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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. New in my collection from a Marketplace sale. Unexpected #127 CGC 9.2 SS Nick Cardy. One of a kind at the moment. I had my own Unexpected 127 getting pressed for Cardy's signature, when this one (the only SS 127 on census) showed up on the boards for sale. Weighed my options and decided to skip to the end and buy it. Here's an updated shot of my ladies in white/70s Gothic Horror themed collection. A few upgrades, a few additions.
  2. So this sold last night on ebay and I was watching it. As always, it took a big leap in the last minute, but the final price was surprising. $293.88 Now there's only 6 on census, but with two 7.0 peds going for $125 and $158 (last year) I was expecting around that price up to $200, not DOUBLE! Heck it almost hit the 8.0 Bethleham ped price (granted that was 2006)
  3. I thought I asked this in the past but I dont see it... Why dont all these Walking Dead #1 variants (the con ones and so on) get a "REPRINT" tag on them since they are reprints of the original material? is it purely cause they slap a variant cover on the 12th version of the reprint for the latest Con-de-jour? Also Other books (Revival, etc) that have new printings get tagged as being 2nd, 3rd etc prints. Why doesnt Walking Dead? Is it cause the reprinting isnt directly after the previous printing? Has CGC ever spoken to this point?
  4. someones going to have to create a lot of shill accounts this weekend to get "no" caught up.
  5. if everyone started posting sales threads like this I think I'd have a seizure...
  6. Next level GPA abuse: list "last GPA sale" but not mention that it was a pedigree (when you are selling a non-pedigree) Amazing...
  7. link? http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=6802762#Post6802762 Yeesh. He's also got the PP 3%, and prices 25% above his own quoted GPA. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=6808769#Post6808769 *sigh* *shiver* I dont understand what "Please keep in mind the books are pretty much maximized." means.... that sounds like they are pressed, but then he suggests they could be improved with pressing. What does "maximized" mean?
  8. Agreed.... as I was going to eventually seek Mr Castrillo out for a commission... After this thread I have second thoughts. And there's the intent. No amount of talent can offset the ridiculousness that AC has put some of his patrons thru. (ok may be an immense, Jim Lee, Jack Kirby back from the dead, Neal Adams level of talent could make it worth it... but we arent there)
  9. link? http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=6802762#Post6802762 Yeesh. He's also got the PP 3%, and prices 25% above his own quoted GPA. This seller really annoyed me when I saw his sales tactics. Quoting GPA on raw books is bad enough but his grading was terrible. He was giving a 9.4, highest graded, to a book with the BC coupon filled in. I can't believe somebody actually bought a book from this guy. Action 258 9.4 last gpa 9.2 for $1005 this would be highest graded my price $1344 Wonder if he has a 12 month return/refund policy once the book gets graded lower than his advertised pressed grade.
  10. I have absolutely no beef with CGC's use of Qualified Grades. Close, but not quite. As far as I'm concerned, a seller has the right to ask whatever he/she wants for a book, regardless of whether that book is CGC-certified (blue, green, purple, yellow) or raw. However, if a seller has a book that's received a green label because it's missing one or more pages, it's flat-out deceptive to quote GPA for a blue label book of the same grade, a purple label book of the same grade, or even another green label book of the same grade which is qualified because of another defect (such as a blown staple, a detached centerfold, or an unwitnessed creator signature). Buyers around here need to understand that books with missing pages are in POOR condition. It doesn't matter whether the book is raw or carries a CGC grade of Qualified 9.0. Do not be taken in by any seller who suggests otherwise. That is all. appreciate the perspective and clarification zz. I agree if someone is quoting GPA universal prices for a green label book that'd not just deceptive its outright dishonest. And you are right that all green labels are not created equal, so even using GLOD GPA info is not wholly accurate, its closer (since its at least the right catagory of books) but since theres a wide range of books that fall under the Qualified catagory it is tough. And it would still get an INCOMPLETE tag, regardless of the label its getting...
  11. zz you totally get the right to your position on qualified grading, but we're on a CGC site, and CGC uses the qualified grade, so is it not surprising that marketplace sellers might reference the same grading reference (Ive never sold a book that was or would be qualified in its grade). Is your beef more directly with CGC's use of the qualified grade, when (it sounds) like you dont think books with missing pages should be allowed a qualified grade? bottom line, CGC does it, so its hard to take beef if people list a qualified grade, and note the defects, when the grading lines up with what CGC would do. [again zz you TOTALLY have the right to this opinion, I just think you can see where listing a qualified grade can be rationalized considering where we are]
  12. and Speedy-D I'll second that none of this is directed at you, and having ready thru almost all of that 300 page thread, you did a lot to try and make things right where you could facilitate. I think the point of the list is that anyone considering sending this guy money sees the back log of unfulfilled work, and then the buyer can decide if s/he feel comfortable sending money Anthony's way. Since Anthony doesnt seem to work on commissions in order (based on the # of old orders still unfulfilled, while some newer orders have been completed), sending him money and commissioning him for new work is potentially taking him of the priority of completing the outstanding orders due to other board members. I think Mikenyc's theory is likely. Anthony has dug himself into a hole he may not be able to dig himself out of financially in a timely fashion. His own poor book-keeping/work management led to some mistaken sales (of books that were owed to others) to try and raise the cash to submit the books that were completed, but not sent to CGC. And thus the calamity we have now.
  13. to me this situation is the counterbalance to all of the Bleeding Cool (and other) articles about Publishers not paying artists for work (or not returning art, or whatever)... So yes there are Publishers that are slow to pay, but there are also artists that are slow to deliver. Anthony is doing a disservice to his artistic compatriots...
  14. Updated: List of people Anthony Castrillo owes work or refunds to: user name (date of payment/engagement) conditionfreak (May 2011) Silver Surfer (almost 3 years ago) plasticmoz (? supposedly sent to CGC in Nov 2012) J DUB (Oct 2012 purchased completed sketch, asked to add back) Erndog (unknown D Doom, finished pic posted in Mid-Jan) absolutecarnage (10/2010) sl4ppy (10/2011) Mayor006 Oct. 24, 2012 Resolved issues, completed work I like pie (Dec 2012) Refunded money May 2013. Silver Surfer ("almost 3 years ago) 3 commissions completed
  15. I'm not going to get into notating dollar amounts cause thats between you and Anthony, but I do think its worth noting the sum total of work orders remaining and how long people are waiting. Seems like AC fulfils orders "willy nilly" (technical business term, go look it up). Some people who had comissioned within the last year have gotten their books, while others have waited going on 3 years.
  16. I think somewhere in the SS thread/forum he described his process... and I think he does grid style copying rather than lightbox. But take that as truth as you want...
  17. For those playing in expert mode, this is probably what happened. Maybe John Byrne sent him a cease and desist....
  18. my bad, I mis-read your post when you stated the OP's intent, and I read it as if you were saying it...
  19. List of people Anthony Castrillo owes work or refunds to: user name (date of payment/engagement) conditionfreak (May 2011) Silver Surfer (almost 3 years ago) plasticmoz (? supposedly sent to CGC in Nov 2012) J DUB (Oct 2012 purchased completed sketch, asked to add back) Erndog (unknown D Doom, finished pic posted in Mid-Jan) absolutecarnage (10/2010) sl4ppy (10/2011) Resolved issues, completed work I like pie (Dec 2012) Refunded money May 2013. Silver Surfer ("almost 3 years ago) 3 commissions completed who else goes on the list of satisfied or unsatisfied customers?
  20. Based on the history of this incident and this person I dont think they have the ability/skillset to plan their workload and create even a swag timeline for people to set expectations against.... [and I work in the software industry with engineers, they are notorious for bad timing judgment, but even this is beyond my thresholds to understand!] How many people have actually had Anthony fulfill his obligation? What's he averaging, one commission complete/month? 2? 4?
  21. So if we translate "End of Last year" as December and "refunded about a month ago" as May Thats 4+ months just to REFUND SOMEONE THE MONEY THAT THEY GAVE YOU. Its the internet Anthony. You were already on your computer (replying to the guy) why not just open a tab, log into paypal and return him his money (refund option in paypal so fees would be refunded too). That's at best 2 minutes of work to close out an open issue and give someone his money back and retain the possibility of him asking you for another commission down the road. Instead you take months and probably burn another potential customer. Brilliant. No wonder you havent had work on back to back issues of something for over a decade. nope I wont say that... to catty.
  22. Excited to fill two holes in my Ss collection. Joe Simon (love the Sandman #1 since it's his last work with Kirby) And Byrne on his dreaded Secret Wars II #1 cover.
  23. I was trying to see which sales thread you bought from, but I cant find a purchase by you from one of Yannis's threads. Were you a PM purchaser? He seems to be back, but again, I cant tell what purchase you made, so as Speedy asked "deets?"