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Everything posted by Beige

  1. Yup - I was absolutely ratted. Bulmers - and loads of it.Was even an old-fashioned brawl between two twin brothers for entertainment.
  2. To Balham's Finest I must admit to being somewhat, "refreshed" last night, and having re-read this thread,realise that some comments towards you reflect very badly upon myself. I have no issue with the Legal profession or you as a person. I offer you an unconditional apology, and hope you will accept. Andy
  3. Didn't read this, can someone give me cliff notes? All I saw was this. Hahaha. You see the above, I see *** You are ignoring this user *** Toggle the display of this post Yet you bastards then quote his nonsense and I am stuck seeing this wall of WTF. +1 He tried PM'ing me a few weeks ago as well.
  4. See? Now you're getting it. The bourgeoise are always behind it. I'm off now to clean up my froth.
  5. There's a lot that I take issue with in your post, but re this - you are assuming that everyone buys comics to flip them for a profit. Newsflash - some people will buy a $15 variant just because they like the cover. Some people will buy it because they want a full set. Some people might even buy it because they want to support the Phantom Variant programme. None of those people will care how much it's worth (not that you have any evidence to back up your assertion, but let's leave that aside for the moment). Really - you honestly think that? Why are people buying multiples then? There is a connection on this thread - and it involves the law fluckwits.
  6. OMG - another Lawyer in "I'm ok Jack Shocker!!" Grow up. It's not about cash,it's about people who don't know better losing money. Ambulance....quick....chase.......
  7. Oh you fibber - you don't recall the PM when I asked you to stop flogging your stuff - and I quote...."some people are spending a weeks pay on your phantoms". You replied with an order form for more. Also - NYCC variants GP variants Never had a convo? Snake oil slick,snake oil..
  8. Struggling tbh. To be clear - again I have had this convo with King Larry before - I have no issue with the odd variant. But not 614 different ones of the same book. I honestly have no idea how many are out there - 15? 20? All this will do is confuse the man in the street, and affect the sales of the "original" product. Larry is a salesman - and a good one.There is nothing here below-board. His product appears to be great. But one a week for 6 months? Waaay too much. This really could do a heck of a lot of damage to new books, and I would be amazed if some companies re-consider allowing their product to be used. Image are going to be really pizzed if they sell 15,000 @$3 and Larry and co sell 2,000 @15+. They will only allow that once or twice I imagine. And you the customer? Your $15 book is worth $1. Have a variant - not 1 a week for 6 months - that is greed pure and simple. Unless people stop buying them. Then it become a pointless exercise and Larry pulls his head in. After buying a small Island probably!
  9. It is popular - just everyones bought worthless variants.....
  10. Which side of the office did the tree fall on?
  11. Another Tree must have fallen over.
  12. Now would you be a Bristol City FC supporter by any chance...
  13. lol You guys crack me up! (thumbs u
  14. Cool - ebay flooded with in-store worthless variants which are dropping like rocks in an Ocean. It's like the 90's again I hear people cry! I guess thats what happens when people have to have a copy of this and a copy of that. I wonder when FP and Larry are releasing the holo-foil Bedlam scratch'n'sniff version. Smells like bullcrap apparently. And we are being treated to a new "variant' once a week for 6 months!! A Larry Detective comics variant perhaps. Ah well buy for $19.99 and sell for $2. That might snap a few out of this utter insanity that is happening under our noses. The only people making a dime are the stores. Good luck to them for spotting the right time to act. A new variant per week for 6 months.. Still not a cash grab though...
  15. Clearly, they are trying, and trying to make do improve, and maybe even making strides towards that. But would say that unless they're paying VERY well, its probably hard to find qualified graders to even train in Sarasota. So while they certainly should try to hire them, they might have larger gains by increasing in the other facets of their business, and hiring qualified people for accounting, shipping, recieving, admin, convention staff, etc. When I'm getting a CGC SS signature witness at a convention in Seattle on a Thursday by a guy who says he'll probably be the one who grades this comic later, I think "WTF???" Why is this guy (very nice guy) in Seattle??? Shouldn't he be in Florida grading when they have a crazy backlog??? Couldn't they have someone with a less specialized skillset watching someone sign a comic book 3000 miles away? Did that message from CGC have a date on it mate?
  16. I'm pretty sure you have a boner when you posted that. Must be the strain on your prostate lifting the bags of cash. Love you Larry -
  17. How much, from shipping to pressing to shipping back, does a Joey Post press run on a modern? And a general timeframe from your experience? How about you go ask him? CFP comics.
  18. Geez - give it more than 48 pages and a couple of days before jumping off! By the sound of it,there aren't any spare copies of the official releases anywhere. Just the store variants.
  19. Does a WD 1 really sold for $2695???? As much as I understand how popular WD is, this is crazy A 9.9 sold for $7,200....... 9.8's - 8.5's are going to rocket due to this season of the Show. Make up for the horrendous impending Chew losses...
  20. Enjoy..... Seriously - why don't people just downloads the bloody episode rather than coming on here to moan.
  21. The most irritating thing is the fact that this is their board. The bloody employees read this! Is it so beneath them to comment on this topic. If another competitor comes along or PGX clean up (ie get bought out) the CGC will have a rocket shoved so far up their jacksey,as people jump to the competition,they won't know what hit them. As for UK boardies - there are enough respected ones out there to seriously give thought to setting up in competition surely? This wait-list has to be addressed.
  22. Oh my Lord - that was worth it. TWD #1 has just gone up 30%!
  23. Well - this is the big one. Every review I have read says that episode 4 is the best Walking Dead episode yet. Thats a big claim. I can't wait - from 4pm tomorrow I'll be searching isohunt....