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Everything posted by Beige

  1. Yup, I liked the survival aspect and the different perspective that the Crossed gives to the comic but now it just seems that they're more interested in pushing the hardcore "mature" envelope further and further and it's really just making me want to stop reading it. Got one word for you: Horsecock Who the hell thought that little gem up!!
  2. See City Of The Dead by Brian Keene. Not unprecedented, but something that has not really been used, also used in the movie Dead Girl. Dead Girl - forgotten about that - thats the sicko one where they keep a zombie chained to a table in a basement and take turns banging it - yeah? Grubby little film.
  3. Yeah and a few too many 'possiblys and perhaps' to confirm any of it.
  4. Why do you think it's a marketing stunt? Is it coming up for sale soon?
  5. Why - ain't got an issue with you at all mate.
  6. Ain't just me folks. And I was serious about the charity thread. Really, please, some of you,help out a boardie family in need.
  7. Why apologise - thats a very fair statement. (thumbs u
  8. Oh - and lastly. There is a bloody good sales thread being held for the family of a deceased boardie. Just like the ASM 129 cancer appeal, the cinema massacre and this, there are never many names from this forum. Instead of getting wanky with me,why not donate a book or two, to the family who are in need. Especially the wealthy on here. $20 makes a difference to a family with no father and negligable life insurance. Just a thought Gentlemen. Thats 1 raw revival/saga/chew... Be a great gesture chaps....
  9. Isn't there an OA forum for all this? I have no idea who or what a rugg cover is and frankly don't care. May I POLITELY suggest that the OA forum is the place to be as most of the art convo's are about money and how well someone did at someone elses expense.
  10. You can add another 15 to that. Got grades - shipping out via Joey Tuesday. The 6 month rule is in play. Please consider the following - consider,I'm fed up of arguing about this book. 1) The actual print run is RECORDED as 22,000. Spencer can bleat all he likes but thats the actual figure attributed to Bedlam #1 2) Variants - and I'm done going on about King Larry - are 4,000 3) San Diego and NYCC variants were OFFICIALLY stated as 500 each.There are suggestions there were more,but thats the figure quoted by Image so who are we to argue. 4) Even by my math, that leaves an 'official' plain old Bedlam #1 print run of 17,000 5) This book has had sensational reviews on the vast majority of internet review sites. 6) Comparasons to the Joker will not do any harm at all. 7) The potential for a film is enormous. 8) Its a sold out comic book that has been out for 3 weeks.No-one is going to retire on this book. 9) Give it 6 episodes and this will be the hottest non-marvel book of 2013. 10) THEN the secondary market is your friend. This book will be huge - its just so awesomely perverted, and genuinely disturbing that one is compelled to turn the next page. You really have NO idea what is coming next. The other one is Great Pacific - if it can survive a frankly dismal first episode,then the story has enormous upside. I would help if more people actually realised the Great Pacific Refuse Island is real! It's a disgrace, and I can see all sorts of environmentalists,greenies as well as good old comic folk jumping on. I only have a couple of puppies in this race so its no biggie - just reckon it will be a grower. I hope your right for many of the collectors that have invested quite a bit in this book. Currently Ebay isnt reflecting much of the above. Although 3rd eye is still doing well. It just seems too much at the same time between FP, 3rd eye, NYCC variants and the reg issue. For Lords sake - I've been saying that for over a month! Yet the very people now wondering why the secondary market doesn't exist are the same people who killed each other to make King Larry wealthy! You do know that Larry supplies the contracts for 3rd eye FP etc? But lets them set their own price I can't make it any easier than this - The phantom is the same art, same story, same everything except cover. Why not buy some really nice photographic paper and print out a variant cover? I will never understand why some people pay $30+ for the same contents with a different shiny pic on the front. I know its your money etc etc - but luckily this book is too good to be killed by King Larry's greed. I'll wager a pound to a penny - King Larry won't get to distribute nearly 25% of a first print first edition ever again. King Larry butchered the Golden Goose at the first attempt. The Ghost boys,they get it. Top quality,low numbers - one every 3 months or so. (thumbs u King Larry - one a week for 6 months?? Too greedy,too stupid. And calling out Bendis today with the profanities only added to his ridiculous record. The guys a frikkin Na zi for christs sake. Why would anyone buy anything from a confirmed racist b'stard? Anyhow Fastball - I'm confident enough that Bedlam will thrive and prosper. Its a great story - with great art,and the next 2 issues will blow your socks off. Just don't buy King Larrys dumb variant! Hold Fast - it will come good mate!
  11. You miserable git James. Run out of Mercury have we..
  12. Agreed - but my ads will include the image press release with "limited to 500 copies" written in it! That would be disingenuous, and frowned upon here. Seeing I'm as popular as syphillis in a brothel,my standing really can't get much lower. But if its wrong - I will not do it.
  13. I am correct in assuming you read this thread? Go back some pages,there are about 30 references there. Or did you happen to miss all of them? You want to read the trade but come onto a Walking Dead thread, which meanders from a to b on a daily basis and you are busting my balls about something that happened in July/August? In the modern section in a Walking Dead thread. You have got to be ting me.
  14. Agreed - but my ads will include the image press release with "limited to 500 copies" written in it!
  15. So I guess The Powers Phantom is off then...
  16. Thats a good point about NYCC. I was one of a number of boardies who either went,or commisioned someone to go on their behalf. I think that because of this,most were always destined to be slabbed, and slabbed quickly,as lets be honest,if we know what to do (as most do on here) then those books are on the fast-track express within 48 hrs. Given that,I think it was going to be inevitable that most would show up quickly as the first 10 - 15 get the top prices. This effect was unfortunately diluted by the variant craze. The normal Bedlams will show up,it's just that most people have either put them in economy or are waiting to see how the book goes. I don't think much will happen for 6 months or until the next killer book comes out, and then it will join Revival,Saga TWD and Peter Panzerfaust on a slow steady rise. I do take you point though,especially as on the last day,a 'few extra' turned up - now priced at $10 instead of $5. That was very strange - and in my limited knowledge unheard of for a book to be bumped by 100% mid-con. Have you heard of this happening before Dawg?
  17. You can add another 15 to that. Got grades - shipping out via Joey Tuesday. The 6 month rule is in play. Please consider the following - consider,I'm fed up of arguing about this book. 1) The actual print run is RECORDED as 22,000. Spencer can bleat all he likes but thats the actual figure attributed to Bedlam #1 2) Variants - and I'm done going on about King Larry - are 4,000 3) San Diego and NYCC variants were OFFICIALLY stated as 500 each.There are suggestions there were more,but thats the figure quoted by Image so who are we to argue. 4) Even by my math, that leaves an 'official' plain old Bedlam #1 print run of 17,000 5) This book has had sensational reviews on the vast majority of internet review sites. 6) Comparasons to the Joker will not do any harm at all. 7) The potential for a film is enormous. 8) Its a sold out comic book that has been out for 3 weeks.No-one is going to retire on this book. 9) Give it 6 episodes and this will be the hottest non-marvel book of 2013. 10) THEN the secondary market is your friend. This book will be huge - its just so awesomely perverted, and genuinely disturbing that one is compelled to turn the next page. You really have NO idea what is coming next. The other one is Great Pacific - if it can survive a frankly dismal first episode,then the story has enormous upside. I would help if more people actually realised the Great Pacific Refuse Island is real! It's a disgrace, and I can see all sorts of environmentalists,greenies as well as good old comic folk jumping on. I only have a couple of puppies in this race so its no biggie - just reckon it will be a grower.
  18. If Helen Mirren is going to get nekkid again - I'm in! Jesus shes like 65 or something and still looks sensational, theres a pic somewhere brb yeah here it is. What a good looking lady for 65.
  19. *swoon* Uhh...I'm not gay...just saying... I thought that as well mate - wasn't going to go there......
  20. Jesus Ryan,you look like a homeless dude who just found a cold weiner in the trash can
  21. You have single handedly destroyed this thread. Don't worry - I'll get it back on track isnt he just reacting to you telling him to shut up. The thread was running drama free for a long time.... Yup until exactly 4 days ago. Make of that what you will.
  22. is not cool either. Some of us aren't caught up to the current issues in the books and shouldn't have to worry about book spoilers in the TV thread. I have no idea what you are talking about. There is no reference to the book anywhere - it was a jestful comment that 'glenn getting killed next week' would be a major TV spoiler. If you don't know what happened in the book 4 issues ago,when it was on every forum on the interwebs - where the hell were you living. Its been 'unspoilered' a gazillion times on this very forum
  23. Correct Hawky - I posted it as a stand alone - but there was much butthurtery amongst the natives so it was moved. There are two new characters coming to the walking dead - even though it says that clearly in the title - it still needs spolier titles apparently.
  24. So did I - thats why I did it seperately. Nice of you to agree though. I really feel a warmness about our relationship now. I guess we had to break up before making up. When spooning, I like to be the person behind - how about you?