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Everything posted by sufunk

  1. +1! Those books are looking FAR from terrible! Most of those look like you just got them off the stands
  2. You are welcome! I am LOVING that book you got there! I wanted the 9.6 in this Clink auction but it went a little higher than i wanted to go. That one might have been centered a tad better than yours but not nearly as bright and fresh looking as yours. That is a SWEET book!
  3. Yep, gave poor Jan the backhanded pimpslap for interfering with him building a robot to attack the Avengers at his Court martial
  4. Not most peoples cup of tea i know but i cant even tell you how psyched i am to get this book in hand. I dont have it yet but since its paid for, i hope Michael doesnt mind me posting it. Not a valuable book for sure and probably in the top 10 of my least valuable slabs in terms of $'s but DEFINITELY in my top 10 in terms of . When i was a kid, Avengers was my favorite run and i would go to the grocery and pick out the nicest copy and my dad would buy it for me. Yellowjacket was my 2nd favorite character and i would say i almost cried when i read this and they kicked him out of the Avengers but who am i kidding? I cried like a little girl! Big, BIG, HUGE props to bio-rupp for selling me this book. Michael is one of the truly good guys on the boards (thumbs u
  5. I say definitely NOT. Once the transaction has been finalized and the person made whole, the boardie should be taken off the PL list no matter what. I've seen a BUNCH of times where someone has been immediately taken off the list for some pretty bad transgressions because they were buddies with the people screwed over(deafmutecomics comes to mind). If people in situations like that can immediately come off the list once they make things right, everyone should. Otherwise, it perpetuates the good ole boy stereotype and leaves people open to staying on the list endlessly for no reason other than the person who put them on is pissed off.
  6. WICKED!!! You're always posting monsters but I LOVE that copy you got there! I'm definitely jealous as hell seeing that book! Congrats surfer!
  7. I've heard enough! I nominate thewatcher for the PL for this!
  8. Seconded. It goes: 1. Buyer & seller have 30 days to complete their transaction. After that, either party can bring it to this thread. 2. Once it's brought up here, the alleged offender gets a PM alerting them that they're on trial for their life, and have 48 hours to respond. Two days sounds long enough to me, after already waiting 30. And if the accused should miss the PM for whatever reason, it's only the Probies List, not the HOS we're talking about. You can always offer your side of the story, or make restitution, and have yourself removed. 3. If there's no response after 48 hours, or the mob has ruled, the List gets updated as appropriate. Deal? That sounds a he'll of a lot better than "he's new and has no references, we've waited 81 minutes so PL it is!" (thumbs u Just to clarify since he seems to have taken offense to my posts, I don't think resurrection did anything wrong whatsoever. He nominated someone exactly like he should and from what I've seen, it was warranted. My only problem was with what happened after where chunkbutt was given no time to respond before someone else put him on the PL. He says he's bought off of a bunch of boardies so he should at least have been given a day to respond or have some people he's bought from chime in. I have no problem at all with what resurrection did, just with the process that happened after.
  9. No, I get that comix and agree to an extent. However, chunky wasn't even given a chance to respond or have anyone chime in in his defense. He was just immediately added. I'm not saying he shouldn't have been added for what happened, I'm just saying he should have been given more than an hour to respond or have people he's done business with come to his defense.
  10. There's absolutely nothing underlying this. I have nothing against you whatsoever. YOU did everything right asking for him to be put on the PL. I just think it's unfair for him to have been immediately added without a chance to respond. That would never happen to you or another established member and everyone knows it. The protocol should be followed no matter if you e been here 10 years or 10 days. I don't know chunkybutt from a hole in the wall but I know what happened to him wouldn't have happened to an established member. I think that's pretty indisputable. After what just happened it's crazy to say there isn't a good ole boy network here when we all k ow that a established member would without question be given more than 1 hour to respond before bein put on the list.
  11. Yes there is, you're completely wrong. Yes established members end up on the PL but not after an hour without a chance to respond. Yes, if you did something wrong you would end up there but again not after 1 hour without a chance to respond. No possible way would what happened to chunky happen to you or another established member. Yes wrong is wrong but when it's a established member accusing a newbie, no protocol needs to be followed. Just immediately add them after an hour. Are you telling me there is een a chance in he'll that would happen to you? No possible way! Chunky could have come here and said you murdered his family and you wouldn't have been put on the PL within an hour without a chance to respond. You know for a fact that that is true.
  12. Hence the reason why people feel there IS a good ole boy network going on. Both times here, established members asked to put new people on the PL and it was immediately done. If the roles were reversed and chunky asked for resurrection to be put on the PL, 50 people would have come to his defense saying he's a good guy and there must be an explanation. No possible way resurrection would have been added to the PL 1 hour later without having a chance to respond. No way!
  13. Not neccesarily true. Personally, I love a good confrontation. However, age has given me the wisdom to choose my battles wisely. Like in this example I will accept your reference to me as a low-self-esteem, self-flagellating insufficiently_thoughtful_person and take the high road. You,sir, are simply not worth arguing with. Actually, I think I am the low esteem insufficiently_thoughtful_person he's referring to Regardless, like you I can pick my battles. I'm annoyed enough about how my "deal" went down. Posting the details and having 100 people rush to the longtime boardies defense and saying I'm overreacting because of who he is sure as he'll ain't gonna make it any better!
  14. Can someone point out a situation where anything like the bold section above was actually used as a reason to excuse clearly probation worthy behavior? I can't remember a situation where someone was clearly in the wrong and then given a pass because of who they drank with, can anyone else? These boards can be swift and unrelenting and unforgiving but usually it is this way to the ones truly deserving it's ire. There is a process and a patience necessary to truly get to the bottom of a situation and to discover who wronged whom. That is undeniable. However, I have never experienced these boards defended the wrong party. I don't think that's accurate. I can think of at least one. Either way, I agree with bob. If I tried to bring a complaint against a well established boardie, everyone would trip over each other to defend them. If the roles were reversed, I'd be burned at the stake for screwing over a longtime boardie. I recently had an issue with a boardie but there's no possible way I can bring it up given who he is and who I am in relation to Standing on the boards. If I had done to them what happened to me though, I'd be on the probation list in 5 seconds IMO.
  15. Nice! I'm still on the hunt for a nice presenting, affordable #1. I thought i might finally get my hands on one in this last Clink auction but it wasnt to be Pic of the #1?
  16. About 3,000 raw and 425 slabs. I REALLY need to go thru my raws and catalog them better. Ive probably added about 1,000 raws since the last time i did a complete list of them.
  17. +1!!! It may sting a little now but reading thru that d o u c hes posts, it would be a major miracle if you didn't end up getting screwed in the deal. I think you got lucky you didn't hand over a stack of money to that m o r o n! (thumbs u
  18. I forgot this one i got for an upgrade to my 9.2 I know these arent SA but i also got these Avengers last night. 4 books i LOVED reading over and over as a kid and still have my news stand copies that have been read so many times they cant possibly be better than 2.0's
  19. Added a few more last night(and got my KICKED on a few more!) but had to overpay, at least in my mind, for most of them. Looks like the days of getting Avengers at GPA lows are over Still, i was able to make some headway on my run (thumbs u I'm still a little shocked and definitely bummed at how high the 9.6 #39 and 64 went for. I put in bids WELL over GPA that i was positive would take down the books but when i checked in on them late last night, i got my KICKED and didnt win them. 2 books i really, REALLY wanted
  20. Yes, your research and list is very much appreciated. I'm on the hunt for a mid-grade #1 myself and your info is very helpful. On another note, I started a thread in the forum about the true value of GPA, or lack of.... if it doesn't include CLink sales. CLink sales is a huge part of the market but GPA reports on only a limited part of market sales, I don't even use it when trying to figure out the market for books like X-Men#1, it's way behind in its data and timeliness. +1 Clink not reporting their sales KILLS me on the books ive been buying when i try to shop other places. I've mostly been buying Avengers between 20-100 and in the last 5-6 Clink auctions they have been going dirt cheap! Almost all of them are alltime GPA lows or the lowest in 6-7 years. BUT since they arent reported, people on other sites are still trying to sell them for WAYYYYYY more than what ive been paying in the Clink auctions. If Clink reported their sales and people saw how low they were going for nowadays, it would make it MUCH easier for me to make some deals with other people.
  21. All very nice books but this one is INSANE!!! btw, A Twin Cities ped FF from your friend for your b-day?!? Now thats a freaking good friend! My friend picked up my $9 lunch tab on my B-day!
  22. Finally got my winnings from the last Clink auction in hand!