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Everything posted by Mmehdy

  1. It is going to be very interesting to see if the first auction floor price...holds for the second or explodes up. I would guess the longer the collection is out there the more potential buyer for these books will be alerted. I think the under copies could be under the "radar" at least in terms of this auction and especially the Sunday auctions with a seven day timeframe. In the long run we will look back as GA collectors and say, like I did on the SF,Church collections that we should of bought more.
  2. plus BP I see the Tech 140 at about 2400250K end price and PF 17 at at least 150K when all fees are added in.
  3. I think the key here for this company is getting quality material, the downside is that a large number of buyers will never know this is for sale or exists, the upside is it only takes one real buyer.
  4. Tec #140 200K, PL 17 125K, MS 105K, AA61 100K.
  5. The book that most impressed me the most in the video conference was the "last issue " of "Phantom Lady". #23...WOW!...what a book.....
  6. I remember seeing it too, I think it was graded 3.5...
  7. Congrats and welcome to the "Gold". You will find that most GA comic book collectors are friendly and very knowledgeable so this is a wonderful resource should you have any questions or want some good tips on what GA to buy or look for. They always say the first step on any journey is the biggest one, good luck and happy hunting.
  8. Had a chance to view the HA "promise" video chat with Lon and Ed very informative.
  9. Ha has the "promise collection" video chat online just by going to the auction. After viewing the video 2 times here are a few observations. 1- with 300 books per month which is their estimate over 18 months that would put the promise collection at about 5400 books. 2- Probably close to 4000 of them will be the highest graded or tied. 3-some of the books apparently have "rat chews" and those along with some Famous Funnies will be in the weekly auctions. Ed talked about getting the best return and the average cost of those graded books would of been $60 on a $200 book and felt that the buyer should bear the cost of grading to get that pedigree label.4- I really liked the fact that there are 200-300 Timelys- Wow , as for GA when you have large collections, Timelys are rare, in fact they always have been, especially the late 1946-1949 ones. The video confirmed my estimation that this will go down in history as the "greatest OO GA comic book collection find in the year 2000 and above. I do not think they hid the ball, but they did say they will spread out the good stuff and that they have not gone thru all the books yet. I think the best point made, is that all collectors will have access to all Promise books, dated of sale and amounts paid, and conditions once the collection is completely sold and that is truly unique. We will have the entire collection online.
  10. The GA market is big enough to take this collection in and still have a lot of gas in the tank for other great GA books to comic to market. I think the profile of the "promise" buyer is gonna a collector with vast knowledge and experience or a dealer who is going to buy a pile of them and hold on long terms 2-3 years and then reap the profits. They will probably win a Majority of the books because they recognize true long term value and won't be till the end , when the realization hits, that you need to get GA pedigree material now, as it does not grow on trees, so look for prices to ramp up at the very of the sale of these books. That being said, the majority of GA collectors are still there and I do not see any negative effects from the "promise" on that market and that type of buyer and given the good overall market conditions, I would not hesitate to sell during the next 18 months. The best thing I have heard so far is that some the" promise collection" will be in the Sunday auctions and potentially not even be graded by the CGC?. Famous Funnies..those could be real attainable to board members who thought they would have to sit on the sidelines and just watch. Those books and prices will be very interesting to see. I would immediately however, send that book along with proof of purchase to the CGC to document that it is a graded promise book which deserves the pedigree label. There could be some amazing upside to those purchases.
  11. The Intelligent collector has a article on the "promise' collection. That is Ha's flagship magazine and it is of very high quality each issue. The estimate by Lon is 10M plus for the entire collection. Is there any link to the ED and Long show on the promise collection as I am trying to find it? If you get a chance look over that article.
  12. sorry for typo, it is a great book.
  13. yes, I bought it and it was very great, I think it is called the" Bradbury: An illustrated life"...if you can get a copy of that, you will NOT be disappointed.
  14. Relevant if you mean over 100K price and I do not buy that definition. GA books since the 1970's have exploded many times. Back in 1974 you could not giveaway L.B Cole...in fact it is just the opposite which has occurred, the GA spectrum of collecting has increased and specialized 5 fold from the old day. "Relevant" changes over time, but the diverse number of different types of GA collectors has never been greater. So, some tech geek or widget buyers pays more for MS8 then one greatest SOTI books in top condition OO pedigreed collection. Bronty-both books are gonna sell for a heck of lot money....Great. But if you to ask me, what would the safer of the two in terms of a long term hold, I would go with rarer ultra high grade OO Pedigreed book every time. Let me be clear..PL#17 is not AF 15, FF1 or Bat1...I agree and iconic books will always be valuable ever 100 years from now, when there is a incredible comic book museum and if fact we don't have to wait 100 ,it is being built on LA/Lucas museum which will attract a million visitors or more a year. No I do see any doom or gloom because other books...not GA are being very valuable. I think that great all markets, GA, SA, Bronze etc and the more value those books in 80's attain, the more I believe that it will add value to the GA comic book world.
  15. I think "Art" argument can also be made about the GA comic book and SA comic book in a way. The Mona Lisa is old but I agree great art is great art forever. Action #1 is the "Mona Lisa" of comic books clearly, AF 15 etc. I disagree with you Bookery that those GA/SA comic books will never go out of style and in fact increase in value, awareness, and appreciation for future generations. Tarzan is not Superman nor Spiderman. The collecting years you are comparing to, are ancient history. When you bought the ALL Story Tarzan..I thinks it #17. you bought and it and threw it away. Today, in the digital age, everything is saved or much easier for future generations to access or become engaged in. Bookery, the audience has grown...back in 1919 when that Tarzan mag hit the stands, it was in the USA we had 104.5 Million people..today at 331 million and overseas Billions the number of persons who could be interested is endless. Two ways to look at the coin, you say heads and I say tails. I think the future is brightest that it has ever been.
  16. The GA/SA comic book market has grown up to "real time" pricing and valuation. Ha, CC, GPA etc have the most relevance. As a historical tool, the Overstreet guide is second to none but it is not relevant for your GA/SA purchases which happen today. I would say keep the first 20 years, and then one every 5 years or so and regarding the new one I would put that money towards buying the real thing itself, the GA/SA comic book.
  17. In 1974 there were far more marvel collectors than there are today. Of course the circulation of the books were 10X what they are today with 500 cable channels and Playstation as competition. Back then, nobody underestimated FF1 or AF 15 or Hulk 1 and I think the real investors back then realized that they would rather have FF1 than Superman 26 or FB 26 or whatever. Yes, the cost of the books in compared to today has changed. But even back in 1974 GA was rare, and especially anything pre-1952. Even by say, 1975 collectors were buying spec buys, for example the Late and great Barry Baulman who purchased the legendary 1000 copies of of Conan 1 and I think he got them wholesale for like $1200 which was a lot of back then. 1972-1974 was the biggest transition year for both GA/SA comic book collectors, It was the combination of the Overstreet Guide, Marvel hitting its stride along with DC and the acceptance that GA comic books actually had value. But Crowzilla, we as GA collectors grew up on Marvel comics and we thought both were great...The younger the collector back then, the more likely they were serious Marvel collectors. But you have remember, I never bought a GA comic book on the stands. I was not even born in the Golden Age, and thru originally collecting both Marvel and DC comics...wanting to explore their exciting past it lead me to the Golden Age of Marvel and DC...so you conversation could really have never taken place back then. Every comic book back then, even at 15 cents had the possibility of being collectable. We are headed for inflationary times. Even thought the last "super" inflation event in which in 1982 My parents who were moving had to get a mortgage at 15%...I mean it15% and that was a bargain it should of been 18%..GA high grade comic books HELD both in terms of value and demand the early 80's inflation event. Hard assets such as the "promise" books can hold thru inflationary times like a champ if both with sanity and responsibility. We have over 5000 books to chose from and decide. My onion is the "promise books" are one of king and with 10,000 and more coming ever day on the census of GSX1..that purchase can wait...it will be available in the future. The Promise books will not. S1
  18. Bull Eye #5 is a true classic cover...especially SK....wow
  19. My major argument of the "displacement" factor risk when you are paying the equivalent of a OO GA ultra high grade PL 17 vs Giant Size X-Men #1 my major bone of contention. Somebody out there could be sitting with 25/ 50 9.8 copies and when dump, regardless of demand, the price will adjust. I do not see that with like FF1...there was no speculation back then, as Marvel comics began the collecting craze by advertising and promoting the value of their back issues. So the possible speculator for Giant Size X-Men #1 had a collector/investor heads up. I will agree the demand for SA books are and will remain thru time greater. But the supply factor has to be taken into account. If there are say 200 GA collectors in the market for the PL 17 vs 10,000 collectors for X-men the ratio is still favorable 200 to one vs one for one. Where I disagree is the number of collectors going forward..if more are coming in, then I will grant you with 100% certainty that SA prices will over time exceed GA comic book values. If we were to look 30 years forward, the top ten comic books could be filled with not only FF1 or AF 15...but Spiderman 1, TOS 39 etc. If, however the number of collectors stays about the same...then the Promise books no doubt will be right there with them and have that extra bit of security of being Pedigreed. If collectors are on the decrease, then only the best of the best will sustain over time and that includes top grade EARLY SA as well as high grade pedigreed GA books, such as Church, SF, or Promise. Rarity is not a bad thing in either GA or SA comic books worlds. The flip side of saying that because the Promise books will not price appreciate because of infrequent sales is not historically accurate. Look at the performance of the Church or SF books over the last 30+ years. It is the fact, that they are rare or rarely come to market that they gather additional attention and demand when those books do come to auction. I hope it turns out this way happily for all collectors. Everything goes up... and its Win-Win for both of the GA/SA comic book world.
  20. I believe you missing the fact of actual inherent value of GA comic books and the incredible historical significance of PL 17 as opposed to MS 1st appearances or Giant size X-Men's. The crypto can come and go, I do not factor them in a TCMC for the long haul. I am certainly glad they not looking at PL 17...if they did and realized how really valuable OO GA pedigree SOI comic books are..God help us it could hit 500K. Movie or no movie, buy the "book" not the "Hype". I like MCU, don't get me wrong, but with 10,000 copies of Giant Size X-men out there, the flip side against you argument is that the Giant Size X-man market can be flooded much easier, heck they grow on trees..but NOT PL 17 in 9.6 from a pedigree collection. No contest here on the potential of market "dumping". The best thing to help GA TCBC's is market distraction and thank the MCU Movies etc for that now that this collection has become available for the first time.
  21. I think to have a "Promise" collection buying plan is safe. I was just discussing that with a long term non board member collector as to what conditions would be ideal for your Promise collection purchase. He stated the best way to get a few is to wait until they hit the weekly auctions as it will have less "air time" out on the market as opposed to a signature auction exposure of several months . Now the key is and someone should ask Ha the million dollar question " how many Promise books are going to the Sunday auctions ". I know they generate a lot money and ha wants to increase the exposure to that platform but a hard number would be great to make a totally accurate judgment or waiting. For me, the best time is on the final day of the Signature auction when everyone is "tapped out" and those Internet sales go very quickly and also are hard to predict when time wise they hit the actual auction time...some promise books are gonna go thru the cracks we have over 5000 of them coming on strong. Of course , if you are buying the "book' you might not have a choice as to timing this auction. One thing for sure is have some kind of a "plan" ahead time, it just makes sense.
  22. Long term I would see better census protection in the PL17 in terms of what is going to be potentially discovered with future MS #5 hitting the census. .. I think the PF 17is a much wiser and safer bet to throw 100K or more at.
  23. Probably next auction, no dream..I think it was a 3.5...should be a great book to get for anyone looking for a copy of Cap 1 in that grade range.
  24. It should be, the SF collection was from a deceased US solider from WWII and the the collection was divided into 3 lots as 1/3 of the collection was divided by the 3 inheritors and all 3 sold the collection to comics and comics...