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Everything posted by Beige

  1. Nothing there to take back mate - I said you are an OK guy. I stand by that. However - you are by far the biggest up-front manipulator going dude! You diss some books , and praise some. People really do follow what you say - as you jolly well know. You have a rep for being "ahead of the game" - and you thrive on it. How many emails did you get today about Saga? You are an honest,decent and fair seller - but if you have 50 copies of the hottest book in town - the news always seems to leak out...... As for being sad about people sucking up for money? Name me any profession that is immune from this? In business, it's 10 times worse - you would know much better than I. It is what it is Jeff - People want it,you have it. If it's any consolation about the realities of the Human condition, look at your beautiful keeper comics and carry on. As an aside - I consider you a much better human being than the other two. Just so you know. (thumbs u
  2. I don't have any previous history with this shop so I won't rush to arbitrary judgements. Its good of you to come on. However when you use the word "campaign" you probably got the back up of 95% of modern boardies. Ryan is one of the best guys on here. Tolerant,polite and NOT given to lashing out in 'revenge' campaigns. A gentleman in other words. I would take his side anytime over virtually everyone on here. However,there is plenty of time to make it right. Sell him 1 set at the original price. You have lost a LOT of custom here - (until you have a 'must-have of course) - but if you want it back sooner rather than later,make it right. It really is as simple as that. Good luck in your business. Cheers Andy
  3. Touche! By moving up I could mean actually achieving its cover price I really fluctuate on this Solar - so days there is optimism - other days I look at reality - ebay. Who knows (thumbs u
  4. Yeah but for a bidding frenzy,must means there are a couple of unfufilled buyers. Bedlam is moving up but slowly. Wait until the next 3 hit the stores over the next 6 weeks. All without competition.
  5. That is a pleasantly philosophical kind of statement but it doesn't actually say anything. It does put the "passive" in "passive aggressive". Just call me Ghandi then. I like that term. It is a completely overused and inaccurate term but to each their own. You are an idealist if you believe this does not occur with consistent regularity. Manipulating people, prices and to some extent the markets. Quite a few probation worthy activities never make this discussion thread because the offended are "discouraged" from coming here or "encouraged" to go elsewhere. There have been a multitude of comments claiming a boys club. All too often they are simply dismissed. There are a few boys clubs, for lack of a better term, and in all honesty it makes the probation list a joke. Then instead of getting on my case (not just you but all the eye rollers) for not visiting the Modern Sales thread (why would I?) why not DO something about it? It would make an ideal topic for the General Discussions thread inside Forum Only Selling. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1976814#Post1976814 Because he's one of the Mafia Pov! Jeff wtf are you on about? You are one of the main protaganists. Larry - You ALWAYS 'accidently' disclose how many 9.8's you have of a certain comic. People are nicely polite to you because you are Canadian?? No, you have stock that people want. Your popularity is in your inventory. No stock - no love. Quite a few people don't like you - it's a shame because deep down I think you are an OK guy. Sorry dude, but thats how it is. Playing the "psst - hey mods,wanna tell you a story", come on fella - geez. Beachbum just sells his stuff - no issues, fair and an open seller. You,Jenious and Larry would sell your mothers ovaries for a 9.8 WD #1. Sad but true.
  6. That being said $76 will be a good price down the track. The shipping is still BS.
  7. Then you need to work harder my friend. a slab is $16 surface to Australia. If you want insurance - obviously extra. $40? Out the seller - that is daylight robbery. I won this today: http://www.ebay.com/itm/221175085053 $54 shipping. Will be a lot smarter going forward cause you're right, it's crazy... Refuse to pay it. That is outright skullduggery. If its I know its a boardie - pm him. Its not rocket science to find a cheaper option. Thats total BS. Surface uninsured is $16. Ask MikeNYC - he sent them.
  8. Then you need to work harder my friend. a slab is $16 surface to Australia. If you want insurance - obviously extra. $40? Out the seller - that is daylight robbery.
  9. Im considering sending the rest of these in to be graded with a 9.8 prescreen but not sure if its worth it. With respect - If you go 9.8 pre-screen you are only charged $3 by CGC. How can you lose? Theres a few grand sitting there mate. Sell and spend dude.
  10. Yeah for more comics for you! Get that WD #1 from Australia mate - $810 I believe
  11. I can tell you for a fact that transplant was one of MANY reporting posts. *spit* Now back to Revival and lets just forget Larry exists.
  12. $50 is a good deal considering how much it is going for on Ebay. You can easily put that back up online and make a profit if you so desire. I will be willing to give you $51 for it. Paypal ready. You feel dirty? Try buying WD #1 at $1000+. Lot of trust in a seller there I can tell ya.
  13. I like the slow boat. I still send about 80% that way. I fast tracked NY for Christmas sales. I also skipped doing Saga in NY. If you are going to sub regularly, and you can wait out the initial turnaround time, then you will eventually end up getting boxes back as frequently as if you fast track. Just gotta keep subbing for the first six months without any returns. Just keep subbing...just keep subbing...subbing subbing subbing.... That - it recently started being regular for me. Its like Xmas every 4 weeks!
  14. It's hard to say... so many factors involved. I don't think this book suffered from variant overkill like some other titles. no, i agree to an extent. the thing that Saga has going for it is there is One variant (not counting Ghost) The one thing Saga has going for it is awesomeness. In the end, variants don't kill/hurt a book... content does (I have spoken). Mate you should run for the U.N. with your diplomacy skills!
  15. Can't see how you could lose with that scenario mate. No onsite grading this year though, except for 1 or 2 Cons (can't remember which,read it in CG earlier)
  16. Even I have got sick to death of bagging the Oxygen Thief Ryan! :blahblah: I must sound like Billy Graham sometimes...
  17. I think they slab anything that fits into the well. Only oversized or thickness causes problems. Somebody will correct me if I'm wrong I'm sure!
  18. Thanks K. I went hard from the start and had them shipped straight from Midtown to my submitter. Only 1 failed the cgc pre-screen so fairplay to midtown for good (and free) postage. I share your concern mate - the story has enough to keep me interested for the first 10 - 12 editions with material revealed so far. Sadly ( and lets not rehash again) you all know my opinion on the ridiculous and greedy actions that followed. Hopefully that rubbish won't blight anymore books and Bedlam is strong enough to develop a following. The NYCC one should sell ok, and I am encouraged to see that the normal Image edition has finally started to break cover price. Lets see.
  19. Well, it seems to strike a happy chord with some so pre-ordered a bunch for slabbing. Lets play this game and see what happens!
  20. 345 blue label #1 first print 153 ss #1 first print Lack of supply for sure! 498 out of what? 34,000 are 9.8's. 1.5% of total comics available. I would imagine that number would quadruple as CGC catches up?
  21. Mother of God! Link please. If this carries on, I'm seriously considering selling some. At this rate half a dozen will get you a decent DD #1. This is insanity - a good insanity - but insanity nonetheless. I hope Bedlam eventually catches on as well as this or PP (even 20% of this tbh) Sorry about that. Here it is. At $207 with a day left http://www.ebay.com/itm/110998303213?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 No need to apologise - great tec work! The most encouraging thing? Not the price,but the fact that theres 27 bids, from about FIFTEEN interested parties. Demand is huge - supply? Census time I think brb
  22. Finally CGC have finished 1 of my submissions! 15 x NYCC variants - all 9.8 20 x Image cover - all 9.8 Another bigger order to come. They look great! Will post a pic when it cools down (its 39c again so I can't be arsed opening boxes!) Lets hope there is Saga-type love in the future!
  23. Mother of God! Link please. If this carries on, I'm seriously considering selling some. At this rate half a dozen will get you a decent DD #1. This is insanity - a good insanity - but insanity nonetheless. I hope Bedlam eventually catches on as well as this or PP (even 20% of this tbh)