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Posts posted by sufunk

  1. I only have about four of those 200 variants. I quit collecting about when those things began. I didn't mind the ASM 361 reprint, but the 362 didn't need one, and the cover price was too high then.


    yeah, thats right when i quit also. I just couldnt justify buying 50 damn new books a month especially when i wasnt even reading them anymore at that point!

  2. CGC didn't recognize Rocky Mountain back when they first sold. If you see a CGC label with Rocky Mountain on it, it's usually a resub.

    I believe CGC started recognizing the pedigree part way through C-Link auctioning off the runs. Some of the runs had the pedigree notation from the time it was first certified.


    But also, if you sent a RM book to CGC for re-holdering and the cert number matched up, CGC would add the pedigree notation to the label. So many of them are just new slabs, not re-subs.


    Yea--didn't mean to imply they were mostly pressed. I think Josh himself sent a lot to be reholdered to get the designation on there.


    Man, if they had to pay the re-holder fee, thats a LOT of moolah to shell out to get the label designations! :o

  3. CGC didn't recognize Rocky Mountain back when they first sold. If you see a CGC label with Rocky Mountain on it, it's usually a resub.


    DAMN!!! Rocky Mountains have been CPR'd to death apparently! I have 27 RM peds and this is the only one that doesnt have the label designation so id guess the other 26 have all been CPR'd! :o

  4. I keep forgetting to post this but got it last month from our very own drummy (worship)


    I dont even collect or really even like FF's but i just cant pass up a nice Pedigree anymore. I officially need a Pedigree intervention :screwy:




    Weird! I was doing some organizing today and happened to look at this book and realized that on the label and the top label, it doesnt have the Pedigree designation??? It has the sticker obviously and when i look at the registry, it says its a Rocky Mountain Ped but no label designation. I guess just a mistake by CGC and another one to throw on the re-holder due to label error pile (shrug)

  5. We need to make a movie or slide show of your 1-100 run of spideys. Have you shown your af15 or spidey 1 yet? :baiting:


    Ghost Town for MAYOR of Spideyville


    PS started watching the spidey trilogy again yesterday. Hadn't seen forever so :cloud9: man oh man, Kirsten Dunst looked so good back then.




    His Spidey run is freaking crazy!!! :o


    And yes, Kirsten was so hot back then! I had the biggest crush on her forever! I've probably watched Bring it On 500 times :blush:

  6. If it makes you sellers feel any better, the 1 time I know for a fact that I did it not realizing some sellers would consider it a done deal was like a year ago for a 9.8 Walking Dead 1. I asked if he would do it for $500 and he said he would but I still decided not to get it.


    I thought I was finally doing the "smart" thing not buying it for $500 since by now I figured it would be a $200-$300 book and I wasn't going to get burned like I did a million and one times in the 90's. GREAT decision by me!!! Now, it's a freaking $1500 book! :facepalm::censored::frustrated:

  7. Like someone else emailed me this morning...the book has been improved. It's now high grade and unrestored. :roflmao:


    I just posted this thread to make sure nobody bought a fake Superman #1.


    Personally, I think this should be worked out between the parties involved in private and then the final results posted when the matter is settled.


    Otherwise it just becomes a shooting match in the wild west.



    One of these days, I'm gonna convince you to break out the torches and pitchforks right from the start hm:baiting:lol

  8. If i pissed off any sellers doing this, i apologize. I really didnt think tat would constitute a done deal :foryou:


    I'd be pissed. You are essentially asking the book at the price that's OK for you and the seller has the right to assume that if he accepts that price without countering, it's a done deal.


    When I send a request with a specific price in the PM, if accepted, I always consume the deal.


    If I am on the fence, I send a PM with the following question: "What's the best you can do on this book?" If the price I hear back is not OK for me, I thank the seller and might pass on the book (or counter, which I rarely would do in that instance) as I never indicated that I will accept the new price offered.


    I guess, i never really thought about that before that they would think its a done deal. I usually do what you do and ask "whats the best you can do?" but theres definitely been a couple times ive asked" could you do $100 on that book" but still didnt buy it :blush: I'm pretty sure though that the few times i did that, the seller responded with something like "yeah, i would do that so let me know if you want it" so it didnt seem like they assumed it was a done deal or were upset. Hopefully not :wishluck:


    I guess from now on if i ever do that, ill make sure to add in that even at that price im not positive i'll buy the book.

  9. I have a question? I would like to know if this situation is probation worthy.


    I send a offer to someone, I see that he read the offer and didnt reply. I checked again about 7 hours later and no response so I decided to buy something else. He reply about 9 hours later and says ok "but know I already spent the money" I informed that I spent the money, but I was wondering if its a offense

    It's not a deal until you both "shake on it" as it were. Whenever I make an offer, I don't consider it a done deal until we've both said okay. So no, I wouldn't say you're on the hook with the fellow.


    I usually try to phase my offers as a question, just to make it a bit more clear that it's not final yet: "Hey man, would you accept $120 for your Captain Carrot #16 4.5 GLOD?"


    The bolded part really bothers me. :frustrated:


    When you make an offer, you are extending yourself and basically saying you will do it if the other party accepts. That is not hard to understand.


    What really bugs me is when someone says "Would you take $65 for that?", and the seller accepts, then the guy says "well let me think about it". Or similarly after the seller accepts, the guy says "would you take $50 for it?"




    If you make it clear that it's not final yet, then good for you, but if you don't make it clear, then dooshy for you.


    Yikes! I guess ive annoyed some sellers in my time here because ive definitely done that before :blush: Really, i never considered that they felt it was a done deal just asking what they would do. Usually, i dont ask a specific price so its not a problem. Most times, ill ask a seller "whats the best you can do for me on this book?" Theres defintiely been times though where im on the fence about a book and want to know if theyd do a certain price but even at that price, im not sure ill buy it. Just a couple weeks ago, there were some TOS's for sale which is a title i dont really collect. They were nice as hell though and for the right price, i might have bought a couple. I asked the seller if he would do $450 instead of $500 but even at that price i wasnt positive i would have bought the book. Honestly, i never thought any of the sellers i asked considered it a done deal when they sent me back a pm saying they would do the price i asked for. The few times i then didnt buy the book after they said they would, none of those sellers said anything or acted like they were annoyed about it (shrug)


    If i pissed off any sellers doing this, i apologize. I really didnt think tat would constitute a done deal :foryou:

  10. I have a question? I would like to know if this situation is probation worthy.


    I send a offer to someone, I see that he read the offer and didnt reply. I checked again about 7 hours later and no response so I decided to buy something else. He reply about 9 hours later and says ok "but know I already spent the money" I informed that I spent the money, but I was wondering if its a offense


    To me it depends on how you asked, if you said


    A) hey, will you do $100, if so :takeit:




    B) just a " hey, would you do $100 on that book?


    If it was A, to me, that was a deal and you are on the hook. If it was B, I don't consider that a deal. Maybe not the best etiquette, but definitely not a done deal where the seller should already be spending the money before even replying (shrug)

  11. If it helps I would be happy to work on the book to remove what damage I can and attach the missing piece back on the rest of the cover. In case you are wondering I can do this and still retain a blue label on the book.


    Damn, really?!?


    How can it still get a blue label if the piece is reattached??? I would have thought that was an automatic PLOD (shrug)