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Everything posted by JadeGiant

  1. I don’t collect slabs or sketch covers so I am out of my depth but I think both are important and it is a combination of both and when a 9.8 intersects with some really great art it appeals to both sketch cover collector types (those who lean more toward art and those who lean more toward grade). If you are buying for yourself with no consideration for future sale the grade shouldn’t matter if the art presents really well. Then again if grade is unimportant, why are you getting it slabbed at all?
  2. Joe Weems recently inked these Keown con pieces that Dale drew in 2005. I picked them up a few years ago from a collector and always wanted to see what they would look like with inks. Very pleased with them. Joe is highly recommended - this is the 4th piece he has done for me. https://thejadegiant.wordpress.com/2017/11/28/more-dale-keown-hulk-art-yes-please/ http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=1438057 http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=1438058
  3. I found it relevant to the page as well. I'd love to hear CL's take on this topic.
  4. I would have hoped that the recent fiasco regarding the back side of artwork would have pushed CL toward a more diligent approach to listing artwork (note – I see both sides of that debate and don’t put CL as solely responsible on how things went/are going down). I don’t buy the “it should be obvious” approach that some collectors seem to abide by as an excuse for this stuff not being prominently listed. If it is obvious to a collector looking at a scan, it should be obvious enough to the people holding the art in hand and listing for sale. This begs the question: so why not add it into the description? I can’t see any reason not to provide this information. Is it a conscious decision to avoid having a potential buyer bidding less or lose interest completely? I’d hope not.
  5. Hulk and Iron Man were my favorite characters when I first discovered comics with Hulk 227 and Iron Man 116 being the first issues I have pulled from the spinner rack and really pulled me into reading comics. I have a couple pages from Hulk 227 (and always looking for more) but never picked up a page from Iron Man 116 (would love to but my budget for non-Hulk related pages is too low to acquire one). 1978 was a good year for me.
  6. Anyone have predictions on price? I think it was Gene that said an Action 1 in 1.0 condition would be more valuable - what do those go for? I don't care what you want to call it (OA or not), I find this piece to be very intriguing as an artifact form the creation of probably the most important comic ever produced. I am sure, as such, that it will fetch a very handsome price. If something similar for Hulk 1 popped up for auction I would be very interested in owning it regardless the the label you wanted to put on it.
  7. If you want to critique art, Deviantart has a feature to do just that.
  8. sounds like someone needs to get the boot
  9. 100% agreed. Internet trolling - pretty sad
  10. I enjoy most comments really. It could be a "great piece" or "baller" and I enjoy reading them. Some might say it doesn't add much but I disagree. I have discovered many collections from very simple comments that I wouldn't have if they weren't left and sometimes it ends up being a new art connection and/or deal being struck. When I leave a comment and someone replies with a simple "thanks" ... that doesn't bother me either. How can a gracious response elicit disdain is beyond me. I get the notion that it may perturb some because they assume someone is trying to get on a "most comments" list but I just don't care about that. If that is the only legit complaint about those replying on their own art then maybe Bill could filter them out when calculating the results for that list. All in all, this is such a nit in my eyes and Bill's energies would be much better applied elsewhere. As for the really detailed responses - those are great and really enjoyable to read as I always like to know the "why" behind a like, etc. The exception would be if there are critical remarks about the art - that's a pet peeve. Unless requested, I don't really care to read any critical comments.
  11. I almost made a comment about your approach Malvin but I didn't want to go too personal - I hope you didn't take offense. Yours is an example I can actually appreciate as you are extremely easy and pleasant to work with (as evidence with my multi art purchase from you). I opened the dialog and we had a good exchange where you ultimately gave me a price(s). My point is that there are many ways that the willingness/desire/openness to sell are depicted.
  12. There is so much grey in this area and many ways to list your art where you can say it isn’t listed as being for sale but it clearly is. Here are a few that come to mind – what else are out there? NFS … but it never hurts to ask Only the shadow knows (or something like this) _____ (nothing in the field, not even an NFS) Open to offers I personally don’t have a problem with how people list art (each to their own) and have learned how to navigate buying from just about any type of listing.
  13. Completely agree about comments. I struggled with this early on as I would hear a lot of comments around when it is appropriate and not to comment. It never made sense and it still doesn’t. The sanctity of comments is somewhat of a sacred cow among many early CAF adopters from what I have gathered – maybe it is just old school vs. new school thinking.
  14. I agree. If a piece is NFS and a collector inquires about a possible sale, they should be ready to start the discussion with a number. By that same token, if a piece is listed as available, the owner should provide a number. What I see as most frustrating is when a piece is not overtly listed as being for sale when it really is and the seller is fishing for buyers but wants to play coy and insists on the seller giving a price.
  15. Guessing, I would say my purchases are at a 90/10 spread, in the favor of art. I still buy comics, mainly new stuff, trades I want to read, and an occasional back issue if I get the itch to go digging. I visit my LCS (two actually) weekly and love the tradition of new books and the relationships with each of them. I would think they my entire year's purchases of comics is eclipsed in price point by most of my art purchases, save a few smaller sketch commissions I pick up.
  16. I can see path of logic, just not the jump to seeing it as being problematic but it's not my business so I will assume that CAF has good reasons for what they are doing presently. CAT is still new so it could be a watch and learn situation. I am a regular CAF member and don't see CAT impacting my activity there in any significant way.
  17. Dunno about that, but I see the point. As an aggregator, I don't see a conflict. CAF and CAT are very different animals that would appear to easily coexist and I don't see how CAT diminishes the value prop for those hosting on CAF but I don't know how the arrangements between CAF and the dealers work in detail.
  18. I was going to type a post but this sums up my thoughts - ditto this. Also, I have a Yahoo email account if you still need a tester
  19. More than fair IMO. Good luck with the sale!
  20. Tough call for sure. I am a buyer only in this hobby so I don’t have experience on the selling side. In you situation, there are risks either way you go if one of the people inquiring are not serious buyers. If the first person is serious and you sour them on the deal with a quick and hard deadline they could walk and the second might also flake out. Could happen the other way if you hold out too long on the first person and they drag the exchange through the mud. I think I would try and make sure I had a good gauge on each potential buyer and would give the first person the chance to decline before moving along. If I felt the second person was a serious buyer I would tell them I was giving the first person X amount of time and if they don’t commit/pay it is theirs. How much time is hard to say – I would think 24-48 hours.