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Journal Entries posted by Tnerb

  1. Tnerb
    Or next year I plan on four
    I was lucky enough to go to not only Wizard World which is in my backyard of Philadelphia but I went to neighboring conventions in Baltimore and New York. This was the first time I went to three major conventions in one year. Each convention had something to add. Wizard world in Philadelphia had on site grading for CGC, Baltimore had some amazing deals on books, and New York had the artists for those books to be signed. Not to mention at each one I met Stan Lee.
    I have to admit that 2012 was a good year. It had its ups and downs, but fortunately more ups. Although there was one down I had an especially hard time getting over. I made some friends this year in the collecting community and for that I am grateful. Next year, in 2013, I plan on attending the same conventions that I attended this year and have included the ECCC to the list.
    I hope next year will be even better than thus year. I hope to meet some more people on the registry, those I know and those I don't. I even plan in dressing up this coming year. I already have the character picked but suggestions would be welcomed. By the way I didn't buy anything on the first of December, let's see if I can do the same for the second.
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  2. Tnerb
    Or Will the real Slim Shady please stand up
    I've been lucky with the registry. Not so much for the comic books I have placed in my sets but for the friends I have met. With these friends I have communicated through the journals, chat boards, e-mails, and even Facebook. This journal I have decided to write because it needs to be written. It even preempted my journal about having my books at CGC for forty one days, not that I am keeping count.
    There is no guessing that this journal is about RonnyLama, currently at 53 on the registry list, I wonder if he would have been higher if he didn't give away some of his books. I have been one of those blessed to be a recipient of his generosity. He sent me a nice care package of graded books along with a few raw comics for the possibility of getting them signed and graded.
    This was done with nothing asked for in return. The thing is, even though he didn't ask for anything, I had something to give, he got the one thing I was able to, he received my friendship. This is my way of publicly thanking him not just for his generosity with the comics he sent me, but with the time he gives, whether it's a simple text to show off one of his beautiful books or a phone call that lasts well over an hour to discuss comic books, beer, and pool.
    Ron, when you read this, know one thing, and this is a very important thing that you must understand, other than my friendship which is yours for as long as you want it. I will beat you in pool....mwahahahaha
    Thanks for Reading
    As for the following Link, it's my latest review for the photo below.

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  3. Tnerb
    Or these aren't the Thanksgiving Day leftovers you've been looking for.
    Two books alone catapulted me up another thirty spots on the rankings. I didn't think I would be closer to 400 than 500 until way into next year. Most people in the beginning of a new year will set up a new year's resolution. Being a smart when I was asked by someone I was in high school with what my New Year's resolution was I answered to never make another New Year's resolution. All these years later, I have never broken that resolution.
    Making plans for the coming year is another thing altogether. I failed in not procuring any more CGC graded comic books. I indeed buy another one, with the possibility of striving for another one. As I am going through what I purchased and trying to see how I am going to sell off each piece, I was wondering, what if I stopped collecting? What if I decided that this was not worth the hassle? I mean it would be one less major financial burden I wouldn't have to put up with.
    For instance, my new releases cost $30 today. If you multiply that amount by 52 weeks I am looking at $1560. That amount is only on new releases. Let's say on average I spend another $50 a week on CGC, then that amount becomes $4160. For good measure let's add another flat $200 for the shipping. Do I dare add what I would and could spend at conventions? It is a safe amount to add another $3000 and I am up to $7160 on comic books alone.
    That is a lot of money at $2.83 an hour. I have to admit though I am much happier now then when I managed stores. The sole responsibility I have right now in my life is me. Could I stop collecting? Could I do something that heinous for one year and then splurge? Of course I am already going to the ECCC in 2013 so maybe just maybe I'll have to wait until 2014.
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  4. Tnerb
    Or buying by the nix load
    I'm taking a chance. I just purchased at least 4500 raw comic books. At least that is the number I think it is. They are anywhere between mid seventies and early nineties. I didn't get to really look through them as deeply as I would have wanted too. I still had to get to work. One of the first boxes I looked at had The Thing and Spider-Woman, two series I've been wanting to read. There also looked to be some nice Amazing-spider Man issues, including 194,238, and 252.
    Unfortunately, I am now stuck at work and will have to diligently go through them tomorrow, after breakfast with my dad. It was claimed there were six thousand but from the picture I took it might be closer to 4500. One of the titles was the New Mutants and the two issues I looked at hoping for a high grade was 47 and 99. The 99 has a shot. I'll have to examine it closer, the 47, a newsstand edition has not.
    I am hoping to sell off what I don't want, keep what I do, and grade what I want to send to CGC, maybe with a signature or two. Part of me is afraid I miscounted and didn't get the deal I was hoping for but either way it gives me a chunk closer to what I had to get rid of all those years ago.
    And by the way I couldn't get past day eleven without buying a CGC graded book. And just as a second after thought almost like it doesn't matter, my Amazing Spider-Man arrived today.
    Thanks for Reading
    Picture of the comics I bought. What's your best guess?

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  5. Tnerb
    Or Slipping outside my means
    I have done it, others have done it, and maybe you have done it. I'm talking about placing a bid on books with the thought 'there is no way I am going to win'. The final seconds tick down and a message appears in my inbox congratulating me on my good fortune.
    I have also placed bids so low I was shocked with the same congratulations. I have been fortunate by only bidding what I can afford, even going so far as bidding to the final dollar in my account, after all my bills are paid of course. I wrote about this particular time in my journal entry "666". If you don't wish to go back and read it I'll spoil the ending for you, I lost.
    If the grade of the comic book matters, I like a solid looking 9.8. If the grade doesn't matter it's more about owning the book itself. How many of you can say they are the proud owner of a 1.8 or below copy of Amazing Fantasy #15? I like my 9.8 collection of New Mutants. I also like working on my original New Mutants starting as low as a 4.5 up to the most desirable financially attainable grade of 9.8. Don't get me wrong I would live to attain another 9.9, but at the moment the two issue numbers that are available are outside anything I can currently hope to purchase.
    For 2013 I hope to get ten more of my New Mutants collection signed and graded and then another simply graded. In a perfect world I would get the full 109 graded with at least half of them signed before 2014, but doing that and purchasing other books doesn't really fall under the category of what I can afford but what I want to afford.
    Thanks for Reading
    And for something slightly different please click I bugs link below.

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  6. Tnerb
    Or OK I know I said I wasn't going to bid on a book but...
    I couldn't resist. I saw a book that I liked. The page distinction wasn't that great but it was a copy of Daredevil #16. The book was graded by CGC at an 8.5. I decided to see what I could afford and tapped out at $135. The book was won at only a few dollars more. Could I have bid higher, sure, but then I'd be scrambling more than I am.
    With work slow and a vigorous plan to pay off what I owe a bit sooner than later winning that book would destroy my long term goals, but yet???We all have the things that keep us calm. Drinking for some, eating for others, a few cups of coffee at three in the morning for others. Bidding on comic books I want is one of those things for me...as long as I keep within my budget. Someone mentioned recently in one of their journals, a journal I need to find so I can comment there, about going over what they can spend.
    This was how I won my Daredevil #1. I placed the bid thinking there was no way I could win. I did the same thing with the Sub-Mariner #38. I never placed a bit that I couldn't afford, if I were to do something like that I would probably have won a Daredevil #1 in a 9.6...with no way of paying for it. I am sure I will bid on a book or two by the end of the month, whether I win or not just depends how close I am with in my budget boundaries compared to how much the other bidder wants it.
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  7. Tnerb
    Or Reading a Novel
    I didn't realize how important Stan Lee was to creating the Marvel Universe. I originally thought he started in the sixties, when the Marvel Universe I knew was created. I had this romantic version of two snot nosed teens starting in the industry recreating everything in their wake, but it was nothing like that.
    Stanley Martin Lieberman and Jacob Kurtzman came to be known as the legends Stan "The Man" Lee and Jack "The King" Kirby. They met just as Joe Simon and Jack Kirby's creation in Captain America #1 was at the printers, finally hitting the newsstand on December 20th, 1940 a full twenty-one years before I thought they started. The reason Stanley was hired? He was a family relative.
    At work my love for comic books is very well known, so well in fact, two of my customers, with two different book reviews from two different newspapers about "Marvel Comics The Untold Story" by former Entertainment Weekly editor Sean Howe were brought in for me to read. I knew this book existed and had already perused the dust jacket before going to see the new James Bond movie "Skyfall".
    I wanted to buy it then and there, but I was too busy saving up for a Comic book, ironically; predictably published by Marvel Comics. It was another couple weeks before I bought the novel chronicling the birth and growth of what would become my greatest escape from reality, not to mention my weekly allowance. I finally purchased the book with my Father on a typical Wednesday before Fat Jacks, my LCS opened. I dared not begin reading it fearing my latest haul would go unread until I finished the hardcover.
    To get through this book before my self imposed deadline I have brought it to work to read while on the register. I brought it to the bar that I frequent not worrying about people starring at me with my coffee, and I've been reading it at home hoping to finish it before "Two Graves" is released by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child, the two authors I put everything else down to read which is why I have my deadline.
    I've read so far about the beginning of Timely all the way up to the very early seventies. I am pausing at Gerry Conway's involvement with the very book I most recently wrote about, Amazing Spider-Man #129. I know I won't finish this by Tuesday but I can't seem to wait to get up to when Jim Shooter arrives on the scene, quite possibly the beginning of the Copper age?
    If you have the chance I would recommend reading it. It not only gave me insight, but also gave me the desire to again look at the way I collect comic books. Thank you Sean Howe.
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  8. Tnerb
    Or ASM #129 9.4 Off-White to White Pages Signature Series vs.
    ASM #129 9.6 Off-White to White Pages Double Signature Signature Series.I was sixteen, maybe seventeen when I asked my father for $300.00 to purchase a Near Mint copy of Daredevil #1. There was some profanity before the final word of "NO". The book was one of two that I was truly interested in. I was a more consciousness collector and started to purchase the back issues, the Frank Miller Daredevil issues helped bring upon this renascence of the hobby. I've always wanted a first appearance of a silver age created character and my copy of Iron Man #1 was not one of them. My second choice was an equally beautiful copy of Amazing Spider-Man #129. Even though the book wasn't a silver age book it did meet the criteria of a major first appearance, in this case the Punisher. And the price was more reasonably affordable for my allowance, part time job, and whatever I was given in trade.Before my father said "NO", I asked Dane, the proprietor of ComiCards if he could hold them for me. He made sure to stress there was a lot of interest in those two books but since I was a loyal customer he would give me a week. I had hoped with a loan from my father I would be able to afford both of them, but now it could only be the one. I brought my copy of Iron Man #1 along with a few other books I had I was willing to trade in, my Tales of Suspense #97 was turned down. I received a total credit of $80.00 for everything he wanted and another twenty thrown down and I became the proud owner of a very beautiful book. I couldn't wait to get it home to read.The back issues on the wall, which is where this one was placed were kept in, were safely secured in a Mylar bag. The hole in the top of the bag allowed me to place this comic book on my wall. At school no one knew I collected comic books but the select few who made it into my inner sanctum knew of my addiction. Before placing it on the wall with my "Longshot" series I shed the book from the sleeve, read it, and with equal caution placed it back into its protective casing.Over the years I read it a few times and even taken the time to grade it. The first time I graded I didn't have much experience. I looked over the book carefully examining the front and back cover while ignoring the insides. I was unaware they counted. I wrote in a spiral book my full collection and marked next to the title the grade I thought it should be. My educated guess was a 9.4.It would be years later before CGC started and even more years before I accepted them and decided to trust them with my Amazing Spider-Man #129. At Wizard World 2008 I turned it over to CGC, it came back the same day, graded a 9.2 with white pages. I wanted to question them, to find out more, but I was still enclosed in my own shell. I let the grade stand. I brought it home, joined the registry and never added any of my books.Eventually CGC had a signing for Stan Lee. I opted for this possible once in a lifetime event and debated on what I could send in compared to what I should send in. There was so much, but I could only afford to send four. Out of what I did choose, my Amazing Spider-Man was the cream of the crop. I was overjoyed that this time they graded the book what I thought it should have been all along, although I was perplexed how the page color changed from "white" to "white to off-white". At that time though it was only one of two graded In a 9.4 Signature Series..Another two years passed and I had the opportunity to add another great to the cover, this time by John Romita. I was relieved when the book was graded the same. I am sure there are a few more double signatures out there and after researching a bit I found one on eBay. Its asking price was set at $2500. Although it didn't sell right away, it did sell.After learning more about the way CGC grades and immersing myself more into the aspect of third party grading I decided to see what others would say about my Amazing Spider-Man #129. I took it to Matt Nelson of Classics Incorporated which was newly acquired by CGC. There was a flaw I originally missed that he pointed out to me. He thought the imperfection that I missed would be pressed right out. He looked it over and felt positive that the book would reach a 9.6. I received word via e-mail yesterday; on December 7th my book was graded. I just have to wait till I get the book in my hands but Matt did indeed come through on his predictions and the book will be returned to me as a 9.6. But after reading this long journal entry I ask you do I add another signature to the mix. Gerry Conway will be at the Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle, Washington and I would love for him to add his signature to the likes of Stan Lee and John Romita. Would it stay a 9.6? Would the book drop to a 9.4? It's a gamble and I have a couple months to decide, but I wonder if this was your book, what would you do?Thanks for ReadingTnerbTo see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.
  9. Tnerb
    or Part 2 of 2???
    Sometimes suspense is good. The kind a comic book gives you when you have no idea what is going to happen next. Sometimes it is at the end of an auction that you really want to win. And sometimes it is when you go to sleep and you have no idea what the morning is going to bring. Today was a lazy day, although I did accomplish a few items around the home I did so with the new Batman Trilogy I picked up on Blue Ray. I tend to pick up books from sets I want to complete. I have trouble picking up a lone book here or there but it looks like that is where I might wind up.
    I was happy when the Marvel Team-up Annual #6 ended up in the complete New Mutants set. This allowed me to delete a full Marvel Team-Up set that I would have most likely only picked up one other book, issue #100. But, as I am watching the movies I am remembering a few other books I had. I think issue #502 had Alfred and Mr. Fox on the cover; at least that is who I think they are. It has been a long time since I read that book and somehow it disappeared from my collection. I hate to think I abandoned it when I purged my comics.
    The cover is just something from my youth. I don't remember issue #503 because I didn't have it. There was a copy of Action Comics as well that I truly loved for the cover alone. I wrote about that one previously. Marvel might truly be my favorite playground to follow along with but there are many books from Detective Comics that have a hold over me too. I might not get them in a high grade, and I might not even get them graded at all, but I think that maybe, just maybe, to reminisce about a younger time, a more innocent time, when I couldn't wait to read part two of two, I might get them again just to read.
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  10. Tnerb
    or It's only One More
    Anytime I tell myself I am not going to buy something, I do. It's those times that I don't say anything that I have a dry spell. Today there are a few books in an auction I want. There's nothing major about them. They won't complete a set. They won't satisfy my need to buy an iPad Mini. They won't even be here the second after I win...if I win. I placed this bid in November, knowing full well that the time the bidding closes would be well into a month that I vowed I wouldn't buy and CGC graded comic books. By the way this rule goes out the window if a New Mutants #58 appears or a copy of the fourth Annual in a 9.8.
    After seeing a copy of Warlock #10 I decided I needed one, but as with most of my CGC graded comic books I wanted to read it first so I picked one up at Fat Jack's on Sansom Street. This is the place I trawl too every Wednesday to purchase my New Books. I always picked the best book possible but now I skim a bit more closely in case I decide I want to try or a 9.8 which falls outside the category of purchasing CGC graded comic books. The issue of Warlock #10 I picked up would probably be a 4. The scan looks a lot better than the actual book.
    So what I do to occupy that time to stop me from purchasing or bidding on graded comic books? I did decide to start my collection over within the software I use, starting with my Graded books. This way I will have a much easier time to pick and choose what I want. I tend to make a list of ten raw books I might like which stops me from purchasing doubles, because as god know I have purchased many doubles thinking, I don't have that.
    I also am limiting myself to fifteen books to bring to the ECCC for signatures and grading. Ten for me and five to sell, this limit will stay unless I do very well this month with tips or sales. I still have yet to finalize my last payment with my parents. I still have to pay off the Gyclee I want and now I have to save up for an impending surgery my cat needs and as much as I might need a book graded by CGC, he comes first.
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  11. Tnerb
    Or Selling Bronze at Silver Prices
    Is selling a comic book selling out? Is there anything wrong with purchasing a comic book just to flip it? Is buying multiple copies wrong on the speculation that what they own will become a commodity? Did this mentality destroy the market place in the nineties?
    Am I guilty of buying on the hopes of making money? Yes I am. What I bought though was under poor research and hoping rather than understanding. Yes I bought lots of X-Force, X-Men, and Image #1's. Hell, I bought fifty issues of Magnus vs Predator just to get the platinum edition. Still have it and it is a 9.8.
    I would like to say I have no problem selling a book after I upgrade, but I do. I like my books, however I have sold some recently to justify other purchases. I have even tried to purchase books to sell them for a profit, my latest hope was purchasing a copy of X-Men #109 which contains the first appearance of Vindicator. As of thus writing I have it up on eBay and yes the price is steep.
    Is holding out for the price I want somewhat counterproductive, of course it is. Of course that also gives me the reason to keep it. I purchased the book for two reasons, the first one already revealed and the second was it helped bring the price down on an Incredible Hulk #109 that I also wanted.
    I was expecting a lower grade not the 9.8 it attained. Am I selling out by wishing someone will buy it at my asking price? Am I selling out by hoping it doesn't sell since I originally purchased it to turn a profit. Comic book shops sell comic books everyday and they aren't selling out. They are just conducting business. The problem is when you buy at retail and trying to sell for a higher retail that you sometimes have to sell at a loss... Or keep it.
    Thanks for Reading
    Ps. Screenwriter3d, whatever you do, keep that copy of Warlock #10, it looks beautiful.

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  12. Tnerb
    or There goes that News Van again
    As everyone who is reading the Journals can see there is a repetitive journal being posted over and over again. The truth is he is doing nothing wrong. I have inquired to CGC and I have sent a message through the boards to HarveyFanatic himself. I figured I would go through standard protocol at least hoping that if he is going to post these journals at least let them be informative, I for one love hearing about other people's collections.
    Neither has shown that there is going to be a change. Is this just a fan trying to show off how proud he is of his collection? Has this person found a way to cry out for attention? I don't know. I stopped reading his journals at number four. I tend to check my views because I like when my stuff is being read. To me it seems rewarding that I hit a certain amount of views. I remember when my first journal hit a hundred, and when another one hit a thousand.
    I don't like the spamming of the journal boards, but there is nothing I can do other than not read what he has to say. I am not trying to be rude, ignorant, or abrasive. I am simply choosing to not read what he has to say. I ask anyone who might be upset with the way he has shanghai'd the journals not by poking fun or begging him to stop but by writing your own journal. Write about your favorite comic book, your first CGC moment, maybe even that historic issue that changed your life. Write about the missing years of the X-Men, or an OAK, or maybe even pressing, CVA, or Alan Moore.
    Share your love for what you enjoy not poke fun at someone who is doing the same thing, although to an extreme, and HarveyFanatic if you are reading this and you missed my message through the boards it is here as follows...
    I see that you have a love for all things Harvey and although I can love and respect that your journals on the matter are somewhat lacking. I don't feel your passion it feel involved with your love with the items you have posted. I was wondering if you could do me a favor and delete them all to start over.
    I'm asking this for two reasons, one is the apparent attempt to make fun of you by one of the journal entries (a couple more have popped up since I initially wrote thus) in between your onslaught of a single paragraph with a different picture accompanying the same writings. What I would like you to do will be challenging but I hope that when it is done you will find it well rewarding.
    Start over, start off with the car. Tell us about it. Did you have an original one as a child? Did the car sit in some antique shops window during a vacation in Yorba Linda, CA? How do you have it preserved and displayed? Try to make me and your other readers exclaim "damn I want one"
    I love writing on the journals but if you go back I also challenged others to write on the journals and share their hobby. After the fourth journal I read the same paragraph with a different picture losing my interest along the way so I guess my challenge is over the next amount of days depending on how many items you have I challenge you to write a post about it and journal about it on a daily basis, something akin to my own 30 in 30 challenge. Pull me into your world, don't push me out.
    I hope you understand...
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  13. Tnerb
    Or Something New to Collect?
    Sometimes I hope that when I talk about the New Mutants another collector suddenly has the urge to acquire the title. When a collector collects one thing it is much easier to start collecting other items too, in my case shot glasses and Star Wars items, the latter has been placed on hold due to space. I also like statues and recently ordered two more, but what is this Warrior magazine.
    When I first read the title, what immediately came to mind was a three issue miniseries called Car Warriors, a title Alan Moore had nothing to do with. I attribute New Mutants #15 as the reason I collect comic books but I did purchase others between the time I received my first comic book I ever got in 1977 until that fateful issue I acquired in 1984. One of those titles I picked off the rack was Saga of the Swamp Thing. It was issue #17.
    This title intrigued me. I picked up 18, then 19, followed by 20, and cultivated an amazing interest to this book by issue 21, so when 22 came out I didn't get it, not did I purchase 23. Maybe this title was the main reason I would keep checking out the newsstand racks of my local 7-11 because it looked like these books were selling out. Alan Moore revamped and revitalized what sold from my first comic supplier. I had no way to get to the comic book shop on a regular basis at that age and it was the corner convenience store that beckoned me. My eyes always looking to see what would captivate me.
    What would have happened if I did continue to find these books? Would Alan Moore have become a regular staple within my collection? Would "Watchman" be the book I started to collect instead of Daredevil, the Miller years, would I be pandering CGC to start grading Warrior much like Screenwriter3d is doing now? After all issue #1 through #26 has Alan Moore contributing some of his most known work, would this "magazine" have made it past issue #26 if DC didn't use Alan Moore for his creative Juices?
    Should CGC start slabbing larger periodicals? I know I am glad that they slab the larger Marvel Graphic novel titles and if they didn't wouldn't I sign a petition for them to do so. I don't know Alan Moore, he might be a whimsical fan boy who was not only able to play in the world of others but create a world where others could play in. Whether he would back his contribution being preserved in carbonite never to be read, but just admired hanging on a shelf, or against it for that same reason we might never know.
    Larger boxes would also be needed to hold the larger slabs and let's face it would encapsulating these larger magazines help the economy. My Marvel Graphic Novel sits solely on a shelf on the wall.
    So yes Screenwriter3d I will sign your petition and I will look for this magazine the next time I am at a convention and maybe full out an invoice for this title while smiling and handing it over to CGC to grade. The more I'm thinking though is to use cosplay woman dressed as characters from Alan Moore's creations request it in person, they are after all so much cuter than I. Thank you for opening my eyes to a larger world within our community and if I become addicted...I'm sending you the bill.
    Thanks for Reading
    Random photo below I found on the Internet

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  14. Tnerb
    Or the newest set I want to complete.
    Every comic age seems to have a transitional period between the new and the old. Without argument, it is safe to say the Golden Age of comics began with Action Comics #1 which introduces Jerry Siegal and Joe Shuster's Superman.
    The Silver Age also unarguably begins with Showcase Comics #4 in 1956 with a reinvigorated Flash, but the definitive end of the Golden Age was never mentioned. Did it fizzle out, maybe linger on beyond its time, or did the last page of Showcase Comics #3 state it was the end of an era?
    Did Dr. Frederick Wertham have anything to do with it when his book "Seduction of the Innocent" was published in 1954? Did his influence start to wane in 1956 and finally end with the Marvel explosion of 62'/63'? Titles that were the namesake of the characters portrayed between the covers such as The Fantastic Four, Daredevil, the Amazing Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, and the X-Men were some of their biggest hits with the Writing/Art style using a variety mix of Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Gene Colan, John Romita Sr. and Steve Ditko.
    DC didn't want to be left out using titles like Green Lantern and Justice League of America, both starting with a number one (this is when #1's meant something). Action Comics, Superman, Batman, Detective Comics, and Brave and the Bold strengthened the Silver Age, but when did it end?
    The above mentioned titles along with many more screamed into the next age of comics with the Bronze Age. It arrived this time arguably with Green Lantern/Green Arrow #76 with the amazing cover and art talents of Neal Adams in April of 1970, others might wish to contribute the rise of the Bronze Age a few months later with Conan the Barbarian #1 released in November of the same year.
    Titles such as House of Secrets #92, Incredible Hulk #181, Star Wars #1 (.35 cent variant), and Giant Sized X-Men #1 are some of the most popular issues from this era. The age ends somewhere around 1979, which subsequently doesn't mean that the Copper Age begins in 1980.
    With the other eras at least agreed upon by book or by year, the Copper Age is a bit more mystifying. No one can truly agree when the Bronze Age ends for my favorite era to begin. Some say 84', others a bit earlier and say 82'.
    If the Golden and Silver Age both started with a particular book and the Bronze Age could be attributed to a choice of two. In the eighties Marvel started a deluxe format starting with a character that first appeared in X-Men #130. This character declined to stay with the team and in March Of 81' Dazzler stared in her own series.
    The Deluxe format also was the beginning of publishers supporting comic book shops. In 82' Marvel started their Graphic Novel series with "The Death of Captain Marvel" Jim Starlin revolutionized the comic book format with the death of a major character by a disease inflicting millions rather than a super villain. A story which has been said was influenced by his father.
    84' just seems to far away from the end of the Bronze Age to be the beginning of anything. Of course this leaves the question if the Copper age does begin with the first deluxe format book published by Marvel, then when does it end?
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  15. Tnerb
    or Does it count?
    I mentioned I wouldn't buy anything in December to add to my CGC collection. I need the month to catch up on my bills and pay off what I owe to my parents and what I purchased at the NYCC so I can start saving for the ECCC even though it is still three months away. There has been a book that I have been looking at and the owner of the book and I agreed upon a price, the only situation is although we agreed upon the price in November, I won't be paying for it till December, so I was wondering if that counts?
    I have placed some books on eBay and I am about to do so again. These books that I am placing on eBay are the ones I upgraded for my New Mutants collection or have decided it no longer goes with my current collecting goals. Although I will clearly make it to 400, I won't make it by the end of this year even if every book I had out there came back to me within the next month, especially since most of them were graded in the first place.
    Work has been slow. I tried to get some more hours for today but since that is not happening I opted to try to be productive at home. Hopefully I succeed by putting a number of CGC graded books up followed by raw issues I just don't want anymore. This time though I am not in a rush or need to get rid of stuff, my goals are just different, plus I would like to have some extra spending money at the ECCC, you know to buy food.
    Thanks for Reading.

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  16. Tnerb
    Or Maybe that is why it was so cheap.
    More times than not if I win an auction it is either way too much, or something on eBay. I have been trying to get a signature series together for my New Mutants collection. I believe I have about 34 out of the 107 I have signed by an artist or write. With the exception of issue #54 I make sure that I have a second copy of the book I want to have signed or that there is a second copy available. Issue #17 was one of the hardest books to get. In fact the copy that I have was given to me by a dear friend who doesn't think that she is dear to me. The truth is I'd be lost without her in my life.
    There is no way I would want to chance getting that signed and having the book drop in grade. I don't mind it dropping because of who it is from (she also purchased my Daredevil #380 too, raw, it sucks she can pick a better candidate for a 9.8 than me, and she hates comic books, but throw a Coach bag on the floor and she is all over that). I figured I would purchase another book as back up and found one on an auction site. I placed a bid knowing that I can always stop because it wasn't a book I needed, just one I wanted. Of course I didn't read the full description, which is how I buy most of my White to Off-White copies. I saw the cover and saw 9.8 and placed my bid. I won for a damn good price.
    The book arrived at my father's yesterday evening. I picked it up tonight with a larger package that was delivered there of a scanner (which I hope to hook up tonight) and started to open the box on the street sitting in my car...when a parking authority started to look at my car...I left. Do you know how much a ticket is in Philadelphia? Anyway I didn't open the rest of it while I was driving. Nor, did I look at the cover while I was driving, nor did I question who the hell Zeb Wells is? Chris Claremont wrote #17 and the cover that I knew since I was twelve was not by Dave Wilkins.
    As I didn't look closer at the cover while I was driving the date under the Bold New Mutants #17 was 11/10. Someone had the CGC offices mistakenly placed a volume 1 issue 17 under a Volume 3 issue 17 column. I am sure CGC would fix this for free especially since it is there mistake...OK not so sure, but I hope they would if I asked, or I can just choose this one to crack and have signed. This is the second mistake I have graded by CGC. We all make mistakes but I hate the small nagging voice saying to me, what if they messed up on the grade too?
    Thanks for Reading
    PS. For all those that played along and read my thirty in thirty or in this case my thirty-five in thirty, I thank you again. It might have been after my first time I did this that someone else wrote a journal stating they woke up and was slightly disappointing I didn't have another waiting for him on December 1st. That was two years ago. It was also because of him that I received two books in my collection, one was a 9.6 and the other was a 9.8, both New Mutants. This round of 30 in 30 is dedicated to you my friend.

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  17. Tnerb
    Or Why isn't one enough?
    Two of my first signature series editions were New Mutants #18 and #19. Although both were off-white to white pages (and stolen by the USPS) they had the signatures of Chris Claremont and Bill Sienkiewicz. My other signature series books only had one. I started to change that this year. I don't know with what book but my ASM #129 is signed by Stan Lee and John Romita. This book is not in my possession but at CGC after being with Classics Incorporated to hopefully improve the grade. Once done I have to make the decision to bring it to the ECCC and have Gerry Conway sign it, and on a side note I did not know until recently that Gerry Conway was only seventeen when he started to write for Marvel.
    My first book to have three signatures on it will be my very own copy of New Mutants #77. I brought this to the NYCC for Louise Simonson, Bob Wiacek, and Bob Mcleod's signatures...if I remember correctly. I am guessing this book will achieve a 9.2/9.4. It is my own so I am ok with that. The other book I brought was a copy of New Mutants #19 for Chris Claremont and Bill Sienkiewicz that I cracked open a universal blue label. This one had white pages and I am trying to achieve the best New Mutants collection I possibly can. Of course what dictates the best?
    The signatures I am getting might just be a passing phase. But the yellow labels just seem to pop. Some signatures are better than others but some books are more centered than others too. It's all a matter of perception. One day I might eve purchase another New Mutants #1 in a 9.9 and possibly try to crack that for a multiple signature copy all the while retaining a 9.9 status. Yea! And I might have just won that half a billion dollar lottery too.
    Thanks for Reading.

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  18. Tnerb
    Or plane tickets, check; press pass, check; comics for CGC signature series, check; money for CGC to pay for Signature Series...
    I want to get one of my Amazing Spider-Man issues signed. My primary choice is my already twice over signed copy of the first appearance of the Punisher and the Jackal. I would love to add Gerry Conway's signature to this book. I think I might also make it my second signature on my issue #127 and get my raw #128 signed. The latter issue will be lucky to get a 9.2.
    I have been checking out the ECCC on a regular basis and a few other creators I'm interested in, and only to name a few, Howard Chaykin, Kurt Busiek, Mike Grell, Chris Claremont (again, a really great guy), Peter David, Mike Mignola, Denny O'Neil, David Finch, Brad Guigar, Mark Waid, The great Neal Adams, and Bob Layton have been joined by the likes of Mike Drigenberg, the latter I would love to have added to my Neil Gaiman autographed (green label) copies if Sandman.
    I decided to get my original copies of Sandman graded, so why not add some signatures to those copies, the thing is, thus convention is still three months away and I already dedicated myself to only get five books graded and already I can tell that's not going to happen. It looks like ten is my new number if books to have graded under the signature series umbrella.
    Are you going? Who are you going to see? What books are you getting signed?
    Thanks for Reading
    Random photo below

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  19. Tnerb
    Or Hate Me if You Like
    At the NYCC I first found out about CVA. I don't follow the boards as some people think I should and yes I like to stay safely tucked inside the journals area, mainly because it is what I know. I also couldn't get to the chat boards when I originally joined so I never gained a love for that part of the site.
    When I first learned about CVA I wanted to know more, I contacted them directly and had two lengthy conversations with Joe Veteri, the first one was after I already wrote something about them entitled "What is CVA?"
    I wrote a Part two which was mostly my conversation with Joe. I am horrible at transcribing and used my own twist, which is pretty much why my interview with CGC went unfinished and my Interview with Matt Nelson still has to be completed.
    I have heard so many things about CVA, the majority of them negative. I received a message in my inbox from a registry member and I thought to myself that this article helped him. He is new to collecting and feels that CVA might very well help him with his endeavors. This hobby can eat you up and spit you out. In 1993, the industry almost crashed, in fact comic book prices fell after everyone jumped off the band wagon. Pre-Unity Valiant titles still aren't what they were going for when they first came out, CGC graded copies withstanding. A little third party help can go a long way.
    I believe CVA is not here to make a buck but to comfort the new collector or someone willing to bid on a book and wants the best for their money. I purchased a 9.8 copy of the New Mutants issue #6, a copy that never should have been a 9.8 in my eyes. The cover is not centered and a good portion of the back cover is part of the front cover. I have since upgraded my copy and had it signed for a signature series edition. I still have the 9.8, but I think it should be a 9.6. Could I argue with CGC that they don't know what they are talking about, that they can't grade. I could, but much like "exceptional eye appeal" grading is subjective to the grader.
    For instance I would think a 9.9 should be white pages only, but there are some that are off-white to white pages. I don't know why, but the graders of CGC feel that the book was perfect in every other regard and I can accept that just like I can accept seeing a CVA sticker on a book that I want might push me to spend the few extra dollars to win the bid or purchase outright, sure I can see when a book looks good but isn't it nice to know that someone else agrees with you.
    I for one believe in CVA. I believe very much what Joe believes, that this hobby is a fun and exceptional hobby to be part of. I might even be jealous that he came up with this concept, but to see the sticker on a book makes it easier to know I'm getting my money's worth.
    I don't have to send books to CVA if I disagree with Joe. I don't have to purchase books stamped with his sticker, I don't even have to write about him, but I don't have to get my books graded either. I don't need CGC to tell me my Daredevil #5 is a poor copy and wouldn't be above a .5 or that my New Mutants #15 in a 4.5 signature series was not worth the money I spent to have it graded and regraded with a signature.
    I don't have to show my books to CVA to have them label it with their "exceptional eye appeal" sticker, if and only if it passes their standards, no, I don't have to do that at all, I do it much like I send books to CGC, because I want to.
    Thanks for Reading
    PS. I did just see Red Dawn so that might attribute to what I wrote above, so whether negative or positive I want to hear from you. Please comment on how you feel about CVA? Or me for that matter, but whatever you do, don't see Red Dawn unless it's the original version.

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  20. Tnerb
    Or these aren't the Droids you're looking for
    CGC has been around for over a decade, but not everyone knew who they were in the beginning. It took a couple of years for the collecting community at large to accept them as the standard. Joe Veteri hopes the same people will use CVA as an impartial, unbiased third party service. He doesn't expect an overnight success, but Joe knows this labor of love "will take however long it takes". The main idea behind CVA is a book with solid structure and exceptional eye appeal to be easier to detect among the growing market. They want collectors to know the encapsulated item viewed is one of the best looking comics pursuant to its numerical grade CGC assigned.
    Although their main display is a 9.6 major key issue copy of Incredible Hulk #181, they will apply their certification to any grade within their guidelines without infringing on CGC's already high standards. CVA wishes to compliment CGC not take away. Of course you could say "I don't need a third party to tell me what looks good or doesn't." Comic Verification Authority's purpose is not to dictate to the collector, but to assure them that the "exceptional" stickered book in question is one of the best ones out there for the grade specified.
    I am guessing a lot of people felt they didn't need a third party grading company either, but with two million comic books graded by CGC, the nay Sayers were proven wrong, of which I was originally one myself. I can grade books and I can see what books look good, but I think I like the idea of knowing I can look on an auction site and know right away that a book I'm bidding on is one of the best ones out there within the particular numerical grade given. As I convention hop and look for raw books, I buy what catches my eye for the price I am willing to pay. Graded books make the choice easier, but the price steeper.
    CVA hopes to end speculation on the eye appeal of a book no matter what grade it received. The sticker will be placed directly above CGC's numerical grade for easier visibility so the collector or investor can bid on or purchase with peace of mind. In October, CVA already added their distinctive sticker on a sample portion of books. In November, ComicLink.com will have another sampling of books to have CVA's sticker predominantly placed on some of the comic books that that auction has to offer. Joe and Tomis plan on taking a trip up to Maine to look over a select group of comics before applying their sticker to some of the books on the site allowing collectors such as myself to bid in the auction with confidence.
    Anyone can send books to their office in New Jersey and can check their website for prices, but for a limited time this service is free. If you see them around the convention circuit, for the same limited time, this service again will be free, something I plan on taking advantage of, not to mention to see how their eye appeal matches up to mine. This is the very reason why I started sending books to CGC.
    There is a limit to what CVA will administer their silver stickers to, and even stricter guidelines to what the newly issued gold sticker will be placed upon. CVA will NOT add their endorsement to any PGX books and will only apply them to CGC labeled with either the yellow signature series or the universal blue labels. After talking to Joe I felt relieved that he wasn't just money hungry, that he came up with a scheme for some quick cash. I felt more attuned with him because he seems like a collector, just like me, and possibly just like you.
    Thanks for Reading
  21. Tnerb
    Or .833333333
    I was worried I wouldn't be able to get thirty journals done in thirty days. It looks like I have time to spare. I haven't written anything for anyone else since I feel obligated to complete what I started. Once done I will get back to my regularly scheduled program.
    One thing I should do Is read what I wrote last year and see if I accomplished what I wanted to do. Then I should write what I want to accomplish for next year. I am happy with what I did accomplish and look forward to competing in the copper first appearance set.
    I also plan on giving CVA a few books. I have to double check my book I gave to Desert Winds. I hear a lot of negative things about them and only recently heard some positive things about them that I wanted to use their services before I wrote about them.
    My ASM #129 is still in Limbo but I hope to see the results soon. This will be the forth time I slabbed this book and might try a fifth time in Washington to have Gerry Conway to sign it for a trifecta. I am going to end this rambling journal with a thank you to natas666 for talking about his submission to CVA. I will have to add my second part of the article.
    Thanks for Reading
    Please excuse any mistakes, I am rushing through this at 4:45 am EST On my lunch break.
    Very random photo below

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  22. Tnerb
    or What can I get now?
    This month has been better to me than others. Although last night was utterly horrendous, I expected it. Black Friday is notoriously slow for us, hence tips are down. Of course after working my two days off I am ahead of schedule. I still have tonight to add to my net wages and one more check to deposit then it's onto the difficulties of December.
    I have about ten more books out there that will make its way back to me. So what will I do if I don't allow myself to buy any CGC graded books in December (yea, let's see that happen). I started to re-catalog my collection with my Collectorz software using just my CGC graded books. After which I will add my raw books. I plan on looking though my raw collection to find the best comics possible to have signed at the ECCC. I also am going to try to find either a copy of Amazing Spider-Man #120,121,122, or 123 to have signed by Gerry Conway at that said convention.
    I could have the money easily but I do wish to pay my parents back. They don't bother me for it, but if it's all the same I would rather not have that debt. Plus, let's face it, if I have another big purchase I would like to buy, their credit does help me along. I also realized this past month I bought two of the books I really wanted, a third was an amazing gift, and that leaves me with no current Holy Grail.
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  23. Tnerb
    or What the Hell?
    I live in a relativity secure building. In other words you have you have to know people to get in here. The fact that I heard a knock on my door made me think that I had Tom Petty playing just a little too loud. I opened to the door to see a Fed-Ex man with a package which befuddled me. I have all my packaged sent to my father's, but here he was asking me if I was who I was. The package was indeed for me.
    I opted to bid in one of Pedigree Auctions "auctions". I placed a bid for a Sub-Mariner #38, a previous copy of this issue escaped me. But now I have it, sitting in front of me. This book is slightly older than I, and probably in better condition. I attribute the New Mutants #15 as the first comic book I ever collected, but it's this book that I must attribute why I ever picked that book up in the first place.
    I read this multiple times as a child, knowing the origin of a character so much older than I. I never had issue #39 to follow it. I paid too much for this book, I know I did, but it was so worth it. Of course it is books like this I work so much. Well, let me go add this to my registry and if my points add up in the Sub-Mariner set I will be directly behind Surfer99.
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  24. Tnerb
    or Does Thanksgiving even exist anymore?
    I am a waiter. I have only done this for a short time in my life and when I switched no one would hire someone who decided to start over. I decided to try at the diner I ate at over the years (decades) and was able to finagle my way in with the help of a waitress who served me for those same amount of years. The one thing I loved about the place is it was always open. I knew if I wanted a quick or good meal I could go there whenever I wanted. Unfortunately I said or in that previous sentence.
    Even on Thanksgiving families could go there and enjoy each others company while not having to worry about anything else except maybe what time they would get up on Black Friday to go shopping. As the years progressed the sanctity of Thanksgiving day has diminished. Stores have opened on Thanksgiving day as early as 8 PM to urge you to spend your hard earned cash at their store.
    Even one of the local radio stations is now playing Christmas Music a week before Thanksgiving day has even arrived. I am not much of a holiday person but others are and I feel they should be separated. Give us the time to enjoy each season for what it's worth. Last year the new year didn't even start when the Valentine's merchandise was out. So where am I going with this? With all these retailers opening up early to get our dollar, why can't comic book shops do the same.
    Now did I go out to try to get a deal or two. Yes and no. I went out, but let me tell you, toilet paper and toothpaste have no special deals. And don't mumble in line saying "my kids will love these" you'll just get strange looks.
    Happy Saint Patrick's Day
    Thanks for Reading
    Not so Random photo blow...that I did not take.

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  25. Tnerb
    or no thank you, I don't like turkey.
    For the past few years I have opted to go into work. It's not that I need the money although it does help. It's not even that I don't have family, because I have a great family albeit they can't cook. I am serious when I say they can't cook too. I go into work because I always liked the days where everything is closed but that one store. When I was younger that one day was always the day I felt the strongest urge to get comic books.
    I've been reading on my Facebook page what everyone seems thankful for. I opted out of putting anything on there because I am not thankful today any more than any other day. I am blessed for my friends and family. I am blessed with a job and a roof over my head. I am blessed with the ability to immerse myself into a hobby I love. I'm also blessed with the knowledge of how to use toilet paper. I think that's my favorite.
    Things could be better, couldn't everyone say that, but things could be worse too.
    I am sitting here typing away with a comic book in front of me. This book came out just as I started collecting comic books. In fact this book came out a month later. My first Amazing Spider-Man book was #251, my second Amazing Spider-Man book was #253. Issue #252 was sold out before it even hit the shelves. I never got a copy to who knows how much later.
    This book in front of me was a gift, a gift that I am thankful for. And not just any kind of thankful but a heartfelt sincere type of thankful, the one kind that I will be eternally grateful. It's something that I can never repay and hope that I can convey (yes I did the rhyme on purpose, cheesy isn't it) in this public display that what I am trying to say (OK I will stop now) is Thank you.
    Thank you to everyone on here that has read my journals or been part of my life.
    Thanks for Reading

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