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Everything posted by Flaming_Telepath

  1. OK, David, you are one of the more vocal members regarding how this place has gone to the dogs...something I'm in agreement with. However, what would you suggest is done?
  2. Arch hasn't got the time. However, we have. A committee could judge a thread and if it's found to be in breach, and if there is no response to a committee PM, one of the members PMs Arch and simply says...delete thread...job done. (thumbs u And Vince, I know what you're saying, but the key will be in who is chosen for that committee.
  3. Libertarian GREG!!! I nominate Greg to be on your committee! I'd actually nominate greggy and DrBanner...along with nik. (thumbs u Wouldn't that mean that I would have to do some work? Well, you'd have to practically live here, read a lot of threads, send a lot of PMs and pass down god-like judgement. You're unlikely to notice the difference...
  4. (thumbs u Given the activity here, a five man committee would work, allowing the spreading of the workload. Maybe only three members of said commitee need to agree for a decision to be made? And whilst they are at it, the previously mentioned poor grading could also be addressed. A stock PM could be sent to those who have clearly over-egged books, warning that a grade adjustment is required, or else the thread will be removed?
  5. Libertarian GREG!!! I nominate Greg to be on your committee! I'd actually nominate greggy and DrBanner...along with nik. (thumbs u
  6. Just thought I'd throw it in there...as we've discussed before, the problem with the marketplace is the newbies/inexperienced sellers. While upstanding hobbyists like Bob Storms aren't "allowed" to post here, JoeBlow can sign up in the AM, scam you out of your $$ by the PM, and never post again. This needs to be addressed, and to me, it's looking like a post minimum, time limit, or formal "User's Agreement" is needed. 100% with you on this, Mike...and the sooner, the better. I actually think it would be a good idea to have to apply for a 'licence', before New Post priviledges are granted. Maybe a few boarders can form a committee to spread the load and then make recommendations to the Mods?
  7. Bob can do so whenever he likes. All he has to do is make sure he hasn't put the books into inventory. Not too difficult, no? That was another time, Mike. Look at how this place has changed in the last six months. There is no guarantee that it won't start resembling eBay on a free listing days...unless of course you stick with the rules as they are.
  8. I'm not sure how relaxing the rules will help any. Although noone seems to read them any so it won't really matter. The reason for that particular rule is to prevent large volume dealers from just taking a massive inventory dump in the sales forum. I still think that's a good rule and should stay. I absolutely agree... (thumbs u Would you like to see pages and pages of dealer listings ala the Ebay Bin pages? The place would be entirely overrun...and it's one thing to say, OK, let Esquire and Quality and Nearmint...but how do you stop Joe Blow and his boxes and boxes of entirely overgraded junk? Ever look at Ebay listings on a free listing day? I don't anymore, I avoid the site entirely on those days...it gave me a headache...and I don't want to mention names, but I've often dreamed about a blocked seller list on Ebay...open up the forum to that and it would be a complete horror show. I think the rules are very reasonable...more than reasonable...and I'm not saying this to pacify Arch, I'll say I don't agree if I don't...but there are reasons for rules...and if you change them all to make it easier ...I can't imagine that I'd be buying here... I kind of like the "forum police" I don't enjoy being one of them, unless something REALLY rubs me the wrong way, but I give kudos to those who make the effort politely, or...with humor... 100% in agreement, Sha! :applause: This is our 'special place', for those of us without alternate venues to move stuff along. No need to surrender up our valuable real estate for those who already own acres and acres of the stuff. No matter how many times Mike might plead for it...
  9. If anyone thought we had a hope in hell of this place improving, I present for your entertainment, today's Hall Of Shame... http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2314808&page=1#Post2314808 http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2314525&page=1#Post2314525 http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2315007&page=1#Post2315007
  10. Let me get this straight, you're buying off some people called the "Donnelly Brothers"? Yeah, but only through their go-between, Jimmy The Fish. (thumbs u
  11. Has nothing to do with being a noob. Actually, you're not wrong there... What the is wrong with some people, huh? They aren't as brilliant as you? Nah, that's not what I'm saying. Everyone grades differently and has their own little pet hates and things they'll go a bit easier on. You'll always get a slight difference in people's grades...that's the subjectivity of it. What I'm talking about is obvious stuff that unarguably disqualifies books from the grades claimed...and there's just too many books recently that fall into that category. Fine, they're not as brilliant as me? OK if it makes you feel better... Nobody's as brilliant as you, greggy! The real answer is people are more looking for cheap azz deals and are ignoring the obvious just because they are stoopid. They deserve what they get. OK, as explanations go, I can sort of live with that. However, why does that mean that the people who do have a clue, have to ask similarly stupidly low prices to shift stuff?
  12. Has nothing to do with being a noob. Actually, you're not wrong there... What the is wrong with some people, huh? They aren't as brilliant as you? Nah, that's not what I'm saying. Everyone grades differently and has their own little pet hates and things they'll go a bit easier on. You'll always get a slight difference in people's grades...that's the subjectivity of it. What I'm talking about is obvious stuff that unarguably disqualifies books from the grades claimed...and there's just too many books recently that fall into that category. Fine, they're not as brilliant as me? OK if it makes you feel better... Nobody's as brilliant as you, greggy!
  13. Has nothing to do with being a noob. Actually, you're not wrong there... What the is wrong with some people, huh? They aren't as brilliant as you? Nah, that's not what I'm saying. Everyone grades differently and has their own little pet hates and things they'll go a bit easier on. You'll always get a slight difference in people's grades...that's the subjectivity of it. What I'm talking about is obvious stuff that unarguably disqualifies books from the grades claimed...and there's just too many books recently that fall into that category.
  14. Has nothing to do with being a noob. Actually, you're not wrong there... What the is wrong with some people, huh?
  15. But in all seriousness... During the week, I don't have a whole lot of time to look through the threads, unless the strap line indicates something I'm actively looking for. However, tonight I've been out with the wife, had a few beers and some great food, and am totally relaxed. So I thought I'd kick back and catch up with what might be for sale that I can drop a bit of coin on and...holy sh!te!!!! Seriously, folks, noobs and some folk who should know better...up your game, please.
  16. OK, maybe it's just me...and maybe the beer has taken it's toll on my eye-sight, but... Does anyone else think, judging by the grades assigned and the scans offered... That a goodly number of the noobs are totally incapable of grading for sh!te? Are we becoming eBay lite?
  17. Who says "thineself" these days? I did yesterday.... Tis sooth, he doth say it not more than a fortnight agone! Verily.
  18. Vince, you were neither saint, nor victim, so let's get that out of the way up front... However, Dale had the arse and the tone of his responses were not what I would hope for. The 'I suppose I might have slightly bent a little titchy-witchy rule or two' defense is poor, especially from one of the better-known sellers on the boards, and he did go into semi-meltdown with his 'thanks to icefires and GACollectibles' snide comment. That it was then declared that all transgressions should be pointed out by PM firstly is also total BS. We don't go the PM route with newbs, so why do it with someone who should know better (and, let's be honest, actually does)? I'm sick to death of giving people a pass if they are 'nice' or have 'nice books'. that...play by the rules or have it pointed out to you. And don't act the arse when it is pointed out to you in your thread, and don't start arguing whether they are good rules or not...they are the ones we've got until they change. Besides, if you did things properly in the first place, none of this would happen, now, would it? I assume the part in RED was directed at me. I'm not sure who the "WE" part of this statement is directed at since it doesn't include me. There are a more than a couple of ways to deal with infractions: 1) PM the person first and ask them to clarify/fix the problem. I've done this before with various posters. It's called fixing the problem "behind the scenes". Minimal fuss. No one's feelings get hurt. Situation resolved. I have no problem with calling attention to the problem IN THE THREAD if it isn't resolved. 2) Call the poster a N00B. Attack them for not reading the Guidelines posted by Arch. Disrupt their sales thread with what you think are clear and open statements, but actually read as attacks by most everyone else. Invite others to jump in with their own comments thereby guaranteeing thread disrupture. Eventually, the thread degenerates into personal attacks about the posters themselves. One method potentially helps the person without calling them out. The other method just causes resentment and/or a flame war. Both methods will eventually lead to a resolution. (I don't care if the poster has been on the board since 2002 or s/he just came on last month.) Shin, on this occasion you raised the matter first, so yeah, this example is directed at you. Apologies for not being more direct...or less antagonistic. However, you're not the only one to do it....not the first, nor the last. The problems with PMs are numerous. Firstly, especially if it is a noob, they sometimes don't know how the PM system works. Hell, they don't know how the community works, and all they've done is barely work out how to pimp their sh!te. That flashing envelope might be something that totally confounds them...and it has done with noobs in the past. Secondly, to PM somebody, you put yourself in the position of being 'you versus them' and it can be seen as personal. It can also be brushed off, or it can decend into nastiness. If they ignore it, you then have to post to the thread anyway...and then they sure as hell do something. As it's my time I'm wasting on people who couldn't be arsed wasting any of theirs to read up on the rules, I'm going to be taking the most effective and quickest route to address the issue. Lastly, if you PM, you run the risk of a slow, or perhaps non-existent, response...whilst all the time the thread is commanding Marketplace real estate in clear violation of board rules. That's just simply unfair to the law-abiding community members. There is no need whatsoever to be confrontational when you post to the thread. A simple 'Wrong forum. Could you please move the thread to this area.' with a link should never offend anyone, or start a flame war. The fact that it does from time to time is more about the original poster's attitude to this community than anything else, IMHO. Finally, as I've said before, why are we worried about upsetting the occasional poster if they can't be arsed reading...or can't be arsed heeding...the rules around here?
  19. nagging wife/girlfriend filter Nah...that's what these are for... :headbang:
  20. What Sal wrote... 'It would be sort of possible, based on my limited knowledge of the way UBBthreads Admin tools work. You would have to make all new users a new "group" who would only have read rights in the Marketplace. But you couldn't automate the PM process, nor the confirmation / rights change process, unless you had a pretty good PHP scripter on hand who knew the UBB PHP code inside and out.' What FT understood... 'It would be sort of possible... :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:'
  21. A weird and wonderful thought... There have been many ideas about disbarring people from posting in the Marketplace until they have been registered a certain amount of time, or have posted x amount of times, or... Is there any way for the Mods to disable 'new' posting rights in the Marketplace until a statement of selling rules has been PMed to the seller, and that statement has been read? Maybe when a newb attempts to start a new post in the Marketplace, a message comes up that a PM has been sent to him/her and that until he/she confirms he/she has read and understood it, they cannot post? Possible? Too much trouble?