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Everything posted by JadeGiant

  1. Not a consideration. It breaks my first rule of collecting: never write down what you spend on a true hobby (as it may lead to curtailed spending). Also, if someone comes along wanting to buy said artwork several years in the future, you don't have to deal with the inevitable "I know you paid X, so I will offer Y (which is a small pittance increase)" Plus, it's nunya (directed not at you, but anyone on the interwebs)
  2. Better than, equal to, or less than in terms of final hammer price as compared to the recent $50K Capullo sale?
  3. For sure! Never found alignment when I was a newb in the hobby and don’t expect for them to do so now.
  4. This is standard fare for these guys. If you show any interest, the price will go up if the art is offered somewhere with a listed price. If you ask a question on eBay, good chance it will get pulled and bumped and apparently the same at CL. This is why the majority of the collection is listed as “inquire” … so they can feel you out and try to see how high they can get you to pay for something. This approach also applies if you ask about a piece listed as inquire. If you don’t buy on the spot and inquire later, it will carry a higher price. As a rule, I don’t even look at their listings or site due to their shady behavior (like this). However, if they ever listed a piece of art I was seriously interested in, I would be ready to buy on the spot if a miracle happened and their asking price aligned with a price I was willing to pay.
  5. Long thread that was fun to read straight through. No idea where ASM 100 will hammer – that’s not my end of the pool (heck, I don’t even know where that pool exists … I probably need a pass from the cabal to take a dip there). I do find a post valuing the art at a point that is apparently much lower than the seller it believes to hammer to be in bad taste personally. I wouldn’t do it. I will say this – it will have more of my attention based on the discussion here. I wonder if the phrase “any marketing is good marketing” applies? Fun to watch play out. As for the surfer discussion, once again not my bailiwick but I do know that Lim has a very strong following and his cosmic stuff is VERY desired with more than a few willing to duke it out for cosmic pages. His art is still on a drastic price growth curve. I would be holding this stuff right now with all the hype coming with the new movie. I feel very fortunate to have secured an opening splash from a cosmic story that contained the Hulk. Lim’s surfer run was always one of the first issues I read from my weekly Thursday comic stack. He has a large following that might just now be seeing price increases spurred by IG.
  6. While it might be interesting information to discover, I don’t think this is a good idea. I know I would not want what I paid for a piece to be public information. I think once a deal is done, the sale details should not be posted.
  7. I seem to recall reading some advice recently that might apply here: "I buy stuff I like, and when I buy it, it stays bought. So, pricing doesn't really matter to me. It is not an investment. All that matters is if I can afford it, and if I like it well enough to spend what I can afford. I do look at prices to see what I might have to spend to get what I want, but that's about it."
  8. GREAT pages. I have a couple from this arc but not an action page from 197. Good luck on your searching!
  9. Time to bump this thread as today's is Sal's birthday once again - his 82nd! Below is my annual post on my web site so feel free to check it out if you are so inclined. I included the link to a podcast where Sal talks exclusively about the Hulk and his career at Marvel. Enjoy and as always feel free to drop some great Sal art in this thread to celebrate Sal's brilliant career. (and of course feel free to PM me with any examples of Hulk artwork that you may have for sale). https://thejadegiant.wordpress.com/2018/01/26/happy-82nd-birthday-to-our-pal-sal-buscema-the-greatest-hulk-artist-of-all/
  10. I don’t get too bothered by sold art on a website if it is clearly marked as such. I am not a scan collector but I always enjoy seeing art that I find appealing – whether it is something that fits into my collecting focus or not – so seeing great art is always appreciated IMO. I love the idea of putting a control feature with the user so that they can filter only to see what is available when shopping. This also allows for potential commission shoppers to see the artists style and help educate a possible commission being setup. I also don’t mind art on CAF that has been sold or no longer in the possession of the previous owner – once again – if clearly marked as not being for sale or in the possession of the previous collector. I enjoy seeing art, even if I can’t purchase it so this doesn’t bother me too much. I learned early on that owning the art really only means that you own the piece of paper and nothing else – you don’t own the publishing rights, etc. and I see that also as not owning the exclusive “web rights of display” so it doesn’t bother me to see a “gone but not forgotten” section on CAF and it has actually led me to being able to track down a piece or two in the past.
  11. Tough crown indeed. The articles are of quality and very regular in release – I wouldn’t want to add more frequency onto a current weekly schedule myself. As for the predictions, I really don’t pay much attention to them aside from a fleeting curiosity of how they were derived, etc.
  12. Congrats! Thanks for sharing the back story on this one – I hope you can get the other piece as well … maybe the story will shake it free of it’s current’s black hole residence.
  13. Felix, how about an alternative option to get the secret podcasts for us android users? Can I share a link on social media? On another site? Etc.? This Apple bias is killing me brother!
  14. I don't begrudge SGM for asking his prices and getting them as that is his right in an open trade market. Same goes for Capullo. I am very happy that the character I focus my collection around doesn’t were all black (or very dark grey) as I would have to admit it would be frustrating to see artists charging the apparently exorbitant Batman tax on new art, especially if I really enjoyed the story and art. I buy what I love and am willing to pay a little more if it is at the top of my wish list but the prices I am seeing are just too much. I’d walk away as my rational sense would prevail over my collecting passion. I refuse to look at art as in investment – that’s a trap far too easy to fall into when convincing yourself you have a rational reason to make a passionate and ill-advised purchase. Been there, done that.
  15. only you can answer the question of keeping the pages or not. If they were pages from my grail issue, it would not be a question ... I'd figure out a way to remove the smell or keep them, smelly or not.
  16. I don’t collect slabs or sketch covers so I am out of my depth but I think both are important and it is a combination of both and when a 9.8 intersects with some really great art it appeals to both sketch cover collector types (those who lean more toward art and those who lean more toward grade). If you are buying for yourself with no consideration for future sale the grade shouldn’t matter if the art presents really well. Then again if grade is unimportant, why are you getting it slabbed at all?
  17. Joe Weems recently inked these Keown con pieces that Dale drew in 2005. I picked them up a few years ago from a collector and always wanted to see what they would look like with inks. Very pleased with them. Joe is highly recommended - this is the 4th piece he has done for me. https://thejadegiant.wordpress.com/2017/11/28/more-dale-keown-hulk-art-yes-please/ http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=1438057 http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=1438058
  18. I found it relevant to the page as well. I'd love to hear CL's take on this topic.
  19. I would have hoped that the recent fiasco regarding the back side of artwork would have pushed CL toward a more diligent approach to listing artwork (note – I see both sides of that debate and don’t put CL as solely responsible on how things went/are going down). I don’t buy the “it should be obvious” approach that some collectors seem to abide by as an excuse for this stuff not being prominently listed. If it is obvious to a collector looking at a scan, it should be obvious enough to the people holding the art in hand and listing for sale. This begs the question: so why not add it into the description? I can’t see any reason not to provide this information. Is it a conscious decision to avoid having a potential buyer bidding less or lose interest completely? I’d hope not.