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Everything posted by Beige

  1. Well this should cut down the waiting times..... In house pressing and retoration creates a huge ethical vacuum - and doubts in peoples minds about their grades. This changes everything.
  2. *BOOM* Thats the lid being blown off a can of worms. In before The Lock. Because someone is going to get their panties in a big bunch about this.
  3. He's wearing THAT hat. I guess thats confirmed then!
  4. well not 'official' but the actor involved has been seen on the set so...1+1=2 in this case.
  5. http://splashpage.mtv.com/2012/11/15/walking-dead-tyreese/ Oooohhh!
  6. What did you expect - 200 copies in 4 locations? This is the Ghost pizzing higher than the Phantom. They will be spraying customers with their scent next. The only good thing about this nonscense is that the number of UNsold variants on the bay continues to climb quickly.
  7. Oh come on guys! Rick and guns,and two hands and Washington..and Zombies. This is what we want. Seriously,anyone else think Kirkman will throw a curve into this and go into completely new territory?
  8. I'm a little worried at the speed with which this is progressing. The phone stuff was after the Prison/woodbury arc wasn't it,when Rick was ill with Carl on the run? If season 3 does finish the Prison arc - where to next? You only have the Hunters/Gabriel short story before some windless meandering into Alexandria. I can't see that being season 4 as it is just a repeat. Swap Rick vs Gov for Rick vs Negan.Both are in re-inforced bases. I have a theory - I think Kirkman is going to go all alternate universe stylee next. I think after the prison,the story will become totally seperate from the Comic,incorporating all the things Kirkman had as a plan B. Rick keeps his hand More than a few survive the prison. Maybe they combine survivors, meet more stragglers/military and use the National Guard base to restock,re-arm and fight back. That would make a lot more sense as so much has NOT been included from the comic - probably to speed it up. I can honestly see Season 4 ending with Rick,Michonne and Oscar, in military fatigues, at the head of a 1000 strong group of heavily armed troops. Think about it. The comic suggests that large numbers of survivors are in walled communities around Washington. Eugene knows how to make ammo. The national guard bases/abandoned vehicles would have .50 cal guns,grenades,Tanks etc. As well as plain old assault rifles. They use the Prison as a base to regroup,expand the fences,restore power (tanker of fuel from comic etc) and manufacture ammo,grow and store food and train for Zombie combat. And at the end of season 4 it ends with Rick and his Leutenants staring down at Zombie filled Washington preparing to retake the first Zombie City back into Human hands. Now THAT would be one hell of a season 5. Thoughts?
  9. Do you have some sort of substance problem? Dramatic entrance fella!
  10. This sentiment makes far too much sense to be accepted in this thread. Best thing you have ever written mate - 100% agree Are you talking about critical success, or making money in the secondary market? If the former, then what Jrdawg said - number of variants is a complete irrelevance. If the latter, then there's recent evidence to disagree. Look at Saga, which had a print run approaching 3 times the amount of Bedlam. Granted, it's not making hundreds of dollars per issue, but it is turning a consistent profit for those that got in at the ground floor. If what you mean is "the next book that escapes critical notice and several years later is making $1000+ on the secondary market", then I suppose I agree - but honestly if that's what you're looking for among new titles these days, particularly Image ones, then you're SOL. For sake of argument - the compare TWD with Bedlam would be plain daft. My point is purely that as a customer, walking into a comic shop, I would be confused as all hell to see 6 different covers of a book. And the to find out the only difference,besides the price,was the cover, well thats a deal-breaker right there. Who really thinks that any comic will turn 1k profit in ayear. If you are asking me'what do I expect from bedlam' Then a modest profit for a raw, and a reasonable ($100) for a NYCC 9.8 slab. As for SOL..after Great pacific, there is nothing on the horizon for 5 months that I can see. You will note who started this thread,and on what date. Just like GP.
  11. Except Nick Spencer has apparently posted o twitter to share his frustration with the print run being under-reported to the tune of 30%. Not sure why he should be upset about this. If they under-report issue 1, then issue 2 is reported to have a much higher print run, this would help to generate buzz for the book. Oh well, missed opportunity there. probably got a 5c - $1 per issue deal or whatever (no idea) so less copies = lees money.
  12. Spencer can blow Larry. The total - 23K give or take should be noted as it INCLUDES nearly 5,000 variants. Not too many struggling artists there methinks. Take away the rubbish and thats 18k genuine Bedlam #1's. That will form part of the series that will continue onto hopefully 50+. No Larry variants,or FP, or CC just Image Comics Bedlam series. 18k sounds very nice. The phantoms are included.At upto $20, god knows why. Everyone else paid cover.
  13. Best thing you have ever written mate - 100% agree
  14. I have got crappola from July/August that is closer to Pluto than being graded. It's got to the stage,that with my fading memory,I will wake up one day,and wonder - wow "nice present-who sent me these"? Even the fast-tracks from NYCC haven't been graded. Pfft.
  15. Couple of people suggested the following on various forums. The Lori body scene made no sense and main characters usually are dead/turned/re-dead. Lori is soooo ambigous its not funny. So with that in mind: On afew fans forums,a suggestion is that the bloated Walker only had a part-feed,or just a good bite,as Carl,did a "Morgan" and didn't do the head-shot. The bullet was clean. Next week,they hear Carol screaming to see her being attacked by - the remains of Lori. Reprocussions - Carl lied, Rick goes even more mad, and Carol is royally pizzed that no-one came looking for her. Look I don't know,if I think Lori is eaten - it all seems a bit silly,however her 2nd death was off-screen so who knows. FWIW, the thought of Carol being chased by a chewed up Lori is quite appealing!
  16. Have no choice Ivan - Easton whatever I can occasionally get a Thatchers Gold, sometimes natch - never pear anything,thankyou very much! Depeds what the local 'boutique' bottlo gets in evry months. At least I don't drink this Fosters pee.
  17. Megacon was also asking people to use Paypal personal. Thats just being an utter person_who_is_obnoxiously_self-impressed as even while selling,it shows he had no intention of ever sending the books out. Hang the B'stard! Or HOS. Whichevers cheaper.
  18. It was a tacky and dirty experience tbh. But all the listings made more. I don't know what was worse,the fact that she would whore herself out "to the winning bidder who will get another pic of me wearing nothing but your slab" Or the fact she was actually too dumb to realise she was being whored out. The crack gap didn't help either.....
  19. I just wish that the "ghost" boys and the "phantom" boys stop this pizzing contest. WTF would anyone want a variant of #7? I hope both lot of stores lose money on these soon so this rubbish stops.
  20. Indeed - it's that strong you have to be 18 just to view the website: Thatchers Cider Got no choice mate - its either Bulmers or Strongbow.... Thatchers is way too strong for me - what is it 8% or something? Mindblowingly silly stuff. Don't mind the odd pint or3 of 'Natch' when it comes around. Ivan - you Eastonboy on OTIB?
  21. Apology accepted - big of you to do it in "public". Please go and take these man crushes elsewhere. I don't know what is worse a lawyer or an Australian. I kidd, I kidd. Really though it is always crazy how insane or pissed off people can get over a comic book. You want something to go crazy over, try getting a $12 an hour raise at work on Monday, to then come in on Tuesday and find out that your department is being closed and moved to a different state. That may cause you to start a little Bedlam. An Australian Lawyer? Read about your job loss - tough break,good luck with another job!
  22. Apology accepted - big of you to do it in "public". (thumbs u
  23. I know - some on here deserve a serve - Balham isn't one of them. Anyway - all forgotten now. It must be time for hair of the dog....