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Sauce Dog

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Everything posted by Sauce Dog

  1. I....have a problem. I told myself I would stop buying this book, told myself that four copies were enough for any one man...and for a time I believed that. But I'm weak...I'm but a weak man made of soft meat flesh, not sterner stuff like that of an old growth wood or sprawling harsh bramble. I'm not like the green. So anyways...I bought another copy of House of Secrets #92 because it's by far my most favourite first appearance ever. I hope this new entry in my growing collection can appease my problem for at least a year.
  2. I loved buying them years ago due to the insane price differences that made them pretty much shunned by the community (X-Men #14 CGC 7.0 for $20 due to minor CT? Yes, please! Near Mint ASM #13 for $150 that had cleaned staples and CT? Take my money!) and will happily do so again, as having an amazing looking book that displays well is my main priority. I do limit this to keys though (I have a ToS39 out being extensively restored as well) so can't see the point behind any other SA issues due to supply/demand.
  3. Does anybody know which venue this massive sale for Marvel Spotlight #5 (CGC 7.0) was realized on? The last sale was $3,675us!!! Every one of the price graphs for each grades on GPA look like a rocket taking off straight to the moon (this isn't limited to just the 7.0 grade posted below)
  4. So thanks to some other eagle eyed MK fans, it seems that we might know now who will be playing BUSHMAN. Oscar Isaac’s production company has been posting fight training videos, like this one, on instagram. What stuck out was that they tagged actor Loic Mabanza who has fight training but hasn't been named as being part of the production. Loic has recently also posted an instagram of him being in Hungary - the same location Moon Knight is being filmed (Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawke were previously spotted in the same area). After posting this another confirmed actor from the show, May Calamaway, started to follow his account. The plot thicks!
  5. Questions that can be answered with an effortless 2 seconds of googling shall receive the appropriate level of effortless ribbing.
  6. I'm excited about this direction, as I think it is very important Marvel starts getting people used to the idea of the actors/characters changing over time. This will lead to more flexibility down the road for them (compared to the comics where every bit of effort is spent to bend backwards to make the ages and identities stay the same over decades of new material. It barely works there, so a medium where actors age out is extra important to establish legacies and recasting early on)
  7. I think the main thing is ever since the first movie we've had a slew of amazing low-budget action movies come out that elevated how fight scenes should be done. Nothing expensive or really fancy, but the technical aspects on how to shoot & edit them was greatly improved while showing the importance of hiring people who know how to do the action itself. This movie had every opportunity to offer amazing fights based on what we've seen before. This movie did cast people who could do all the action, but then they cut the fights to death in such a horrible way. Had this been any other action movie (or an actual low-budget release) it might have been forgivable, but this is a franchise that you come to just to see the fights or experience its soundtrack. It becomes especially disappointing after you remember what they managed to shoot for the super-ultra-lowbudget MK Rebirth videos, not great but bounds better than this movies (for example, Johnny Cage vs Baraka fight which used longer shots and camera movement matching to make the action flow fairly well for the cost)
  8. Oh, its SUPER bad. However what it has going for it now many years later, is that it falls into that sweet spot of being so bad that it is fun to watch just to see it crash and burn. So many bad lines, poorly delivered, and awful set pieces are now memes in the MK community, and worth checking out just for that (but never rewatching after the first time. It truly was a wreck and should be nuked from orbit).
  9. Regardless of how bad it is, it WILL earn a boat load of money and justify a sequel (or three). Audiences are starved for new major movie content, so this hitting when it did will take in a good deal both in theatres and streaming (though honestly had this been a 'normal' year I doubt it would have had the legs to last more than a good week, word of mouth isn't going to help this one). On the positive side, it did something nothing else was able to do: It make Kobra no longer the worst MK character Do you know how impressive a feat that is? THANKS COLE!
  10. It was just the locker room scene and Cole saying he was going to Hollywood to find the next fighter (and you see posters on the wall behind him with the name Johnny Cage on them). Goro got jobbed by Cole, a loser who lost every single one of his fights up to that point. They really really did Goro dirty, he didn't even get a chance to be IN a tournament!
  11. This is a very specific case for me, but I personally would prefer it without the original cover on at all. I absolutely LOVE the first page of this book, and when in a case makes for a great presentation (the title, giant character art, clear staff credits and a fun intro text box at the bottom. No copyright text, no other distracting info - just a massive pin up page! art!). So having the original cover split on it, while being more valuable, takes away from the impact of the art (both of the original cover and the interior page - neither really gets to shine). Part of me says to just remove the remaining front cover and slab the rest (back cover with the rest of the book), and then just sell the front cover piece for a chunk of money (I say this only as a person who owns both a coverless copy AND a complete copy) edit: Also correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe a book that is missing the front cover only and still has the back cover attached might still get a 0.5 grade from CGC (I've seen examples of this but not sure if they revised this recently. I know if its missing both the front and back covers it would automatically be a NG).
  12. The post was literally like every other article, sourced from screenwriter Greg Russo's interview with Inverse. Who cares where it was posted to as so long as you check the sources yourself (which are right there. If you don't want to actually follow the source and just discard it outright suit yourself).
  13. It's a very odd justification though, as you don't see Marvel/DC movies inventing outright brand new superhero characters so people won't get overloaded by traditional comic personalities (especially when in the end Cole was just like the rest, except with actual literal plot armour). Here is the writer talking about the mandate for Cole: https://wegotthiscovered.com/movies/mortal-kombat-screenwriter-cole-youngs-inclusion-studiomandated/ Thinking about it now, they should’ve just made the focus Sonya Blade. She already has a built in plot in the movie (rounding up fighters) and her own arc (wanting to be a chosen fighter and struggling to get her mark). The actress was also much much better in her role than Cole. She also had emotional connection & chemistry to other characters in the film (Jax, Kano) and if they wanted a family connection to keep her grounded that would have been easily enough to implement (either as actual family or more of her army 'family' being in danger). She was also likewise one of the few characters without powers initially, and accomplishes the same thing as Cole overall (and let's be honest, we would much rather have Sonya go to Hollywood to find Johnny)
  14. Nope, he's 100% new and from what I recall was the result of studio demands.
  15. The backstory building was fairly good and it was clear they wanted to go a little slow to build a franchise, however I felt the world building it did try to do was a little awkward (I think most of the lore about the tournament was info-dumped by Sonya to Cole within a quick 30 second conspiracy theory sounding rant). The Cole stuff was just how it felt the direction the movie was going as it entered the third act (especially when his 'power shirt' started to replicate Scorpions own armour) but alas, I guess the studio wanted to keep their new character alive for a few more movies. Going in I think most of us were already hesitant with the Cole character, and while he wasn't the disappointment I thought he would be it still felt like a lost opportunity to do something very unexpected.
  16. I will say it did manage to have the most accurate video-game moment of all the movies ever; Liu Kang spamming the leg sweep, only for Kano to ask him if that's the only move he knows. That's something we've all said or been accused of at one point.
  17. Man, I was sooo excited for this...and it was so disappointing. The entire movie had two expectations of it from me; good fights and a bombastic soundtrack, yet it failed on both fronts. Visually it looked good (minus Raiden's temple), but that isn't ever enough to save a bad movie. The fights in theory were decent, but the editing (lots of medium shots cutting the fighters off at the waist, and far too many cuts) really did a disservice to a talented cast who clearly knew what they were doing when it came to fighting. The specific editing/pacing choice that really stuck out to me was when they all split up to fight different opponents, it kept cutting back and forth between the scenes. Good fight scenes need to have focus, and allow us to follow the 'dance' in order to build up to a satisfactory KO - not cut away after a hit or two to another totally different fight (especially if the action direction isn't moving in the same direction or speed). The impact of these fights were also deflated by a very forgetful and generic score. The original movie, however you want to regard it, at least offered unique music with each of the main fight set pieces (helping to make each battle feel iconic), however here we had the same generic music playing over many fights at the same time (with only a quick 1 or 2 second clip of the MK theme or techno track that hint at something that could have been). The Cole character and dynamic wasn't as bad as I was expecting, so that was a good surprise (though I honestly was thinking the entire surprise was going to be that his family WOULD die at the end, and as soon as he realized it, his own anger toward Sub-Zero hits a peak while his blood mixed with the blade. This is what would result in summoning Scorpion forth but rather through his own body from hell - as if his own heritage/blood was Scorpions entire escape plan from hell. Basically I was thinking he would explode and reveal Scorpion back for revenge. Rather we just had him 'appear' suddenly without much fanfare) Wasn't the worst thing (it's a solid 'meh' movie), but such a disappointment due to having to exist in the shadow of both its iconic camp predecessor, and the many other modern action movies which raised the standard on how to shoot combat.
  18. They seem like bracelets only to the perspective of a small human creature, but are ring sized for those who originally designed them... Fin Fang Foom!!!!
  19. Mine was marked received 12/7/20, and it still has its status as 'received'. I assume no updates on when this is going to be done?
  20. Fact. They are the best thing to happen to the DCU (Harley Quinn was by far the best animated series of any comic property in the last decade)