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Sensei Ryan

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Everything posted by Sensei Ryan

  1. How is this forum any proof of CGC being unpopular? Just because a lot of people complain on here you mean or that there just aren't many posters? I do note that there's not as much activity in the trading card section as there is for the comic section but once again this is a relatively new company (the other main competition is over 30 years old, right, so they have an edge as far as history goes due to that fact). In about 10 years if it's still this 'still' around here then I can see it being an issue. Regarding the market data, that is correct based on my own research. However, I am happy about that because it helps me get the cards I collect for much cheaper (plus the slabs look so much nicer). Are the labels you are talking about the blue ones? I haven't seen another so I'm not sure what god awful label you're talking about because I prefer the black labels AND old blue labels over the red blah PSA ones any day (but again I was a CGC comic collector first so that may make me biased since the old card labels are pretty much equivalent to the comic labels). Side to side the PSA slabs compared to the new (or in my opinion old) CGC one there is just no comparison when it comes to eye appeal. Like you, I am not into the Omega thing (at least you give me the impression you're not, either) but exactly how is it a bad business strategy if it is giving them an increase in submissions? Isn't that good for a business - to have more business? Not good for us collectors to increase TaT's but good for the company, right? In fairness, though, I would prefer the TaT's be faster since I need to make a few submissions of my own here soon lol. I agree that the relationship with dealers is a conflict of interest - only if it is determined that they are given gift grades - but without proof of that it's just speculation and one could easily surmise a dealer would be a big supplier of a grading company since they deal in the same product the grading company grades...that's just common sense. And what company wouldn't use social media to influence it's target audience? All companies that care about staying around do this...and I'm surprised CGC hasn't made it to TikTok yet lol. It may be annoying, but it's the 21st century and to stay relevant a social media presence is needed (and I like finding out news that I was unaware about online so this to me is a no brainer and isn't a conflict of interest). I do agree about changing the grading scale AFTER launching, though...thankfully I wasn't a big part of that as I primarily started collecting around the time that hit but I understand how collectors would be more than unhappy about it. New company to the card grading game will come with some hiccups, though...even if they're annoying at times.
  2. Could I have googled it? Yes...but I didn't take what you said as literally a 'courtyard.io vending machine' as I didn't realize something like this exists. I'm too old for this concept but it does sound cool. So it's like a digital vending machine where you can opt to keep cards you pull in their vault and/or resell if not happy with them...futuristic for sure but beyond me lol. Thanks for the info - I honestly wouldn't have guess something like this existed but clearly I was wrong. I'm just a Marvel Trading Card guy after all (mostly, that is)
  3. I ran this through Google Translate and still came up with nothing. Can you explain in easier terms what you're referring to? (not the TAT part...that part I got)
  4. I don't either which was why I was curious as to the first 4-5 posts in this thread doomsday-ing everything. This led me to believe there was something more controversial but apparently there isn't...idk lol.
  5. So where do they get the cards for the box? Do they sub them like all the rest of us would or what makes them popular/controversial? I'm not a fan of mystery boxes myself but clearly this is a controversial topic but I missed the boat as to why lol. Is it a conflict of interest type thing, maybe?
  6. On the Omega thing, do they announce cert #'s before someone buys the box? I don't know how one would know beforehand what cards are in the box otherwise (sorry if this is an obvious question) I think that the $5 reholder charge is amazing...and I totally agree this is a part of why things have slowed down. Compared to the PSA slab (which is in SORE need of a revision I do believe) CGC's look modern and sleek. I even prefer the older blue comic-style labels to PSA's. If CGC didn't exist, I would hands-down say PSA is best out there (compared to SGC, Beckett, or anyone else) but since CGC does exist I see why their slabs are preferred and being an already-established comic book grader that easily draws the comic crowd their direction (at least in my 'case' - get it? lol). Just because PSA has been around longer in no way makes them better...they just have an existing older and maybe larger fan-base. Give it 1-2 decades and we'll see how that looks because I'm willing to be there will be a new king of the castle in the trading card market by then if not sooner.
  7. Can someone explain the "Omega" thing I keep hearing about? Is it the authentication of signatures thing (like what's happened on the comic book side of things)? I also really don't understand all the doom and gloom talk about CGC as I'm not seeing anything in the trading card market (eBay, for example) that gives off any kind of downward trend for this company...at least not for the cards I collect. Is it just complaining over the longer TaT's maybe? No one likes that, but if CGC is getting slammed with business I don't see how that's a bad thing other than we have to wait longer to get our cards graded. Thoughts?
  8. That sounds like a very logical conclusion and I am entirely in agreement with you on this. This would also explain why we've not seen them and most likely won't unless he ever decides to unload them for liquidity on a rainy day (pun intended lol). Would still love to see at least one of them, though, as I'm curious if they're all white label, black label, or a mix of both!
  9. Hello (again) @CGC Lyndsey! I wanted to add another set to be added to the queue for the CGC Trading Card Registry new set requests list: Select a Game: Marvel Trading Cards > Select a Sub-Category: Creator Era (1986-1996) > Select a Set Type: Marvel Universe Series V (1994) - 3-D Hologram Cards (#'s 1-4) Thank you for your help as always in creating new sets for us TC enthusiasts to have fun and compete with...it is greatly appreciated! ~ SR
  10. Hello @CGC Lyndsey! I wanted to add another set to be added to the queue for the CGC Trading Card Registry new set requests list: Select a Game: DC/Marvel Trading Cards > Select a Sub-Category: Creator Era (1986-1996) > Select a Set Type: Amalgam Comics (1996) - Holopix Cards (#'s 1-6) *One thing to note that since there is only a Marvel 'Game' category, this would need to be in a new category since one for this type of card does not currently exist as its a fusion of DC & Marvel characters. Thank you for your help as always in creating new sets for us TC enthusiasts to have fun and compete with...it is greatly appreciated! ~ SR
  11. What??? That's crazy! Maybe someday we can get a new reboot of the show (or full length movie form) that can not be inhibited by the restraints of cable TV...imagine the possibilities!!!
  12. Just my unasked for 2 cents here, but if I were you and had waited over a year for this I would be involving law enforcement or an attorney. When you don't get a response or are ignored for this long, especially with a piece of property this valuable, it's time to escalate this to the proper authorities. I quit having grace when I pay for a job or pay toward a job that is not being fulfilled. Your situation has gone on way longer than I would have let it and I hope you get some resolution to it. I feel you're more likely to succeed in the form of having criminal charges filed and / or being made whole some other way than to receive your book back into your possession but I am still crossing my fingers for you! People like this have no business being in business with ANYONE for ANYTHING. If you can't handle your business as a seller you have no right to be operating a business. Period.
  13. Just a little over a day to go - it's up to $8,100! Place your bets, fellow Walkers!
  14. It's currently sitting at $6,300 with over 5 days to go!
  15. The idea of this happening in ANY capacity for ANY submitter at CGC is beyond unacceptable. Is there any substantial proof that this is occurring? If so, it would be a HUGE liability for the company as that's way too much trust to put into a submitter as ALL reholders are subject to re-grading and should NEVER be put into a new holder without any form of review. NO ONE should get that kind of preferential treatment. NO ONE. Also, in no way should you @comeaux be subject to getting any sort of ban or suspension for mentioning this if it is found to be true. I'm honestly surprise we've not heard more about this because to me the idea of submitters getting special treatment and ignored reviews of submitted comics for reholdering is just as bad as the current scandal at the heart of this thread.
  16. So after reading about this new news on the DD#1 (which definitely is horrifying) - does this mean these scams have been going on since this far back, prior to 2018 even? Sorry if I missed that along the way...but having a few old CGC keys I'm trying not to be too paranoid about my investments. Seeing this makes me more worried than I already was...
  17. Hello again @CGC Lyndsey & @Maribeth ! It's me again...with just a few more requests to be added to the queue for the CGC Trading Card Registry new set requests list: 1. Select a Game: Marvel Trading Cards > Select a Sub-Category: Creator Era (1986-1996) > Select a Set Type: Marvel Masterpieces (1994) - Silver Holofoils (#'s 1-10) 2. Select a Game: Marvel Trading Cards > Select a Sub-Category: Creator Era (1986-1996) > Select a Set Type: Marvel Masterpieces (1994) - Gold Holofoils (#'s 1-10) 3. Select a Game: Marvel Trading Cards > Select a Sub-Category: Creator Era (1986-1996) > Select a Set Type: Marvel Masterpieces (1994) - Bronze Holofoils (#'s 1-10) 4. Select a Game: Marvel Trading Cards > Select a Sub-Category: Creator Era (1986-1996) > Select a Set Type: Marvel Masterpieces (1994) - Bronze, Silver, & Gold Holofoils Master Set (#'s 1-10, #'s 1-10, & #'s 1-10 = 30 cards in total) Thank you for your help as always in creating new sets for us TC enthusiasts to have fun and compete with...it is greatly appreciated! ~ SR
  18. Hello @CGC Lyndsey & @Maribeth ! Can we get the following sets added to the queue for the CGC Trading Card Registry new set requests list? 1. Select a Game: Marvel Trading Cards > Select a Sub-Category: Creator Era (1986-1996) > Select a Set Type: Marvel Universe Series IV (1993) - Red Foil Cards & Hologram (Red Foil #'s 1-9 + Hologram #1) 2. Select a Game: Marvel Trading Cards > Select a Sub-Category: Creator Era (1986-1996) > Select a Set Type: Amazing Spider-Man Series 1 (1994) - Suspended Animation Cards (#'s 1-12) 3. Select a Game: Marvel Trading Cards > Select a Sub-Category: Creator Era (1986-1996) > Select a Set Type: Amazing Spider-Man Series 1 (1994) - Holograms (#'s 1-4) 4. Select a Game: Marvel Trading Cards > Select a Sub-Category: Creator Era (1986-1996) > Select a Set Type: Amazing Spider-Man Series 1 (1994) - Suspended Animation & Hologram Cards (Master Set - Suspended Animation #'s 1-12 + Holograms #'s 1-4) 5. Select a Game: Marvel Trading Cards > Select a Sub-Category: Creator Era (1986-1996) > Select a Set Type: Marvel Universe Series V (1994) - Power Blast Cards (#'s 1-9) Thank you for your help as always in creating new sets for us TC enthusiasts to have fun and compete with...it is greatly appreciated! ~ SR
  19. Hey @CGC Lyndsey! Can we get the following sets added to the creation queue? I honestly can't remember if I ever added these in the registry as official requests via that method so I figured I'd post them on here as well just to be safe: 1. DC Cosmic Cards (Impel) 1992 Holograms (#'s 1 through 10) 2. DC Cosmic Teams (Impel) 1993 Holograms (#'s 11 through 16) 3. DC Cosmic Master Set Holograms (#'s 1 through 16) - continuation of the #'s from Series 1 & 2 *Note - these requests are for the holograms ONLY from those sets - not the base cards. Thank you! Please let me know if these are okay to request! ~ Ryan
  20. This is great news to hear! When will this be happening?
  21. Thank you @CGC Lyndsey!!! Here is a link to the Comic registry 'request new sets' thread: New Set Requests Thread for Comics Basically once a set is created (after it is found out to be a legit request, of course), the administrator who creates the comic sets makes them in the order of when they've been requested, thus creating a 'queue' for the new to-be-created sets. Once made, the admin then crosses them off the list. If a set cannot be made then it is noted by the admin either in the OP's post or by quoting them and then denoting why. I know it would be a lot of work to add this to your plate, but it should be noted that if this were to happen in the trading cards sections there would need to be noted an already established queue of sets that are in line that we don't know about so that posters wouldn't constantly ask you when their requested set would be created. I'm not certain of this but I imagine there are far more types of comic books to deal with than non-sports trading cards so eventually I'm certain these sets would be caught up to the point that there wouldn't be a need to create new sets each week but since the registry is new I understand how much time goes into their creation. I appreciate you for it and for the communication with us (and for the update you just gave me in your previous post). I'm super excited to see the new Marvel sets soon - thank you again for all your help!!!
  22. Hey @CGC Lyndsey - so sorry to bother you but I wanted to check in again (still new-ish to the card collecting game via CGC, btw) but are there plans to release more than 1 set a week? It's been close to 3 months since I made some new set requests (for Marvel/DC type cards) and since we can't see the queue I'm wondering if it'll be years before these come to fruition. I know it's a lot of work so please don't think I'm complaining with this but as an avid collector of cards it's just disappointing that something like 9-10 of the sets I collect not to have registry sets (so far only 1 does). All I see each week is Pokemon/Magic/gaming-type cards sets being created and I'm certain that's probably the majority of what card collectors go for but still I wanted to ask how realistic anything Marvel/DC related will be created before 2023 is over. Sorry again for asking and I know how much work it must be to create these new sets each week...but without seeing any type if queue of sets on the list to be created (like we do in the comic section) I'm just curious as to what the estimated wait time will be lol. Thank you for your hard work and sorry to reach out to ask this. ~SR Sidenote - will it ever be possible to get a queue for set requests started like we have in the comic forum? Basically when a new set is desired people request it and it gets put in order of when it's requested. This would make things more transparent and give us more of an idea of wait time, at least...just a thought. Thanks again for everything!
  23. So are the turnaround times slow at this point in time (matching the 30-day quote they give on the submission page)? I'm close to sending some in and wanted to know what to expect.