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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. Didn't think about this before...I sometimes put 4-5 books in a post because it seemed more efficient for some reason...didn't think about how that would affect load times... good to know. Another reason to just do one book per post. Some people are on mobiles, and trying to edit the post you are quoting in an effort to post the "I'll take it" can be difficult (I know it is for me). And Im with the regular size scans. I always liked the threads that did back cover scans as "minis" so you could click on them if you really wanted to see the back covers..
  2. no. I can do math. It's not about the math, its about my own observed behavior of not automatically going back thru a thread when someone notes discounts w/o listing a summary of remaining books or something to that effect.
  3. Here's a tip, just based on my own habits as a viewer/reader in the marketplace forum. If you say you dropped prices, but only went back and updated the original posts, for some reason I'm never super interested in wading thru the original thread (especially when its a decently long thread, or one with a good amount of chatter/popcorn) If you drop prices, note the new prices in your update post.
  4. Every preshow/presale thread is against the rules imo. Not really - I think this is the first presale thread I've seen where no guarantees are made as to the condition of the books you're receiving. Yeah that was of concern... there was the whole "people who've used me before know what they are getting" bravado (I dont know if its earned or not), but its ripe for letdown/abuse. Sure menace has a good long track record. but could a newbie run the same sale? Maybe he doesnt get any takers, but maybe he does....
  5. Wow, that book looks so fresh, the cover colors are still poppin. Congrats ! I know! I had to remind myself that the book was almost 70 years old. The blue is soooo nice and deep when in hand.
  6. And I just recieved this one raw in the mail last week: Bought by the OO on the same day as spilred's Fight #33...
  7. If you are the owner of the Jungle Comics 54 (4/24 or 29/ 44) "??" (need code) I'd love to know what the code is on the book.
  8. One of my purchases after starting to sell off my Ladies in White. More Fun #98 (scarce in Overstreet) Okajima pedigree Single "wartime" staple resulted in the cover bend, which is the biggest condition issue. But I dont care, its a camp era Oka, and it's mine.
  9. Hey Ed, thanks for providing the detail around the aborted transaction. Hope you didn't take my request as any sort of doubt/criticism, just a desire for details, which always help in these cases. Facts: June 11: You two agreed to a deal for an ASM 121 & ASM300 Jun 17: Second confirmation of payment being enroute. July 5: You graciously reduced the deal to just the ASM121 July 5: In the same conversation he asks about adding some other books to the order and you give him an updated price total on those books (including the ASM 121). July 9: He back out of the whole transaction. So he basically takes your ASM 121 & ASM 300 out of circulation for a month (Jun 11-July 9) when you could have sold it, listed it, or had it at shows. I think you can totally nominate him since the 30 days have passed both for the Initial agreement (June 11) and even your reduced deal for just the ASM 121. I think the subsequent books (H4H and others) were never agreed to (he expressed interest, you gave him the price, he declined), but the earlier deals should stand the scrutiny of PL worthiness. PM him that he's been nominated for the PL, and point him to this thread. He has 72 hrs to respond in kind and state his side of things. One question is: What does jsilverjanet need to do to "make things right" with you? (And that's between you and jsilver) It's just that the PL nominee needs a path to get off the list, even if that's simply "complete the transaction that you agreed to"... until he does that he shouldn't be buying anyone else's books on here, thus the purpose of the PL.
  10. This scenario sounds like it might qualify for PL nomination proceedings...am I right? Depends on how definitive both parties were in the transaction. When this stuff goes to PMs it gets a lot greyer than marketplace listings of Seller: Here's book X for $500 Buyer "I'll take it" In PMs wording gets far vauger "great book" "would love to have it" "let me see what I can do" blah blah blah... We'd need ROBOCard to post specifics of their PM thread to see if its a definitive deal.
  11. Speaking in general terms (not in judgement of the details of the above Robocard/GAMBIT topics), backing out of a deal when there is a handshake (even an internet handshake) agreement is not a kosher move. Its impact is exacerbated in smaller communities (word gets around so fast). It is also exacerbated when there is a finite amount of available product (especially in collectibles) In general I think people forget details (around why something happened) and just remember the faux pas that occured Wonder if that's why the GA sub-forum is more congenial (in general)? With so few books, and so many wanting to own them you cant afford to burn bridges cause the guy you break a deal with might have "that one book" next year, and he can just refuse to deal with you.
  12. I'd love to see any amount of research to actually back that up. dont mind if I do! for a search of CGC SS: 9324 closed auctions in ebay's current availble database 5487 sold books in ebay's current available database that means of over 9k recently closed auction more than 58.8% of them sold successfully For a search of CGC: 80,069 closed auctions in ebay's current available database 43,554 sold books in ebay's current available database so just under 54.4% successfully sold items. so blue books sell at a lower success rate than yellow label books, but obviously make up for that in volume. That says nothing of realization of value vs market (performance, return, etc) I was surprised to see how similar the numbers (by percentages) were. I thought there would be more sitting in the SS numbers, but it seems like both markets churn around 55%
  13. I'd love to see any amount of research to actually back that up. I dont diagree with the general principle of it (signed books have smaller markets, its what I said above too). but to put a number on it is just reckless, since it isnt based on any research.
  14. This is been my position on SS and autographs from the start. Some sellers view it as a way to increase their profit margin on a book, but I always counter that any increased profit margin is offset by a decreased market size. plus I hear that signed books lose all their magic The only SSed books I have are ones I intend to keep for the longest time. I wouldn't get a book signed if I had any plans to sell it under any but the most dire of conditions.
  15. great cover, my favorite cover by far from the first year of Green Lantern.
  16. I disagree, the 30 day clock doesn't move unless there are time payments arranged (usually beyond 30 days) - - only then does a failure to pay constitute a breach of contract that resets the clock......establishing a specific date within the 30 day time frame doesn't move anything. That's my interpretation. I think that's a fair interpretation too.
  17. Dragon Con now has an updated guest list for Comic Talent. http://www.dragoncon.org/?q=comic_pop_artist_view Alot of repeats from 2012, but a few new ones too (Allen Bellman for one) Also from Joe Staton's site (joestaton.com) he will be at NYComicon (it's not listed on the NYComicon's site...)
  18. no offense, but you are being too nice to him. June 27: You invoiced him July 8: You ask for payment by July 11 July 10: He asks for an extension to July 15, which you say ok, and note that books wont ship til 26th July 25: you check on payment saying for him to pay whenever he is ready July 27: He says he'll have it by the 30th (Tuesday) to which you implied "ok" July 31: you asked for immediate payment since it hadnt been paid. The marketplace rules are that transactions are expected to be completed within 30 days of an agreed upon transaction unless other timing is set. You kept "resetting the clock" for him by letting push out the payment date. Based on the strictest application of the guidelines you two have 30 days to complete this transaction based on the last agreend upon date of July 30. In those 30 days he should pay and you should ship and the books should arrive. So if the deal isnt complete by that date (August 29) you can email him that you are nominating him for the probation list. Is that right? I know it was always confusing when the 30 day clock starts ticking when people are granted extra time for payment....
  19. If this shirt gets wrinkled what's everyone's position on me pressing it? Is it ok? Will that damage the shirt?
  20. (thumbs u and Timely thanks to you too for the learning! Im just starting to get familiar with the Oka pedigree, and not a lot of back cover posts to learn from
  21. Might be erroneous listing. Just heard back from connect, the first was erroneous, the second is a Okajima (noted on label) though Im still surprised based on the cover/back markings.
  22. interesting Since all of this is stemming from an investigation and not directly from a test result for a banned substance, MLB doesnt necessarily have to follow the 50/100/lifetime guideline. Thus why Braun got the 65 games, and why it looks like Arod will lose all of this season and next. It does look like they are using the 50 game suspension for everyone else though.
  23. Do you think these are actually Okajimas (they're both in Comicconnects Sept auction) Planet Comics #33: They have it listed as an Okajima, which since its not listed on the label as the ped, I assume means they have the certificate. But for the time frame (late '44) the book has neither the camp markings, or the post camp distribution markings that I've seen on every Okajima that I can remember. Also I havent seen Okajima's with this much dust shadowing (see back cover) either. Any thoughts? Also they've listed a Planet Comics #52 Still no front cover scan showing, but the back cover shows some date stamping that I havent seen on the Okajimas, and again none of the taletale distribution codes that are typically on the cover from this period. Also again, the back cover scan has a lot of discoloration that I havent commonly seen on the Okajimas. What are your thoughts?
  24. 7/22 Do you mean your post of July 17? I understand that you have been trying to get a satisfactory response via PM, but have you sent him a PM specifically saying "I am nominating you for the PL list" etc. The rules give the offender 72hrs after getting notice to reply here with their side of the story. dammit.. i just did that.. fine its been 2 months whats another 3 days... 7/25 Looks like you've followed procedure. tibex82 should be added to the probation list