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Sauce Dog

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Everything posted by Sauce Dog

  1. Yes please! In fact I can see this being something Disney seriously considers, as it allows for them to still use the Ghost Rider name (and tap into existing fans) but still invest in and develop something that can be distributed easily in the international markets (notably China, who would have an issue with the flaming skull modern ghost rider). It is also one of the properties that also let them ride the western popularity rekindled by Mandalorian.
  2. Sounds like they are going full steam ahead...on debatably the worst weekend of the year to travel on. https://comicbook.com/irl/news/san-diego-comic-con-2021-dates-announced/
  3. Yes, I had issues with the CGI with both those movies, especially Endgame (though the critiques I have with Justice League might be more aptly compared to those I also had with Winter Soldier, however I found that to be a good movie regardless of its faults). But my enjoyment of a movie doesn't begin and end with the CGI, I simply commented on that visual aspect since you posted a screen shot that I found to be a good example of something I would critique (but does not speak to the -script, acting, or other elements - so hence why I didn't discuss those aspects). Over-dramatize a situtation? Which situation? You proceed to scour twitter for dozens of random twitter posts to prop up your opinion (from accounts you clearly didn't look at and ended up being comic fans already) for...reasons? I'm not other 'typical folks' - I don't care what they said either way, so rather than bring other people up why not just address what I was saying about the technical merits. End of the day, I did find the movie to be an improvement and more coherent over its predecessor, but boring and bloated - and overall a poor film by its own merits. It's still fun to discuss new culturally relevant comic stuff that interests me - hence why I am here, so why not stick to that instead of flooding the thread with random tweets of other peoples opinions (I don't feel the need to do the same). We both need more gin
  4. Dude, we get it you REALLY want to push the positives of the movie and seem to get a little defensive when somebody dares criticize some aspect of it or offer a differing opinion on how it will impact the industry/viewers. Chill You posted some very bad examples of 'folks outside of the comic book community' as if you didn't do the most basic of research and saw they supported YOUR claim and looked 'non-comic'. Literally 2 seconds on each account (don't just look at their profiles, look at their tweets and other social accounts) - one of them even worked at a comic book shop! I'm not saying NO new non-comic fans will be gained from this, but rather the vast majority of people really into it have existing love for comics or comic book movies and the cultural impact of the hashtag is allowing them to feel like it is okay to post more comic stuff on main (even though many did before). The wave of popularity for the hashtag emboldens their existing fandom and makes them feel better about showing their comic love more openly. That's good. Also your CRAVE posting amounts to views, not how many liked it or completed the movie (as nobody has those metrics) so yes, it was streamed the most (nobody denying that) - but that is the equivalent to generic web views for analytics in my profession (mostly useless without the secondary data to give it shape and context). I would rather wait for actual analytics rather than clickbait headlines (as it seems just about every movie breaks some sort of new record on release for the headlines. I'm not discounting it, just not making it out to be more than it is without more info. I know a watch group for Crave that stopped watching after 2 parts, where does that fall in the metrics? I watched it all and found it bad, what's the metric for that? How many found it just 'okay'?)
  5. @Bosco685 You realize your very first example of 'folks outside of the comic book community' is of someone who has Batman posters all over their office, is a DC fan and buys CGC comics, right? (and at least three other examples were already big comic book fans. Heck, even your last example Brad Paisley is a comic book movie fan and went out of his way to visit the location of some sets for the Nolen Batman movies!) I simply was saying I don't personally feel this movie will bring in NON-comic book viewers like other movies might (most people jumping onto this 4 hour epic already have some exposure to the comics at some level with prior DC or Marvel movies or comics books - which is exactly what your examples show) But yes I agree "let's not make up details as we go along how this isn't going to win new people over."
  6. Yup, regardless of how it lands with most people a good deal of comic fans get to have a much better version of this movie (and make no mistake - it is much better than the Whedon version, though I still consider it a bad movie on its own merits, and feel this won't bring in any new non-comic fans to the series). Pretty much regardless of it being a dud or not, everybody effectively wins: DC super fans get to have some cool set pieces & scenes to fuel their love for these characters, Snyder gets some closer, WB gets to release something during the pandemic (which I feel is the main reason we got it in the first place, not fan outcry, but the fact WB was starved for content during a time when its productions were shut down or five times the cost to film!), and Martian Manhunter gets to win the award for most useless/pointless character in a movie!
  7. Possibly, my gin stock is dangerously low - please send a motherbox to reset and create more filled bottles (the true power of the boxes!) It can still be an incredible scene overall, and aspects of the CGI good (skin textures and other particle effects for example) while others fall short (depth of field due to composition and color grading)
  8. I have both a new and old TV, but you can trust me when I say it ain't my hardware At home I use one of the last round of Samsung plasmas that has been calibrated by my wife and movies look AMAZING on it (she's an industry pro who works with theatrical projection and movie events. TV was purchased specifically for its color accuracy and black levels 5 years ago but we also have a newer system for 4k stuff, but that does not touch the accuracy of the other TV and I prefer to only game on the 4k one). I've also ran clips of it on a Christie 4220 to make sure I was seeing it correctly (as someone on another board suggested it was my black levels and TV at home and that I wasn't seeing the movie correctly) - the issue is just how it was color graded for me (and how some of the poor CGI environments really exacerbate the odd lighting/shadows under otherwise overcast scenes and cause a lack of depth to the shots - which becomes really obvious on the Christie)
  9. Saying "the colors are there" is being verrrry generous His ships are not overtop that entire army and horizon so not sure that excuses the shot, but regardless even as a stylized choice (ala 300) I felt it made the troops on the ground look very muddy and removed the depth to an otherwise grand in scope battle. Still was great to see Darkside do his stuff (even though his introduction amounted to being whipped like a donkey and sent packing), so there are stuff to appreciate while critiquing the rest.
  10. I loved his arrival in that scene, but that screenshot really highlights the issue I had with color grading in the film. You have the paradise of the island there and it is all bland sepia toned/shifted, whereas if they allowed the greens and blues of the land to pop it would have made Darksides presence even better (as his dark looming ships and the shadows cast from them would have been in stark contrast to the vibrant lands that had yet to feel his touch, and would have also made the fallout from the battle feel even more horrific. You need health and life to best highlight the blight!).
  11. Serious talk, is it too early to start hounding WB to make sure they get the best DC couple back together for either Suicide Squad 3 or Justice League Dark?
  12. Just for everyone else here, this deadline was extended to March 30th I believe. So contact @Rich_Henn if you still wanted to get in on it. My Primer #2 is in the mail and is going to look so good with a sig!
  13. This announcement gives me life. It has so much potential to tell a smaller, relatable superhero story. At his core the character was about a regular boring person who just happens to be able to do good at the level of the heroes they see all around them in this strange new world - however he is limited in his time and as a result he has to be very careful and selective about what he chooses to do, who he helps, and when to do it exactly. This is what many of us think about - what would we do if we had the chance to do some good and be able to become a better version of ourselves (albeit temporarily) In the original GA stories Hourman would put out a newspaper ad (easily an online ad these days, or social post) saying if you have a trouble and need help to contact him. He then reviews all the incoming requests and figures out which he can help with during his hour-of-power. This would be great to show him overextending himself by promising to help someone, but another emergency forces him to use his powers earlier than expected...leaving him to do the other case as a regular Joe, or making hard choices on when to take his pills and even overdose). Also it should be noted, Hourman was not so much addicted to the Miraclo drug, but rather addicted to the thrill of super-heroing itself and being something bigger than a regular old chemist (hence neglecting his family to scour news and plan cases even when he was sober and off the drug)
  14. Well, looks like I'm joining the club! I was tasked to find this grail for a friend, who unfortunately now can't afford it so I guess it's mine now after lucking out at an estate sale. A very sharp copy which I'll most likely get graded (as at this point might be for resale...maybe...it is awesome)
  15. You might want to just toss all those numbers out the window. CGC just make an update:
  16. Yikes. That sucks. While I am 100% pro IG, I don't ever consider raw books there unless they are from a known and highly regarded seller (and even then...I prefer not to 99% of the time) and rather only deal with graded stuff due to the photo sizing on IG.
  17. For CGC it is a NG (though it used to get you a 0.5). Other companies give it a 0.3 grade.
  18. Yeah the vagueness could have been handled better I think and if there was a sort of philosophical catch that White Vision was struggling with it should have been a little more explicit (or at least have Westview Vision make it clear that he meant to plant that doubt). There is definitely a good chance such an error feedback loop could be explained - as in he is thinking "I was programmed to destroy Vision, but I am Vision, but if I destroy myself there will still be another Vision and I will have failed in that directive - thus I cannot kill myself before the job is done - but if I cannot kill myself, then I cannot kill the other Vision as we are BOTH equally Vision" etc... Though I'm sure he will just be fine with it all because Westview vision isn't a thing anymore after the Hex ceased. White Vision is Vision and maybe all it took was him realizing "I am Vision, but this other Vision will cease to be once the Hex is dealt with - my intervention is not needed here as Wanda needs her Vision right now" or however they want to do it when they finally bring him back
  19. Silver Surfer Vol. 3, #5. Silver Surfer Vol. 3, #5. Silver Surfer 3# Silver Surfer #3 MEPHISTO IS BACK ON THE MENU BOYS!
  20. ...he was still logical like 'Vision' and would be open to discourse, and once he realized they were both equally entitled to the life and identity of Vision he could no longer kill the other and was easy enough to ignore SWORD programming (as it would likewise be akin to killing yourself on some level - so maybe something like the laws of robotics self preservation coding exists here. Do not allow harm to come to Vision = I am Vision = He is Vision = Don't hurt Vision!!!).
  21. Not sure where you got that idea of that dialogue implying destruction, as it was about the opposite. The story was to illustrate that at that moment they equally hold claim to being Vision, one is neither no more or less Vision than the other - until white Visions memories are unlocked (in which case he is now a fuller, more complete Vision as he contains both original parts and memory - unlike the other). His newfound life and realization of identity in no way gave me the impression that meant suicide time for him!