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Everything posted by sufunk

  1. WOW. I guess this guy wasn't satifsfied with just starting one bad deal. He had to do 3 or 4 or more all at one time. Yeah, this dude is a piece of work! I haven't been on the boards very long but I've bought from about 10 different people and sold to about 10 different members. Every single transaction buying and selling has been an A+++. This guy though has been a REAL bummer! Great communication until it came to pay. Once I invoiced him, he disappears off the face of the earth. I can almost buy that he forgot or something came up except that he came back and promised to pay last week. Then of course he dis appears AGAIN without paying. To find out that he's done the same thing to at least 2 other people shows me he's a total flake or some kid screwing around with people.
  2. Pics or it didnt happen! You mean this. NICE!!! Man, that thing looks fresher than most of the moderns that came out this month!
  3. Amazingly, not even close With the others i have, i'm about 1/3 of the way there. Hopefully by this time next year, i'll have EVERY BA 1st issue (thumbs u I've seen your buying sprees,I bet by the end of this year . Unfortunately, those past "buying sprees" have pretty much GUARANTEED that it wont be by the end of this year!
  4. Amazingly, not even close With the others i have, i'm about 1/3 of the way there. Hopefully by this time next year, i'll have EVERY BA 1st issue (thumbs u
  5. Courtesy of the esteemed seanfingh Thanks again man for jumpstarting my project! (thumbs u
  6. I just add him myself? Nobody is in charge of it or has to discuss it 1st?
  7. I guess i'm supposed to do this here so i'm going to officially ask that panahobit be added to the probation list. He posted an on January 28th in my sales thread and i sent him an invoice on February 5th. He never responded and hasnt posted for a month. Last week, i posted a thread in general asking anyone who knows him to give me some alternate contact info. He responded to my pm's then with a 5 word response saying simply "will pay over the weekend". No sorry, no explanation, no nothing, just "will pay this weekend. No payment over the weekend and no response to my PM yesterday asking what is going on. It's not a large amount of money so that isnt a big deal but the complete and total lack of communication is 100% unacceptable and everyone on the boards should know what they will be dealing with if they sell/buy from him imo. To make matters worse, i know from PM's that i am not the only one he owes money to and has not communicated at all with. So, i'm formally asking that he be added to the probation list (thumbs u
  8. Ok, i'm not sure if i should be posting here on in the other probation thread but heres the situation. Boardie panahobit posted the for a book in my sales thread on January 28th. I invoiced him for the book on February 5th. I had no response whatsoever to pm's until last week when i posted in General asking anyone who knows him to give me some alternate contact info since he hadnt posted in a month. After starting the thread, he PM'd me saying that he would send me payment for the book over the weekend. As of now, i havent received any payment and he hasnt responded to my PM from yesterday. As it stands now its been over 30 days and i feel like his name should be make public and added to the probie list so other boardies know what they will be dealing with. I dont like having to air this and make him look bad but this has gotten unacceptable. The lack of payment doesnt bother me nearly as much as the complete and utter lack of communication (thumbs u
  9. I see you succumbed to the Ghost Rider #1 Yeah, i'm weak when it comes to nice comics!
  10. Now you just gotta get 1-82! I've been working on getting ALL the minor Marvel #1's from pre-1980(FF and ASM are outta my league ) in fairly HG. I have a BUNCH more coming on Monday from seanfingh but heres what i have so far. Starting top left with the earliest release dates.
  11. A few books i got in the mail yesterday from Steve (rube11)
  12. WOW!!! Very, VERY impressive accomplishment Korvac! Congrats
  13. I forgot to give frank feedback when he bought some books from me last month. Paid right away and stayed in touch during the entire process. I screwed up his order and he was more than understanding waiting for my mistake to be resolved! A+ buyer! I would buy, sell, trade with frank ANY day. Definitely one of the good guys on the board (thumbs u
  14. I've been wanting to buy a nice GR1 for literally over 20 years and FINALLY have 1 courtesy of Steve (rube11)
  15. Just got these in hand today courtesy of Steve(rube11). MMMMMM, HG Avengers from rube
  16. I've already left feedback for Steve but I just bought some more books from him and have to say a few things. In the short time Ive been here, Ive bought books from like 10 boardies and all of The transactions have been A+++. Steve though is without question at the top of the list. His books are insane, prices are more than fair, packaging is perfect and when he says he shipped the books are at your door THE NEXT DAY!!! This last sale, he went above and beyond to get the books out to me before he went out of town so I didn't have to wait! Without question the best of the best when it come to boardie sellers! When Steve has a sales thread, RUN! Don't walk to buy his books! No possible way you will be disappointed (thumbs u Thanks again steve
  17. Yeah, they had the full sized one and it was SWEET! (but also about 6 times as much as this cost! ) They are having a big sale in April so i'm hoping to get the full size Hawkeye and Ultron then.
  18. Hey bronze, this one is for you! I dont have the coin to drop on the full size Ultron, Hawkeye or Thanos statues that i want(gotta wait for my LCS's statue sale) but i did pick this one up yesterday for really cheap there. Black Knight isnt exactly a Tier 1 superhero but he still is a part time Avenger and a cool little statue imo
  19. NICE!!! I LOVE that issue of Thor with the red cover. 9.6, white pages AND a pedigree! Thats quite a score you got there, CONGRATS
  20. Of Mjornil??? THANKS! Seriously though, i long ago passed awe into a whole nother stage of awe/shock/envy when looking at Steve's collection Each book he posts is more incredible than the last! Most people would KILL to have FF 2-10 in 3.0. Steve has them in freaking 9.0! Congrats man, THAT is an impressive run to say the least!
  21. Yeah, no freaking way am i showing him THAT!!! He'd want to live in that damn thing if he ever saw that Iron Man mask. After a few years of nonstop wearing, he'd be like Baron Zemo with that mask welded to his face
  22. I let my son buy this with his Christmas/B-day money and he is OBSESSED with it! It's a minor miracle he hasnt crushed one of our dogs or his sisters head in with it! The freaking thing weighs like 10 lbs and would DEFINITELY do some damage I literally cant even take him to our LCS anymore because all he does is whine for this $125 Green Goblin pumpkin bomb statue and a $400 Thor helmet they have