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Everything posted by Beige

  1. That sucks - you going to send them back?
  2. I understand losing on those 9.8 92s. I was the underbidder on one in Nov/Dec that was signed by Kirkman that another boardie was selling. Just so happens I was the underbidder to my CGC Secret Santa to make things better/worse. Looks sharp up on my wall next to the 4 9.8s Sig Series copies of #48 that I have. Hoping to add a 5th with a twist here in March. Why #48 specifically Bren? Personal taste?
  3. What does everyone think of the new saga cover?
  4. Well, issue #1 is $250 raw and issue #8, which still has a super low print run is $25. Speculators see those numbers and go directly to dcb or midtown and place an order for 50 copies of whatever issue is currently up for Previews ordering. Preorders are going to explode for issue #10 based on spec buying. East of West is going to have a 30K+ print run only because of the aftermarket sucess of Saga, Nowhere Men and Manhattan Projects, among others. All of the jackazzes (myself included) are preordering the hell out of it, hoping for another $20 plus back issue. The increase in ordering is directly tied to the secondary market. Do you think it will be 30K for the first print or will Image pull the old 1st - 2nd - 3rd - 4th prints ala Saga?
  5. I'm fairly sure RIPD was under 5,000 - but thats just from memory.
  6. What don't you understand about a PM?
  7. Good old Seth. Still wishing I put him on the probation list. Good old Braggy - still getting pizzy when he isn't the forums greatest prophet. Nico says No really - aren't you going around telling other board members that I am Nico? You know - Nico,another one that 'stiffed' you in a deal.Seems to happen a lot with you. The same Nico that has two immediate family members who are desperately ill. Why wouldyou want to drag a bloke into your little shizenhousen spat with me who is going through pergatory at the moment. Classy stuff. If you want to get something off your chest - PM me and lets not bore the other folk. Back to Saga!
  8. I love Bedlam as much as the next guy (purely as a reader), but this is one reason this thread is absolute comedy gold. Only on the Modern forums can a title go from more or less dead in terms of activity to "best graphic novel of 2013" inside 1 issue (for a total of 3). I understand a lot of people are involved financially to some level, but it's getting a little ludicrous at this point. I enjoyed #3 too, but I am not sure hyperbole would adequately cover this... The problem is, there are those that love the book for what it is and those that love it for it speculation potential. It simply leads to a conflict in hyperbole. I see what your saying, it's hard to take someone's opinion on a book seriously, when they have 100 CGC graded issues sitting in their house. It is what it is though. Take him for his word or ignore his opinion Personally, I have 1 copy of each issue, and think it is a great read. Wether I have 1,10,100 or even a thousand slabbed issues,I am still entitled to an opinion hopefully. I freely admit that after the first issue I thought "oh heck" but as it improved heaps in the next 2 instalments. I'm not sure why mass ownership negates any praise. I flipped a few "Chew" and cannot stand that book - but a profit is a profit. My opinion is no more valid that anyone elses. If people attach more or less weight to it because of the number of slabs I may have,then that is their call not mine. I don't try to 'hide' a sleeper and am happy to share info (recall the Sixth Gun #1 at cover as an example) - and do so freely as the dozens of modern boardies who have PM'd me for advice or suggestions will testify too. I take Gaz's point that its very easy to conclude that $ = bias but in this case,not true. I love this book now,dubious before,but not now. Hope that clears this up and any further postings on Bedlam will not be dissected like this one!
  9. Good old Seth. Still wishing I put him on the probation list. Good old Braggy - still getting pizzy when he isn't the forums greatest prophet. Nico says
  10. Not me - would that even be available after all the books with"saga" in the Title? The link went nowhere btw. Perhaps Braggy? When I went to it, it came up with a IT site in Melbourne. Called Melbourne IT that specializes in domain name registration. Whatever though, I was just joking around with ya. Too bad the link is dead now. (thumbs u Still wouldn't put it past Braggy though! What the heck would Image pay for that?? Saga.com The new Star Wars - awesome!
  11. As for hotness - TWD #92 keeps on climbing. $125+ now blue 9.8 Overtaken #53 (Poor Abe) and is only going to grow - #61 surely is next to be passed, then #27 after this seasons finale. Give it 12 months and it will be: #1 #19 #92 #2 - #6 #27 and drifting for the others. Jesus will be around for a long, long time.
  12. Not me - would that even be available after all the books with"saga" in the Title? The link went nowhere btw. Perhaps Braggy?
  13. Never even thought of that mate - thats uncanny! If its 5% as succesful as TWD then this should be pretty good. I hope the interior art is as good as the cover.
  14. Have some self-respect man and shoot yourself for even suggesting that.
  15. This is now becoming a very good chance to be one of the best graphic novels of 2013. Get 'The First' right and goodness - this will be bloody awesome. And the best thing? This could never,ever be a TV series - it's just too 'wrong' - but as a GN, it's just so right! Love this book.
  16. Bulk. An aussie boarie put me onto some cheap bulk shipping options. A big box of slabs is cheaper mosttimes than a small one. Go figure.
  17. You should see the list of stuff sitting at CGC, or to and from Florida - pretty much 2 full sets of TWD #1 - #50 plus more current moderns. I'v still got 190 odd in the system somewhere...bloody TaT's are a killer if you won't pay the extra $10
  18. Joeys just posted 3 large boxes of slabs my way. Dunno for certain whats in them but if its some August subs there will be at least 35 PP's Revivals and Saga #1's - all 9.8 minimum. And I will be selling the lot. Pretty sure theres some wierd and wonderful like Fatale,100 Bullets,WD's etc. Should be here end of next week. Im excited - about 80 slabs in total!
  19. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/1939-DC-Comics-Superhero-COMIC-BOOK-RACK-/350226315990?pt=US_Comic_Books&hash=item518b1d7ad6
  20. Either of you guys got a clue what he will be? We have only seen him twice and he hasn't spoken (that i remember) - probably thats why he is hard to place. The First rehabilitated serial killer? The First survivor of Madder Red? The First gay mardi gras winner? I have no clue.
  21. No Bedlam love for virtually a day - outrageous! Lets have suggestions about 'The First". I personally have no idea what will happen with this character - none at all. Or why he seemingly works for the Police...