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Everything posted by Mmehdy

  1. when everything is said and done do we see his breaking the billy wright collection totals......to claim the biggest collection ever to auction...
  2. Got an interesting E-Mail which suggests if you consign your dupe books, ones you don't want , they will give you a cash advance towards the Jon's collection...not a bad marketing move, plus if you consign and get credit as cash advance you know how much you can spend...interesting
  3. When the Gerber books came out they really impacted the comic book market for a number of years, besides Overstreets color cover sections of the guide...it was second source to learn that was other cool stuff besides Bat, Super, and Cap...and still today we feel the effects as there was no internet to put up the cover of a comic book.....how he got the funding for the book etc was as I recall an interesting story and the end results were interesting, I also think the printing quality added to its market effects. The trend setters were Russ and Bruce...the barks book, graphic gallery, and as I recall, an portfolio called I believe the "king portfolio " which was a very early publication of sunday comic strips in large format...it gave comic the term "comic art". If anybody has a picture of that...I would like to see it, I bought my copy from Russ in the Dallas comic book convention 1975 I think...
  4. THANKS ROBO. it will be interesting to see what this list would look like 25 years from now....
  5. I thing Alan light/Don and Maggie would be a solid #6....as commented above but the top 5 for me is pretty solid especially Russ whom really put his all in fandom with top quality products. 50 years from now : Overstreet and probably Jim halpin who took comic book auctions into the 21st century.
  6. RANK THE TOP 5 MOST IMPORTANT PERSONS IN COMIC BOOK COLLECTING OF ALL TIME I just made a comment on the Geppi section, and a thought occurred to me what are the most important 5 people have made or helped create comic book fandom. Now of course, lets not count the professionals, the Stan Lee FF letter column and marvel in general really got the ball the rolling on a nation wide basis, and EC while important, laid the foundation for comic book fandom by creating "adult" comics with Stan Lee following up with Amazing Adult Fantasy which are great even still today...the marvel effect his the entire nation and so by scope the MMM world put us here today. Because I was there in the beginning, buying FF1 on the stands, just as the earlier generation with the EC's EVERYBODY new something was up....different about the FF's, Hulk and Spiderman, but as I recall things really got started on issue 4 of the FF...I would say 4,5,and 6 we the keys that this was not a fluke and things were changing. My top 5 are heavy towards early fandom which laid the foundaiton for what we have today....the CGC, the boards,....billion dollar superhero movies.... 1- BOB OVERSTREET: the old saying "you had to be there" applies, when the first guide came out it hit like a bomb...BUT THE SECOND GUIDE hit like the atomic bomb.......it took over the market and set a FLOOR as to value...the second guide must have sold 5x what the first one did...but it helped create a credible source for those who laughed at comics and in part because the "red book" of coin values was considered a very valuable source. 2- Russ Cochran..... collectable comic art...this man created the term...especially with comic stip....and he put his money where his mouth is..publishing wise..changed his whole life for fandom. Publishing the most respected EC comic books and selling the greatest comic art collection of ALL TIME the Gaines EC art collection, as well as selling most of the Carl Barks oils, Ganies file copies etc. 50 years from now this man will be appreciated 3- Bruce Hamilton....besides being Russ's publishing partner, and a very early comic book dealer, I can remember him being there at the SDCC #2 with cap 1 for sale for $150 bucks, a pioneer in creating the most important comic art book for its time, which was the barks oil collection at a unheard of price of $75...the printing still holds up today but it created RESPECT among non-comic book/art collectors at the time. He published the complete Carl Barks, Little Lulu etc....but he and Irving Bigman were the two go to dealers creating a model for many, many other comic book dealers, again he gave up his career as a very successful Radio announcer and gave fandom everything he had until his death during a hospital stay. 4-Steve Geppi- In business, its ups and downs....and Steve had his share of them, but there is no denying that his organization of comic books distribution has helped fandom overall, as well has creating a museum with his own funds..we owe this man a lot thanks. He is not ranked higher because he effects were felt after the pioneers who again risked everything at a time where there was no "sure" thing. 5 COMICS AND COMIXS -Bud Plant, Robert Beerbohm, John Barrett...In 1972 this store helped create the market for underground...self publishing comics...the creation of fandom had come full circle...it gave credibility even in the store name...and launched a creative force which today impacts the world........John Barrett, RIP, was the nicest guy in fandom......his early death was a robbery.....one most remember that the SF/Tom Reily collection was the first BIG pedigree collection to hit comic book fandom...years before the mile high collection and this collection was sold there stores and SDCC etc. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP FIVE AND WHY.......
  7. Steve is doing just fine, and helping out fellow collectors...he still is a force....and he cemented comic book fandom in a way with his business practices. Sure a few pissed off people along the way...but overall a super guy
  8. When I was at Wonder con had a chance to discuss the impact of this collection on the market with Mr. Bedrock, as well as HA folks...I agree that it will create new price thresholds especially the Fox books..which should be a positive aspect of this material coming on the market, to me the original art should also come in at record prices, just breaking up the collection to me seems more sense in 3 auctions over one year...so be it..
  9. Scam-bay is and always will be a garbage can of collectors looking for the true comic book collector trying to find the pot of gold, or 50 cents on the dollar..it appears to have sold for 5K at least that is what the listing said or some bidder bid.....just buy from the auction or gator and be safe
  10. This show, to me feels more connected and intimate from comic book collectors standpoint...less side show....now that is comparing it the SDCC 2016 and up coming 2017....not the ideal comic book convention but just looking at the attendance it was at least 1/3 greater than LA which was a smaller venue. As far as quality material..SDCC is by far a better show overall, but this is coming up in the world, especially when the new parking garage comes in next year.
  11. I have been to all of them...El Cortez was my favorite by far...real collectors..amazing, however Wonder con took a break for OC and went to LA...when it came back this year, its 1/3 bigger than it was when it left, There still is some room left to grow...so I think this is gonna turn into the real Calif con...with SDCC slowly kicking out comic book dealers over time, except if the expansion of the convention center takes place.....which is gonna be voted on soon.
  12. Upgrades on my ga reprint collection... the newer editions seem to have super color and print quality especially at 60% off and no shipping charges
  13. On a side note..after the con went to Irvine spectrum I max ( the real deal) and saw ghost in the shell.....for what's it worth..its PG-13....should be an R maybe the directors cut will be...but OUTSTANDING in I max 3d.....a lot of wow moments........highly recommended..both versions
  14. cong grad...looking forward to 5000th
  15. Wonder con has grown 1/3 greater than last year at LA...this is gonna be the real "old SDCC" what I liked was more comic book dealers....it still felt comic book related compared to SDCC which is a dog and pony show. More real too...great show...going forward if any board members have any "doubt" you should come next year...you won't be sorry.
  16. the good news if that Ha relisted the item in the next auction and gave me a discount on the fees paid, which I think was very classy on their part. The item did sell but for under the prior minimum price by $2500 as they lowered the reserve. I think as you are aware every auction house gets played...some of the more common ones are out of Ha's control....for example you are allowed only one cut bid per lot..meaning that if the next bid was to be increased by 1000 buck you could cut bid at $500...sometimes I have seen 3 or 4 cuts bids back to back...if you have two account numbers or more you can cut bid more that is allowed by the auction house. A number of consigners end with the material back in their collection after their friends "buy it back" we have discussed this on the boards more than time, this can go on and on..I have been burned many different ways over the years. So what can you do...bid honorably and hope everybody else does....that is the way I do, but I have been forced to pay over the years much more due to the "Lookie Loo's" which never intend to really own the item in auction...ever
  17. low ball with the intention of buying is just fine, NP....its the 'PLAYSTERS' who just pretend to be big fish...push the limits of the bidding to feel big..knowing they won't or don't intend to really buy. In my case the bidder was given the opportunity to make monthly payments...and still declined saying he thought somebody else would bid higher, they kicked out of Ha.com and he just come back as somebody else and keep YOU AND ME PAYING MORE FOR AUCTION ITEMS THAT WE REALLY INTEND TO OWN. The other time...was also at Ha.com....the bidder did not mean to put that amount...1.e the next bid four days later prior to the auction...then Ha just adjusted the bid back...that is the type of bidder that is testing the limits of the underbidder...what a bunch of scum.
  18. There are some real "tire kickers " out there. I recently had a item on ha.com sell, there was one bidder..when it came time to pay up...the bidder backed out saying that he "thought" as I did there would be somebody else bidding on that items at a higher price . I think all of us here have had some experience with some form of "play bidding" on items we have consigned to auction houses...It might not be you...but it is out in the auction world, and it is real.. Sometimes value is determined by bidding interest and number of bidders...real or unreal...some of us pay attention to those statistics as a gauge or a factor in determining what the final price will be. The whole world wants action 1-...but actually bidding on it, knowing that your $500 bid which has no chance of succeeding is gonna give you a "charge" that you were the "high bidder" seems a bit odd.
  19. if you are just bidding to say you bid on the items, does that drive up the price of the item by showing artificial real buyer interest .....why do this?
  20. If you have repetitive material such as 10 buster browns or a ton of Robert Crumb originals the spreading works and you will maximize price as Ha has done on Eric's underground art collection..here where the mistake was they was no overlap of material so throw it out on the market and the part of the reason must be that Jon himself feels the market as peaked is not gonna wait over time to see a decrease in market value, make no mistake Jon is smart and has been there and done that...he has seen prices go from 5 bucks to 5000. Where this back fires is its just too much material on the market at the same time and buyers are gonna be tapped out, the smarter way was for Jon to take his mid grade material and put it on Ha weekly auctions...amazing that last year they almost did 30 Mil which was more than the signature auctions total. Especially if he is not gonna grade 90% of the books, further, unless CC man's up Ha has the best catalog and website. so be it, its Jon's collection but the market can only take so much material before prices are impacted. I would of spread the material out and consigned BOTH CC and HA and put material where both can maximize the best return.
  21. With the SUS 3 mile high coming on the market after grading ,also along with a lot of good stuff from Ha in may also...not a good time to bring stuff for auction. I would assume E-Bay might pick up the slack, such that that if you wanted to use CC/HA especially with the terms that CC gives for payments..the market is gonna get shell shocked until probably Nov if not the end of the year...there must be some buyers out there that dont use Ha or CC that should be your target market if you need to unload part or all of your collection.