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Sauce Dog

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Everything posted by Sauce Dog

  1. I really appreciate the tone of this. They nailed it, and surprisingly this is now the MCU entry I'm most excited for (at least until Moon Knight footage comes out and they nail that).
  2. That is very different, as the majority of the Matrix canon was written or directly approved of by the sisters, whereas Star Wars was a hot mess of expanded universe stuff that was actually never officially canon, and would constantly re-adjust its own continuity whenever George Lucas / Lucasfilm (who didn't want anything to do with it and referred to it as the parallel universe) would introduce something new that conflicted with it. It was such a mess you had the G, T, C, S, N and D canon databases to keep track of what might possibly be legit. Not saying it can't happen with the Matrix, but unlike Star Wars there isn't so much of a tangled mess of things bogging it down that would warrant nuking large parts of the canon out of existence (especially if most of it won't be required knowledge going into the movie - they literally just have to say "peace didn't last long" and "in the fighting that followed we lost great leaders like Morpheus" done! Everyone is caught up!)
  3. Even better, she is wearing RED glasses (to contrast Neo's therapist wearing BLUE glasses). This movie is going to be a collection of both very subtle messaging and super-in-your-face-obvious symbolism, and I'm living for it
  4. Same way a large portion of the fanbase did without playing - read about it. If you are interested in it then there are plenty of places that summarize the story online without having to play it (I myself only played it for about an hour, and opted just read the rest of the story / watch the other videos for it). I'm sure the new movie will include as much information as needed to get the general public caught up with the important plot points though. The point is, you were incorrect in saying all there was were movies (just because someone is ignorant of the other offerings does not lessen their status), and there is a wealth of stuff to explore for the main canon (with some exceptions, such as some of the webcomics being parodies or some containing conflicting continuity - but for the most part while Warner/Production has never defined what represents the official canon all of these were either written by the Wachowski sisters, or based on their approved notes, or had cut-scenes personally picked by them to go with their plans for the series) Movies: The Matrix The Matrix: Reloaded The Matrix: Revolutions Animatrix Stories:* Final Flight of the Osiris The Second Renaissance (parts 1 and 2) Kid's Story Webcomics & Comic Anthologies: Bits and Pieces of Information Saviors Video Games: ** Enter the Matrix Path of Neo Matrix Online * I did not list all the Animatrix stories because while it could be safe to assume they are canon - as they fit in continuity - the rest are stand-alone episodes and do not impact/reference the overall world/story, meaning you can skip them if you like. ** If anything from canon is ignored or undone in the latest movie it will be from this batch of games. The first two only really dealt with side stories during the first three movies, so nothing impactful happened except for the battle against 'MegaSmith' which we are all happy to ignore because it was super lame, but the third game MxO moved the universe forward in interesting ways. I however could see them bringing Morpheus back just to appease the general audience, as there are some in universe reasons why his assassination could be undone and still make sense, but since this story beat was explicitly ordered by the Wachowski's I feel it safe to assume Morpheus as we know him is done for. I do not think they will undo the machines keeping Neo's body in the city and experimenting on it.
  5. huh? There isn't only movies through (and not just the animated shorts), the video game was specifically guided by the Wachowski sisters, who made it a point that the only way the developers story would be considered canon is if they killed Morpheus (which they did)
  6. Except we know that peace only lasted maybe a few months before Morpheus resorted to targeted terrorist attacks after the machines refused his requests to return Neo's body (which we can see in this trailer is very much still in the machine city where he died).
  7. For those with deep pockets (or like 2-3 comic books they are willing to sell in this market) a good chunk of the working cars from Fury Road are now being auctioned. Someone please buy me the XB Interceptor. https://www.lloydsonline.com.au/AuctionLots.aspx?smode=0&aid=25652&_ga=2.91937306.1095896251.1631116581-859284818.1631116581
  8. Tried to watch that but after 2 minutes in it was clear that creator had his info wrong (it was also the teaser trailers he was discussing, not the above newly released trailer) That isn't necessarily a young Morpheus (as most are thinking it is a separate character trying to jog Neo's memory with familiarity - remember, Morpheus is 100% dead in the canon so wouldn't exist as another human in any other iteration of the Matrix). Also the YouTuber apparently isn't too quick, and did not get that the 'random number' (in his case 6:27), was dynamically generated and put into the teasers based on YOUR local time set on your computer at the exact moment you are watching. It isn't a bible reference, as when I watched it was 9:45, and again at midnight, and another time (some time codes generate other footage and dialog, such as watching it exactly when the hour turns)
  9. Can we all appreciate that the first Matrix movie exists within the Matrix as a means of control. You would be SILLY to believe in the Matrix, it was just a movie after all! Also fun to see how anything that represents 'control' is color graded blue (Look at the therapists glasses, all the phones/ipads, AV equipment here projecting the Matrix movie etc). oh, and for the non-programmers here - that rubber duck isn't an accident.
  10. I guess it's just depends on which pill you choose to take Blue Pill - Matrix Franchise ended years ago, and this is just a desperate cash grab to revive a dead franchise. Red Pill - Give one of the best action franchises, and arguably biggest cinematic influence on the cultural zeitgeist at the time, another chance to shine.
  11. Looks good, and looks like we will get a better variety of interactions (the entire coffee shop scene sounds to be exactly what we need, not just more pew-pew-explosions but charming character moments).
  12. I mean, there are literally over 180,000 teaser variations on that site so I'm sure there will be at least a few of them that are worth it
  13. Try a different browser, ideally one that is chrome based. Works fine on my aged phone (and every other device/browser combo I ran it through)
  14. The 'real' teaser trailers are those found on the website, as you choose which to view and the footage is dynamically loaded (if you click again and try rewatching it the footage will change). https://thechoiceisyours.whatisthematrix.com
  15. In Lovecraft Country he was one of the best performances in the entire show.
  16. The legs do not retract but they can be removed or added on with additional leg sections. This was the build-a-figure for the latest Marvel Legends wave (So one part of him came with each figure that you could assemble. The leg sections came with the Hand Ninja figure, so lots of people bought several ninja in order to army build with and so finding extra legs for sale is pretty easy. The tallest Stilt-Man I've heard of was 2 stories tall worth of extensions added to it. Mine in the picture has 2 sets of legs only.) There are several different DD figures as well in the Marvel Legends line.
  17. I finally got around to upgrading one of the most important, and best, key books out there. Please leave if you disagree with this tall fact. Perhaps I'll get one higher than 9.2 someday (anybody got 9.6/9.8?) but for now this should suffice....especially since it now has company on display.
  18. That slight lower right corner blunting and dent above the title would be enough for me not to feel confident sending it for a 9.8, but exactly how much of a hit who knows.
  19. I'm just here to laugh at anyone who thinks this isn't just a weird form of gambling. Congrats, you bought X amount of tickets to say you think the price of a comic book you don't own will go up (and only get your prize money if someone buys it for that amount).
  20. Yup, I would have found the villains more enjoyable if Whiplash was just a one-and-done moment to show new foes are actually popping up in the states, rather than him being tied to the entire plot.
  21. Congrats!! If your user profile pic a hint that some fancy More Fun Comics are coming our way
  22. Maybe somebody EXPENDABLE will actually die this time around :P (Seriously, that was my main issue with series. They really had a great opportunity to kill off people often to much surprise, only to replace them on the team with other actors in the next movie, and they squandered it. I wanted to go into these movies making bets on which action stars would die)