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Everything posted by Beige

  1. Keep strong brother,keep strong..... Just think - all that $ you are saving can go on a beautiful SA key....
  2. I'm glad you care mate. The rest of the forum must have me on ignore..........
  3. The only way this is real is that he meant to put $1500 as the BIN price and ballsed it up. I agree with Tim
  4. That is so desperately sad. The cover is $2.99 That was the price the artistic team based all their contracts on. Goes to $5 then $15 in other stores. Thats why I hate this rubbish. Cash grab using drek. Moving on.......
  5. Bit confused with the Bubble variant. All-Star in Melbourne had 3 Bubble variants - they had #2 as well so they knew the difference - I didn't see them - this was over the phone. I thought the bubble was a UK thingy - or am I wrong again?
  6. The book is awesome - a big budget film - Jeff Bridges,Kev Bacon, Ryan Reynolds - whats not to like? Oh and T-Bag from Prison Break is the villain! Reynolds for all the chriticism does what he does,usually with a -script. I like the guy - he's easy on the eye and doesn't pretend he's Laurence Olivier. I reckon this film will be pretty good - and with a sub-6,000 print run of a 13 yr old comic - getting one subbed at 9.2+ will be a major achievement. I have my quota - so I'm happy to put it out there for others to decide if they want to jump on board.
  7. Melbourne does not have any copy of any print of any issue of Saga or PP on the shelves
  8. Hey CBT - I've got a few on your want list. Drop me a PM.
  9. As for comics that will heat up this year... Bedlam - Image and NYCC issues Walking Dead #92 RIPD - $200,000,000 film out in July - advertising campaign will be starting soon. East of West - I suspect that this will be THE early book of the year. The covers for #1 and #2 make me want to buy it the second I look at it. Powers - if the Bendis info is correct Zombies vs Robots - 1 film out this year - one filming 2014. Revival - unless people get sidetracked on the imminent variant fodder being released shortly Sixth Gun - TV show gets confirmed - *boom* And we are only up to March. I'm sure people will find others as the previews come out!
  10. August submissions picked up this week, will ship out today hopefully. Submitted via Clown Shoes tier.
  11. Alrighty folks - lets break this down a little. Without having a 'whats bigger' contest - ie, just for fun, lets see if we can work out who has what on here. As this is the current topic of debate - and great points being made by all posters, just who exactly has a #1 Peter Panzerfaust? No trade secret here - if you have got it - awesome and good for you. If not,i'm sure you are perfectly happy to be in that camp. So we know there were 4814 to start: I have 10. Who's next? Repeating - this is not a bragging contest - if you have 1 or 100, I am genuinely happy for you. I would LOVE however to know just how many this board owns! Please join in if you feel comfortable. We can add JJenius's 50 I'm sure! Next!
  12. TBH we may have to agree to disagree on the point of 'interest'. I 100% agree that speculators have driven up the prices initially. I would say though, that in that agreement with you - most people on here who jumped in early have more than 1 copy. JJenius bought what,10 on a recent board sale alone,plus he has 30 odd raw! I guess I am trying to say that 80% of PP #1 is POSSIBLY owned by boardies. However, there are heaps of internet articles,renewed buzz in LCS (one boardie reported a PP only 'zone' at his LCS) - no reduction on Amazon - TPB etc etc. That leaves say 20% of the circulation of PP #1 still 'in the wild'. These are obviously guesstimates! People follow trends - see the internet buzz, see increasing prices, see Midtown sold out in hours,and want one for themselves. So despite your (which I don't get btw) the fact that the print run is so small is EXACTLY the reason why it is exploding. The only argument is who is supplying the demand. I think its boardies getting in quick initially,followed by the general public swiftly following. As 99.9% of the general public DON'T have a midtown account,they miss out. This brings me to point 2 There is no logical reason for the print runs to be kept so small with the upsurge of interest. The demand is there - heck even boardies with their connections cannot get the current issue. Image should be upping the run,but seem not to be, instead enjoying the 'second etc prints'. This is keeping demand for 1st prints high. There may be only 4814 #1 1st prints - but what was the total amount of #1's (all prints)? 8k? 10K? Who knows (someone here probably!! ) but when you add the owners of #1 2nd print with new collectors jumping on board, new readers wanting in - I am quite happy that there is a huge untapped frustrated supply of wannabe buyers,some of whom are willing to pay top dollar to own the coveted 1st print #1. Sorry thats a bit long winded,but I am trying to explain myself in such a way I don't annoy anyone. (thumbs u
  13. Oh and there is a poor quality trailer in Spanish that hints at some serious shizenhousen going down. I'm not going to link it as it most definately DOES have S3 pt 2 spoilers!! You can find it via IMDB if you want to.
  14. http://screenrant.com/the-walking-dead-season-3-who-dies/ Nicotero confirms more deaths.. Spoilers for 1st half season 3. NO spoilers for 2nd half.
  15. To be fair, those were both SS 9.8's with sketches. 3 blue labels sold for over $400 but the sales have been cancelled and no longer show as sold. One blue label showing sold for $355 but the last two sales before that were $200 and $140. I own two blue's and would love it to be a $500 book but still would caution other potential buyers to be leery of the pricing right now as there seems to be some shilling afoot. these thin markets are so easy to manipulate. this is worse than penny stocks. So explain the raw that just sold for $350? No manipulation here, just thousands of people wanting a very scarce book. If it helps you to think its all smoke and mirrors, fair enough, but those of us who have followed, and purchased this book from day 1, know exactly the amount of "need" that is in the market right now. I bought my first PP #1 9.8 (blue) with a 9.8 copy of Alpha Girl (blue) for $70 - 6 months ago. I was in right from the start and knew, even at $110 for #1 - #6 that this was a winner. If I see a raw run of #1 - #8 for $300 or less - I will buy without hesitation. There is still an awful lot of room in this book. Simply because it is awesome. Brilliantly awesome.
  16. Do you think Krighton has a little 'man-crush' on Seeley? Just asking Krighton mate, nothing wrong with some man-love. We do live in a 'modern' age... How many comics letter pages does this make it, K?
  17. No. There is no price difference. CGC will never go the white/black notation. Any 'incentive' to buy a black over a white (or vice-versa) is totally in the head of the buyer.
  18. 1) Thanks for the Info on Todd / Alpha Girl 2) Did you all see a collection of all 6 Django dolls just sold for $5100 - seriously,thats true! 3) Revival #1 is now $10 down from its peak 6 weeks ago (GPA) - hope its nothing to do the the new variants. 4) Peter Panzerfaust #1 has now had 2 sales over $500. Told Ya.
  19. Sold Out but still available at Midtown Ya midtown has a limit of 3........ Not sure but I think is is a mini is it not? Yup...mini...see Alpha Girl #1. Whats the link to Alpha Girl? ( I haven't read Todd). Not sure why there is any love as Alpha Girl did very poorly. Could someone itk explain please?
  20. I think you are digging too deeply to find a hidden meaning. There isn't one. I will keep it simple. Comic 'A' is $40 Comic 'B' is $40 Branget says 'B' is a better bet. What copies do you: a) Have the most of B) Sell the most of after that post. I'll guess 'B' Thats it. Nothing deeper. No shilling, no 'phantom bids' - nothing. Take a deep breath, relax, and carry on. You are OK in my book. Nothing sinister here - no intimation you are part of a comic extortion ring. Jeff, you need to drop the 'smart-arse' persona. Its not you deep down. Cheers (thumbs u
  21. I shall not dredge the past. You must know larry. He is the biggest and best comic seller in the whole world. He said so,therefore it must be true. Anyone wanna help me out before I get a weeks holiday