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Everything posted by Mmehdy

  1. I agree, but it also the the confidence in future increased value to make an offer like this. Yes they get 10% but Ha is counting on increased value to make their 10% even greater. Ha is showing exceptional business savy in trying to keep the Promise collection in house with this offer. Their confidence in this collection is being shown by this certificate.
  2. When this auction is said and done, and the Monday morning Promise Auction quarterbacking begins, they will look at this first auction and point to that book and say....I should of bought it, that was a real "bargain". That book in 9.2 fully established Pedigree OO is not replaceable, for any price.
  3. I try to find comic books, could not.....
  4. First of all lets look at the context of the situation down. If we related back to the direct sales at the time of SF and Church...with from Chuck or the Berkley boys of Bob, Bud, and John. The prices realized in this last Promise auction were in line those sales 40 plus years ago. So, I do not from a historical perspective see anything different this time compared to the last two times OO Pedigree collections were introduced. The advantage that the "Promise" collection has over all of those, is at the time we bought them we did not know they would obtain a Pedigree status. We bought them blind, and know they were unlike anything we had ever seen before in that quantity and so out of the gate, like Billy Wright, Promise does have a advantage historically. When I see the SF label or Church label that takes a leap of faith. There are a lot of dealers out there that say SF, Church etc without absolute proof. The Promise collection will have NO DOUBTS. That is a factor in this new value. In addition, the special certificates issued by HA on resale (90% including BP) is unprecedented. Unlike 40 years ago, we now have the opportunity to take a mega OO Pedigree 5000+ book collection and entirely document every comic book image front and back , every grade, every flaw and all of that information will be available on the internet instantaneously world wide for the ENTIRE collection going forward. This is unprecedented in our GA comic book world and the resulting prices will reflect that now and in the future. Yes RHG, there is a difference here. I do not believe any one collector can take over this collection, this is going to be very spread out initially among different collecting groups rather than a "dentist" cherry picking the collection. Sure some smart investor/dealers are going to go after the "impossible" 9.8 books as well as real TCBC's. So be it. But the fact that his collection and bidders are equal in terms of being able to get ALL the books, rather than it is who you know in the old day GA dealer mode, that accessibility coupled with a simply amazing website to navigate thru, rather within waiting one hour to see the final result for one book like other auction houses, is going to result in a different outcome compared to SF and Chuck both at the time of sale and in the future. That is why, RareHighGrade the values appeared to be viewed differently than a few months ago and will be going forward. This is new territory for GA comic book collectors and your recognition of that change is very perceptive.
  5. I had two interesting conversations with those non-board collector/ dealers about the new posting from the promise collection and future buying strategy. One of them says " he gets it now" and will bid accordingly now that price floor has been established in the initial sale. For him, being a long term collector and part time dealer he forgot what it was like back in the "good old days" just how much back then the SF/Church collection premiums were. Look for this collector/dealer who was outbid on "everything" to get a few wins next time. Live and Learn even with 50 plus years of collecting experience. The second conversation was longer and a bit more interesting. Many of you on the boards have bought from him over the years and he has been around the GA block. His "Promise" buying strategy has changed. Originally he was going to buy 5-10 books for his collection and then another 5-10 hold for 3-5 years double the money and get his ones for the collection for free. He is going to keep to the buy 10 keep 5 sell 5 strategy but he is going to concentrate on 9.6 to 9.8 books only regardless of the price. He said the "promise" collection has made many GA collector "numb" as to how really really rare 9.6 and impossible 9.8 books really are. Mid-auction point people are gonna expect a stack of 9.8's every sale. These incredible GA books are not duplicatable in that quantity. But when the last auction hits and reality comes back to the GA comic book market, that is when price realization will really hit and the rarity and true value will be limited not 4000 out 5000 plus OO pedigree books but that particular book itself. That is where the price jumps are gonna occur right out the starting gate once the "promise collection" is said and done. He real worry is competition. He feels the "whale collectors" or even the non-whale in the know GA collectors are gonna and keep..for a very very long time their winnings . Yes, its was very very expensive when the SF collection hit, unheard of, insane etc.... but on a much bigger scale and a even playing field the promise book collection is every inch up there. I love the above book, it is fantastic but at some point down the road we will be looking at what is NOT gonna be next, but how much more is it gonna cost after the initial auction sale. In my 50 years of collection I cannot recall ever looking daily at a HA auction site to see...what is coming up next.
  6. I would second that a very solid copy. HA is just dominating the GA/SA comic book auction field, the way things are looking their weekly auction is gong to be very similar to the major auctions at CC or CL especially with Promise books added.
  7. It is GA comic books finds like this that make me glad I stuck around for the last 50 years, if your pulse did not go up on seeing this book you must be dead.
  8. 180 Promise books plus a bunch of others up now in the Ha preview section, looks like another winner.
  9. The part 2 of the "promise collection has gotten off to a great start, I do not think I have ever seen it before but Dynamic #22 is amazing. Those 9.8 Marvels on page 7 of the preview...super. If they follow the pattern there should be 270 for this next sale. Given the prices attained in the first sale, Ha should reconsider even the small books and grade them all, I think the cost of grading will increase the sales price over and above what the grading will cost.
  10. I did and they did but at the time no one would of predicted that TCBC on this board or watchers of this board would come on very very strong and knock out a lot of those dealers. The bidding on the "Promise book" was off the charts in terms of Amount of bidders as well as the astounding final prices. I talked yesterday evening with my Collector/Dealer friend who was hoping a few of the books would fall thru the cracks and double up and then flip in 3/4 years and get their collector copies for free, and he did bid a lot, but both me and him were way way off in terms of what the prices which were actually paid. Look the secret is out, but for those on the boards who now own you "Promise Books" most of these are gone into permanent collections ...and certainly if you ever reduce your collection these would the last to go because in 9.2 or the impossible 9.8 they will never get any better nor will ever be able to replace them again in same condition or pedigree
  11. What a true classic GA book, not replaceable at any price..CONG one Favs from the first day...
  12. Cong, one of my Favs of the auction, she and the cover are super
  13. $33600 to $51,000 in a day...wow what a flip
  14. Final Total was $22,426,901 with 100% sell thru...WOW I believe the previous record is 15 Million or a little above. Remember, this is one of the smaller auctions at 1224 Lots with previous actions probably averaging 1700-2000 items. however when Ha increased the Sign auctions from 4 to 6 the overall lots went down to around 1500, you will need to factor in the number of items available at the auction also. I think it is clear that the new World Record price is even more impressive considering the smaller number of items available .it is pretty safe to say the that it is 7M more than any other one before it. Hope that helps and will be interested to read your numbers crunch.
  15. We have passed 22 Million dollar total in the auction with 100 lots to go..world record for a comic book auction, yes the promise collection helped but some of the Church books went high too....I think its more a combo of increased realization of the value of both GA/SA comics combined with this additional money supply.
  16. 856K for the second day...amazing I saw every hammer....just wow
  17. It is highly possible one of those gorillas is building a museum in LA......
  18. World record so far is $20.745,298 with Promise collection up next and then another 300 lots after that, for sure 21M, I predict 21.5 M at the end of the day
  19. In the early days on the boards back in I think 2011 or thereabouts, when you first came on the board, you were thrown in the "Shark Pit" and they would come double shotgun at you. So, you either sank or swim and took it and gave it back, or you ran away never to post again on the boards, but to be what I call and what majority of the people here on the board as Watchers-see FF 13. So, I had been used to those type of attacks ever since I became a comic book collector and evolved into a TCBC as in the old days it was US against the world in terms of taking comic book collecting seriously. The test methods here on the boards, which I might add have mellowed over time and moderation from the mods, still exist however. So it was a natural for me to bounce back and hit one back to show them I was not going away. As far as judgment day, I would not call the Promise collection that, but more of a wake up day to remind all of us GA/SA comic book collectors that anything can happen and it will happen. The older/serious long term GA collectors were lulled into thinking that was it, in terms of an OO collection over say 500 at tops 1000 books. As years went by, and SF and Church got farther and father away from reality...the possibility got dimer and dimer to fact that we are gonna have to live with the acknowledgement that that was "it". The best of best has been found, and the majority of those choice books are entombed in decades old GA comic book collections. A number of books have been sold so many times, the pedigrees have been lost over many decades and it is just another GA book in really nice shape. ......Until the Promise collection hit. Never in the last say 30 years have I ever seen this kind of excitement just awaiting what is in this collection and what is coming out. It is like taking a time machine back...It is not just me, over the past 2/3 weeks I have spoken or emailed many GA collectors, some asking my advice as to either buy, or what to buy or what to sell to buy Promise. But here is a big difference today, its not like we only have one "Dentist" able to buy loads of Church books or one collector to buy 1/3 of all the SF(last 1/3) before SDCC sold by Bud, Robert, and John( one of the nicest comic book dealers ever, I miss him, God rest his soul). No, Folks, this is 2021 and EVERYONE IN EVERY COUNTY has a fair shot at least one of these. If the projections are correct, this is a 50M plus collection, not 10M or 20M and there is no 50M Dentist to compete with. That is what makes it exciting. Sure there will be a number of collectors who can get 40 or 50 or even 100 and I am absolutely sure there will be collector/dealers who will buy one set for their collection and one for resale down the line to essentially sell some of them and get the ones they bought for free. But everyone, whether or a Sunday auction on an ungraded book has a shot. It is not just me, it is all true comic book collectors who should be excited that a lot of great collections are gonna better, and for first time a lot of GA collectors can buy a pedigree book directly from the source on an even playing field. The entire collection is that way, not like SF/Church. Those who complain about prices, just wait toward the end of the promise collection when the last 200/300 are available, then these prices will seem like a bargain when panic and reality sets in that you are gonna get passed by this collection as it will not longer be available by direct purchase. I agree I think with ED, that this pedigree collection will have complete listings and sales histories unlike the SF/Church and that will give this collection a leg up historically down the line. If you think the really really good stuff is come back on the market anytime soon..that is not gonna happen and when it does you will complain again about high those new prices are. Each GA collector has to make his/her own decision as availing him/her self of the opportunity here. I can only give what Bud Plant's uses where super/great/amazing books come in and say I give this my "highest recommendation"
  20. I just did my daily update check on the Promise collection books, for the remaining ones, there are STILL 4 books under 1K....so for those who complain you can never afford any of them, check those out, especially the "True Crime" and" Flash" and True Crime #2 is still insanely low at $5,250 for that book.
  21. This auction now has the "world record comic book auction ". It has passed 20M still in the OA section with promise and others to come. We could 21M...WOW
  22. I rate the book S for Super on the GA cove comic book scale. Any GA collector should be proud to own that book and make that book a part of his or her GA comic book collection. So whoever the winner shall be hats off to him or her. As far grading the book, I really cannot tell the difference between 7.0 or 7.5 or even 8.0 with a microscope so I am gonna defer to the grader who held book in his hands and gave it the best look. I think you buy the great book here Jimbo, and use the label as a reference to what you would call acceptable within the park grading. I do not and will expect perfection from anybody, CGC or whomever. I would grade the book in my 50 plus of years of collecting around a 7.0 give or take a .5...yes it has the tear and corner wear or what ever, the rest of the book is pretty darn nice and the BC looks good to. I would say any timely collector knowing how rare they are in the first place and second looking at this amazing book would assaid as in the famous movie Robocop where this old man on TV is wanting some very attractive young ladies and saying "I will buy that for a dollar". Ok so the book like 4K, who cares after this sale, the book is not gonna NEVER going to come on the market again against 270P Plus Promise books at the same time with 4800 in backup mode. So when it does come back on the market after2 years or 5 years or 10/20 years it is gonna to be a very different GA collecting world, which has accepted the current prices paid at auction, had a bunch of Monday-Morning quarterbacking complaints that I should of either bought one or more...just like it is with Sf/Church buyers who were there and could have bought AT THE TIME. The real veteran and serious GA comic book collector know about this, yes the secret is out going out of the starting gate, but they also know where these Promise book are gonna end, so by the end of the day of this sale and this book Miss Fury 5 the main issue is , does it have a back cover, front cover, and complete and is it verified by the CGC as pedigreed, unrestored and some grade actually relatable to the 3 party judgement call. The bidder whom gets this book today is one word....a real winner. PS: The auction has cracked 20M a new world record and we are still in the OA section
  23. There were a number of "silent on the board" long time GA collectors who bid, one who bid on 20, that came out for the first time, in a long time to bid away. There was a lot of "old time" money on the line here. Those older TCBC's know what is at stake. a 9.6 GA book, let alone a Timely is a once in a lifetime opportunity in the GA collecting world and 9.8 is close to impossible. I agree we will see some under graded and newly graded copies of these books hit the market for the first time. They will be coming from non-graded whale collections. Those books purchased by them will be in a collection for a long time ago in a collecting world far far away. I would say a very large number of Promise books are NOW gone...forever...from this sale or for a mimnimum of 20 years at least. This was not crypto money going crazy...you can leave that to MS8...no this is getting into completion with real GA collectors, who not for the last 1 or 2 or 5 years have just gotten into GA comic book collecting, but have "been there and done that for many many years. The good news today is that a few of them will not wait for some late one or two hour auction time today. It seems that my 3 fellow collector friend for over the last 20 years, 30 etc have been lighting up my phone on a daily basis about this collection, and I know of one that was on the fence, until he saw the video with ED and those Promise books on the table and man he was all in after that. The collectors I am taking about do not a give a hoot about resale, flipping or whatever. They are after the GA book in unobtainable condition. I hope everyone today, those who post and those read good luck and hopefully a few of these books will end up in your collection for a long long time.
  24. Not true...some the biggest "whale" old time collectors READ the board on a daily basis. They have never posted, but they sure talk about what is being said or reported.