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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. 94' was a mini-series. High print runs around that time keep prices low. 98' was his first regular series. Those comics are actually SOMEWHAT valuable (depending on the issue, and no where near New Mutants 98 prices). The late 90's kind of had a few lower print run years, so some Marvel comics around then have a bit of value behind them. It's VERY up and down with the 98' series, at least I've found. But nothing really over $50. It's usually select issues for this run that would go that high. Hard to find just lying around, but not hard to get if you look a bit. Agreed. the '98 series sells very well as a set. There are nearly no "keys" in that run but considering a 70 issue set will fetch $400-500 on ebay, thats $7/book which compared to all the other 90s-massive print run-$1 books that clog many a long box and storage locker, I think it's a pretty healthy value for a set from that era.
  2. Probation List/Transaction Timeline. Read all the rules HERE! then... then SO in summary 30 days to complete transaction (or 30 days post term violation) then ofendee sends PM stating that the issues is being submitted to PL discussion. the offender has 72 hrs to respond before being placed on the PL
  3. true, but its sooo much better than work! I'd say in the future you could modify your sales thread rules from the "I reserve the right to not sell to anyone" to something more akin to "I reserve the right to not sell to anyone, and to cancel any transaction at any time should I deem it necessary, by posting the potential buyers agree to this condition." then potential buyers can decide if they want to play by your rules and you are 100% covered for any future action!
  4. Yes this is my understanding also (quoting the rules) "the 30 day clock begins from the time the agreed upon conditions were violated." So if he had until "the end of the month" of June, then the 30 day expires "end of July". Let us hope perhaps this can be resolved before then. I accepted him altering the terms of the sale. I did not "agree" to it, because agreements are made PRIOR TO the deal, not after the fact. I simply had no choice if I wanted the transaction to be completed. The clock starts ticking with the unqualified unless arrangements are made PRIOR to that. You don't get to make your own terms after the fact, and then state that's "where the clock starts." Respectfully, and I generally sympathize with your dislike of how this went down, you cannot so easily separate what you "accepted" from what you "agreed" to. You could have said "No" to any post-sale conditions. I could have, but I do like to be accomodating if I can. I can easily differentiate between agreements (which are arranged prior to inking the deal) and acceptance of terms after the fact ("oh, by the way, would you mind...") because I really don't have much choice if I'm being a good businessman. Regardless of the quibble over "agree" and "accept", the point remains that the clock started ticking at the unqualified , not after-the-fact acceptance of additional terms. And I appreciate your efforts to be accommodating. again, your internal rules may differ, but as I said previously, this thread has discussed the "when does the 30 day clock start ticking when extensions are requested" and the concensus was that the clock started at the time of the most recent deadline. The seller does not have to accept a payment deadline extension past the agreement, but you did.
  5. If a seller posting this wants to back away from an he can. True, a seller can state his terms. And I've always agreed to that approach (as long as its stated) But can a seller back out at any point even after they've agreed/accepted someone's ? Can they back out 10 days later? 29 days later? It looked like RMA accepted kitsune as a buyer at the time of the and even after the request for payment terms beyond the unconditional
  6. Yes this is my understanding also (quoting the rules) "the 30 day clock begins from the time the agreed upon conditions were violated." So if he had until "the end of the month" of June, then the 30 day expires "end of July". Let us hope perhaps this can be resolved before then. I accepted him altering the terms of the sale. I did not "agree" to it, because agreements are made PRIOR TO the deal, not after the fact. I simply had no choice if I wanted the transaction to be completed. The clock starts ticking with the unqualified unless arrangements are made PRIOR to that. You don't get to make your own terms after the fact, and then state that's "where the clock starts." thats getting into semantics of "accepting" vs "agreeing". Amendments are agreed to all the time with contracts after the initial contract is signed, this is just a microscopic version of that. We've talked about transactions with multiple amendments before (where timelines were extended multiple times). The general consensus was that the clocked started at the last deadline, not prior ones.
  7. Is it that cut and dry at this point. He pays RMA, and RMA mails the book? I agree there's a lot of chaff around this one. But at the core its a book was supposed to be bought by end of June. on July 1 the 30 day clock ticks down until he can be nominated for the PL. Gun was jumped with a PL nomination notice (in my opinion) because there was a request for additional time. Right now I think the buyer is still within his window. (again, Im not saying he did this any which way close to kosher or right, but by the letter of the PL and marketplace rules he's still within his window to complete the transaction) I know RMA's not thrilled with him for reasons both specific to the transaction and to the poor communication. But there's nothing so egregious that the situation should supersede the current marketplace guidelines, I dont think (but hey, I'm easily swayed, correct me if I'm wrong).
  8. You have his paypal address? Send him the money. That was your obligation.
  9. so you've paid him? (I ask since its the afternoon of the 23rd)
  10. 1. kitsune agreed to buy something from RMA 2. kitsune threw conditions onto the purchase after the fact (end of June payment) which RMA (begrudgingly) agreed to. 3. after date passed, RMA asked kitsune if he was still interested in the book, to which kitsune threw additional conditions onto the transaction after not fulfilling the conditions in #2, which RMA didnt appear to agree to (payment after SDCC). Facts I think... A. Agreement was for payment by end of June (based on conditions in #2) B. Both parties have 30 days to complete the transaction by the agreed upon terms (even those begrudgingly agreed to) before either party can make a PL nomination. So I think technically that means that kitsune has until the end of this month to complete the transaction and meet his agreed to obligation. RMA Im on your side that this guy is a poor buyer. Throwing up terms after the "I'll take it" is a sketchy way to start a transaction, much less his demeanor after that point. Dont think Im siding with him on this, please. I know there's been an outstanding question in the past that when other terms are agreed to (specific payment dates) when does the 30 day clock start ticking? I think it was decided its when the payment date hits, so basedon that kitsune is not PL eligible yet (at least not for another 7 days). unfortunately we dont have a Probation List just for people lacking social or life skills. my 2 cents, I would have said no to the after the fact conditions and put the book back as available in my sales thread. or once the 2nd request for time was made I would have asked to cancel the transaction with the buyer since it was obvious that his making payment was a hardship. Of course hindsight is 20/20... sorry RMA
  11. "This auction is for a Amazing Fantasy #15 reprint only, this is not the original comic. Pictures that are shown in the picture gallery above do not represent the reprint comic being sold nor do they represent the comic in anyway. Bidder/Buyer accepts that he/she as read the full description/details of this auction listing. Good luck to all bidders! " so awesome... bury this inside 8 page wikipedia cut and paste.
  12. Dare I do it? Sell my Lady in White collection? Its (virtually) complete. Is it time to move on... yes yes I think so...
  13. nothing gets someone to come in and address a situation like calling them out by name. Even if this is a matter of confusion, the clarity will be worth bring it to light.
  14. too busy deleting/moderating ACTIVE sales threads no really it would take a small amount of active management to do that, and they run the boards with as little overhead as possible (I'd imagine).
  15. dont know that its actually deleted from the forum cause you can get to it thru a googled search no problem. The forum just seems to have an 80 page display limit for the forum, so the rest of the data is there, just you have to go in thru a different door to get to it...
  16. Well I wont argue that the mods are being overzealous, but if your 1st thread was still on the front page then you should have kept going with that thread, changed the subject line to show that there were more books in the thread and kept that thread going. If you posted a second book after the congrats on the first sale it wouldn't be lost, there are plenty of sales threads with lots of chatter that have no problem moving books in the midst of shenanigans. (and really two people posting congrats is not a waterfall...and wouldn't make it tough to find the next book for sale) the problem is the rule they are enforcing speaks to intent. "attempts to take up front page real estate by creating multiple threads for no reason are not allowed" you werent intending to take up the front page with multiple threads, but current convention is to group your books together in one sales thread as long as that grouping makes sense (ie a thread for moderns, a thread for TPBs). Once the 1st thread falls off the first page you should have no problem starting up a new thread... but imagine if foolkiller started a new thread with every book he sold in succession... there'd be 10 pages of fkiller 1 book threads cause that thread "closed" after that book sold. Oh and your Walking dead thread started at 11:11pm , the same time as you closed the Saga thread , so it wasnt as if the Saga thread had been closed for even a few minutes before you started a new thread.
  17. Ummm I think all the DC (DragonCon) listings (as far as artists) are based on the dragoncon website http://www.dragoncon.org/?q=comic_pop_artist_view but its says at the top "As the 2013 show approaches, check back here for the Comics and Pop Artist Alley line up. Until then, check out our amazing guests and attending artists from 2012." So that list is not one to go by.. now most Dcon attendees are repeat offenders so the list is probably close, but I wanted to be sure that link wasnt being used to base the 2013 attendees list.
  18. Was just seeing Beachbum's SDCC pre-sale, not a pre-sale, preview, guess the prices, send me a PM post and thinking "this seems to be the one scenario that people would tolerate this kind of thing since it doesn't conform to the agreed-upon forum rules, but people will tolerate just about anything to secure con exclusives, man Im glad I dont collect moderns" Luckilly Bb seems to have the right mix of A) good reputation/delivering on promises and b) getting people who want the HTF con exclusives... I imagined if someone tried to do the same thing in G/S/B "Im going to look at a NM collection this weeknd of X-men books. Here are some pictures of the books that I should be able to get. Prices are what you'd expect for NM X-men. I cant sell them yet since I dont have them, but send me a PM and I'll try to reserve you a copy"
  19. So its cool for us to presell books that we don't have in hand, don't have prices for and don't know how many we have of them? Oh, and directing everyone to PMs is the way to go?
  20. yeah its not a sure thing, but its something....