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Everything posted by Buzzetta

  1. On your recommendation I just picked up a copy. I found it for $20 shipped though on Amazon. It is even cheaper if someone else is looking to read it and does not mind buying a used copy. I think the lowest cost was $13 + shipping.
  2. Complete opposite opinion. But to each their own. I'm judging strictly by the cover. Wanna discuss interiors? Romita Goblin makes Ditko Goblin look like Ditko phoned it in.
  3. When I was collecting Batman I set a benchmark and did every issue from 200 to what was then current. I had scattered issues in the 100's and if I ever did 100 to current I had made the decision to go reprint or DC Archives for the first 100 issues. Eventually I sold them all.
  4. The Electro shocking Spider-man while just standing there with a goofy face is kind of blah... Romita would have had Spider-man on his knees which is what would have been more of an attention getter that early in the series. Think along the lines of issue 40's Goblin cover. 33 is tricky. I believe that 33 is a classic cover because of the story but not because of the cover. We identify the cover with the story but as a stand alone cover or print it would just be Spider-man under some rubble. Many of Romita's covers are not just dynamic but tell a story. For example, ASM39 is a classic cover in it's own right. Spider-man unmasked by the Goblin was a shocking issue that is elevated because of the story. ASM33 is Spider-man under the rubble that relies on the storytelling to be such a monumental cover.
  5. Nope... Romita does a better job than 24. The only one comparable that I think outshines those Romita covers is 23.
  6. Actually there is one exception. Ditko's ASM 23 is probably the best cover that he drew.
  7. There you go - it's on the back of my hand.
  8. Really only one book left on my list that I still want. Everything else is stuff that I find at a decent price that makes it impossible to pass up at the time it caught my eye.
  9. I am looking at the first 100 issues of ASM and I still believe that even at Ditko's best, Romita outshines him with his worst.
  10. @thehumantorch My question is this... is the person who stole the credit card on the hook for that $50 or did PayPal eat the money? I am glad that I was made whole, but part of me suspects that PayPal probably told the woman that they are charging her CC company and that the fight is now between her and her CC.
  11. I do not suffer from social anxiety but I do suffer from other people's stupidity. I am also getting to the point that I recognize that my irritation is causing me to be seen as rude to others. My basic rules for NYCC When you are going down the escalator do not stop at the bottom and check your phone just standing there. There are people behind you. You will get an elbow. Walk with a damn purpose. Have some type of agenda. Standing around is nice when it is not crowded. You standing around to 'take it all in' is causing traffic jams. If there is no one in front of you, there is no need to walk down the hallway with four of your friends like you are god damn Reservoir Dogs. Allow people to pass or be prepared for people to go through you. Stay to the right. Some people do not understand this concept. Many of us who take the subways and LIRR each day treat these cons like the subway system. We walk with a purpose and we navigate around. We have little time for the confused doe eyed lost sheep in the crowd on their cell phone.
  12. The address was under investigation when I pursued it in "2016". That is all I was told.
  13. - I have mentioned this before on the boards in other threads so this is not a convenient post. I used to store hundred dollar bills in comics because I didn't want people in my family to know I had them. Putting them in the bank would raise questions. My hundred dollar bills were stored in what would be GI Joe, Transformers or other copper age comics at the time or bronze Spider-mans as that is what I collected at the time. When I sold off a lot of books one year I also realized that I shipped out some money with those books. It's probably not mine but even if it is descended from my collection that means the people I sold them to never looked in the books or changed the bags and boards from 25-30 years ago. Ewww... No matter where that $100 bill came from I hope she enjoys it.
  14. Maybe one day. I've got a lot of stuff going on recently. Weird fact... I can actually sing.
  15. So I am going through some comics that I am going to list. Like a good boardie, I go through the books to make sure the pages are all there and nothing is clipped out. Since it is a Marvel Tales book, I wanted to see what issues they pulled the stories from... then I notice the following from Marvel Tales 16 from 1968. Spider-man reprinted courtesy of Non-Pareil Publishing Corporation 1964 Thor reprinted courtesy of Atlas Magazines Inc. 1964 Human Torch reprinted courtesy of Vista Publications Inc. 1963 Marvel Boy reprinted courtesy of 20th Century Comic Corp 1951 What gives with the different 'rights' concerning the 1963-1964 stories? Sorry if this is a silly question... but I figure someone here knows the history.
  16. It's already the trend. Even some toy retailers are holding back again this year to present their material at other shows. SD wants too much money to justify their presence.
  17. Was the video explanation released on YouTube yet?
  18. I thought you were going to drag me there if I did not go. I don't think you really missed much. However... my 4 day pass to NYCC is a lock
  19. A few decades ago, Marvel retconned the Captain America timeline to explain how Steve Rogers was in suspended animation yet there was still a Captain America running around in the 1950's. My question is, have they isolated the retcon down to specific books. Which Captain America Comics is considered the LAST Steve Rogers before Naslund 'takes over.' Also which Golden Age Captain America Comics are attributed to each hero? This is what I could find on the internet: Captain America I (1941), Isaiah BradleyBradley was a test subject of the Super-Soldier Project. Participated in one mission against Germany, then spent 1942-1960 in prison. While incarcerated, Bradley’s mind degenerated to a childlike state due to flaws in the early version of the super-soldier serum he received. Still alive, though he has the mind of a five-year old.*Captain America II (1941-45), Steve Rogers The main Captain America. The biggest hero of his era. Rogers was a scrawny 4-F turned into the apex of human ability through the Super-Soldier Project. Thought killed in ’45 on a mission. Actually frozen in an Arctic ice floe and trapped in suspended animation until the modern era.Captain America III (1945-46), William Naslund A minor hero (“The Spirit of ‘76”) who dropped his old gig to take up the shield of the lost Captain America. Killed in ’46 by a robot.Captain America IV (1946-49), Jeff Mace Another mostly forgotten hero (“The Patriot”) who dropped his old gig to take up the shield after Naslund died. Retired in ’49, died of cancer as an old man.Captain America V (1953-54), “Steve Rogers,” A schoolteacher and wannabe superhero who rediscovered the Super Soldier Serum and made himself into the new Cap. His recreation of the Super Soldier Serum was inexact, and he ended up a paranoid loony who saw “enemies of America” everywhere. Captured by the FBI and placed into suspended animation. (Released in the modern era to bump heads with the original Cap, dies whilst a-villaining.) Then there is no Captain America until the original Steve Rogers, reclaims the mantle sometime within the last 10 years...
  20. "Have I outgrown this stuff, or am I becoming more of a cynical or discerning buyer?" Now to be fair: My friend pointed out that we get pro / press passes for NYCC for all four days so we might be jaded toward this show for that reason. I attended the very first show at the Cradle of Aviation a few years ago. While it wasn't NYCC it showed promise and it gave me enough hope that this show would be able to pull it together. I went the next year and it still resembled a garage sale of sorts and I swore it was not worth my time and I had not returned since. The Good I loved the physical climate of the show. The show runners had the air conditioning pumping. As anyone who has had the misfortune of standing next to a cosplayer in full fur or gear at NYCC can tell you, "I wish these people weren't sweating." The show runners made sure of that with sweet, crisp, and clean air conditioning. Absolute Comics and Statues: There was one dealer who every year seems to clean up at this show and at NYCBM. Absolute Comics and Statues seems to bring a wide assortment of graded and raw books of all ages and prices. They are always busy, and at least whenever I see them they are always attentive. They don't know me from a stranger in the crowd so this is not a plug. This is something that I have noticed over the last few years between NYCBM and Eternal Con. Good for them. Funko Pops. If you are into them, then they were all over the place. I like the little buggers and have about twenty of them placed around the house and my desk at work. If you were into them, these were well represented. Nice to see the Japanese Toy Vendors make the show. I would have liked to pick up some a MP Transformers or Third Party thing but what I saw was a positive start. Interesting NEW stuff. The one odd thing I bought was a parody pint glass. I have only one superhero pint glass. I keep all of the odd ones or cool ones that I have purchased or liberated over the years in my kitchen hutch. (Down the Hatch, Obscure Blue Point or Heartland Brewery) I added a Star Wars parody glass. It says "Guinness" in the brewery style lettering across the top and has a Picture of Sir Alec as Obi Wan and in small words it says, "Obi Wan Kenobi." TAKE MY MONEY ! There were a few niche vendors that definitely had some stuff going on. That had my interest as these were things that I did not know existed. The Bad Pricing of Books - Please explain to me why I should buy a graded book for more money than it is sitting on eBay for? I will make a seller a reasonable offer in cash for the same book in the same grade. I know not all 9.4's are alike but let's just say that the books were very comparable. As one DEALER told me, after trying to negotiate a price for a book from another DEALER, "Looks like, everyone is charging the 'NY tax' in here." I had this issue a couple of years ago the last time I went to Eternal Con. Guy wanted $XXX for a 9.2 1st Elektra. He literally told me, he was the only guy at the show that had the book and he was correct. However, the 9.4 was sitting on eBay at the time for far less. He would not budge. So I shrugged and hit the BIN while I was at the show. This was a representation of a lot of booths on any wall books. I can get it cheaper on line. Why should I spend my money here? Is it because I cannot wait? I can wait. There were a LOT of junk tables. I see better organization of loose toys at the Bellmore Train Station Flea Markets which I can go to for free if I want to find action figures with missing arms and accessories. I am sorry but yellowed loose and incomplete Star Wars Stormtroopers figures do not command premium prices. There was a lot of stuff that you could tell were thrown in boxes because it was not worth listing on eBay or it just didn't sell. Lack of pricing on books. This is the only show that I have ever gone to where dealers go unprepared. You should not pricing books as people are asking you for them. If you want me to put your face into my memory to avoid you at future shows, this is the way to do it. "What are you asking for on this?" "Umm let me seeeeee, as he flips through overstreet and consults his phone." By the time he looked up I moved on. Honorable mention of "bad" was the guy that had a lower grade copy of Captain America's Weird Tales 74. If he is reading this, he knows what he did. Security to get into this place. I had a more efficient and easier time getting into Dead and Company at Citi Field on 6/24 than I did getting into Eternal Con. I even remarked so to the security guy and he laughed and nodded in agreement. The Ugly What's going on in those hallways? Why are they separate from the show? Why are the artists outside? Why are the artists scattered around? That was sheer disorganization and smacked of disrespect. What's with the really NON COMIC related stuff at Comic Shows lately? I did not understand why Sears was at NYCC a few years ago and I do not know why Geico Insurance was at Eternal Con. But hey, this showrunner is a friend of Carbo and NYCBM who had the Ukrainian / Russian Brides table in 2016 at the Carbo show... so who am I to judge? Additional Comments: As my friend looked at me and said, "You really need a pic with Mick Foley that bad for $60? He was right. You can bump into Mick anytime you are out East at Shop Rite. I don't necessarily know the guy personally so did I need to pay $60 to put a pic of he and I on my FB page? I passed. I've met him for free once before. I don't need to pay to stage the pic. As we were walking out though my friend and I realized that we have accumulated stuff over the years that we are now looking for things that only the internet can find for you or at auction for Heritage, eBay, CLink, Comic Connect or My Comic Shop will offer... AND we will find them at better prices. I have no problem with people fishing for prices... It is well known I have done that myself. The thing is I am not charging people admission to take a look. I did buy a $5 vintage looking two tone dark blue over blue Captain America shirt that I was happy to pick up and that pint glass. After that, I walked out to grab lunch and see how the show would be later. As we were leaving, the parking attendant said we could not return without paying an additional $5 reentry fee. We shrugged and said oh well, went to the Greene Turtle Sports Bar on Hempstead Tpke and called it a day. The Chesapeake burger was delicious. I've lost some weight since December. I am afraid to go back to that place as one could easily put it back on. I am not afraid to say though, that I will not be returning to Eternal Con in the future. If CGC, Voldemort, Metropolis, CLink and the usual NY vendors don't want to go... why should I? Buzzetta