC books, I bought three. I'm not going to make that promise this time but with the ECCC arriving quicker than expected I have to diligently save if I want to get at least fifteen signature series books. January and February will be problematic because of the desire to purchase these fire hazards. So I was thinking what if I stayed away from the registry for one month, would that help me break the temptation of buying another slab to increase my points, of course that also means I would only have eleven months to accomplish my goals.
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  13. Tnerb
    or Talking about Over-Sized
    I looked at almost every single copy of this book that was on the shelf and none of them looked to be a 9.8. Every single spine corner had corner chips, the same chips that adorn my Secret Wars #12. This book had some surprises for me and I don't mean the story that Dan Slott left in front of us. Not to mention I thought t was hidden from the media pretty well. What I was most impressed about was the first back up story of the book inked by none other than Sal Buscema. Do I dare try to find this book signed by Sal Buscema in a 9.8, will I even be able to?
    The other two books that I purchased were both by DC. This was the first time I ever purchased more DC books than Marvel. Of course I only bought three books. Both Justice League and Aquaman were great. However I didn't like that in the beginning of the book didn't have a notation saying please read Justice League first. I guess just to make sure I'm not confused again I might write them a letter to please start over at #1.
    Then I-Tunes was finally allowing me to download the latest Christmas special. I watched already at my parents and then again last night after downloading and eve with being up 32 hours I made it the extra one hour to watch the whole show, three hours late I am back up writing at my computer. Oh I also have to mention my friend brought me a box load of homemade cookies with an assortment of twelve different kinds that I am diligently working through.
    Thanks for Reading
    ...and for a rant about serving please click on the following link...
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  14. Tnerb
    I have so much to say but nothing seems poignant enough. I want to take this journal for a moment to remember, a moment to reflect, and a moment of silence...
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  15. Tnerb
    Or Can I sell my Comic Books?
    OK, when I say sell my comic books I mean, my collection. Yes I did sell a bunch in a purge but could I sell them off piece by piece so I can buy other things I want. Let's pretend space isn't as big as an issue as it really is. I've had a few books up on eBay from time to time and most recently I had someone ask about if I was going to put them back up. I plan too, but after the holidays. One of the books is a prized jewel. But, I hope to use that money to buy a better looking book.
    There are a few books I won't get rid of. My New Mutants #15 in a 4.5, My ASM #129 currently in a 9.6 with two signatures, and my Daredevil #168 in a 9.2. That Daredevil is more symbolic than anything else. It was one of the first comic books I ever bought as a back issue that started to stretch my budget. The Longshot Limited series cost a bit, but issue 168 was the first book that I purchased over $30. The final tally was $35. The book was also purchased at my first LCS. The funny thing is I bought many Caspers' and Richie Rich books there on the three for a dollar rack before I bought my New Mutants #15 at the 7-11.
    There are a few other books I thought that I wouldn't sell but seem more able to release my hold on others I never thought I would sell. Seriously, who would have thought I would have acquired a 9.8 signature series of X-Men #109 and just decide to sell it. It currently is still the only one. For that reason and that reason alone I should keep it, but I only got it to get the Hulk #109 at a cheaper price, and now I'm thinking, I might be able to sell that too, if I can get the book I want.
    Thank for Reading
    the picture is a Favorite of mine.

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  16. Tnerb
    Or If I Just sell the Furniture...
    I received signed by Alex Ross and Stan Lee. I purchased it so early on in the run I had the choice if any number in the 100 count set, except number one. I chose 7/100 since the seventh happens to be the date of my son's birthday. This happens to be the second piece I own signed by the two of them and I wonder could I afford a third, but considering I am having trouble with finding a spot to hang the second, where would I even hang the third.
    I have over 5500 comic books in my collection, this does not include the boxes I just bought, and once the holidays are over I will resume my count. Selling a book or two is not going give me an amount of space to allow for me to expand my collection. I wish to have four hundred CGC graded books by next year. This is at least two more additional boxes. If I average seven new books a week I would attain another 364 books, or three half boxes. I have no space for these.
    I could purchase new furniture, or religiously sell my books, going so far as stop collecting. Digital is not the way to go because there is no way to recover any expenditures. I like the format, but only if it is free. Of course an option is to move but that brings about higher expenses. I'll have to pretend my finances and livelihood will depend upon flipping the books I purchased to sell, oh wait, they do.
    Merry Christmas
    Thanks for Reading
    Photo below us if Christmas Eve, it's a shame it stopped.

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  17. Tnerb
    Or I lost count at 3456
    Last year I wanted to figure out how much I spent on comic books. This total includes bags, boards, new books, back issues, CGC graded comics, grading, original art, and art productions. In 2011 I tried to keep track but stopped in July. This year I have kept track of everything I have stated above. I only one more week of new books and I will reveal what I have spent in a future journal in the new year.
    My father feels I should also have added any expenses including, travel, boarding, and nourishment. Maybe next year I will do that. What I will do next year is tally what I sell too. It would be nice to see if I can break even because as slow and steady as I was in the beginning if the year I really accelerated my spending by years end.
    I have three ands half boxes to still put away. Once I have the tally I will also right that in a future journal for next year. I figure this will be a month long project. Well I worked a double, Christmas is coming and I'm going to need my sleep for the abundant amount of hours I have to work but first I have to get home and download the Doctor Who Christmas Special.
    Thanks for Reading

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  18. Tnerb
    Or Is it Worth it?
    I don't know why but I have a fascination with books graded .5. It started with an Amazing Spider-Man, followed by another one, and eventually a copy of Avengers. Most recently, and most likely my last CGC book of the year I bid on and on a copy of Iron Man #55. It was the highest priced poor copy I ever got.
    I will get more, I guarantee it, but will I send in a book knowing it will get that same grade? I have a copy of Daredevil #5. I purchased it originally because of the cover and I wanted a book older than my issue #7 and the condition made it dirt cheap. There was water damage, the first page is detached, chips, flakes, blunt corners, and well do many more defects that I would have to list everything.
    I always planned in getting a better copy. I want more than anything else in my collection to have issues 1-10 in a 9.0 or higher with signatures. A next to impossible feat. I have one out of ten, the other nine will be somewhat of a treacherous journey to attain. But what if I tried getting one through ten in a .5, also a bit treacherous.
    What do you like to get that possibly no one else does? What's your simple pleasure.
    Thanks for Reading
    And for my latest review, Indestructible Hulk #2

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  19. Tnerb
    Or end of the world my &$$
    I'm not one for making New Years resolutions. I would like however to make some goals fir my CGC comics and CGC comics only. I would like to break the 400 mark. I currently retain closer to four hundred than five hundred and I'm happy with that. I know selling some books will raise(lower?) my ranking. However, whatever I do sell I would like to put toward other purchases.
    Another goal I would like to achieve is to own a minimum if four hundred (magic number) graded comic books. This number does not have to coincide with the registry. Especially if there is no set for them, then I have no place to place them.
    A third goal I would like to achieve is to get ten more New Mutants graded along with ten more Sandman books graded. Half of which I would like to have signatures for as well. This might be difficult because as slow as CGC is I would need these to be with CGC no later than April to have them back by Christmas.
    This next goal has more to do with luck than anything else. I would like to complete my New Mutants set, both of them. In all I need three more books. Of course I just realized there is also the complete set. For that one, I'll give myself a bit longer.
    The last goal I have is to continue to write my journals although I will be cutting back. As much as my thirty in thirty us around sixty five in sixty I want to expand my writing abilities, especially figuring out where the copper age begins. I have my thoughts and my reasonings but now I have to research the matter more. I would love to hear your thoughts through personal messages, though the chat boards are also nice, I want to make sure I get all the information I need.
    And another goal I just realized. I plan on making 2013 the year I finish my Daredevil run. I will buy either a raw copy or graded one if issue #2 to complete the run.
    Thanks for Reading
    The picture below was my weekly haul

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  20. Tnerb
    Or Just Tongue in Cheek.
    When digital copies first started to come onto the scene I thought it would be great for comic books to have a free digital copy. Since Marvel has been doing what I dreamed of on certain books I took advantage of this offer. I've been using those codes for the books I want to write about. I am also curious as to whether or not they will get a Blue Universal label or a Qualified Green label once the peel away is well, um peeled away. I haven't yet sent any of those books that I took the labels off of but I did send in every single digital copy and for all of you complaining that their books are only verified or scheduled for grading I have yet to receive any word that they are at CGC headquarters.
    At first I was scared how to send them to CGC, do I download them to a floppy disc and hope that it gets there, do I use a CD-ROMs' or really get High tech and send DVD-ROMs', and then do I put one on each or all on one. I'm telling you the final decision was nerve wracking. Shipping was easier at first but how was I to insure the digital copies. Do I give a FMV per each comic book or each DVD-ROM? And was sending them through e-mail an option? I made my final well thought out decision and sent them along.
    It's been quite a few months since they have been sent with no official word on how they will be graded. Will they print them out on high glossy paper, or cardboard stock? Will each page be graded separately or stapled together? Or maybe I will finally get the encapsulated product back with a dreaded NG? I don't know why I am so anxious about this; they are only zeros and ones when it comes down do it. How could they get anything other than a Gem Mint 10?
    Thanks for Reading
    PS... For something non comic related please follow...

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  21. Tnerb
    Or I have to remember these aren't for me.
    I found a full run of She-Hulk, The Thing, Team America, and multiple limited series that I want to read. I even found a copy of Batman that I had when I was younger, and the following issue. They are not candidates for grading but I am looking forward to finally reading the second part of the book I read ages ago.
    There also was some magazines along the lines of Eerie, Conan the Barbarian, and Epic. There was even a copy of National Lampoon. As I'm trying to count and put the away, one of the covers caught my attention and even had a two page teaser if what was to come. Take a look at the photo below and let me know if you see it.
    I also finally paid off everything that I spent at the NYCC and received the Gyclee through Fed-Ex. Although I decided to have a bit of coffee at the local diner, not to mention my place of employment, I need to figure out where to hang it up. Wall space has been increasingly shrinking and I really don't feel like rearranging my apartment again.
    I'll feel better once I empty the last four boxes and start to place some of the books on eBay. Although I was pleasantly surprised when I found a novel inside the boxes entitled "Bearing an Hourglass". This same book I tried winning on eBay three separate times and lost an equal amount of times. This was the last book I needed to complete my hardcover "Incarnations of Immortality" series. For that I am beyond happy.
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  22. Tnerb
    Or the Fear begins to grow.
    My Amazing Spider-Man #129 is one of my top ten books I own. About two years ago Surfer99 wrote a journal about keeping only ten books and what would they be? At the time I only picked five. I think as I close in on 400 books I'll have a journal answering his question in its entirety.
    I sent a book to CGC for a signature series. It was Wolverine #10. After getting it back I felt the book wasn't even mine. For one thing I sent them a beautiful 9.8 copy that I purchased off the rack when it was originally published. It was perfectly centered, the corners were crisp, and had no spine roll.
    I glimpsed at what it was once it was listed and although disappointed I knew the risk. My 9.8 was now a 9.6. It was another couple weeks before I had the order in my hands and after tearing open the box and looking at my Wolverine #10, I knew it wasn't "MY" Wolverine #10. Although the corners were still crisp the cover was no longer perfectly centered due to a drastic spine roll from top to bottom.
    Now after having my ASM graded originally a 9.2 with white pages and being ecstatic when it jumped to a 9.4., although slightly curious since the page description went from "White" to "White to Off-White". My third time I sent the book to be graded was to add John Romita's scrawl to the front cover. I was happy when it was returned the same grade. My writing had me discover more about pressing and I decided to use this majestic book as a guinea pig.
    Matt Nelson was informative and was rather positive it would attain a 9.6 and after his help with my Daredevil #3 I had no doubts about his knowledge and experience. The book arrived weeks ago and I gazed lovingly at my prized treasure, purposely seeking out the three flaws on the spine. They were there and I was reassured that this book was the same one I bought as a teen.
    Im trying to make my decision on what to bring to the ECCC and looked at my ASM #129, As I looked at it, after one of the best pool games I ever had and before going to work, I'm hesitating about getting the third signature. I have no desire to sell this book so I try to consider even if the book drops to a 9.4 it will still have three signatures on it, but then I looked closer.
    By Spider-Man's foot, at the bottom of the staple, possibly caused by the press was a defect I don't remember. Will the fifth time getting this book graded be one too many, will my chances be better if I submit it with a bottle of Christal? Should I be happy with what I have or as my Captain from my pool team said "It could get a 9.8". I told him that's impossible but... what if???
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  23. Tnerb
    Or sometimes I just ramble, but I also love to read.
    I love the amount of Journals added today, love the fact more that they are about people's hopes and dreams for the coming year. I have yet to seriously look at my goals for the year, but I think I should see if I accomplished any if my goals for this year.
    I have yet to decide what my goals are for collecting in 2013. Of course I would like to find the last two New Mutants I need. Not to mention get some books signed and graded but I guess what I'd really like is to write better, to try to be more informative and get my memoirs down.
    I've been writing quite often on the journals continuing my one a day. I've been thinking of doing no more than two journals a week, but no less than one, not including my thirty in thirty. I would like to continue working on my blog "A Shot of Comics" and "Shot Glass Thoughts". I was thinking one each per a week. And then for the Coup de Grace I could continue with my memoirs.
    It was great reading all the journal today, including new comer Nativeson1120. I hope you continue. Ronnylama, LeeK, Surfer99, thank you for your friendship. Kahalo1256 and any other collectors in the armed forces, I thank you. To Gemma, thank you for the constant changes you make allowing us all to enjoy the boards. Screenwriter3d, I'm loving your journals, HarveyFanatic continue collecting what you love.
    To SRoszkowski for your love of X-Infernus and of course to Bagofleas, to whom I owe a debt of gratitude he might never understand. To my friend Una, a better friend than I deserve. And of course to my Father, my Son, and my best friend John,who was more like a brother than a friend, three of the four men alive today that I can say I love.
    Pop-pop... I still miss you.
    I know this became a ramble. I'm sorry but if you would care to read a ramble about Cable And X-Force #1 please click the following link.
    Thanks for Reading
    Ps. To anyone I have not listed, don't worry I thank you too for being part of my world.

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  24. Tnerb
    There's always pros and cons of any transactions. The books that I bought are going to be a long time to "flip". It's ok I need the learning curve. There are some books that I've viewed and thought, well they suck. Then of course there are others that I feel I have a chance and yes if takes money to make money.
    I have read the added commentary on my previous journal and for those offering to help I will get in contact with you. Thus however will be after the new year. Not only do I still have to finish unpacking the boxes, I've been asking to pick up extra shifts, for example on Christmas Day I'm working 19 of the 24 hours.
    Some of the series that I loved finding was the Thing. This series I decided to collect in a 9.8, but wanted the opportunity to read them over again, I was going to start with issue 1 and read straight through. After issue 2 I cheated. I read issue 15, the first one of that series I ever got. I wonder if that us a theme.
    There are certain books in there that I have decided I want to keep, and then as a father to a child, I said I'm not allowed. After a small debate I'm allowing myself to keep five if them to grade. All others have to go. I don't need to make a large profit, but I do want to see if I can do it, even if its only marginal.
    As of now I have about a hundred books that are nice enough for CGC. I will put them aside and see what I can and cannot do. The best I will slowly go that route and the worst will start at a dollar on eBay. Eventually if I can turn this love for my hobby into something financially viable than I shall be happily blessed for it and if I can't... I can at least say I tried.
    Thanks for Reading
    After last journals picture if my comics defying gravity I figured thus next photo would be appropriate

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  25. Tnerb
    Or Where am I Putting it all?
    Trying to get 4500 comics books put away is proving to be no daunting task. I save set myself up with a small business idea to get rid of them starting at ninety nine cents a piece on eBay. The trick of it will be to accurately grade them. The only thing I plan to do in its entirety is put them somewhere. I can grade them ten at a time as I place them on line for bidding.
    I have also thought, do I get to keep any or have to bid on the ones I want. I am guessing out of all the books I have acquired that the best item in there is the Wolverine Limited Series, they range between a 9.2-9.6. My thoughts on these are to have them signed and graded.
    If I can do that along with a few other decent books I can easily recoup my cost. Then as someone else said the rest is gravy. So why am I trying to enter this market as difficult as it might be? Probably because if I can grade right and get someone a book that they might be looking for I'm helping them complete their set, plus it would be somewhat of a relaxing endeavor to supplement my income. I give myself a year. Shall we see where I am by then?
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