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Everything posted by Mmehdy

  1. 3x times guide out of the starting gate for both SF and Church and in some instances even higher, it was unheard of at the time given the GA market and its limitations. They had a major premium from day #1 with a lot of grumbling from the "old school" collectors at the time.
  2. BEST OF THE REST....Sat Promise Auction and the real Sleeper of the entire "Promise Auction" 1-Claire Voyant #4 CGC 9.6 curently at 1500 plus BP...what a great book and cover....once in a lifetime under 2k..... 2-Marvel Tales #97 CGC 8.0...here is your shot to own a very rare high condition promise cool horror book..it's still $430... 3-Venus #3 CGC 9.2 an exceptional book and add the Promise Pedigree ...it just at 1000...keep your eyes on that one its at the end of the second auction. 4-Miss Fury 4/5 CGC 7.5/8.0 super classic WWII covers...hopefully affordable...very rare in this condition....still around 1800-2000. 5- True Crime 2 "Blast the Rats"...I remember when Bob Overstreet featured this in one of the "color" sections of the price guide, could of been on the SOTI issue..the book just exploded and everyone wanted to own one. The Cover and contents are a total classic. What I do not understand at CGC 9.2 and with the "promise" pedigree and such a great GA book that it is still under guide..at like 3800 or something including "BP". This is the "sleeper" of the entire "Promise" auction. "Murder, Morphine, and Me....this is the poster child of the SOTI and it is top copy by a mile..9.2 with one 7.5 way behind.....
  3. I think it is clear with one day left on the promise collection that everyone now would pick, like and number of board members did, the promise collection over A1 8.5...what a amazing total, we are in comic book world record auction totals after 2 days...we could hit 20 million or something like when done ...wow we have sure grownup....auction is still going for today, Silver....$18,521,430 and growing...WOW
  4. 100 lots....auction total on Promise is $4,428,900 . 83 Lots to go and more on Sat.
  5. If there were the possibly of 5 other copies coming on the market at that condition at once I could see some type of price correction, but that is the real security of the Promise collection, these are to MS8 not taking away from that book, these are rare/once in a collector lifetime opportunity to get over 5000 of them...so in 18 months it will be over, and if you think prices are high now...wait to the resale of these books hit over time...just look at history, SF, Church etc...it will take a few years of getting use to the price but then..wow and the way bids are going, a majority of these will go into Whale collections and disappear. Sat will be the key..we see if those whales show up for the second sale.
  6. My predictions of the auction total are way off, still I should of known having experiences with the SF and Church collections, even with not internet or E-Bay or auction houses the books always commanded a incredible premium which seems like pennies now. Maybe with a lot of record prices set, we will have some good buys on Sat...
  7. I just thru the entire Promise collection and here are my Best picks for books for 5K or less plus BP. 1-Captain Flight #4 9.4...the secret is out on this book at 5K, but that not withstanding a great and classic and rare and top graded copy...a winner...all the way. 2-Subby #28 what a great great cover, 9.2 newstand new at 2.8K...I am very surprised it is not higher. 3- Big All American#1. solid 8.5..I purchased the SF copy waaaayyyy back then...the "wow" factor...way below guide...could be the sleeper of the auction. 4-Marvel Tales #94 in unheard of 9.2..another classic cover at 2.8K 5 Captain Flight #11 9.0 one of the all time greatest covers still at 5K..watch this one 6- All Winners #19 I love the cover and the contents on this book a true classic from Fantasy Masterpieces where I first read it, 9.0 and still at 5K. My thoughts on some great books. A lot of money was spend today on Ha.com...probably a record for one day...$9,283,050... that must of taken out some of the potential buyers with those numbers.
  8. What a amazing day....for Ga and Oa and Sa collectors...$9,283,050...just day 1 total....check out that R Crumb Piece I think it went for 260K...carzy
  9. I will second that, a true classic cover...two buyers willing to pay 800K...amazing time for GA and OA collectors
  10. WOW...the old million dollar threshold is not what it used to be.
  11. Looks like you are right, I would also take the Promise 1st collection over the 8.5 Action 1
  12. Without mentioning names, nobody can top Ha on tracking, its like David vs Goliath. I have specific E-mails directed from my profile to send me recommendations based upon my past buying and current surfing of their website. The so called others track the data but nothing close approaching Ha use of that information.
  13. I suggested many years ago,to have CC and CL use the HA.Com website for small fee, and yet it remains the same. I find the timing, just before the big Ha.com auction of these contacts from CC seem to be trying to take away some steam from Ha.com upcoming auction. In the future a good strategy for CC as Ha has become the 800 pound gorilla is to avoid the Signature auctions which are every two months, and do those auctions on the off months to generate more interest, especially the next 18 months with the Promise collection being sold.
  14. It will be interesting to see tomorrow the "reverse Promise collection effect". The Top GA comics go first, and even thought a number of Promise books should be included in the Thursday's "Whale" sale, they were held out. They created a separate auction and catalog I got an e-mail and a phone call from CC regarding their upcoming auction, and that is rare to get both and I am wondering if they are also feeling the effects from the Promise Collection in amount of auction traffic, which is done by amazing analytics, broken down by county, state, city etc...the big auction houses have real time tracking of activity in ways you could only dream of. My source is from directly one auction houses. If some effects that are felt and recognized you are gonna have to factor that in,not just for this auction but every one in the next 18 months.
  15. I think however, the fact that the promise collection comes one day after the two big auctions on Thursday might make the effect a bit less, we have to see in the future where they place the future auctions.
  16. I think with the "promise collection" out there at the same time it will probably fall short, if it does crack a million, it is probably a newbie speculator.
  17. I had a interesting debate with a non-board member old time GA comic book collector about whether or not you should buy a promise book at a premium or say 2/3 lower graded GA books for the same price. I told him buy the book and the pedigree, possibly the highest graded copy available as you always buy quality over quantity. But it not just this factor. The main argument I see is future availability. They will always be "good deal" out there for 2/3 lower graded GA books whether or E-Bay, CC, HA, or Gator or Bedrock etc. But a lot of these Promise books are not replaceable...for any price...once they get scooped up by Whale, or long term collectors either on the initial offerings or when it comes to market for the first time resale. We agreed to disagree but he admitted that I gave the stronger argument on this. In two days or so, we TCBC should be paying attention to see how the GA comic book market reacts the Promise collection". It is not about just a "good deal "...but should be about the GA BOOK itself, with pedigree even better, highest graded making it the best.
  18. I think Lou, I would carefully target the GA comic book itself and there are a whole heck of lot them in those 275 first auction promise collection.. and of course factoring in condition and pedigree, there is more than enough to chose from for everyone here. I wish you luck, and hope 1 or 2 of them slip thru the cracks directly to you to make your great GA collection even greater. I believe those on a budget or looking for a "good deal" best chance is on that final internet auction only that goes really fast and is not always on time on the last day.
  19. I could have listed a lot more, I will suffice it to say, check mid price for a couple real gems as well as on the 2d auction list itself. PM is you want my opinion. My point was you don't have to bid on a 140K Tech to get a great pedigree ultra rare in that condition book for even say 10K, even 5K...that is what is really great about this collection. If Allentown its the "greatest hits" list and 95% of us are out. In the Promise collection everyone is in who really wants to be in. I still think this auction is the time to find some real undervalue books compared to when this auction ends and the Promise collection is resale only...and everyone is gonna want more , a lot more.
  20. I did my daily search on the promise collection looking for bargains (go to promise collection on ha website and chose lowest priced) and still see number of books below guide or close to guide. I think the good deals are the "true crime annual"...the lowest priced "promise books" way below guide. I also like the Saint#3, Marvel Tales and especially the Amazing Mystery #33 in ultra rare condition-see the write up on HA and these will have the advantage of being at the end of the auction fast internet section after a lot of collectors have bought on the early sessions.
  21. Well, it kind of dammed if you do and dammed if you don't situation. The financial news articles recently indicate our inflation rate is at 5%...which means for every $100 you have in the bank you lose $5 or 5% value by the end of the year. On the street, you and I are aware that the real inflation rate is much higher, especially in housing, new cars, and especially restaurants. If you buy GA and they go up 10% you are ahead of the game. During inflation, hard assets are must to preserve value. I think taking you economic assessment going forward with it, I would be safest to invest in highest graded, blue label GA..and if you can afford it, pedigreed books such as Church, SF, AND Promise. Due to high grade GA's rarity, it provides a extra safety buffer compared to some of these hundreds or thousands of copy Bronze or what ever books. Cong on calling the uptick in asset prices, I for one did not, but if everyone did, then it would be no surprise and the you way explain it and basing it on the money supply makes it very easy to comprehend.
  22. could be, I remember in the late 60's it was 100-200 tops, 2500, till 1975 and so on. Eric Roberts is a collector that can buy and hold..forever for that matter and no doubt some of the most serious GA collectors are coming into the Promise auction, and with say 300-400 books they could easily dominate. But not 5000, they will be enough for "everyone"
  23. On the first collection SF waive, no limits, I can remember buying 10 SF actions at time. When the second collection hit, there was a buying limit, but they new me really really well...so it did not apply to me, the third and final SF collection which was going San Diego and one the reasons that I especially wanted to go that year was intercepted by one collector, who bought it all, lock stock and barrel. Years later, Ernie Gerber bought that collection to action will all of those great books and which helped finance the "Photo Journal Guide"...which at the time, had in my opinion the greatest impact on GA comic book collecting for several as it was in two volumes. It exposed, not only Action #1 and Cap #1 as great books, but a whole host of other books which we had never really be exposed to as well as a guide to rarity those great GA. I can remember to this day, they release and wow ...and every and I mean every GA book collector added books to their want list. The Promise collection will give some lucky GA collectors and especially board members here a piece of the pie...to get even 1 super high grade timely which in that condition is beyond rare. Folks, if you goal is one promise or twenty it does not matter, it is where your GA heart lies. I am proudest to be a GA 50+ year collector, who was there for these execpitonal OO pedigree collections, and it has taken me over 40 years to feel that excitement again, you just had to be there back then 40 years or so and even now to get that "wow' factor back in your collecting heart is just plain SUPER.