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Posts posted by sufunk

  1. T140Suscha.jpg





    Nice haul!!!


    Nice haul?!? Please! You know that he's holding out on you right!


    Those are probably just the top 3 on the stack of 50 INSANE books he picked up (worship)


    Doesn't make it any less nice of a haul (thumbs u


    Well duh! Those books are sick and that SS is insane. I searched for a HG one from like 1990 until I bought mine in 99 which was the nicest I'd seen and that ended up only being a 8.5. That square bound is impossible to get in HG. A 9.2 for that is the equivalent of a 9.8 in my mind (worship) Not a Pedigree though Peter :whistle::devil:


    I'm just busting his chops cus he's the one person that loves Suschas as much as me and keeps snatching them up from me :frustrated:


    If it wasn't for surfer, I'd have twice as many Suschas :sorry:


    And the curator Avengers57 dammit!!! :baiting::makepoint:

  2. SS4cgc92Heritage.jpg


    Pedigree fail :baiting:


    lol:applause: Well I try and keep my non-pedigree purchases to about $1K a piece, not $7K like some Avengers #1 owners. :baiting: I should be done for the year as I committed way too much lately but I say that every year. :P




    I'm pretty sure you've said that to me like 3 times already this year and then i get a follow up pm a few days later with 5 more sick Pedigrees! (tsk)

  3. Just to clarify I think Walls might have reference a sale he made with me. Books are in the mail but I take full accountability for not getting it out sooner and I have apologize to him for not being able to communicate this earlier. It was a slab and a raw copy of the same book but it took me almost a week to find the raw copy. Then I just hit a super busy spell at work, etc but that's not his problem.


    Walls is fairly new here so I think him asking general questions in this thread is perfectly fine and the right thing to do. I've been here for years and have done a lot of deals with people so I have the luxury of knowing the general landscape whereas a new guy has to rely on what he sees and hears. Besides I'm sure we all agree that the HOS and this thread is much bigger than it should be. Carry on folks. (thumbs u


    As I told walls in pm, he had absolutely NOTHING to worry about with Peter ( silver surfer) because he's as stand up a guy as you will ever meet. Owning up and apologizing here when he wasn't even named should just proves how stand up he is even more for any of you that don't know him and know that already (thumbs u Most people would have not just said a word and left it at walls saying it was resolved. Outing himself and apologizing publicly is more than the most people I know on here would do.


    You won't find anyone on here as willing to go out of his way to help someone. I've bought from him many times and have never had a problem. This little snafu with walls aside, I would never hesitate to buy from him Or recommend him to someone looking to buy. Anyone who's been here awhile already knows this.


    Oh and as far as the taking a week to find the book, if you saw surfers collection dano, you'd be surprised it didn't take him a month to find it! He has more insane Pedigrees than 95% of us have books. Just looking thru those would take a good 2-3 weeks (worship)

  4. Wow USPS is just sooooo helpful!


    They just called me and said " I understand you are looking for an undelivered package?"


    I say yes and they ask my name and put me on hold. After listening to crappy music for 7 minutes, they come back and say "ok, let me look around and call you back" :eyeroll:


    What the hell was the purpose of that call other than to annoy me further?!? :censored:

  5. Extremely happy to pick up this raw copy today - just a terrific book:








    That is nice as hell! (worship)


    On a HORRIBLE side note, I still don't have my Avengers 1 I bought a few weeks ago :sorry:


    It was shipped and received in Buffalo on April 23rd with a expected delivery date of April 25th. May 3rd now and still no book! Tracking just says what I put in the previous sentence. I spent an hour on the phone with USPS yesterday with a supervisor and they had ZERO information for me. Said they would research it and call me today but still haven't heard anything back and no package again today :frustrated:

  6. No, i agree with you. The only problem i had was bababooey acting like you cant even mention a problem on here until after 30 unless you are a OCD i d i ot. I've got no problem with what walls did and said even though it hadnt been 30 days. If someone wants to come in here and say "its been 20 some days and i havent heard a single thing, once it hits 30 days what do i do?" which is basically what he did.

  7. It has nothing to do with OCD. When I pay for something, I expect to receive it in a timely manner or have some communication explaining why that isn't happening. As far as I know, that's how buying/selling works on this planet. "life issues"??? Honestly, I could give two craps about that. Everyone has problems but still manage to do what needs to be done without curling up in a ball and Sucking their thumb ignoring their responsibilities until life is perfect again.

    We've decided that 30 days is the amount of time. If it feels unreasonable, then you just don't like the rules around here. You could certainly try to change them, but until then, 30 is the magic number. Sellers have 30 days to get you your comics after you pay. Buyers have 30 days to pay after the :takeit:.


    Also, hyperbole, while amusing and powerful, doesn't really help either side of an argument.


    It doesnt strike you as odd how no one EVER has one of these major "life issues" when setting up a sales thread and taking your money? Weird how that only comes up AFTER someone has your money.

    Again, this may just be exaggeration on your part to make a point, but ... if someone has "life issues" before setting up a sales thread, they just don't set up the sales thread. Seems pretty logical to me, and completely un-devious. Even so, I have definitely seen people start sales threads, then let them fall off because something has come up and they can't maintain it. They come back a week or whatever later apologizing for letting it slide, and often start it back up again. As for taking your money, the seller doesn't even have to do anything. They can take your money via paypal while in the very act of "curling up in a ball and Sucking their thumb ignoring their responsibilities until life is perfect again."


    Wow, do your friends call you Mr. Literal at home??? :baiting:



    I have no problem with the 30 days although personally i think that is a little long. I guess i dont mind because ive never had anyone on here take even remotely that long to send me the books. The only problem i have is if there was no communication during that time. If i pay for a book and then dont hear a single word and pm's go unanswered for 30 days, i'm definitely going to get a little worried and annoyed. Again, thats never remotely happened so wether i like it or not doesnt really matter.


    As to "life issues", like i said other than a one in a million occurrence that shouldnt affect a sale or sending a book. Like some others have said, how often does someone have a life changing problem that prevents them from taking 10 minutes to send a book or 30 seconds to send a PM??? Not NEARLY as much as people try to act on here when they arent doing what they should for whatever reason imo.


    Regardless, all i said and meant is that you need to communicate with the other party no matter whats going on unless you are incapacitated. Both of these last posters had sent PM's that went unread or unanswered for weeks on end. Thats just not acceptable 99% of the time. It takes 30 seconds to respond to a pm. That just shouldnt happen imo (shrug)

  8. Yeah, that must have looked cool as hell!


    Do you have a pic of all of them at once?


    I know I have some...but can only find a piture of the spidey shelf. Have a bunch of pics from when I took pictures to sell them on Ebay. Took this in 2006. And leave my dust alone! lol





    This was an early one. I think I sold this for a good profit.




    Nice! I love the rhino and Ant-Man ones but that Hobgoblin is freaking AWESOME! Thats the damn problem with those things though. Just when you think you have all the ones you want, you see 10 more cool ones you want :makepoint:


    Luckily, they are pretty decent at retaining their value cus the $$$ definitely starts adding up QUICK with them. They're definitely worth it to me though. I love looking at them, the detail is amazing. The Vision, Thanos and Ultron are my favorites since those are my favorite characters but my Yellowjacket is probably my all time fav. The detail in hand on the Yellowjacket statue is mind boggling (worship)

  9. Instead of searching for cute little graemlins to suit your needs, perhaps a reading comprehension course would be useful (thumbs u


    I've got no dog in this fight. I'm not complaining about anyone and have no "sour deals" pending so why are you quoting me saying I'm person_without_enough_empathying about a bad seller??? (shrug) I'm just agreeing with someone who does have a problem and giving my opinion. If you like waiting around for someone to send what you paid for until their life is absolutely perfect, great for you! I pay for my books immediately and expect the same courtesy in sending my books as soon as reasonably possible.


    It has nothing to do with OCD. When I pay for something, I expect to receive it in a timely manner or have some communication explaining why that isn't happening. As far as I know, that's how buying/selling works on this planet. "life issues"??? Honestly, I could give two craps about that. Everyone has problems but still manage to do what needs to be done without curling up in a ball and Sucking their thumb ignoring their responsibilities until life is perfect again.


    It doesnt strike you as odd how no one EVER has one of these major "life issues" when setting up a sales thread and taking your money? Weird how that only comes up AFTER someone has your money.


    Oh and don't give me the "it's only comics so relax" line. If they are only comics and don't matter, then don't sell them and collect people's money. I don't care if it's a stick of gum, when I pay for it, get it to me in a timely manner or communicate why you aren't. Doing anything less is the nothing but selfish, immature and unacceptable in my book (thumbs u






    Being the Internet, I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not.


    Just to clarify though, I don't want it to sound like I don't care about someone else's problems. I've had MANY times on here where someone pm'd me and explained the problem and why they couldn't send the book or payment. Every single time, my response has been " cool, no problem and don't worry about it, just let me know when it's better and it'll be sent" (thumbs u


    To just completely ignore someone is completely unacceptable unless you are dead or I. The hospital. Losing your job, getting sick etc is NOT an excuse to just leave someone hanging for weeks on end with no communication at all. That's what a 5 year old would do not an adult with any sense of responsibility. I think 99.9% of people on here would be understanding and give you as much time as you need tout you just communicate with them. Ignoring a buyer/seller you have a responsibility to is NEVER acceptable though in my book (thumbs u

  10. Instead of searching for cute little graemlins to suit your needs, perhaps a reading comprehension course would be useful (thumbs u


    I've got no dog in this fight. I'm not complaining about anyone and have no "sour deals" pending so why are you quoting me saying I'm person_without_enough_empathying about a bad seller??? (shrug) I'm just agreeing with someone who does have a problem and giving my opinion. If you like waiting around for someone to send what you paid for until their life is absolutely perfect, great for you! I pay for my books immediately and expect the same courtesy in sending my books as soon as reasonably possible.


    It has nothing to do with OCD. When I pay for something, I expect to receive it in a timely manner or have some communication explaining why that isn't happening. As far as I know, that's how buying/selling works on this planet. "life issues"??? Honestly, I could give two craps about that. Everyone has problems but still manage to do what needs to be done without curling up in a ball and Sucking their thumb ignoring their responsibilities until life is perfect again.


    It doesnt strike you as odd how no one EVER has one of these major "life issues" when setting up a sales thread and taking your money? Weird how that only comes up AFTER someone has your money.


    Oh and don't give me the "it's only comics so relax" line. If they are only comics and don't matter, then don't sell them and collect people's money. I don't care if it's a stick of gum, when I pay for it, get it to me in a timely manner or communicate why you aren't. Doing anything less is the nothing but selfish, immature and unacceptable in my book (thumbs u

  11. I agree with you 100% (thumbs u


    This whole "personal issues" or "life gets in the way" is the most ridiculous excuse ive ever heard? what are they 5 years old?!?


    Pretty much ALL of us have jobs, family, kids, personal issues, injuries, whatever and still manage not to basically steal someones money and not send what they paid for. Ignoring an :takeit: is one thing, once you've PAID.....thats a different story. I dont care what has happened in your life, unless you are in a hospital in a coma, send the books you took money for! Everyone has their problems but manages not to steal from people which not sending the books after being paid is in my mind.


    I'm shocked how much leeway people are ready to give because of a stupid "my life is more important than comics" excuse. Once someone pays you, there is no excuse short of a debilitating injury to not send what was paid for rantrant

  12. NICE! Those DEFINITELY need a dusting though! :baiting:


    I'd love to get the Iron Man and Cap ones but havent been able to find a Cap and the Iron Man i was waiting until i got the others 1st. The Hulk one i just dont like the look of so i've been holding off on. I'm a BA kid so I went with those Avengers that i gerw up with and loved Vision, Hawkeye, Yellowjacket, Ant-man and of course the two best villains Ultron and Thanos.


    Man, i cant believe you had SEVENTY of those! That is crazy!!! I've only got the 8 and i'm about out of room. I cant even imagine 70 :ohnoez:


    I'd like to still get Cap, Iron Man, Thor, Abomination, Ms Marvel, Destroyer, Gladiator, Magneto and Juggernaut to finish off my collection but i dont have room for all of those. Maybe at most 2-3 more and then i'm completely out of room :sorry:

  13. Hey, sorry to hi jack your thread here a little but wanted to show you this! Since it's basically your fault i had to spend all the money for these from you telling me how awesome they are and how much you love them, i hope you wont mind.


    I've been getting like 1 a month since we talked about them and you convinced me how sweet they are. There's still like 5-6 i'd like to get if i can find a good deal but these are pretty much all the ones i wanted bad enough to pay full price and get. The great Ultron one on the left is the most awesome thing ever!





  14. I also picked this up from my LCS yesterday. Ive gotten into the statues lately and had been eyeing this for a couple months and the owner gave me an AWESOME cant pass up deal yesterday!


    The thing is HUGE and the base must weigh 5lbs. Its almost 2 feet tall and pure awesomeness for me! I didnt even know it lit up until i got it home and unpacked. I couldnt stop staring at it all day yesterday :cloud9:




    Love Ultron! And this is an awesome piece. I would love to have one of these myself...


    Just to give a little perspective of how massive that Ultron statue is, i took this pic. The other statues are all the regular size ones other than Goliath which compared to the regular ones is HUGE. If you've ever seen these statues you know that the Thanos one is pretty massive compared to the others and the Great Ultron dwarfs him!


    Look how freaking big this Great Ultron is compared to the regular Bowen statues!!! :o



  15. Second book from Jerry Weist is a Marvel Key, with a great classic cover! :cloud9:


    JIM #89 Origin of Thor retold. I am about to turn 40 :sick: And I still get excited to get comics in the mail. lol





    DAMN!!! You're f-ing old man!!! You still able to get to the mailbox ok there buddy at your age??? :baiting:


    I dont hit 40 til the 6th so i'm sprinting out to the mail to get my comics like a little kid not like you dragging your May5th Bday old down to the mailbox! :devil:


    Those are some SWEET books! I cant even imagine putting a whole Rawhide kid run together. I dont think i've ever even seen half of them in person much less had a chance to buy them. Thats a hell of a feat when you finish that! (worship)

  16. I never like the excuse that a seller is too busy with their life to complete a timely transaction. If you're too busy to complete transactions, why have a sale in the first place? (shrug)


    Not making excuses for anyone, but there has to be some leeway here. Death in the family, loss of job, divorce, car wreck etc.


    But barring a life changing event, I'd say 30 days is plenty of time to complete a transaction.

    You are right that those are valid reasons. I just do not get how he can be too busy if that is what the excuse is and he has continued to post here on the boards (10 times or so today).


    Very much agreed. The flashing envelope isn't that hard to miss.


    Very easy to ignore though (thumbs u