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Everything posted by Beige

  1. I'm not going to live this down am I... I eagerly await the first blond pie thread in CG.
  2. Hey Thor,how are you mate? Well there was a book called Saga. Someone bought it. They liked it. Told all their boardie friends. Every copy sold out. Turns out it is really really good. Now its $150 per blue 9.8 slab. Someone shouts "SAGAH" a lot. Thats it basically. Doesn't get anymore accurate than that Thanks Andy .. All this Saga stuff is interesting, Cool book to read but doesnt seem to lead itself to anything past a cool book... what were the print runs if I may ask ? 37,000 Thor for #1, no clue on the others.
  3. Oakie - I am in great company.... What a person_too_unaware_of_social_graces I am
  4. Guessing it's similar to poon tang pie... if I understood his humor correctly. I have apparently unwittingly tipped a bucket of ridicule over myself. Damn you Mr Pie - damn you!! (psst - seriously,what IS blond Pie? I really don't know??)
  5. I like Lime as well - whats 'Blond' pie?
  6. Hey Thor,how are you mate? Well there was a book called Saga. Someone bought it. They liked it. Told all their boardie friends. Every copy sold out. Turns out it is really really good. Now its $150 per blue 9.8 slab. Someone shouts "SAGAH" a lot. Thats it basically.
  7. No more questions from me. Promise. That make you feel better Mr Pie? BTW - what type of Pie? Fruit,meat etc? I love Apple and Cinammon Pie. With creamy custard. Yumm.
  8. When this year is organised, and if I get get the day off,I'm planning to go - I will take a vid if I can! You guys have this in the states? Back to TWD - who is coming back to the show?? WE NEED TO KNOW, AND KNOW NOW DAMMIT!!
  9. http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1920&bih=955&q=melbourne+march+of+the+zombies&oq=melbourne+march+of+the+zombies&gs_l=img.3...1577.11991.0.12515. A few pics
  10. I think "rejected" is a rather harsh term. The Ghost Variant group was set up by a specific group of guys who wanted to do something together. The other variants are all authorized. They all went through this office. I think some of the retailers not invited to participate in the Ghost Variant group were a little miffed and just figured, we'll do our own exclusives. If they feel there's a market for it on their ends and the individual creators want to participate, I don't have have a problem with it. I'm all for whatever helps individual stores grow their business. Do I think that sort of things is sustainable over the long term? Well, no, and I would hope they realize that, too. End of the day, you want people to read and enjoy these things, not just hunt and collect them. -e.s. Eric Stephenson Publisher Image Comics, Inc. www.imagecomics.com Thankyou Eric - thats all I wanted to ever hear. Congratulations to Image for providing some of the best comics of the last 5 years - long may it continue.
  11. The comic does very well also - TPB's etc. Melbourne has its very own 'March of the Zombies' day, where once a year, peeps dress as Zombies,the Police close the main CBD streets and they get to wander around Zombie stylee for an hour or two. They then proceed to any number of pubs for the rest of the night. Unfortunately quite a few Zombies end up drunk unconcious in the street as everyone thinks they are still acting!
  12. My word it is! On TV 22 hrs after release in the USA. Biggest rating Fox show in Australia. Everytime a new season comes out,the whole of the previous one is played back to back as a lead up. Massive hit, and in New Zealand as well I believe.
  13. We can do both - although everyone seems to be reading the nowhere men threads!
  14. We didn't mean the 'authorised' variants like NYCC - we meant the LCS copies that flooded the market at the time of Bedlams release. There were literally 8 different ones,all released through stores that were rejected by the 'Ghost' variant group.
  15. http://www.dreadcentral.com/news/63238/chow-down-some-season-35-spoilers-walking-dead Well this should get a hundred replies in no time!! No 'exact' spoliers here but this line - WOW!! Who can it be? They can't have died - Morgan? Oscar still alive? Jenner escaped at the last second? I mean who isn't dead thats unaccounted for? Any guesses?? SHOW-STOPPER TIME!!
  16. Someone just bought a 1:10 9.8 for $150 - thatswhatimtalkinaboutwillis. Last 9.8 #1 reg $89. Keep faithful people - just because ABC picked up something similar doesn't mean HBO aren't waiting in the wings to make a bigger and better Revival TV series. I still believe in this book. I actually like the Larry variant as well.Nice concept, and released so much later than the REAL #1 so won't affect the creators original sales or the secondary market. Should have done that with all the variants but better late than never I guess.
  17. Eric as you are here - whats your thoughts on the excessive number of Bedlam variants? Did it help or hinder Images plans for this book?
  18. That's nothing. Here's something that'll make you feel better. Two years ago, I bought a NM Walking Dead 19 for 1$. Since I had no idea of the value of the comic and the entire franchise, I sold it on our local ebay forums for 4$. I was happy with the profit. A month later, I randomly decided to check the price on ebay.com. I've been crying ever since. Anyone care to top this tale of woe? unfortunately it wouldn't be very difficult. You would be referring to a chap on a tank would you..... Small potatoes Jesus K - what the hell happened??
  19. And that makes it time to sell your 50 #1 9.8's and make 5k at least. SA key with your name on it Ryan....
  20. Well said Tim! Oh and if you go back a page or two,there are 2 pages of art inc the cover for #2. Do you like it?
  21. Yes! - yes it did! It didn't help that Nico was living in it at the time - the office,not the tree
  22. That's nothing. Here's something that'll make you feel better. Two years ago, I bought a NM Walking Dead 19 for 1$. Since I had no idea of the value of the comic and the entire franchise, I sold it on our local ebay forums for 4$. I was happy with the profit. A month later, I randomly decided to check the price on ebay.com. I've been crying ever since. Anyone care to top this tale of woe? unfortunately it wouldn't be very difficult. You would be referring to a chap on a tank would you.....
  23. I'm pretty sure its immediate family,not him. I only mention this as he posted that himself sometime back. Hope things work out for the guy and his family.