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Everything posted by Beige

  1. The title said 2 new characters - the clue was 'this thread contains info about 2 new characters'. Its not like I told you Glenn gets killed next week. Oooops.
  2. The irony of that comment - on this forum - is astounding. I've been banging on for months about the damage variants do!
  3. Too kind. Can we add the victim completist lying in the fetal position in a pool of his own blood, and make it clear that his wallet has been stolen and his silver fillings extracted from his teeth? There ya go! Edit: Yes, that's me Bagel - you seem to have a lot of pictures of you being 'refreshed' - good work young man!
  4. http://www.dreadcentral.com/news/61726/two-beloved-characters-making-their-way-walking-dead-season-3
  5. Yeah thats a fair point - there are a lot of people who seem to spend all day walking up and down Woodbury's one and only street - all looking very preppy like. They must have had some Ooomph about they though to survive 18 months. Where would you guys take the show? At risk of repeating myself (moi?), the action between The prison and Alexandria arcs comprised the attempted rape of Carl and the cannibals attacking Dale (probably Herhel now) but really,I can't see either storyline being greenlit.That leaves Mad Morgan and a herd. That takes us straight to Alexandria which is just too similar. I love the little winks to the show,but at this rate by the end of season 3 we may be approaching the last battle of the prison. Gail-Anne Hurd has already said Kirkman has mapped out seasons 5 - 7 and that the studio were "bring it on" (her actual words) - so I can't see any other option but to leave the reservation and start a new 'universe' from the comic. Morgan may appear again, and hopefully an Abraham or Jesus type fighter, but besides Rosita for a bit of eye-candy (Michelle Rodriguez anyone ) there isn't anyone else that jumps out. So I think the surviviors will amalgamate,grow and pony up into Washington to take back whats ours. What does everyone else think? If Kirkman goes off story, what would you like to see happen? Don't make me start another thread!!
  6. Anyone care to sum up the last 7 pages,as it seems that most of it has been done to death so many,many times before. It is what it is. Nothings going to change because we whine about it. Keep Calm and carry on slabbing.
  7. Oh for sure TBP - although,it is going much quicker than I thought. The phone rubbish was in what, 3 comics? Plus a last hurrah some 20 eps later. I was just concerned that this took place AFTER the Woodbury/prison arc. Lori was towards the end, and the outcome for lil-arsekicker is far from certain. When the Gov toasted his people in s03e05 - he said he had 87 inhabitants in Woodbury. Thats 87 onto 8 -11,of which 3 are children and ones an amputee. Tyreese needs to have at least an equal sized crew to swell numbers - thats why,as I previously hypothesised,that I think AFTER the battle of the prison, the survivors amalgamate. The group has to start growing to get to the next stage of Kirkmans plan for the show,which I'm pretty sure is the re-taking of America, City by City. Theres no way after this arc that the TV show is going to be anything like the comic,as Season 4 midpoint onwards would be the Alexandria setting. A repeat of this scenario. Minus Glenn.
  8. Michonee looks just fine. Did you miss the scene with Carol and the rifle? Most people are "useless without a gun" it seems. What the one where she almost blew Ricks head off? Yeah,I saw that - not very confidence building I'm afraid! Michonne got shot in the leg..... If it ever came to one on one, then Ricks group are weak. Thats all I'm saying.
  9. Trouble is - Ricks very short on muscle power - and woodbury seems to have a fair few - unless Merle keeps evening the odds! Rick - currently 'preoccupied' Daryl Oscar Michonne - wounded Axel - useless so far at fighting Carl - unless armed - useless Carol - just useless Hershel - one leg Becky - useless That bunch, even if Andrea,Maggie and Glenn return aren't going to take on the Govenor. I reckon Tyreese might be bringing a few with him. The 'battle' just can't happen as quite frankly Ricks group are very weak. Last nights swapping of Maggie for Michonne was genius - that girl is in for a world of butthurt. Wonder if the Gov will stage a Merle vs Glenn fight in the arena to get Maggie to talk? Man can't wait for next week!
  10. There is an easy way around this. Willpower. Don't send your books in for the "CI" treatment. Use other independant sources - there are loads around you know If you want to press - then go to Tony or Joey and then get them slabbed. Or go straight to CGC. My issue with this is: No word from CGC on their own ruddy boards to clarify any issues - thats very arrogant. No attempt to decrease Tat's - thats very poor. Don't trust CI - don't use them
  11. CGC will not own the company. They will be sister companies. It is CCG that is buying Matt's company. Classics only works on comics, unless they spread out to coins and cards, the issue is only relevant with CGC items...so the relationship is there, between the two parts of the umbrella company. You can try and spin it as if it's not...but they didn't "acquire" classics because they would help the coin/card business. BOOM That was the first word I wrote in the first reply.
  12. CGC will not own the company. They will be sister companies. It is CCG that is buying Matt's company. You seem to be the company shill. Tell us all why we should trust CGC with an on-site pressing and restoration service, when before CGC in some cases had no idea what was pressed or not. Go on. Do it - you know you want to...
  13. No - no, it doesn't. Actually - what is the cocklebur reference. It must be rude and silly as it has the letters o c k c in it.
  14. You have been on board with this book from day one Larry. No one would argue about that... Andy was keen on this book from the start too (something that you two have in common ) There wasn't too much interest when this thread started though from what I remember. I'm pretty sure I never agreed with Larry on anything. Even in the PM's we apparently never had. Nah - Bedlam was always going to be big. It just didn't have to be raped and pillaged by variants. I started this thread on 31st July. So pfft to you and your predictions King Larry - you are nowt but a flim-flam man* *apologies to Patrick Stewart.
  15. People that press already were. Will non-pressers now do it? This board is small but punches well above its weight in the secondary market. People who don't know about CGC wouldn't know about pressing probably. I'm not sure this will bring a huge influx of new pressers. Values - who knows? That 9.0 Hulk #1 that went for over 100k - you really think that all 8.0 owners hadn't considered a press? I am more concerned about the presser and grader being in the same building. What will the grader notes now say - 8.5 but with our in-house pressing,this would be a 9.2? The potential for that scenario is there.
  16. PGX is tarnished forever. Doesn't matter who owns it. Thats why I said to change names.
  17. Will CGC now refuse to accept books from other pressing companies? If so,is that an illegal restraint of trade? Before announcing this,a set of answers to the obvious questions would have been helpful. If PGX had a brain - they would sell to an independant person.PGX would then rename and be top dog in 6 months.
  18. Does this mean that pre-CI grades should be regarded as ethically intact and those post CI as morally bankrupt as PGX? If someone has the cash - go buy pgx's encapsulation machine,and change the name. The need for another company has never been higher.
  19. He's a store owner Easton. Keep up. What you thought King Larry was producing variants from his Garage? He's an entro-pre-nuer don't you know.
  20. Perhaps Negan tells Rick that Carl is now one of his 'girls'...as some on here thought he was gay and had HIV.