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Posts posted by sufunk

  1. Why are these Detolf's so expensive to ship!!! Holy Cow...St. Louis needs a Ikea store bad!


    That are HEAVY!!! I went and got one Saturday afternoon at our IKEA and my back and left knee is still hurting from wrestling it into the backseat of my car and then dragging it into the house :censored:


    Detolfs are awesome, but are definitely heavy, so shipping should cost and arm and a leg, IMO.


    The worst was when I bought a floor sample for $30 from an Ikea near me and lugged it in my car by myself and somehow got it inside my little Honda Civic coupe. Definitely should have thought that one through. It got home safe (thanks to the tough tempered glass on it), so I no complaints, I guess.




    I know that feeling! I went by myself and wrestled the box into my small car and had to roll down the back window and have like a foot of it sticking out the window. I was definitely cursing myself for not bringing my wife big Infinity as i spent like 15 minutes in 95 degree heat sweating my off trying to figure out a way to get it to fit into my back seat doh!

  2. I'm done selling to the UK. The only time I was ripped off on this board was by a UK boardie


    I just said that I was ripped off before (a few months ago) from a UK boardie


    Can you please name the UK boardie who ripped you off and in what way you were ripped off?


    Funny, I've only been ripped off by an American buyer but maybe I should stop selling to all Americans and British board members. I hear they're a whole lot of trouble too.




    I just stopped selling to nigerian prince's they seem to never pay.


    What?!? I just got one offering $25 million for just 50k of my money! :banana:


    Sounds promising! hm

  3. No response from Goosie since PL PM warning 4 days ago

    so much has happened since then ... what was the deal again?


    he agreed to buy some books then disappeared. 4 boardies that i know of had the same experience.


    Not good goosie!!! (tsk)


    Like i said a few pages back, paperheart is as great a seller as you could ever possibly hope to deal with! Definitely NOT someone you should be messing around with :makepoint:

  4. I picked up one on eBay for $160 shipped....nearest Ikea is 3 hours away, so I figure that's a hell of a deal.


    Bad thing is UPS destroyed the first one, so the seller got their money back and I'm getting a new one tomorrow!


    yeah, the way the glass is packed in it, i'd say you have AT BEST a 50/50 shot of it arriving intact. Things like that are impossible to ship without breaking. When i 1st set up my saltwater aquarium like 7-8 years ago, i had to order a 6 foot long light fixture. No exaggeration, it took FIVE attempts to have one arrive that didnt have all the bulbs inside shattered! It was literally like a 4 month ordeal having them ship to me, ship the broken one back, ship to me, ship back on and on and on! :pullhair:


    I'd bet money if you had one of those Detolfs shipped, it would arrive with broken glass hm

  5. At the end of day yesterday I got the media mail package, it sits here in my office untouched as I want nothing to do with it.






    If it helps at all, I have completed numerous transactions with the seller. Not to say that you should change your course of action, only hopefully they are just being slow.


    I also had numerous transactions until they landed on my personal probation list. As far as I'm concerned this behaviour is par for the course.


    I have them on ignore so i never buy from them again. 2c


    I've never even heard of this person I don't think???


    They must be a modern or SS guy since those are about the only forums I don't read, no? (shrug)

  6. . Did you send a pm alerting them to this thread?



    I sent them a PM titled REFUND two days ago. they are well aware of this thread. I wouldn't be surprised to see them come in for some damage control spin. I'm over this deal and just want my money back.


    end of


    I can't wait to hear some of this "damage control". Yeah, the board might be laid back but 20-30 days to ship is FAR from anything ie ever experienced he unless I was told up front that for whatever reason it's going to take some time to ship. Most of the time, it's the exact opposite and books go out fast as lightning!


    A couple months ago, I bought 2 Pedigree Avengers from paperheart for almost a grand. I was paying by check to save him the fees and sent the check the morning after the :takeit: . The very next morning, the freaking books were sitting on my doorstep! :o


    I'm pretty sure I had never even bought from paperheart before and when I pm's him with a "holy mess! Thanks man!" type of message and he was just like " no problem, I've seen you around here enough that I trust you" (worship)(worship)(worship)


    THOSE are the kind of sellers(and there's a lot like that here) that make this such a great place to buy comics 95% of the time! :cloud9:

  7. That sucks KONG, imo you definitely have every right to be pissed! This is the same person that gave the "chill, 20-30 days to ship is normal around here" speech, yes?


    I'd vote for you getting a full refund based on what ive heard so far. I'm interested to hear their response on all of this. Did you send a pm alerting them to this thread?


    btw, dont let this sour you on buying here on the boards. I've bought from at least 50 people on here and literally havent even come close to having 1 single problem. The vast majority of people here are A+ sellers! (thumbs u

  8. Fingh's Dream World:


    Dr Chaos: I shouldn't have sold you those books as 9.8s if they weren't 9.8s. Send them back and I will refund in full.


    MedusaNYC: Thanks dude. They are on their way back to you, I appreciate the quick refund. Good luck reselling those on Ebay. You should do well with someone that isn't as 9.8 crazy as I am. :insane:


    Dr. Chaos: Sounds good. See you next time.


    +1 (thumbs u


    Thats why you are awesome and most other people arent! (worship)

  9. I think we have beaten this horse to death.


    I want to thank everyone that participated in the dicussion for their feedback. I have learned a lot from you that will help me to be a better seller going forward.


    The transaction was flawed. Mistakes were made by both the buyer and the seller. I took the time to hear out the seller and made the determination to provide him a partial refund based upon my observations and the communication from the seller. Right or wrong I made a judgement call and I will stand by it.


    Now that I have had a chance to present the other side of the story and all of the facts are available it is clear to see that I acted in good faith and tried to work with the buyer towards a mutually acceptable solution and that a meeting of the minds was not just not going to happen. While every seller should try to keep their buyers happy I reserve the right to kick unruly customers out of my online store.


    While this drama may have been entertaining to some of you this was and continues to be a private matter between me and the buyer. He was wrong to bring our private business into this public forum and he was wrong to attempt to drag my name through the mud. I am asking you to respect that privacy.


    The buyer was perfectly within his rights to bring this to the attention of the forum. He was not satisfied with your solution.


    He did not want to keep it private because you two could obviously not agree.


    I'm a little confused about your definition of "good faith" and the double negative that follows, however I do understand that you are upset.


    I hope perhaps you think about this a little more and revise your thoughts about a refund policy..



    Dr Chaos, I honestly think you're nuts.


    I I want to buy from a seller who can't grade, blames the buyer and refuses to consider logical possibilities like shipping damage, doesn't want the dispute revealed to the community and has no return policy......you're my man.


    Your reputation all over a $20 deal. :facepalm:


    Yikes! :o


    Right there is exactly why you should have just bit the bullet and ate the $6 no matter how right you think you are in this sale. Just not even close to worth it for $6

  10. Most impressive run of comics ever seen by man.


    I'm not sure I'd be in the hobby if I had that much investment in it.


    It's like we came, we conquered, so what's next ? (shrug)


    Your AF15 is pretty freaking sick itself! Not to mention your sons! (worship)


    I'm scared to even look at how nice I'm sure your Spidey run is :o

  11. Why are these Detolf's so expensive to ship!!! Holy Cow...St. Louis needs a Ikea store bad!


    That are HEAVY!!! I went and got one Saturday afternoon at our IKEA and my back and left knee is still hurting from wrestling it into the backseat of my car and then dragging it into the house :censored:


    The thing is pretty sweet though and easy to put together. Only downside for me was they were out of the lighter colored ones and I had to get the darker colored top. Once I get the room completely organized, I'm definitely getting at least 1 more. I do wish the shelf heights were adjustable though since they aren't tall enough for some of my Bowen statues. For comics though, they are freaking AWESOME! (thumbs u

  12. If you aren't sure of your own grading skills, you should have told the buyer that the books were NM or better, but you couldn't guarantee anything above that. You would probably have lost the sale seeing that he was specifically looking for 9.8 copies, but, on the other hand, you wouldn't be in the middle of this mess either.


    Saying that the buyer switched books is a pretty serious accusation around here - I would suggest that you show evidence to prove this :thumbsup:


    I have already admitted that going down the is this a 9.8? road was a bad idea and said that I don't plan on doing so in the future. This is also the reason that I gave the buyer a partial refund.


    I included my pictures of the books a few pages back. The scans supplied by the buyer including the book I believe to be switched have been removed from the internet by the buyer. He can post them here if he wants to prove my point.


    People who think I messed up by not giving the buyer the $9 he asked for instead of $3 are missing the point. There was no pleasing him. He insisted on being petty about this and if I had given him $9 he would have been on here complaining that I did not give him more.


    If anyone really wants to read the complete PM exchange I can send it, I think it presents the buyer in his true light.

    Not really missing the point. Just give him the full refund and tell him to send the comics back. If he asks for more (he's not gonna), tell him to go jump in the lake. If he comes on here whining to others that you didn't refund more (again, it won't happen), he's not going to get a good reception.


    This is a business transaction. It doesn't matter how he's behaving, short of jumping up and down on your dog. If he's not happy, just get the comics back and give him his money. It's the best way.


    Or don't give him his money, and say you don't accept returns: caveat emptor and all that. If that's the stance you want to take, go right ahead. It's not a good position to take if you want to be a decent boards seller, but that's up to you. It's this business of a partial refund, and basing your choices on how he's behaving that doesn't really cut it.


    Again, more good advice from Speedy imo (thumbs u

  13. GSMTA1.jpg

    Very nice. I don't know why square bound books are cooler than all the others, but they just are.


    If you are around my age, it probably reminds you of being a kid. I know any time I see one of those mid-late 70's squarebounds, I feel just like a little kid at my LCS looking at all these books I could never get. I LOVE all of those books! Just looking at that makes me feel 30 years younger :cloud9:

  14. An awesome display, Jason! I haven't dabbled in those but i may have to start. They look great. Now all you need is a Goliath in the blue costume for a complete set.




    Thank you!


    be careful!!! Once you get one, the floodgates will open. I'm up to eleven now, those in the picture and then Ultron, Great Ultron, Thor, Thanos, Hawkeye and Iron Man. Theres no way you can buy just one theres just so many awesome ones. Im pretty much done now except for a Captain America and MAYBE a Dr Doom one ive looked at at my LCS for a year. I would KILL for the Ms Marvel one but i havent been able to find her ANYWHERE except 1 seller on eBay that wants $800!


    No way im paying that so unless i get lucky and somehow find one, Cap is gonna probably be my last statue