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Everything posted by Iceman399

  1. There's also nothing in there about selling a comic and shipping the buyer a Pottery Barn catalog instead. Now, that's just silly... How is it silly? A transaction was agreed upon and then the seller up and pulled the rug. No different than a seller not shipping the right item. Read the probation rules.
  2. Good plan could be homeless next month so I'll spend more money on a cell phone.
  3. You're an adult. You took several actions to get to this point. You own the book, you scanned the book, you priced the book, you posted the book, you sold the book. Your mistake is yours, but you'd like the buyer to bear the brunt of your error. It seems you're saying that the "reasons" you have for not following through on the deal is really one reason, money. I have to ask, what price would have been the "correct" one to you? I ask because I am always curious what each person's individual integrity is worth to them. It does raise an interesting question. What if a seller hits the wrong key when listing a book, say $400 rather than $600, and someone pounced on it before the seller could edit his post? Mistakes do happen. Where do we draw the line? Jimbo, you've admitted to making a mistake and admitted to making similar mistakes in the past. Perhaps your record keeping system is poor, I like to place a sticker on the back of anything I buy with grade and cost information. I think it comes down to timeline. @ $400 pm sent reads pm and responds sorry I mistyped the price and should have read $600 very sorry about that. Vs @ $400 pm sent reads pm, awesome here is my information if you could pay by check that would be great. sure I'll send you a check for $400 cause shipping is included right? no its not sorry you can send the check for $415 to my address below ok no worries i'll have the check for $415 drafted up tomorrow and send it out perfect look forward to receiving the $415 and shipping out your book.
  4. https://www.facebook.com/groups/772684332844668/ Here is the group that has a bunch of Olvera data. A ton has been washed/deleted (which was unfortunate). Cliff notes he would run raffles and not ship books and just give the winners some of the money, then sell the book when he mysteriously found it. He wouldn't ship books to winners or accidentally send them books worth a fair amount less than their wins (Should win a $1000 book and sends a book worth $750) weeks later sells the $1000 book on ebay. He's been booted/blocked from a number of groups in the last few weeks once one person came forward it was a trickle effect of he did this to me too and me and me and me.
  5. It goes way beyond simple paypal scams. I don't have time for a bit to write up a lengthy report but he's a shoe in for HOS.
  6. I don't know if Ilovelamp/darthdave is in fact Olvera but he has a good dozen claims against him on facebook of being a scammer/cheater/liar etc. *However after a quick search it would appear that is David Olvera*
  7. You missed using a few emoticons in your post...please go back and use them all.
  8. If you thought going out at 6pm on Halloween was bad wait till you rent a place for 350$ all inclusive
  9. The hours thing again right? Not necessarily, just illustrating a point, that even if you pulled off 4 of these $50-$60 profit flips per week, you earned $5.90 per hour. Not even minimum wage. That's true but this isn't my job right now it's something I'm doing on the side with the hopes of it becoming an eventual job. x 1,000,000 Again why not focus on getting a *real* job? How many jobs have you actually applied for in the last 60 days? Of those jobs, how many did you do any follow up with? Around the holidays, many employers are/were looking for extra staff. Did you look into any of that? Did your current employer offer you any additional hours? In the last 60 days how many hours have you spent researching "real jobs" you think you may like to do and what education/skills you would need? That's great that you made a $50 profit on a sale of a book, even with that Animosity book, good for you but can you LIVE on that? Did those sales in any shape or form improve your standard of living? No. You are still earning at the bottom 20% of Canadians for an unattached individual. Your situation would be even more dire if you were not living with your parents. To not work that additional 20 hours per week at minimum wage, you would have to be able to to do "deals" like that about 200 - 250 times a year to rank in the bottom percent of the lower-middle class for an unattached individual (about $23,000 per year). To earn a lower-middle wage for an unattached individual purely by selling comics, you would need to sell 460 per year at an average of $50 profit. To make, say $30,000 per year (a decent unattached individual middle-middle income range for Canada) you would have to sell 600 books at at an average profit of $50. To make $35,000 per year, you would have to sell 700 books per year with an average profit of $50. Realistically, can you sell 460, 600 or 700 books per year and average a $50 profit per book to have a decent standard of living? Does this seem likely to turn into a job where you can fully support yourself? There is hope and then there is false hope. Gabe, your "hope" for this to turn into an eventual job or means to fully support yourself is definitely the latter. Again, if not for your parents, you would be living in poverty. "False hope can lead to intemperate choices and flawed decision making. True hope takes into account the real threats that exist and seeks to navigate the best path around them." The "real threat" to you if you continue down this path is that you will continue to live with your parents and live at or below the poverty line with zero resources, other than government assistance. Your station in life won't be improved. Finding a good job will only get harder and harder the longer you wait and put it off. Something to think about? How many jobs have I applied for in the last 60 days? None. As for who I followed up with none of them didn't contact me so I didn't bother. I see you mention making 30,000 is the average a person makes on the lower end but to be honest 20,000 would be ok as well. No sell up to 700 comics a year doesn't seem something realistic to me yet and like I said this is something that I'm doing on the side so right now I'm learning to make a profit on these comics and so far I'm satisfied with my progress. I don't have false hope I would like to turn this into a job if I can and I've been happy with how the last comics have played out which is a good sign, I haven't bought anything and I've also made budgets and followed them with the exception I made which is if I have comic book money I buy comic books, if I don't then I buy nothing. You are completely disconnected from reality. You are a 20 something young man with zero motivation to be a productive member of society because you are content to live at home as mommy and daddy cover your broke . You are serious? Last 60 days no job applications? No one is going to follow up with you - You have to go "get it". Ok, in the last 120 days (4 months) how many jobs have you applied for? How many hours have you dedicated to researching other potential viable career paths for yourself? When you are not working full time, you should not have something "on the side" - Your job should be finding a job and everything else should be a distant second. You think earning $20,000 is "Ok"? Well have you even done the math? You may be "fine with it' because you don't comprehend how much of a struggle that would actually be because you are "covered" by mommy and daddy. The average rent in Niagara Falls is just shy of $1,000 a month for a one bedroom apartment. That is $12,000 per year. You are down to $8,000. Rent often does not include utilities such as hydro and/or phone and internet. If it does, your rent will likely be higher. No car right? Don't drive? A yearly bus pass in Niagara is about $1,000/year. Down to $7,000 per year. Average cost of groceries for one person per month: $200 - $300 or let's go at the low end, $2,400 per year. You are down to $4,600 for the year. For the year! That is a mere $383 a month left over for other monthly expenses like any insurance (renters insurance), clothing costs,debt repayment (from that student loan), internet/telephone, utilities (hydro, gas) and any smidgen of entertainment you may have. Certainly not a lot of cash to be able to buy any books. Honestly if mom and dad decided they have had enough and wanted you out in a month, what would you do? No income taxes in Canada? More... Much more taxes in Canada than the usa. He'd clear around 16kish after taxes on 20k
  10. I see what you did there. I know that was a lot of Just trying to illustrate with Gabe most recent success how often he would need to deliver to be able to make a living solely selling books. No no no I'm very glad you broke it down for him...he might actually figure out that being a comic dealer for the near future isn't viable. Now if we were talking about Quagmire and being a man thang to the women well that's a different story.
  11. Just think he could sell 1400 books at $25 profit per book or 2800 books at $12.50 profit per book or maybe just maybe he could sell 30,000 books at $1 profit per book
  12. Did I miss the announcements as to why these will sell now? Or cutting your loses?
  13. Racer-X's tactics you describe are not OK with me...they are very annoying (as far as board-related annoyances go). I directly called him out in one of his early pimping threads in Gold. After that, when it was obviously becoming habitual (and not just a one-time oops), I button humped another one of those threads. The mods seemingly ignored my notification. Thank you for validating my point. So fellow Boardies, why is Racer-X's tactics acceptable to you ? He pimps at a collection level, Batman13 was only one or two books. Its not. PM the mods and ask them why they didn't nuke his pimp thread.
  14. Thanks for the reply. The above doesn't sound too severe. I mean, that's normal procedure for a lot of people here. Recently someone was pimping books from a collection he had not yet even purchased. Asking for values, interest, etc. Since he was a popular figure around here it was perfectly legit. I hate pump and dump tactics but I have a feeling Batman13 took a hit because he was not popular. This isn't a lack of popularity causing negative reaction. This is negative actions causing a lack of popularity. Yep. Better not to say anything at all and just list it asking for the moon. Or you can have a sales thread where you list a price, give 25% off the price and still have it 25% higher than going rate...
  15. Missing the Ad page will give you a 0.5 Blue (assuming everything else). Might get a 1.0Q but even that might be a stretch with the missing interior piece missing as well as the damage to the cover (missing piece, extra staple, rough spine etc).
  16. Possible to have an invoice total for each invoice displayed (specifically with prescreens). Makes accounting much easier when 5+ invoices all get charged on the card at the same time in a foreign currency.
  17. This book is also listed for sale in other places (Facebook for one). linky Roy? https://www.facebook.com/groups/comicbookcollectingbuyselltrade/permalink/1814749632121542/?sale_post_id=1814749632121542 https://www.facebook.com/groups/comicbookcollectingbuyselltrade/permalink/1812779865651852/?sale_post_id=1812779865651852 https://www.facebook.com/groups/comicbookcollectingbuyselltrade/permalink/1814218542174651/?sale_post_id=1814218542174651 https://www.facebook.com/groups/comicbookcollectingbuyselltrade/permalink/1812309399032232/?sale_post_id=1812309399032232 https://www.facebook.com/groups/comicbookcollectingbuyselltrade/permalink/1813228482273657/?sale_post_id=1813228482273657 That is in one group alone.
  18. TAT listed on the online form don't match TAT times in the dealer section
  19. voteforpedro - won an item he immediately cancelled and sent me message saying it went too cheap and he wanted 3x more than I won it for drivingbuys - bought an item from me and refused to pay the invoice unless I gave him free shipping
  20. Because it has no insurance Wrong. Try again. Because it has no tracking he can say he didn't get it and file a claim Much better.