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Everything posted by Mmehdy

  1. NO, as I have previously explained, Metro which has been in Business a lot longer than Voldy and its owners have a much larger track record and have a lot to lose in lawsuit, much more than Voldy. They are not gonna sue for no reason, they are tough NY business persons who are not gonna get pushed around or left out. When they shout "fraud" you had better take notice. They have much more credibility here given the nature and reading of the complaint and vast business dealings with comic book fandom in general.. I am sure there are two sides to every story., so I ask you this..if you were a betting man...who do think is gonna win. Two of the sharpest comic book dealers who are vastly successful over a very long period of time and are in general very sharp business owners or a company than ran away from Fla...to get folded into Becketts as you put it because of bad luck or what ever excuse you can come up with. This is not a question of who is gonna win, its a question of how much Metro is going get...you have go to get realistic on this one , Metro does not throw away money for nothing. FYI "guilty" is in a criminal case, this is a civil where the standard of proof is not beyond a reasonable doubt.
  2. I did not make your own statements in response to the Voldy announcement...you did and did not qualify them, second if the lawsuit if correct this was "fire sale", at best it's a "white night" merger if they did not need to do it, but very announcement seems to give us clues as to why they did. You are trying to defend the indefensible. It is not speculation it is reality that legal or illegal according to Fla court there was a sale or transfer of something to Becketts. and their own corporate spin...which is the best way to spin it for them even alludes to their need for improvement or additional services or staff...that is a fact.
  3. It's easy to say I have bad grammar...but it the issues and points that I made is what counts...you cannot deflect away from points nor the issues raised . My point is "who is responsible here"....I say Management who had been in the same business for 10 years...you say "growing pains"..".short comings"...I understand why you attack me....
  4. AGREED, but not every business goes for a rescue white night so soon. If you believe their corporate spin....they admit there where some the issues that needed improvement or additional services to add...but that is THEIR corporate spin. The reality is always something more involved or things are sometime left out. The lawsuit is a clue. I am surprised you are making excuses for the former 10 year employee of CGC..who had the perfect opportunity for somebody to make a greater or more efficient company based upon the prior work experience. " failings and short comings... along with growing pains" should be called for what it is....Management decisions...Good or Bad its up to individual to decide ...and as we know now some of those decisions ended up with a lawsuit from Metro..." and a sale/asset transfer or whatever to Beckett. Your "spin" Vintage of "every business struggles" is very convenient. Every true comic book collector was hoping that "the other guy" would make things better ,and in response CGC would get better in all aspects of comic book grading , pressing,competitive pricing. It did not happen, no matter what the excuse. I for one am very disappointed with the outcome as it stands today. I can only hope for the future that both CGC and the "other" make it a better and more competitive comic book grading world.
  5. If the lawsuit is won or settled in favor of Metro, I agree a possible rebranding might occur. It is typical when business which are purchased or asset transferred or whatever this could be called, to then add the name brand somewhere down the line.
  6. Selling to CGC correct, created to buy market share and sell it is the concept and that was the reality which occurred here, agree close but no cigar..no problem..and we don't know how the bidding process went and who was in on it, we can assume Metro was left out. Vintage this was not about you, nor about me..it about doing the right thing.....metro does not sue for NOTHING or waste time and legal expenses for Nothing...they are saying Fraud and a number of various serious charges from the second top auction house in the world whose owners have been in comic fandom a lot longer than the existence of the "other" guy...much more credibility in my mind. The owners are some of the smartest comic book business people out there. I take very seriously these charges, they will win or win by settling if what they have stated in the complaint is true. The only real issue of amount of damages. The conduct itself cannot be defended if true.
  7. I knew why was created, to go in and get market share and sell, I said it from the beginning. CGC has to much of a market lead to ever knock them out, you always have the big, such as Disney buying FOX buy you out. This sale was to Beckett's who a different kind of Big Boy. I ask you this Vintagecomics: if you had deal with Meto...apparently in writing would you act, as the "other guy as done"...would you conduct business that way...and "forget about it" after the assets were sold, transferred etc..in good faith. I think not and I hope not.
  8. I am not making claim, simply read the complaint filed by Metro....go to page one, clink on the" bleeding cool link" link and read the complaint...it pretty clear what it says about the remaining assets...(page 4)
  9. I dont think so, the complaint indicates that what is left of the "other" company is sort of shell of what it once was, implying little or no value to the former company. So, if any libel it would be contained in Metro's complaint and I am sure Metro has the best lawyers working on it. There is no doubt the "other" will still be out there, and possibly hook up with say "mycomicshop" since they are promoting a future convention together down the road in Dallas. I dont anybody is saying they are gone. I do believe that they took away some of PGX's clients which might explain why they restructured the employees if that post from a former employee is correct. But they really did little to the CGC which is clearly the leader in the comic book grading/pressing market.
  10. Never underestimate Cap 1..one of the best buys out there still..in the top 5
  11. OK, SDCC I will take that drink. Moves within Moves....great chess game being played in the comic book business world . For the record, CAP#1 is still a great buy....not however the best GA buy out there, still in the top 5, especially higher grade copies.
  12. If you think that this lawsuit is just about them not grading a few books...well it's like you believe all media concerning world events and have never been in the "spy" game. Look at the bigger picture here, there is one. Have I been wrong, yes, I have been on this very topic when I said on this form years ago that they were created to be bought out..no long run plan, I got the "buy" player wrong...I said about 5/7 years too for the max time limit...I looked behind the creation to find the purpose. There are major chess moves here, Jay has the idea...we are NOT in control...other greater forces are.
  13. Just follow the money...Metro is betting money they can win, those are tough New York guys, the other "guy" if as the complaint alleges are true...commmited questionable business practices at a minimum, I will never use them, or beckett's based upon the facts here..bad taste in my mouth, a deal is a deal, if you do an end around, it can bite you in the As...,Metro did, and they are a pit -bull...good luck
  14. There is a possibly that the agreement contains other language which either is in the arbitration or in the vender agreement itself, their breach which Meto is suing for and it could be for one or more of the provisions of that agreement. The lawsuit also says that VOLDY is a shell company now, with not real assets. So Jay's statement about Voldy is correct if the lawsuit pleading papers are accurate. There is much more story to come out.
  15. More of a survival move.....that they had taken on more than they could handle submission wise or they did not have the " deep pockets" to fight it out...My critics need to look at the reality of the situation...nobody creates with such effort this new company and sells it...unless they have too...dont look at the "spin" follow the money.
  16. I should change that to REGET, however the FLA court possibly change that down the road. To me, there is a honeymoon period, and the reality...the "other" can never catch up, with legal costs mounting it could become a "corp" decision to sell it or shut it down. Metro is an 800LB gorilla that is not gonna go away easy...tough New Yorkers vs fought Texans...classic
  17. The Fla court is gonna have something to say about this, which might be contrary to Becketts interest in retaining the company...whether its cash out of their pocket, the return of the "other" guy or whatever, they are gonna have to deal with this lawsuit and Meto is tough both in terms of $$$ and ownership. It is not my thought, it is a reality. Just because they change locations does not change the fact that they have to compete with CGC, which is gonna further dominate the market.
  18. I believe when the company was first started they intended all along to merge with the CGC after 5 or 7 years at a premium price to CGC to obtain market share. You can check my early posts on this, when the company was first going forward. I was wrong but had the right idea...it was Beckets and probably for a heck of lot less than what there goal was $$ wise. Growing pains, bad decisions, CGC obtaining market share....were a part of that, Bankrupt I don't know, but we are being bought to get more $$$, bigger locations and everything is gonna be better does not tell the whole story...it's coprate SPIN.........so those of you who are buying what the "other" guy is saying 100% reason...just look sworn compaint by Mero and actions of the company...rather than the "spin"
  19. That is possible for a large amount of $ $, but Becketts might rethink the purchase and ...again just possible sell it to CGC or Metro if the company becomes a bigger hassle than they want. It is a way out, also a further settlement could be some type of metro ownership in a LLC or something like that. I do not think meto would spend the money unless they were 95% assured they were gonna win or get a settlement that I agree with.
  20. I am shocked by the article, that states " a former employee Justin refused to act as a shill....for the owner and buy and grade books for him".troubling if true..
  21. no offense taken...the pic speaks for itself....CGC rules.
  22. there still are some great deals, but it has gotten a bit tougher with better quality material not being included
  23. CGC is kicking their....what a poster shot...
  24. I don't think its the company, it might be Jim who is cochairman as he was at the very beginning a avid supporter of the CGC, he would be probably a passive investor/stock owner.